HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 2003-04-21 Regular 04/21/03 ' 2002 STATE OF TEXAS )( CITY OF FRfENDSWOOD )( ' __, COUNTIES OF GALVE.�TON/HARRIS )( APRIL 21, 2003 )( MINUTES OF A REGUL.AR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCII_ THAT WAS I-IELD ON MONDAY, APRI� 21, :�003 AT 5:30 PM AT FRIENDSWOOID CITY HALL GOUNCIL CHAMBERS, 910 S. 1=RIENDSWOOD DRIVI=, FRIENDSWOOD,TEXAS, WITH THE FOLLOWING PRESCNT CONSTITUTINGA QUORUM: MAYOR � ' NAROLQ L. WI-IITAKER � � MAYOR PRO TEM TRACY GOZA COUNCILMEMf3ER KITTEN BRIZENDINE COUNCILMEMBER JERRY ERICSSON COUNCILMEMBER KIM BRIZE�NDINE COUNCILMEMBER SHANNON KIMMEL GOUNCILMEMBER MEL MEASELES CITYATTORNEY JOHN OLSON CITY MANAGER RON COX CITY SECRETARY DELORIS MCKE:NZIE Mayor VVhitaker called the meeting to order. . E7CCCUTiVE SLSSION Council convened inlo Executive Session in accordance with the Texas Go'vernmenl Code, pursuanl to SecLion 551.072 -Delib�ration regarding real property ancl Section 55.1.074—Delil�er��tion regarding personnel _.. matters. Council re-convened into. Regular 5ession at 7;0o pm with na action taken. REGUL!-\R 5�S510N The Invocaiion was given by Pastor David P.uzicl<a from Crossroads Community�Cl�urch. Mayor Whitaker led the Pledge of Allegiance to the United Siates and to the State of Texas J�IIVT DOCfC�T�D PUI3LIC I-IEARING Mayor Whitalcer and Cliair of fhe Planning and Zoning Commi�ssion Bob Bertrand called a Joint Docketecl Public Hearing to order to receive comments from the public, either oral and/or writte�n regarding a request for _ a zon�classifica�ion change for 0.62 acres on Sunmeadow C3aulevarel from Single Family Resideniial(SFR}to Nlulti-Family Residential-Nledium Density (�UFR-M). Charles Anders,.1408 S. 1=ri2ndswooJ Drive, stafed he is i!he applicant and this area is separated froi� resideniial areas by a 4U'golf cart paih and is lacated ��ext to th��e 18"'tee box of the Friendswood Golf Course. Denise Meredith, 504 Gl�neayles Drive, stated she is the president o�Sunmeadow I°lomeov�mer's Association and reported on flooding at Sunmeadow Boulevard, is very fearful of what will happen if the development is 04/21 J03 . � 2003 passed, and is concerne�l about traffic flow at the entrance to fhe subdivision, the rainy season ahead, construction crews, and the inability to get in and out of the subdivision. She is not in favor of this zone change. Paul Betz, #5 Sunmeadow Boulevard, stated he lives next to the property and is concerned about the additional buildings causing sfreet flooding. He is not in favor of this zone change. Marjorie Topping,#7 Sunrneadow Boulevard, presented pictures of flooding from Tropical Storm Allison and stated she is not in favor of this zone change b:ecause o;flooding concerns. " Ronald B. Johnson, 300 St. .Cloud Drive, sta;ted he is noE in favor of this zone change due to flooding concerns, Joyce I-lealy, 210 W. Caslle Harbor, stated she is concerned about the additional off-street parking this would • require and lraffic hazards being created as a result and is opposed to more than 4 units of townl�omes. She is not in favor of fihis zone change. Laura I-liggins, 245 St. Clc>ud, stated she is comcerned about traffic hazards as a result of off-street parking and the location of a driveway to the multi-family unit that would be right off of Sunmeadow Boulevard. She is not in favor of this zone change. Faye Roberson,422 W. Castle Harbor, stated she is concerned about the increased trafific and congestion this would create and that the tract was fioo small for a multi-family development. She is not in favor of this zone change. Biil Majors, 107 Dorado C)rive; stated his concern is with high water making•the lntersection not passable during heavy rains. He is noc in favor of ihis zome change. COMMUN(CAT(ONS FRON( 7HE MAYOR At�D COUNCIL.MEMBERS Councilmember Measeles reported that on April 8�h he attended the Galveston County Mayor and Councilmembers'Associdfion meeting, April 12t�'attended the Salt Grass Chapter Banquet where there was an excellent speal<er from th�e 100 Club, Ric}�Ha�rtiey,who spoke on vests, training program, money to victims, includes firefighfiers also cznd is a good organi��iion, April 14`�' attended the TML Legislative Update, stated this legislature is anti-city, is stripping away the power of cities, had an opportunity for one-on-one with (egisfature body,Apri( 16lh atfended fhe Friendsu+rood Public Library Nationai Poetry Mc>nth where there was a full aftendance, April 17tf'<�ttended Lhe Harris Gounty Mayors' and Councils'A'ssoci�tion meeting, with guest speaker Regional IVledical Direcior of Regional Public Nealth, will be attending Clear Lal<e Council of Cities with discussion regarding fhe Bay Foundation and involvement, and a Community Prayer breakfast on April 26. Counciimember Kimmel reported he attended the Candidate's Forum at Sunmeadow Homeowner's Association, commended them and it was very enjoyable, missed the Mayor's SurprisE; Dinner, and attend�d t:he last Planning and Zoning meeting where several items were considered. Councilmember Kim Brizendine reported he a�ttended a number of ineetings last weel<, the Mayor was honored for 6 years of service at a Surprise Party, commended him for his level of sacririce, it was a privilege for the City, heipeci tne City io go �o a pro-active Ci�y, has a mentoring capacity, and it is tough seeing him leave. � 04/21/03 � 2004 - Mayor Pro-Tem Goza re��orted he attended the Candidafe's F;orum at Sunmeadow f-lameowner's Association and recognized outgoing,term-limited Councilmember Kitten Brizendine who received a round of applause. _ , Councilmember Ericsson reported he would miss both Mayor 1�Nhitaker and Co�ncilmember Kitten Brizendine, attended Nouston Galveston Area Council meeting and discu;s�sed water quality issues, state laws regarding requirements, and water is of growing importance, attende.d the Harris County Mayors' and Councils' Association meeting and.had invited Mayor Whitaker and Coun�ilmember Kitten Briz�ndine to attend with him, guest speal<er was Jack Steele from HGAC. . Councilmember Kitten Brizendine reported she attended the Fri�ndswood Volunteer r=ire DepartmenYsAnnual Banquef, stated they are a wonderful group o�volunteers, sav�d over 2 million dollars a year, so dedicated to tl�e city, is'an incredible bunch ot people, aftended the Mayor's Surprise Dinner and he was really surprised, has been a privilege to aer��e wifih two�mayors and thanks to Mrs. Ann Whitaker for sh�ring the Mayor these . lasfi 6 years. Mayor Whifaker reported that this is his last regular meeting, it has been a privilege, a unique experience, this is a specia( cify, treasures things here that are not recogniz:ed in other cities, .h��s been a tremendous experience in serving this city, had fhe opportunity in serving�ifh great Councilmembers, City Manager, and Ciiy Secretary, great sl:aff did all the work, appreciated being Mayor, thanked ev�ryone for the party and thanl<ed Mrs. Ann who was recognized by applause. � Councilmember Kitten I3rizendine reminded everyone to vote. GOMMUNIC/�,TfONS FF��M THE PUBLIC Peggy Duncan, i 05 Doral Ct., addressed Council and stated she has lived in Sunmeadow since 1976 and has flooded numerous tim.es. She received a letter from the pistrict Attorney regarding FEMA charges lo go before Grai�d Jury, stated she was one of 6 that received a sub�oena, the Galveston County DisirictAttorney refused fio take before Lhe Grand Jury and aliowed everyone t� pay charges, charges were taken in I-larris _.. County I�efore the Grand Jury, and asked if the City-was aware this was happeniny fo citizens, Galveston County Qistrict Attorney was exh�emely compassionafe, and kf�is ordeal is not over at this tlme. Cl�ucl< Schneider, 9911 Eirool< Meadow Lane, addressed C�uncil and stated he is a retiring school board member from C1ear Cr�el< Independent School Qistrict and vs�anted to convey to Gouncil the CCISD Bond Proposition, aslced for supporf and ou(lined the package, ancl encouraged everyone to vote for the bond proposition. , Mayor Whital<er stated he wanted fhank Charles Pond for serving on this CCISD Project,woriced very hard on deten�nining the needs �nd encourages everyone fo get out amd vote in Harris Couni:y for this bond issue for CCISD. COMMUNICATION FR.UM COMMITTEES AND SPECIAL f�FPORTS ' I<aye Corey, Chair of the Community Appearance Board, mad�a brief presentation on the status and ac[ivities of this board. � Comn;unity Appearance Board member Laura Ewing repont�d on the Spring Sparkle event, which is an opportunity for ci±izens to clean oui. There were about 230 car and trucl<loads of recyclecl or reused and tl�anl<ed everyone for participating. City Manager Ron Cox pr.esented the Five Star Spirlt Award t� Senior Animal Control Officer, Craig Baker, 04/21/03 2005 who is ihe winner for the first quarter of 2003. Craig is highly respected by his fellow ernployees and displays all aspects that define Five Star Spirit. Craig h;as been with the City for over four years. He supervises the day-to-day operations of the Animal Control Division of the Police Department. Craig has more than 16 yE;ars of axperience as an Animal Control Officer. During his fenure with the city, he has always provided prompt attention, exception'al service, and an enthusiastic attitudE;to our citizens. Craig has consistently shown great compassion with the animals and is undaunted in his dedication to finding homes for the strays. He started the "Pet oi the Week" feature in the local paper fo facilitate the adoption of the animals ihat he is not able to reunite with their owners. Craig is married to Rhonda, a City employee in Rdministrative Services, and they have three children. Craig is iruly a great asset to Lhe city and to the community. The continuous devotion and effort he puts into his job is much appreciated. . . , G1TY MANAGER'S R�PC)RT The City recenfly received a letter and certificafe from fhe Texas Commission on E=nvironmentai Quafity recognizing the Pubfic Works department fa�r fhe City's outsfanding public waYer sysfem. The Cify's compliance (evef had no monitoring violations for an �anprecedented five-year period, 1997-2001. Kaz Hamidian, Deputy Director of Public Works,was�presenfed this certificate and is the sE;cond time fhe City has received if. Congratulations were offered for a;pob well done. ORDINANCES *kCouncilmember Measeles moved to approve the Second and final reading of Ordinance NumberT2003-04, an Ordihahce granting a Specific Use Permit for certain land in the City of Friendswaod for use as a Private School applicable i:o certain property located ofif of Wes't Bay Area Boulevard, Harris Ccunty, Friends��ood, Texas, same being a nine (9) acre tract of land out of restricted Reserve "A", Autumn Creel< Subdivision, Section 9, within fhe City of Friendswood, for u ye as a Private School; providing for the amendment of the Zoning District Map ofi the City as adopted by Ordinance No. 84-15, The Zoning Ordinance of the City; containing other provisions relating to the subjert; providing a penalty; and providing �for severability. Seconded by Councilmember Kitten Brizendine. The motion was approved unanimously, �`"`Councilmember Kimmel moved to approve the Second and final reading of Ordinance Number72003-05, an �-" Ordinance amending lhe Code of Ordinance of the City of Friendswood,l"exas; by strilcing portions ofArticle V ofi Chapfier 54 thereof; ma{cing excessive false alarms thereunder a Class C misdeme�nor and providing a fine forviolaEion thereof; provicling for definitions; providing for,severability; and repealing all ordinances or parls of ordinances inconsistent herewith, Seconded by Councilmember Kim Brizendine. The motion was approved unanimou:sly. �k�hCouncilmember Kim Brizendine moved to a�prove the First reading of Ordinance Number'T2003-06, an Ordinance providing for a penaity to delinquerit taxpayers to defray cosfs of collecting de(inquenf property taxes pursuant to Sections 33.07 and 33.08 of the Texas Tax Code; and providing for severabilify. Seconded By Councilmember Goza. The motion v✓as approved unanimously. CONSENT AGENDA � ' 'k*Councilmem�er Kilten E3rizendine moved 'to approve the Cor�sent Agenda as presentad. A. °ayment of Capital Projecfs— 1. San Joaquin Gravity Sanii:ary Sewer with payrnent in the amount of�22,865.50 to SCI_ � Engineering for engineering services. To dat�e, 71 percent of the contract has been E�xpended. 2. F3ooster 04/21/03 2006 Pump Repiacemenfs at Wells 3 & 4 with,payment in the :amount of $641.30 to SCL Engineering for engineering services. To dafe, 92 percent of the contract ha�s been expended. 3. Surface Water Pump Sfation with payment in the amouni of$6,698.68 to Klotz Associates, Inc., ror engineering services. To date, 97 percent oP the contracf has been expended. 4. Second El�vatad Storage Tan!<with payment in the amount of$300.00 to Klotz Associates, Inc,, for engineering services. To date, 99.9 percenl of the contract has been ex�ended. Payment to Landmark Construction for construction services in the amounf of$55,109.60, This payment includes retainage in the amount of $53,051.60. To date, 100 percent oT the contract has been expended. Tofal payments for fhis item were $55,319.60. 5. Saint Cloud Drainage/Stanley Court Sanitary � Sewer with payment in trie amount of$51,950.00 fo Haddock�Construcfiion for constructian services. To date, 52 percent of the contract has been expended. Total paymen;ts were$137,475.18. E3.Approve acceptance of a wateriine easement needed for fire lines at the HEB Grocery Store site. C.Approve Resolulion No. R2003- 22, A Resolufiion of the City of Friendswood authorizing intervention in the Texas-New Mexico Power . Company's Peiition to rec:o.ncile fuel costs incurred during thE;perioci of January 2000—December 31, 2001 filed at the Public Utility Commission of Texas and assigned Docket No. 27676, authorizing the joining wilh other intervening Cities to ��rotect Municipal and Ratepayer interests; authorizing the hiring of attorneys ancl consulfants; and requiring reitnbursemeni of fhe Cities' raierrtalcing costs. D. Invoke Rule 18 of the Rules of Procedure and change tr�e regular meefing day from Nfonday fo Tuesday for the firsi: meeting in May. E. Approve Property Tax Report for March 2003. F. Approve Minutes of.April 7, 2003 Meeting. Seconded by Councilmernber Goza. Tl�e motion was approved unanimously. A motion was made and a�proved to adjourn at 8:11 PM. � 1 ����� �� �� �� Ma,/or Harold L. Whitaker Atlest: . � � Deloris McKenzie, TR C City Secretary '