HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 2003-04-14 Special 04/14/03 2000 STATE OF 7EXAS )( CITY OF FRIENDSWOOU . )( � COUNTIES OF GALVESTON/HARRIS )( APRIL 14, 2003 _ )( ' MINUTES OF A SPECIAI_ MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL THAT WAS HELD ON MONDAY, APR(L 14, 2003,�AT 6:30 PM AT FRIIENDSWO.OD CITY HALL COUNCIL.CHAMBERS, 910 S. FRIENDSWOOD DP.IVE, F=RIENDSWOOD,TEXAS,WITH l-HE I=OLLOWING hRESENT CONSTfTUTING A QUORUM: MAYOR f-IAROLD WHITAKE=R MAYOR PRO-TEM TRACY GOZA COUNCILMEM[3ER ' KITTEN BRIZENDINE � COUNCILMEMBER JERRY ERICSSUN C�UNCILMEMBER KIM BRIZENDINE COUNCILMEMBER SHANNON f<IMME� COUNCILMEMBER MEL MEASELE:S CITY MANAGER RON COX RCCORDS SPECIALIST MELINDA WELSH City Secretary Deloris McKenzie was absent from the meeting. Mayor Whitaker�alled the i»eeting to order. � Discussion was held regarding the history and tl�e future of the Corps of Engineer's Clear Creek Flood Control Projeci. City l��lanage!', .Ron Cox, gave a brief history of t�he oroject and introduc�d Wayne Ahrens with Dannenbaum Engineeriny who gave a PowerPoi:nt presentation and a historical prospective with background on lhe watershed area, population, counties;draimage districts, cities,worsl flooding, existing floodplain, etc., discussed project organization, study phases, rmajor assurmptions combination plan, flood control regional , plan, combination alternative cost summary, trik�utaries and main channel, regional drainage study goals, recommendations and construction costs, project overviews including long-term issues, recent history area- wide and Friendswood/Pe�rland areas, and discussed short-tem issues. AI Flores with Dannenbaui�n Engineering gave a �resentation on project overviews such as original scope and intent of project, current s[atus of construction, general re-evaluaiion and review, and total doilars spent to date. Discussion continued regarding the foll;owing: Councilmember Kim� Briz:endine asked about the expeditiousness of ihi:� process and.wi�y it has taken so long�vith Dannenbaum Engineering answering that some of it is politics and some is just the lengthy process of moving pipes, tal<ing roadway with TxDOT,taking right-of-way, land buy, etc. Councilmember Measeles asl<�ed if a lack of unify I�y the i3 entities was a _ contributing factor to yetting this done in a timely manner vuith the City Manager answering lhaf the creek af(ecis difierent cities differently, the consorfium needs to wor{< togefher, and fhe Clear Creek Steering Cotr�ir�itfiee meefs #his week and is the.coordinating group. C;.ouncilmember Ericsson spoke on the Citizen's Steering Committee and fhe environmentalist concems that have held everything back. AI Flores discussed re-evaluation for flood insurance. Councilir�ember f<itten Brizendine stated what is ne.eded is support of the other cities whose fiooding problems have been r:esolved. Fu.rther discussion tool<�lace with a question and ansv✓er session beiween Council and represen'tatives from Dannenbaum Engineeriny. Mayor Whi[al<er thanl<ed Dannenbaum Engineering for coming amd answering questions. Discussion was held reg�rding the Phase II Storm Water Management Plan and the mandate by the federal governmeni iha�every ciiy with a population of le ss ihan 100,00 has fo have a Stor«iwafer Management Plan. Chariie Beere with SCL.Engineering thanked Co.uncilmember Kitten Brizendine and MayorVVfiifiakerfortheir 04/14/03 2001 . , service and spoke on the subject of the Stormwater Managarment Plan and gave a f'owerPoint presentation regarding EPA regulations, the TPDES Storm Water Program, discussed permit requirements, minimum control measures, public education and outreach,.public participationlinvolvement, illicil discharge defection and elimination, construction site stormwater runoffi control, post construction stormw�ter management in new developi�nent and redevelopment, and polluiion pr�vention/goad housekeeping for municipal operations,ways of funding the program ihrough. inspection fiees, permit fees, enforcement fines and a sformwa4er utiiity fee, Further discussion was held regarding fhe length o�.f time to im�lement the plan which is five years,developers paying the drainage district to maintain their detention ponds, and that this p(an has been fought by cities since this is an unfunded mandafie by fihe EPA, " Discussion was held regarding Flood Damage Prevention Issues such as Community Rating System (CRS) Audit and Rating Upgrades. The City has participated in the C�RS program since 1991. Z�he City entered this program as a Class A community and improved to a rating of 8 in 1993. The City's participation in ihis ' progra�r has resulied in a (10 percent in the flood�lain and 5 �?ercent outside) discoun,t to every homeowner carrying flood insurance in Friendswood. Dan .Johnson, Deputy Director of Community Develo�ment, � presented a PowerPoint:presentation on the Natioa�al Flood Insurance Program, Community Rating Sy,stem and CRS schedule, credit cafegories, classes, certification, r�verification, CRS communities and discussed the City of Friendswood flood insurance premium neduction and being a CRS Class 5 Comrnunity which would result in a, 25 percent in the floodplain and 10 per�cenf outside, discount to every homeowner carrying flood insurance in Friendswoc�d. . Qiscussion was held regarding amendments to the Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance. One of the requisifes of the recent CRS audit was to mal<e :some minor amendmenfs to the current Flood Drainage Prevention Ordinance which include adding stafemenfis regarding preservation of floodplain storage through mitigation, specific details for when a development permit is required, mitigation plan cietails from existing development�ermit, requirement for No-rise certificate in the floodway, and amending verbiage on"Freeboard Requirements". When i.fie revisions have been made it will be brought to Council for consideration. Discussion was held regarding ihe City's Interlocal Agreement'with Galveston County Consolidated Drainage pistrictwhich was first created in 1991 and then amended in 1�98. The original Inferlocal agreement hetween Galvesfon County Consolidated.Drainage District, which at the time was Clear Creek Drainage District, and the City of Friendswood regarding the review of deuelopment plans was signed on September23, 1991. This agreemenfi outlined a ��rocess for the joint review of subdivision drainage plans to help ensure that developrnent within the City and Drainage District's overlapping jurisdictions complied with flooclplain managemenf and flood prevenfion plans. The '1991 agreement fechnically limited the Drainage District's review to subdivision pl�ts/repla[s. In the years following, the City and the Drainage District had begun to join(ly review ofher types of development plans, I�i order to bring the policy in-line with practice, the entities amended the original agreement in November 1998. City Council will have a worksESSian with the Drainage District in May. The meeting adjoumed at 9:04 pm. � ` :�lf��� - . Mayor Harold L. Whitaker Attest: , ��. Del ris NicKenzie, TRM '�� . City Secrefary