HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 2003-03-17 Regular 03/17/03 1991 STATE OF TEXAS )( CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD )( COUNTIES OF GALVESTON/HARRIS )( MARCH 17, 2003 )( � MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSVVOOD CITY COUNCIL THAT WAS HELD ON � � MONDAY, MARCH 17,2003, AT 5:00 PM AT FRIENDSWOO:D CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 910 S. FRIENDSWOOD DRIVE, FRIENDSWOOD,TEXAS,WITH T.H;E FOLLOWING PRESENT CONSTITUTINGA QUORUM: MAYOR HAROLD WHITAKER fVIAYOR PRO-TEM TRACY GOZA COUNCILMEMBER KITTEN BRIZENDINE COUNCILMEMBER JERRY ERICSSON ' COUNCILMEMBER �KIM BRIZENDINE � • COUNCILMEMBER SHANNON KIMMEL COUNCILMEMBER MEL MEASELES CITY ATTORNEY JOHN OLSON (arr. at 7:00 pm) CITY MANAGER RON COX GITY SECRETARY DELORIS MCKENZIE � Mayor Wnitaker called the meeting to order. SPECIAL SESSION Discussion was held reg�rding tl�e Development Process Steering Committee's Final Report. Public Works Director Mike Hodge gave a brief history of the Development Frocess Steering Committee. The Chair of the Committee, Kevin Hellanc�, preserted recommer,dations to Co!�ncil �n�hich were to recommend Staff level approval forAdministrative and Amended plats, define Administrative plats based on other local communities' ordinances, recommend reduction of plat fees for Administrative and Amended plats to$250.00, recommend to reduce conceptual plar� fees to $100.00, to allow developers to dialogue with the Planning and Zoning Commission about proposed developments, recommend 5(aff-level approval of commercial site plans, recommend a separate Sife Plan permit wiih a fee and fees s�Yiould not increase the current level of Building Permit Pian review, recommend the continuation, of the pro-active approach of providing a developrnent ' �timeline ior each individual project as they are received wl�ich includes meeting deadlines and dates, recommend the review and/or revision of impact fees and t�he method of assessment for non-residential developir�enfs, recommend fo leave tree preservation requirements as is until further information is provided, and fo recommend consideration of fhe development of GIS a;fter a review of similar GIS systems from similar size communifies and an evaluation of their effectiveness. A c{uestion and answer session followed regarding workload for staff, consE;nsus was to move these recommendations to Planning and Loning and�then possibly a workshop with Planning and Zoning, wait for presenfations nnd opinion from other committees on impact, develop plans for GIS system which will probably come back at budget meetings, discussed height on accessory buildings, which will be discussed wiEh the Plannin�g & Zoning Commission at a later meeting. � EXECUTIVE SESSION Council convened into Executive Session in accordance wi�h the Texas Government Code, pursuant to Section 551.072— Deliberation regarding Real Property. . „ Courcil re-convened ini:o P.eaular S°ssion at 7:00 cm with n� a�tion tak°n. 03/17/03 1992 REGULAR SESSIO�I • The Invocation was given by Pastor Josh Ellis fr�om Baybrook Bapfist Church. Mayor Whital<er led the Pledge of Allegiance to .the United States and to the State of Texas. JOINT DOCKETED PUBLIC HEARING Mayor Whitaker and Chair of the Planning and Zoning Commission Bob Bertrand called a Joint Docketed Public Hearing to order to receive comments from the.public, either oral or written, regarding a request.for a - Specific Use Permit (SUP-Private School) for 9.00 Acres, located at West Bay Area Boulevard, in the Autumn Creek Subdivision, Section 9, Harris County, Texas. ' Sonnie Seyes appeared before Council and stated she lives in League City and is th� Principal at Galloway School and is lool<ing forward to moving this educational facility to Friendswood. � . Jerry Daniels with SDT Architects in Houston sta�ed this project will be developed in two phases and there are no substantive changes from the previous plans that were approved a few years ago, parking will carry through to phase two and will meet all of the part<ing requirements at this time, the Specific Use Permit is for the entire master pl�n, ar�d there will be a tin roof with proper installation. � Jeff Anderson appeared before Council and stated he is with the Friendswood Development Company in I-louston and is in favor of granting the permit and.this is exactly what Friends'wood C�evelopmenf Company had in mind for the Nutumn Creek community. No one spoke against the request. 1-learing no further c�mments, the Joint Docketed Pubfic Hearing was closed at 7:08 p.m. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAYOR ANiD COUNCILMEMBERS Mayor Whitaker recognized Tammie Cannon, IVlayor of Spring Valley, who was attending to observe the Council meeting. The Mayor reported thatwhen Space Shuttle Columbia broke up overTexas the Lighthouse Cooking Team called him to see what they could do and he called the City of Nacogdoches and the Lighthouse Cooking Tearn went at 9:00 p.m. tha�evening and prepared three meals on Sunday and fed about ,. . 750 people. Councilmember Measeles had no report. Councilmember Kimmel had no report, Councilmember Kim Brizendine reported that he turned half a century old and is stil� depressed, his wife surprised him with a trip to Washington, DC and he has a real appreciafion of those that have served and empathy for those that are protecting us and it was a memorable weekend. , Mayor Pro-Tem Goza reported he will be attending the Lighthouse Cooking Team annu�al fundraiser and urged everyone to support their efforts. Councilmember Ericsson reported he attended tihe Galveston County Mayor& Councilmembers Emergency Management meeting about Hazardous Mitigatiion and �riendswood is the first in th� State to develop their 03/17/03 � 1993 plan, will attend the Ho�aston Galveston Area Council meetinig tomorrow and Frida�� is the annual Houston Galveston Area Council meeEing with Tom DeLay as the guest speaker. _ Councilmember Kitfen Brizendine urged everyone to support the Lighthouse Cooking Team tnat suffered a devastating fire with a lot of hard work they revived all of the equipment needed and urged everyone to support them and wished.a Happ.y Birthday to her brother in-law, Councilmember Kim Brizendine COMMUNICATfONS FF',OM THE PUBLIC . Dori Johnson, 810 Myrtlewood Drive, appeared before Council and made suggestions to Council regarding lobbying for the Clear Creek Project Army Corp of Engineers, refine the cities position, try to get an active project to get the rlow through Friendswood, funding assistarrce from all involved with Friends�vood and the primary players in combination with Galvesfon County Drainage District to develop a plan, and Council has � done a greaijob in helping�people. Mr. Johnson offered his a�sistance and Mayor Whitaker stated he would appreciate his input. John Cole, 401 Virginia Lane, appeared before Council and announced his candidacy for Council Position No. 1 and stated his platforrn.is to lower taxes and for there to be less government. ' COMMUNICATfON FRC)M COMMITTEES AND SPECIAL F�EPORTS . Dr. John Heard, Chair af f:he Friendswood Library Advisory ��ard, gave the annual report and gave a brief presentation on the stal:us and activities of this board and introduced Board Members presenfi, which were Elizabeth Finger, Larry Seelig, S�ephen Huffman, and Dorothy. Race. A long-range plan and timeline was presented for the expansian of the Library and suggested a W!orkshop with the Architect and Library Advisory Board to presert rende��ings, v:�ith changes �epicted. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT .._. Mr. Cox reported that for the first time the Friendswood Chamber of Commerce would be participating with other Chambers of Comrnerce in Galvesfon County to travel to Austin for"Galveston County Day"to meet with the Legls.lators representing Galveston County. Those would�include State Representatives Craig Eiland and Larry Taylo�, as well as State Senat�rs Kyle Janek and Mike Jackson. The trip will be by bus on March 2ptn. Those interested can contact the Chamber office for specific arrangements. � Mr. Cox further reported that the City has complaints regarding the cell photie's coverage area and has recently learned that Sprint has been added to American Tovver, which should help. CONSENT AGENDA **Councilmember Measeles moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. A. Paymenf of Capital Projects — 1. Niunicipal Court Renovations with payment in the amount of $1,087.72 to Hall Barnum and Lucchesi Architecfs for c;�nstruction administration. 2. St. Clou.d Drive and Stanley Court with payment in the amount of $16,000.00 f:o Haddock Construction Company fc�r construction services. To date, 45% of the contract has been expended. 3. Booster Pump Station R,eplacement with payrnent in the amount of $36,005.00 to T&C Construction for construction services_ T:o date, 99%of the contract has been expended. 4. Surface �.��aier °ump Station v✓ith payment in the amount of $184;632.50 to T & C Construction for censtructien s�rvices. To date, 87% of the contract has been expended. 5. Eleva.ted Storage Tank v��ikh payment in the amount of$3,021.72 to Klotz Associates, Inc.,.for engineering services. To date, 90% of the -03/17/03 1994 contract has been expended. 6. Blackhawk 1Nater Plant Improvements with payment in the amount of $20,876.25 to Gulf States Protective Coatings, Inc., for construction services. To date, 77% of the contract has been expended. Total payments were$261,623.19. B. Disposition of Bid No. 2003-02, for fhe Operation of fhe Concession Stand aE Friendswood Sportspark. C.Authorization to apply for a 50/50 Bureau of Justice Grant for Ballisfic Vests for the Police Department. D, Approval of Banner Permit Applications 1. Lighthouse Charity Team. 2. Mary Queen Church Parish Fesfival. E.Approval of Property Tax Report for February 2003 F. Approve Minutes of March 3, 2003 Meeting. Seconded by Councilmernber Ericsson. The mofion was approved unanimously. A motion was made and approved to adjourn a�t 7:38 pm. _,, .., � • . � ,f � ,> �, - . Mayor Harold L. Whitaker � Attest: , f � � Deloris cKenzie, TRM . . City Secretary