HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 2003-02-17 Regular 02/1�/03 1983 STATE OF TEXAS � )( CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD )( � COUNTIES OF GALVESTON/HARRIS )( FEBRUARY 17, 2003 )( MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL THAT WAS HELD ON MONDAY, FEBRUARY 17,2003,AT 6:00 PM AT FRIENDSWOOD CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 910 S. FRIENDSWOOD DRIVE, FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS, WITH THE FOLL0INING PRESENT CONSTITUTING A QUORUM: , . MAYOR HAROLD WHITAKER MAYOR PRO-TEM TRACY GOZA COIJNCILMEMBER ' KITTEN BRIZENDINE � � COUNCILMEMBER � JERRY ERICSSON • � COUNCILMEMBER KIM BRIZENDINE COUNCILMEMBER SHANNON KIMMEL COUNCILMEMBER MEL MEASELE=S CI7Y ATTORNEY LOREN SMITI-i CITY MANAGER RON COX. CITY SECRETARY DELORIS MCKENZIE Mayor Whitaker called the meeting to order. EXECUTIVE SESSION ' Council convened into Executive Sessicn in accerda^ce u:rith The Texas Government Code, aursuant to Secfion 551.072 Delil�eration regarding Real Property. Council re-convened into Regular Session at 7:00 pm with no action taken. � The Invocafion was given by Assistant Pastor Chris Norton from Friendswood United Metliodist Church. Boy Scout Troop 442 led the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States and to the State of Texas. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAYOR AND COUNCILII'flEMBERS Councilmember.Kitten f3rizendine welcomed everyone and stated that the Mayor gave a great State of the City Address held at the Chamber of Commerce. � Councilmember Goza had no report. , Councilmember Ericsson fiad no report. Councilmember Kim Brizendine reported that at the Chamber of Commerce meeting the Mayor announced he would not be seeking another term as Mayor and was given a standing ovation in recognition of his service. He further sfated effective May 1, 2003, he wiil resign from Council Position No.4 and would like to thank all his supporters, the Mayor and Councilm�mbers; Gity Staff and stated it has been a great honor and privilege to serve ancf then announced his candidacy for Mayor, thanked Mayor Whitaker and past Mayor, Evelyn Newman, for their encouragement and sfated he feels very humbled to offer his service in this way. 02/17/03 � 1984 Councilmember Kirnmel thanked Mayor Whitaker and stated he enjoyed working with him and also wished Councilmember Kirn Brizendine well. - Councilmember Measeles had no report. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC Laura Ewing, 2003 Pine Drive, appeared before Council to announce her candidacy for Council Position No. 1. __ ; She stated she would fike to thank Councilmember Kitten Brizendine for 11 years of service and appreciates her work on.Council. She reported that she moved here in 1994 and is a former teacher of Government, has served on the Community Appearance Board for numerous years, served'on the Open Space Task Force, Main Street Task Fr�rce, Charter Review Com�.mission and is a member of Friendswood Methodist Church. David S�mith, 1110 Middlecreek, appeared before Council and announced his candidacy for Council Position No. 4 which is an unexpired one-year term, has worked for Century 21 Key for 21 years and looks forward to serving the City of Friendswood. Cheryl Johnson, 810 Myi�tlewood Drive in Friendswood Estates, appeared before Council to ask for help with fhe permit that has been issued for a sludge pit. She stated that building in the area impacts drainage and that with.every 4-inch rain it causes flooding and believes her residential area is a plug that holds back waters along Clear Creek. The sludge pit will be located on Dixie Farm Road between Be�mer and FM 518 and is approximatefy 20 acres in Harris County's ETJ. The City of Housfon will be hosting a public meeting at San Jacinto South at the J. D. Bruce Center fhis Beamer on VVednesday at 7:00 pm and asked for support from the City by attending this meeting. COMMUNICATIOMS FROM COMMITTEES AND SPECIAL REPORTS Ron Decker, Chair of fhe Zoning Board ofAdju!stments and Appeals, made a brief presentation on the status and activities of this board. � City Manager Ron Cox made a special presentation of the Five StarAward for the Fourth Quarter of 2002 was made to Donald LeBlanc, Reference Librarian with the �riendswood Library, who has been a part of the Library sfaff since 1991 �jnd has served many people over the years, being�of.primary assistance fo patrons researching information. His efforts are exem�plary of this quarter's Five Star Spirit Award. A Cer�ificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial (�eporting in 2001 was presented by City Manager Ron Cox to Administrative Services Director, Roger Roecl<er,with this being the 15ih consecutive year for this recognifion. Mr. Roecker and his staff's dedication to the City and the cifizens of Friendswood is much appreciated. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT Mr. Cox reported on the Municipal Court P.enovation Project that Council authorized for a por�ion of the Administrative Services offices. This renovation will provide a secure payment window in the entry area, similar to the window for the cashier's booth where utility bills are processed. C:urrently, anyone doing business with 'the Municipal Court personnel must be admitted into the private office space. This creates an overcrowding and security issue for the Court staff. The new arrangement will be much safer and actually more accessible for the pubiic. 02/17/03 �985 Mr. Cox reported fhat in 2001,the Texas LegisiaEure appro�riated a fund called the Loan Star Libraries Grant Program. This small �rant program is available without m-atching requirements to all public libraries in the Sfate. The Friendswood Library is receiving $5,700 for expanding the Chapter Book Collection in the library. We appreciate the efforts of the Legislature, and if re-appropriated, will continue to put these funds to good use. Mr. Cox reported that the Mobile Data Computers for the Police Department project has completed Phase fl of a fhree-phase projeci. Phase I was the beta testing of hardware and Harris County's private data network. This option was chosen because it negated Ehe requiremenf for a browser. Also, the monthly/annual costs were dramatically leas than CDPD. No cost was aasociated with this testing. Phase II consisted of the acquisition of 16 laptop compufers with radio frequency modems and the mounting/installation of the hardware in the marked patrol fleet. This has been accomplished and the hardware is connected to Harris County's secure data netv✓ork. This phase gives direct access from vehicles to information regarding persons, property •and vehicles. The cost associated wifh this phase has been approximately $120,000. The third and final • phase consists of acquiring fwo software modules to support field accident reporting and field incident repor�ing, software engineering support to accommodate our CAD (Computer Aided Dispatch) system on Harris County's network and the acquisition of a serverto import accident reports and incident reports into the AS400. The esfimated cosf for this phase of the project is approximately $75,000. The City pfans to move ahead with Phase III by February 15, 2003. The Mayor and Council authorized $257,000 forthe project. Total cost estimate is $195,000, This figure represents an ap��roximate $62,000 savings or completion at 24 percent below what was authorized. There is also an estimate of$30,000 savings in annual recurring costs associated with sofiware maintenance and cellular airtime. The revised program does everything that was briefed to City Council it would do for efficiency and productivity. League City and Webster are following the . City of Friendswood's lead. Mr. Cox reported tha[ the Clear Creek Federal Flood Control Budget has been taken out of the proposed federal budget for the fiscal year beginning October 2003. Recently, all the s'ponsors of the project—Harris County Flood Control District, Galveston County, and Brazoria County Drainage Uistrict#4-were notified of this event. Unless fhi;s f�udget item is reinserted by U.S. Congressmen andlor U.S. Senators, this item will be permanently lost. ff not reinser�ed into the budget, the General Re-evaluation and Review(GRR)will not be completed, and all efforts toward the completion of the project will be lost. Mayor Whitaker has already - � indicafed that the City will send letters to Congressman Larnpson, Senator Hutchinson and Senator Cornyn. The City of Pearland officials are writing Congressman Tom DeLay and the two drainage districts will send letters as weil. It has also been suggested Councif adopt a resolution and orie is being prepared for a future meeting. Council suggested a workshop be held to discuss this issue. ACTION ITEMS "'`Councilmember Kitfen.Brizendine moved to approve actian regarding approval of engineering services by SCL Engineering for Friendswood Link Road Lift Stafion Modifications and Whittier Oaks Force Main Realignments in Wedgewood Village Subdivision, nof to exceed $86,355. Seconded by Councili�nember Goza. The motion was approved unanimously. **Councilrnember Measeles moved to approve action regarding approval of enc�ineering services by SCL Engineering for Water and Sewer Services to Longwood ParK Subdivision for an amount of$97,785. Seconded by Councilrnember Kitten Brizendine. The motion was approved unanimously. RESOLUTIONS `"`Councilmember Kitfen Brizendine moved to approve Resolution No. R2003-15 -A Resolution of the City Council of the City oi Friendswood, Texas, providing for fhe holding of a General Election on May 3,2003, for 02/17/03 � 1986 the purpose of elecEing a Mayor and iv✓o Councilmembers.(Posifion Nos. 1 and 3); providing forthe holding of a Special E(ection on the same day for the purpose of electing a Councilmember for an unexpired term ending May 2004 (Position No. 4); designafing the polling places and appointing election officials for such elections; providing the form of the ballots at such elections; directing the giving of notice of such elections; and containing other provisions relating to the subject. � Seconded by Councilmember Ericsson. The motion was approved unanimously. Councilmember Tracy Goza announced that he will run for a full term for Council Position No. 3. CONSENT AGENDA '�*Counciimember Kitten Brizendine moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. A. Payment of Capital Projects�Sunset Reconsfruction Projecf with payment in the amount of$439,32328 to the County of Galveston for t e City's share per agreement dated October 7, 2002. To date, 100 percent of the contract has been expended. 2. Municipal Court Renouations Plans with payment in the amaunt of$4,658.03 to Hall � Barnum and Lucchesi Architects�for architect�r.a�-5ervices. To date, 86 percent of the contract has been � � expended. Total payments were $443,981.3'�„ ,BlDispasition of Bid No..2003-01 for the 2003 Street and Drainage;Maintenance Project. `C�Approve purchase of a One Ton Bucket Truck for the Public Works Division�D. 1.Approve Resolution No. R2003-71,A Resolution of the City of Friendswood,Texas, hereinafter referrec�'to as'``Appiicant°, designating the Mayor of Friendswood as being responsible for acting for, and on behalf of the "Applicant" in dealing with the Hauston-Galveston Area Council, hereinafter referred to as "Department", for the purpose of parEicipating in continuation of funding for the Victims of Crime Act(VOCA) Funding Program, hereinafter referred to as the "Program". Authorizing the submission of a Continuation Grant Application to the Houston-Galvestan Area Council. 2, Resolution No. R2003-12, A Resolution of the City of Friendswood, Texas, hereinafter referred to as"ApplicanY', designating the Mayor of Friendswood as being responsible for acfing for, and on behalf of the "Applicant" in dealing with the Houston-Galveston Area Council, hereinafter referred to as"Department', for the purpose of parficipating in continuation of funding for the Safe and Drug Free Schools and Communities Act Program (SRO), hereinafter referred to as Ehe "Program". Authorizing tl�e submission of a Continuation Grant Application to the Houston-Galveston Area Council. 3. Resolution No. R2003-13, A Resolwtion of the City of Friendswood, Texas hereinafter referred to as "Application", designating the Mayor of Friendswood as being responsible for, acting for, and on behalf of the"Applicant" in dealing with the Houston-Galveston Area Council, hereinafter referred to as"Department", for the purpose of participating in continuation of funding for the Sfate 421 Funding Program, hereinafter referred to as the"Program".Autliorizing the submission of a Continuation Grant Application to the Houston- Galveston Area Council. E. Approval of Banner Permit Applications 1. Community Appearance Board for Citywide Clean Up Day. 2. Heritage Gardeners for Sp�ing Garden Tour: F. ApE�roval of January 2003 �-""' , Property Tax ReporE. G. Approve Minutes of February 4, 2003, meeting. • Seconded by Counciimember Er,icsson. The motion was approved unanimously. A motion was made and approved to adjourn at 7:50 pm. /� �� c �� �� � �G. �•��'__ Mayor Harold . Whi aker Atfest: l _—�'� � �. D loris McKenzie, TRN1C City Secretary .