HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 2003-01-06 Regular 01/OG/03 1968 STATE OF TEXAS )( CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD )( . _ ' COUNTIES OF GALVESTON/NARRIS )( JANUARY 6, 2003 )( • MINUT�S OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL THAT WAS HELD ON MONDAY,JANUARY 6,2003,AT 7:00 PM AT FRIENDSVdOOD CITY HP,LL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 910 S. FRIENDSWOOD DRIVE, FRIENDSWOOD,TEXAS,WITH THE FOLLOWING PRESENT CONSTITUTING A -� QUORUM: MAYOR HAROLD WHITAKER MAYOR PRO-TEM TRACY GOZA . COUNCILMEMBER KITTEN BRIZENDINE COUNCILMEMBER JERRY ERICSSON COUNCILMEMBER KIM BRIZENDINE COUNCILMEMBER � SHANNON KIMMEL . . COUNCILMEMBER . MEL MEASELES CITYATTORNEY LOREN SMITH CITY MANAGER RON COX CITY SECRETARY DELORIS MCKENZIE Mayor Whitaker called the meeting to order. The invocation was given by Pastor Ral�h Hobratschk of Hope Lutheran Church. Mayor Whitaker led the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States and to the State of Texas. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAYOR AND COUNCIILMEMBERS Mayor Whitaker and Mayor Pro-Tem Goza presenfed a.Proclamation and City pins to the Friendswood Colts horioring fhem as thE:"Super Bowl" Championa. The Frienaswood Colts Coach infroduced ihe coaches and players, who received a standing ovation. fVlayor Whitakerand Fire Marshal Terry Byrd made a special presentation to Cew Fincher in appreciation of his -' invaluable work in Emergency Management for the City of Friendswood. Fire,Marshal Terry Byrd presented Mr. Fincher with a letter and plaque honoring his work in Emergency Management, with his expertise in weather information and analysis, consultations that alerted and enabled the City to stay abreast of hazardous situations as they developed and affected the City, and �elfless dedication to the citizens of the City of Friendswood in times of need. Mayor Whitaker wished everyone a Happy New Year. Councilmember Measeles wished everyone a Happy New Year and a prosperous 2003. Counciimember Kirr�mel extended condolences from his family to Tracy Go�a's family on the death of Councilmember Goza's mofher-in-law. Councilt�nember Kim Brizendine had no report. Councilmember Ericsson wished everyone a Happy New Year. Councilmember Goz:a wished everyone a Happy New Year. Councilmember Kitten Brizendine had no announcem�nts but welcomed everyone attending the Council ' meeting. � f ./ 01/06103 1969 COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC No one spoke. COMMUNICATIONS FROM COMMfTTEES AND SPECIAL REPORTS Community and Economic Development Com�mittee Chair Greg Crinion introduced Committee members and made a brief presenEation on the overall goals of the committee for the year, as well as their most recent accomplishments and provided a written report to Council. CITY MANAGER'�i REPORT The City Manager had no report. RESOLUTIONS **Councilmember Kitteri Brizendine moved to approve Resolution No. R2003-02 -A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Friendswood, Texas, authorizing and approving the City's Hazard Assessment and Mitigation Plan. . ' Seconded by Councilmember Kim Brizendine. The motion was approved unanimously. ORDINANCES �*Councilmember�fracy Goza moved to approve the first reading of Ordinance No.72003-01, an Ordinance imposing fees for responding to False Fire Alarms, amending the Code of Ordinance of the City of Friendswood, Texas, by striking all of Article V of Chapter 54 thereof and substituting therefore a new Article V; providing rules and regulations governing the use and maintenance of fire alarm systems; providing for the imposition of fees for excessive false alarms; providing for definitions; providing for severability;and repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistenf herewith. Seconded by Councilmember Kiften Brizendine. The motion was approved unanirnously. �`*Councilmember Jerry Ericsson moved to approve the first reading of Ordinance No;T2003-02, an Ordinance granting a Specific Use Permit for,the Hope L�atheran Church of Friendswood, fo authorize development and use of 8.136 acres located at 1804-South Friendswood Drive for Religious Organization purposes: First reading of an Ordinance of the City of Friendswood, Texas, granting a Specific Use Permit to Hope Lutheran Church for use of 8.136 acres of land located at 1804 South Friendswood Drive tor religious organization purposes; imposing certain condiEions and limitations as a condition of the granfing of such Specific Use '-'�' Permit; providing for the amendment of the Zoning District�Map of the City as adopi:ed by Ordinance No. 84- 15, as amended, same being the Zoning Ordinance of the City; containing other provisions relating to the subject; providing a penalty of an amount not to exceed $2,000 for each day of violation of any provision hereof; and providing for severability. Seconded by Councilmember Kim Brizendine. The motion was approved unanimously. CONSENT AGENDA **Councilm.em�er fVlel Measeles moved to approve the Consent Agenda,as presented. A. Payment of Capital Projects �/Second Elevated Storage Tank with payment in fhe amount of $�19,125.40 to La�}dmark Structures for construcfion'services. To date, 94 percent of the contract has been expended. ,.�iSurface Water Pump Station with payment in the amount of�393,989.75 to�T& C Construction, LTD, for construction services. To date, 65 percent of fhe contract I�as.been expended.`•3°'2002 Sidewalk Project with payment in the amount of $25,479.50 to S���i�h's Classic-Construction Tor construction se�;ices in th° amouri o` �2�1,293.55 pius retainage in the amount oi�4,185.95�viih the total being�25,4?9.50. To date, 100 percenf of . the conEract has been expended. 4. Booster Pump Station Replacement with payment in the amount of 564,600.00 to T & C Construction, LTD, ror construction services.� To dafe, 97 percent of the contract has 1� 01/06/03 1970 been expended. Payment in the amount of$335.82 to.SCL Engineering for engineering services. To date, 91 percent of fhe contraci:has been expended. 5. Blackhawk Ground Storage Tank with payment in fhe amount of $ $887.25 to SCL Engineering for engineering services. To date, 91 percent of the contract has been expended. 6. Centennial Park Lighting with final payment in fhe amount of$12,345.00 to Liteco Electric, Inc., for change order#1 �nd retainage. 7. Longwood Park Water&.Sewer Study with payment in the amount of $4,000.00 to SCL Engineering Services for preliminary engineering services. To date, 20 percent of fhe contract has 6een expended. Total payments were$520,762.72. B. Dispositions of Bids—1. RFP 2002-12: Debris Management Contract—to Crowder Gulf with no cost incurred unless it is officially activated. 2. Bid --� No. 2002-13: 2003 Water and Sewer Supplies—to be spCif befv✓een Nafional Waterworks in the amount of $14,908.17 and Hughes Supply, Inc., in the amount of$867.60 for water and sewer supplies. C. Approve Resolufion R2003-01, a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Friendswood, Texas, authorizing the Police Department to use unmarked vehicles in order to faeilitate police undercover wock and other legitimafie functions of the Police Department. D. Approve Council Meeting Minutes of December 16, 2002. Seconded by Councilmember Kimmel. The motion was approved unanimously. A motion was made and approved to adjourn at 7:32 pm. � �. � C�� �� ��i 4.•�-� � ,. � �?... �..� ayor Harold L. Whitaker . Attest: . . �� Deloris McKenzie, TR VI City Secretary