HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 2002-12-16 Regular 12i�6IO2. 1964 sTaTL o�r�as �� CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD )( . COUi�T1ES OF G,�\LV�STON/HARRIS )( DECEMBER'(6, 2Q02 ){ MiNUTES OF A REGULAR [�1�E71NG OF THE FRI�NDSWOOD GITY COUNCIL THAT WAS HELD ON N10NDAY, QECECII�BER 16,2402,AT 5:30 PM AT FRIENDSWOOQ CITY HALL COUNCIL CNAMBERS,9'I0 S. FR(ENDSWOOD DRtVE, FRI�NDS�/VOOD, TEXAS; WITH THE FOLLOWII�G PRESE�IT � CQNSTITUTING A QUORUM: � MAYOR HAROLD WHITAKER COUNCILMEMBER K(TTE[� BRIZ�ND(I�E COUNCILMEMBER � JERRY ERICSSON COUNCILM�MBER KIM BR[ZENDINE COU�iCILMEMBER SHANNON KiMMEL� COUNCILMEMBER MEL MEASELES C1Ti`�1TTORivEY JOH;v CL50N �arr. A�?:GO PM) CITY MANAGER RON COX CfTY SECRETARY DELORfS MCKENZIE Councilmernber Tracy Goza was absent from the meeting. Mayor WhitaKer cal(ed the meeting to order. Discussion was heid regarding streets in the City to be included in the February ') Bond Electian. " Dan Johnson,_Deputy Directorofthe CommunityDevelopmentDepartment, and Mike Hodge, Directoroffhe Community Developmen�IPublic Works Department, presented a PowerPoint presentation which included a street maintena�ce program with overall ranking of streets in relation fo age, repairs, traffic, traffic type, classification and condition,Asphalt to Concrefe Program parameters which includes existing asphalt streets, uq,o ya�;;e;�„g ;a;;4c;;;y b;-nakrin�nin py a�P, ranairs, traffic count, traffic tyoe;cfassification, condition, overail ranking, and geographical groups. The recommendations for 2003-2008 were to canvert the lowest ranking streets, which includes Melody Lane, Shadowbend from Woodlawn to Sunset, Briarmeadow from Winding Wayto Sunset, Spreading Oaks from Laurel to FM 518, and Winding Wayfrom FM 518 to Briarmeadawwith fhe total estimated cost being $2..4 miflion. EXECUTI1tE SESSCON � I Council convened into Executive Session pursuant to the Texas Government Code, pursuant to Section ' 551.072; Deliberation regarding Real Proper�y. Council reconvened into ReguEar Session at 7:00 PM. The Invacation was given by Pastar Rick Austin from Friendswood Baptist Ghurch. Mayor Whitaker led the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States and �o the State of Texas. JOINT DOCKETED PUBLIG HEARING Mayor Whitaker and Chair of the �Eanning and Zoning Cammissian Sob Ber�rand called a Joint Docketed Public Hearing to order fa receive commenfs fram the public, either oral arwrfften, regarding a requestfor a ��,�ciii� ;�TSe?�r:;i�;��v'�-�;�s�h �a>s�;�=��1 f�r�,'1�6.Rc�e�; T3�afe�µ�?8�J4 S.�r�e??�1sw��d Driv�, in' itic iivj�'�c �.L'��18,`'u�� C�l'u�Ch �U�G�;lrlcinrt$ Ca1VE'StG}!? CC}�Jn�. Jare Rebesch�r, 2202 San Joaauin Park�n%ay, a member of the Building CQmmittee ior Hope Lutheran 12l`161Q2 1965 Church,appeared before Councif and presen�ed informatian regarding the fi,vo story educational facility which wil!be compiimentaty to the existing sanctuary,stated.�he bu[lding w;;l be on fhe o.riginal 6 acre fracf,tf�e new 2 acre tract wiil pro��ide detention frorr� adjacent deveiopment, the older sanctuary will be removed in phase two, ana outline� deve{opment and remova[af cer�ain bui[dings and phases. f�o one spoke for ar against t�e requesf. Hearing no fur�her comments, the Jaint Docketed Public Hearing �as closed. �'UBLIC HEARIt�CG Mayor Whitaker called the Public Hearing to order to recefve comments from the public regardin.g the Gity's Hazard Mitigation Pfan. Ms. Carrie Furlong, representing Halff 8� Associates, presented the draft Hazard Mitigation Plan, which included Nazard Warning System, Gntical Facilities, �mergency Management Educa�ion, Hazard Warning Sys�em, Public Water 5ystem, Niajor. Thoroughfare Planning, Elevation, Re(ocation, and Acquisition Projects and a Master Qrainage Plan and stated the draft has gone to Sfiate FEMA for review and thaf Friendswood is the fir`st cifij in#he State to submit such a plan. No comments received. " Mayor Wh[faker clased fhe Pubiic Hearing. ° � COMi1tIU�d1CATlONS FROM THE MAYORAND COUNGILMEMBERS " Counciirnember Measeles wished everyone a Merry Chris�mas,stated fhis is ajoyful time to spend with family, reported on attending fihe Galveston County Gonsoiidated Drainage District Meeting during which frust for ' public lands was studiad and stated he irdould {ike to i�ave the Gity's Open Space Plan reviewed in�he future. Councifinemb�r Kimme! reporEed that he atfended the Community Prayer Breakfast and the City of Friendswood's �mpfoyee Chrisfmas party. COUIIG{lIl`1eC11be1'KITT1 LSf1Z8�dIC1B Te�701�ed th2t i tB aiiei i�i2d Scvci di �uTcuVvi ici S r^,SSOCiatl���P"Ia°�l^yS uC;'� 2 joint meefing regarding League citizenship by Cfear Laka Area Economic Development Foundation,attended the annual City of Friendswood's Employee Christmas party, stated he was a judge in the Chamber of . Commerce's [ighted Christmas parade, and reported the Friandswoad Colfs won the Super Bowl beating Pasadena and it was a big honor for the City. , ; i Councilmember Ericsson.had no report, but sfated hev,rould be afitending the.Houston-Galveston Area Gouncil Meeting tomarrow. ' Councilmember Kitten Brizendine wished everyone happy holidays, and to keep the Griffon's in their prayers with the loss of fheir mofher. Mayor Whitaker wished everyone a Merry Christmas and hoped everyone would celebrate the true meaning of Ch ristmas. COMMUNIGATtONS �RQM THF PUBLIC . No one spoke. G[TY MA�IAGER'S REPORT TI�e City itiiana�er 5ad no �epo;L �zr���a2 ��6� AGTiON ITE�Ii "°`Gouncilmember Measeles moved to approve acfion authorizing parEicipation in ajoint mobiflty studyfor the entire FM 518 corridor, with fhe Ci�y's cost to be approxTmafe[y$�19,000 r'or 23 miles. Seconded by Councilmember Ericsson. The motion was approved 5-�,wifh GouncilmemberKitfen Brizendine aPPosed. RESOLUT10�iS **Councilmember Ki�[en Br�zendine moved to approve Resofution No:R2002-62,a Resolufion in recognition of Larry Taylot's dedicated setvice and significant achievements as a member of the Friendswood City Council and in being efec�ed to fhe Texas House of RepresentatiVes, District 24. Seconded by-Councilmember Ericsson. The motion was approved unanimously 6-0. Larry Taylor, newiy e(ected member otthe Texas House of Representatives received a standing ovation and stated I�e looks forward �o the honor of represenfing his constituents and the City of Friendswaod in Austin. . ORDIN.�4[�IG�S **Gouncilmember Kitten Brizendine moved�o approve Second and f�nal reading of Ordinance No. T2Q02-27, an Ordinance desigflating or providing for the redesignation of names of various streets vvithin fhe city limits. An Ordinance of the City of Friendswood,Texas providing for the renaming of a por�ion of Falcon Lake Drive to Overlook Drive; praviding various findings and provisions related to such change; and providing a severability clause. Seconded by Counciimember Km Brizendine: The motion was approved unanimously 6-0. ��Counci(mernber Ericsson moved to approve second and final reading ofi Ordinance No. T2002-28, an Ordinance imposing a fee fior excessive faIse burgiar and hofd up alarms. An Ordinance of fhe CiEy of Friendswood, Texas amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Friendswood, Texas, by adding ta Chapter 54 thereof a new Article V; providing ru[es and regulations governing fhe use and maintenance of Burglar and other alarm systems; providing forthe impnsition of fees for excessive fa{se alarms; providing far defini�ions; providing for severabifity; and repealing alLordinances incansistenf herewith. Seconded by Councilmember Kim Brizendine. Tne motion was appr�veu u;�anir�ously 5-C. *�Councilmember Kim Brizendine moved to approve first and final reading of Ordinance No. T2002-29, an Ordinance amending the City's GeneraE Budget for fiscal year 2002-2003. An Ordinance known as`Budget Amendment I[", amending Ciiy of Friendswooc�, Texas, Ordinance No. 2002-18, passed and approveci September 16,2002,and being an C�rdinance approving'and adopting the City's General Bu.dget far fscal yeai- 2002-2003; providing amendments ta such budget; and providing other matters,related to the subject. Seconc{ed by Counci(member Measeles, The rrrotion was approved unanimously 6-0. CONSE[�tT AGENDA "�`C�unci(member Kitten Brizendine moved �o approve the Consent Rgenda as presented. A. Payment of Capital Pro�ec�s — �. 2002 Sidewalk Projecf with payment in the amount of $`l6,380.00 to Smi�h Classic Construction for construction services. To date, 39 percent of the contrac� has been expended. 2. 2002 Asphalf 5treet Projectwith payment in the amounf of$59,370.36 to Silva Contracting Co., Inc.for construction services. To date, 86 percent of the contract has been expended_ 3. Surface Water Pump Station with }�aymenf in�he amount of$24,090.00 to Klofz Associates, Inc.,for engineering services_ Ta date, 87 percent af fhe contract has been expended. 4. Demoli�ion of Buy Out Properties with payment in the amount of $64,803.75�a A&R DemoIition,and payment in fhe amaunt of$64�803.75 to Basic Industries, lnc,, (pursuant to Jain� Check agreernent signed November 2'i, 2Q02) for dernolition services. To date, 72 percenf of the contract has been expended. Total paymenfs were �229,447.86. B. P,pprove Property Tax Report for 110VS1TlucC Ll`�UG. �. `��3}7i 13V8 iil� i:,ilj%t�0ui i�;i iVi�:ifil.J^. ;7;IC1'�:L°S�i nBC;Bf;�l4�cr'� 7C',�7, 5''cCO11q2C� b�f l>C7UIICI�IT1�Ti1f7el�1 ii.SSvll. -i iie iTlO�lOi i 4�i8S czp'�.`�iOV�u u�}'�u^iT;?�U��y E-�. ' �2/16/Q2 1967 A rr�oiior�tivas made and approved fo adjoum at 7;50 PM. �� � , - .�`r.����'� .�'L �� `Mayor Harold L. Whitaker A�tas�: S � �� D loris McKenzie, TR C " Cify Secrefary � I �