HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 2002-12-02 Regular 1�sa STATE OF TEXAS }( C(TY OF FRf�NDSWOOD )( . _ COUNTI�S OF GALVESTON/HARRIS )( DECEMBER 2, 2002 )( MINUTES OF A REGULAR M�ETING OF THE FRI�NDSWOOD CITY COUNC(L THAT WAS HELD ON MO(�DAY, DECEMBER 2,20a2,AT 5:30 PM AT FRIENDSWOOD CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS,910 S. FRIE�IdSWQ�D DRIVE, FRIENDSWOOD, TEXRS, WfTN THE FOLLOWING PR�S�NT CONSTITUTING A QUORUM: I�IAYOR HAROLD L. WHITAKER - MAYOR PRO TEM TRACY GOZA COUNCILMEMBER JERRY ERICS50�i COUNCILMEMBER KIM BRIZENDINE COUNCfLMEMBER SHAMN�N K(MMEL (Arr. at 5:40 PM} COUNGlLMEMBER MEL MEASELES C;i I Y%�l lORivcl' LVKCN sMITFi (P.rr. ,vt%_00 PI�{1) CITY MANAGER RON COX CITY SECRETARY DELORIS MCK�NZIE Councilmember Kitten 8rizenc{ine was absent from the meeting. Mayor Whitaker calied the meeting to order_ Discussion was held regarding streets in the City to be included in the February Bond Issue. Dan Johnson, Deputy D[rector of the Community Development Department, presented an overview of the Street Maintenance Program, a map and a spreadsheet which included infarmation on the overali ranking of streets, age, repairs, traffic, tra�#ic type, ciassification, and condition of the streets. Discussion continued regarding different proposed streets, traffic counts, street usage, and modification of w�2rIC'JS S�C°°��^.�^j°CfS. �±.":2S �h° CO^S°^S4.�5 Of.��0l:C?CI�f0 I"°-�00��� ��°CC.Bl.�O^r�j anr�j F21a�r,i�ha�nrl�cfraAtS. Council convened into Regular Session at 7:00 PM. The Invocation was given by Mr. Erik Emblem,Youth Minister, from First Saptist Church. � Mayor Whitaker led the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States and to the State of Texas. COMMUNlCATIONS FROM THE MAYORAND COUNCILMEMBERS Councifinember Ericsson repor�ed on attending the HoustonlGalveston Area Council Meeting during which finance and the audit was discussed. Gounci[member Goza had no report. Councilmember Kim Brizendine haci no report. Councilmember Kimmel had no repor�. Cour�ciimember Measeles repor�ed on attending the State of NASA Address, thanked Clear Lake Area Econamic Developman#Foundation for their represenfation, and hoped everyone had a nice Thanksgiving. M�yc�r Whit4k�r reminc�ed ev�ry�ne of th� tr�e ligh��ng at Brown Museum at 7:3Q PM tomorrow night; the 12/02102 �961 Ghamber of Cor�merce�s Lighted Chris�mas Parade tc be held on December'(4f�', and there wiIl�e no Councii Workshop held December 9`� buf there will be a regular Council Meeting held Decemher 16t�'. GflM9VftlNiCATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC Mr. Christopher Smith, 8fl5 Lochmoor Lane, appeared before Gauncil ta express his concerns regarding the Kingspark Whitehall subdivision swimming pool tha�is in his subdivision and the unfinished repairs left by a contractor, expressed concerns regarding fhe Cif�s inspection Department, scheduling inspections, and statad the Cify needs a better sys�em. COMM1lP�t1CAT10NS FROM COMMITTEES AND SPEGIAL REPORTS Mr.Jim Reinhartsen, President of the Clear Lake Area Economic Development Founda�ion, gave his Annual ReporE,which included information regarding recrui�ment,expansiQn-business assistance pragrams, retention, and regionalism. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT Mr. Cox reporfed on Clear Creek Consor�ium. The coalition of Pearland, Fr�endswood, Galveston County Consolidated Drainage District, and Brazoria County Drai�age District#4, me�recently�o reviewthe status of tf�e LiDAR animated mapping project Councif approved in August. This project will animate the�effects of hypothetical and histarical rainfall events on the Clear- Creek watershed flood plain. It will focus on specific segmen�s of Clear Creek and its trfbutaries in Pearland and �riendswaod—the most constricted part of the watershed. Upon completian, this presentation will provide detailed and graphic animation that will be helpful in educating people throughout the watershed, including the Clear LaKe area, about�he serious effects of f(ooding in ourarea. The project is expected to be completed in February 2003. Mr. Cox also reported on his visitwith Galveston County CommissionerKen C{arkto discuss issues in Friendswood thatthe Commissioner might help with including�he sta#us of the Sunset Drive recanstruc�ion project,which the Counf.y is funding,the Grand Parkway extension, which the County is funding a portion of the environmental assessment for, fhe senior pragram, Centennial Park, and other issues. Ac:Tiut� iTcM� '�*Councilmember Kim Brizendine moved to approve action authorizing the Mayor to execute a Professiona4 Services Contract for Phase 1 and II of the Main Street Enhancement P[an. Secanded by Councilmember Ericsson. The mo�ion was approved unanimously 6-0. . I RESOLUTI�NS "�Gouncilmember Measeles moved to approve Resolution No. R2002-59–A Reso(ufi�on supporting the Clear Creek Watershed Steering Commi�tee in requesting FEMA to update the"Fload insurance Rate Maps" and remapping in �or�Bend, Brazoria, and Galves#on Count+es. Seconded by Councilmembei-Ericsson. The mofion was approved unanimous[y 6-0. '��`Councilmember Kim Brizendine moved to approve Resolution No. R2002-60–A Resolutian of the City of Friendswood,Texas, caliing and ordering a Special Election to be held on February 1,2003,forthe purpose of hofding a Bond �lection to vote on four propositions for P�blic Safety Facilities, Drainage Irnprovements, Streets and.Thoroughfare Improvements and Improvements to Cenfennial Park;designafing the polling places and appainting election officials for such Special Election; providing fhe form af�he bafIot at such Specia[ �lection; directing the giving of notice ofi such Special Election; and containing ofher provisions relating fio the subject. Seconded by CounciIrriember Ericsson. The motion was approved unanimously 6-0. CounciimemQer uoza ie��tr�e C�uncii C`riair���rs ai ihis �i�i,e. t 'f 2102/02 , �962 OR.E3I�IAMGES . '�`Gounciimember Measeles movad to approve second and finaf r�ading of Ordinanca Na. T2�02-22, an Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Friendswood, Texas, ex�ending the Ci�y limits of said Gity ta inciude all of�he territory within certaPn limits ar�d boundaries and annexing to the City of Friendswood afl af the� territorywiEhin such[imits and boundaries; con�aining other provisions relating ta the subject; and providing a saving and severabiiity c(ause. Secanded by Counci{member Ericssan. The motion was approved 5-0, **Cauncilmember Kimmei maved to approve secand and final reading of Ordinance No. T2002-23, an Qrdinance providing for the Disannexation of a 61.53-acre tract of (and, more or fess, from the corporate boundaries of the City of Frienc}sv�rood,Texas; con�taining cerEain findings; and providing other matters related fo the subject. Seconded by Councilmember Ericsson. The mofion�rras approved �-0. '�*Councilmembar Kirri Brizendine moved �a approve second and final reading ofi Ordinance T20Q2-24, an Ordinance of the Gify of Friendswood,Texas; amending Ordinance No. 84-1�, as amended, same being the Zoning Ordinance of the City, by establishing the zoning cfassification of a certain 58.70 acre tract of land, more ar less, locafed off FM 528; imposing certain condifians; providing a penafty of an amount not to exceed $2,000 for each day of violation of any provision hereof; and.providing for severabiEity. Seconded by Councilmember Measeles. The motion was approved 5-0. - Councilmember Goza retumed to the Council Chambers afi this time. �`*Councifinember Goza moved to approve Ordinance Na. T2002-25,firs�and ffnal reading of an Ordinance known as 'BudgetAmendment lP', amending City of Friendswood, Texas, Ordinance No.2001-20, passed and approved September 17, 200�I, and being an Ordinance approving and adopting the City's General Budget for fiscal year 200'1-2002; pr.ovidiRg amendments to such budget; and providing other matters related to the subjecE. Seconded by Cauncilmember Ericsson. The motion was approved unanimously 6-0. '�'�Councilmember Ericsson moved to apprave Ordinance No.T2�t�2-2�i,tirs"t and Tinai reading oi an c�rdinance known as"BudgetAmendment I", amending City af Friendswood,Texas, Ordinance No.2Q02-18,passed and approved September 16,2002, and being an Ordinance approving and adopting the City's General Budgetfor fiscal year 2002-2003; providing amendments to such budget; and providing other matters relatecf to the subject. Seconded by Councilmember Goza. The motion was approved unanimousEy 6-0. **Gouncilmember Measeles moved to approve�rdinance No.T2002-27, first reading of an Ordinance of fhe City of�riendswood, Texas provid'mg for the renarning of a portion of Falcon Lake Drive fo Over[ook Drive; providing variaus findings and provisions related to such change; and providing a severabiiifij clause_ Seconded by Counciimember�ricsson. The mo�ion was appraved unanimously 6-Q. **Councilmember Kimmel moved to approve Ordinance No. T20Q2-28, first reading of an Ordinance of the City of Friendswood,Texas arnending the Code ofi Ordinances of the City of Friendswood,Texas, byadding to Chapter 54 thereof a new Article V; providing rules and regulafions governing the use and rnaintenance of Burglar and other alarm systems; providing for the impositian af fees for excessive fafse alarms; providing for defini�ions;�providing for severability; and repeafing all ordinances inconsistent herewifh. Seconded by Councilmember Kim Brizendine. The motion was approved unanimously 6-0. "*Councilmember Kim Brizendine moved to approve the ConsentAgenda as presented with the exception of (tem C. Approve Resofufion R2042-6�i, a Resolution of�he Ci�ty of Friendswood authorizing interventian in the �ei�ani Cnergy�e`taii Services, L.L.C. appiicaLian to increase f�r� price to beatfuei fac�oriii�� ai i�� �uC �f Texas, �ocke�#26933; autnarizing'tne joining witn other intervening cities to pro�ect municipai a�ia rat�p�y�� 12/02IO2 1963 interests; autharizing the hiring of af�orneys and consultants; and requiring reimbursement of�he ci�ies' rate making cosTS. A. Payment af Capital Projects— �. Surface UVaterTrunk Line with payrnent in the amount of _ �85,893.43 to Calco Contracting, lnc.for construetion services. To date, 86 percent of�he contract has been expended. Payment in the amount of$576.�0 to StQrk Sou�hGVes�em Laborator[es for testing services. To date, 32 percent of the cantracf has been expended. 2. Beamer Road Pump Stafion and Wa�erline wifh. payments in the amount af�905.50 and$83�.00 fo Stork Soufhwestem Lai�oratories for fesfing services. Tc date, 97 percent of the contract has been expended. Total paymenfs were$88,2�2.43. B. Dispaslfion of Bids —1. Bid �to,2002-D8: Storm Sewer repair—Saint Gloud @ Chigger Greek to l�addock Gonsfructian in the amount of$'(44;783. 2. Bid trIo, 2002-08: llnifarms, Suqpiies and Setvices for Public Wor€cs'to Admiral Linen & Uniform Company: 3: Bid No. 2D02-'[0: Purchase of 2002 In�emafional Dump Truck far Pubiic Works from A)vTn Equipment Gampany in the amount of$65,478 wi�h trade in af old equipment. 4. B[d No. 2402-'('1: Purchase of fwo 3/Ton Crew Trucks for Pub[ic Works in the amount ofi$48,496:66 with trade in of older vehicles from McCree Ford_ D. Approve Councii Meeting Minutes for November 11 and November 18, 2002. Seconded by Gouncifinember Goza. The motion was approved unanimously 6-Q. Councilmember Measeles left the Gouncil Ghambers at this time. *'�Councilmember Kimmel moved to approve Item C-Approve Resolu�ion R2002-6'f, a Resol�tion afthe City of Friendswood authorizing intervenfion in the Relianf Energy Retail Se�vices, L_L.C. appiication to increase the price fo beat fuel factor fi{ed at the PUC of Texas, Docket #26933; authorizing the joining v✓ith other intervening cities to protect municipal and rate payer interests; authorizing the hiring ofi attorneys and ; consultants; and requiring reimbursement of the cities' rate making costs. Seconded by Kim Brizendine. The motion was approved 5-0. Councilmember Measeles returned to the Council Ghambers at this time. A motion was made and approved to adjourn at 7:51 PM. � r / �2%>� ,�� ayor Harold L. Whitaker At�est: �L , De oris McKenzie, TR C City Secretary