HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 2002-11-18 Regular E .. . . . �... �. . . - . ' . � 1956 STA7E OF TEXAS � }( _ CiTY OF FRLENDSWOOD )( • ' � COUI�ITIES OF GALVESTON/HARR[5 �( NOV�MBER 18, 2002 }( MiNUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD GITY COUNC[L THAT WAS HELD ON 11IIONDAY, NOVENtB.ER'I8,2QD2 AT 5:00 PM AT�RI ENDSWOOD CITY HALL COUNGIL CHAMBERS, 91 a S. FRIENDSWOQD DRNE, FRIENDSWODD, TEXAS, WITH THE" FOLLQWING PRESENT �C��STiTUTI"dG�^vOR�M: MAYOR HAROLD L. WHiTAK�R � MAYOR PRO TEM TRACY GOZA - COUNCILMEMBER KITTEN BRIZENDINE COUNCILMEM$ER JERRY ERICSSON COUNCILMEMBER. SHANNON KIMMEL COUNCILMENIBER MEL MEASELES C1TY MANAGER RON COX CiTY SEGRETARY DELORIS MCKE[�ZiE : The City At�orney did not attend the meeting. _ Mayor Whitaker called fihe meeting to arder_ Cauncil convened into Execu�ive Session in accordance with the Texas Government Code, pursuant to Sectiop 551.074; f'ersonne[ Matters. , Counci[ re-convened into Regular Session,at 7:00 PM witf� action taken later in the rnee�ing. The in�ocation was given by Pastor David Ruzicka from Crossroads Community Church. Cub Scout Troop 442 fed the Pfedge of Allegiance to ttae United 5tates and to the State of Texas. COMMUN(GATIaNS FROM THE MAYOR AND COUt�CILMEMBERS , Counciimember Measeles repor�ed on attending the Galveston County Mayors and Councilmernbers meeting f November 'f 3t'' which was hosfed by Friendswood and held at the Village on tl�e Park and stated he � appreciated the hard work the staff did on organizing this event, repor�ed on attending the Prayer Breakfast ; last Saturday, reported on attending the Galveston County Consoltdated Drainage District meeting during which maintenance of detention ponds was discussed, attended the Bay Area Transpor�ation Meefing on November 15th,wifh planner from fhe Housfon/Gaiveston Area Counci4, received correspondence regarding � the Greafer Ho�iston/ForE Worth Transporta�ion Alfiance regarding an a�Eainment issues meefing on December 19�'and hopes someone attends, and wished everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. Councilmember Kimmel f�ad no reporE. Councilmember Km Brizending reporEed on atEending the Imperiai Gardens Homeowners Association rneeting lastweek with 30 aftending tQ discuss fhe buyout prape�fies, stated i�was a good.meefing�rifh a lot of�ransfer ofi information, and encouraged hameowners associatian ar any groups to confact him or the Cify Secretary's Of€ica, and.he will be happy to meet v✓iti� them, and reporEed on the Malnsfreet Task Force v,�eekfy meeting and stated there shau[d be a recorrimenda�ion from this group soon, stafied that �riendswood has a large volun�eer pool,of people, and repor�ed �hat one of fhose yoiunteers and past employee of Friendswood Independenf School District Pau(a McGee is fighting the big "C" and is losing �he battle, and everyone is asking for prayers for ner. Gouncilrnember Goza wis�ed Cauncilmernber Er[csson a Happy 4�th BirEtiday. II/18/02 � 1957 Gouncilrnember Ericsson regot�ed he wilf aitend Ehe Hous�on/Galvaston Area Cauncil(H-GAC)tomorrow,w1th finance and�[�e audit to be discussed. H/GAC was inuolved in the air qua[itjr issue,wi�h cars being determined not�o be poliutan�s, and the speed Iimit is now back fo.6b mp�. Gouncilmember Ki�Een Srizendfne a[so wished Councilmember Ericssori a Happy Birthday. Mayor Wh[taker had no report. �. ��NIMl1NIGA.?`[4�!S F??4N[T[-1� P�1�1_iG r Mr. John Cole, 401 Virginia, �appeared before Councif and asked qu�stions regarding various proposed ` � ordinance and asked about t�e Internafional Codes and the fines,fhe"no wake zone"ordinance and ttie fine, j who would de�errnine the[evel of water,ques�ioned the annexafion of 58.70 acres on FM 528,:q.ues�ioned the �: savings and severabiiity ciause, the city Iimits, disannexatian-of land and zaning of land and asked for an � explanation regarding the swapping of land, asked if anyone on CounciI wi11 gain a financial advantage, and asked Counci[ to elabarate on these questions. . � CITY MANAGER'S REPQRT City Manager Cox reported on the Main Street Irnplementa�ion Task �orce discharging Ets duties toward securing a consultant�a perform the Main Street Enhancement Plan funded by Council for the current fsscal year_ 5ix consuf�ing firms responded. Three firms were interviewed and a tentative recommenda�ion will be given to Councii at the December 2,2002 meeting. This project is very important to fihe overafl concept of#he � re-development of the Main Street area. It seeks to define an overall vision, with input from various stakeholders including fhe Council, business ownersloperators from the area, and citizens. ACT'!ON [TEMS . **Cou�cilmember Ericsson moved to approve a $5,000 salary increase to City Manager Cox for his outstanding contribution and seffiing the tone for city, and recognized City Manager Cax's accomplishmenfis. Seconded by Councilmember Measeles. The motion was.approved unanimousfy. **Councilmember Ktten Brizendine moved to approve ac�ion regarding the Contract for Engineering 5ervices " for the sewer service project in San Joaquin �states Subdivision. . Seconded by Councilmember Kim Brizendine. The motion was approved unanimousiy. , '�*Councilmember Kim Br�z�ndine moved to approve the appointmentslreappointments to Group B Boards, � Committees, and Cammissions_ Parks & Recreation Board —re-appointmen�of Janie Honeycutt, JoAnna Pericins and S�uart Wi[Iiams; 4th of July Steering Committee— re-appointmenf of Rick Agee, Renae Rives, --- DarrelI Fales and new appointment of Heafher McDonald; Community Appearance Board—reappointment of Kaye Corey; Senior Citizen Advisory Corr�miitee—reappointment of Ginger Spade,Jean Silderback, Frankie Santoro; and new appointment of Sharon Richardson and Ron Lewis. Seconded by Councilmember Goza. The motion was approved unanimously. ORD[i�tANCES *"Councl[member Kiiten Brizendine moved�o approve Second and final reading ofi Ordinance No.T20�2-�[9, � An Ordinar�ce amending the Code of Ordinances of the Cify of�riendswood, Texas, by deleting from Chapter 14 thereof alI of sectians '(4-26 and 14-27 and substitutfng fherefore new sections 14-26 and 14-27,by adding to Chapter 14 new sec�ions 14-28, 14-29 and 'i4-30, by deleting from Chapter 14 alf of sections 14-59 and'i4- 7'[ and substituting therefore a new sec#ion '14-71, by de[efing from Cf�ap�er 14 ff�e last sentence of secfian '(4-'[32, by adding a nev�sec�ion 14-173, by de[eting from Chapfer 14 all of secfions 14-192, 14-'I96, 14-'197, 'I4-232, 14-233, 14-256, and'14-2�'i anci subs{if;�fing theretere nev✓sections 14-1 U�, '[4-'f 96, '14-'!�7, '14-23Z, �4-233, �4-2v6, and 14-281,by adding to C.hapter 14 new sections 14-Z��, '14-�8�, 14-3b1, 1�--3�i2, and 14- 3fi3, by deleting from Ghapter 30 a1l of sectian 30-61 and substi�uting therefore a new section 30-61, and by . deIeting from Chapter 74 a([of section 74-53 and substi�uting there�ore a new secf[an 74-53;praviding forfhe 11J18/02 ' I958 adop�ion of Uniform Cons�rucfian Codes, inciuding fhe 2000 Ed�tions of the lnterRafional Buiiding Code, [n�errsational Piumbing Code, lnterna�ional Mechanieaf Code, fnterna�ional Fue] Gas �Code, [n#emational Energy Conserva�ion Code,Infemation�i Properiy l�iaintenance Code, Interna�ional Residenf�al Code for one and two fami[y dwe[iings, and fhe fn#ernational Fire Code, each as published by fhe infernational Code Council, an�l NFPA 70 Na�ional Electricaf Code, 1999 Ec3i�ion, and the 2000 Edi�ion of the Life Safety Code, as pubiished by t�e Na�ional Fire Profiect�on Association; providing certain amendments to the Codes adop�ed • E�ereby;providing ot�er maftars relating to f�e subject, providing a penal�y of an amountnot to exceed$2;000 for each day of violation of any provision hereof; and providing for se�rerabilifiy. � Secor?dP� �y C��i�!cil�„em�Pr Ericsson. TF,a .r?-�ofion vvas approved unanimouslv. '��`Councilmemb�r Jerry Ericsson moved to,approve Second and final reading af Ordinance T2402-20, An Ordinance amending the Gade of Ordinances of�he Ciiy of Friendswoad, Texas, by adding to Article III af Chapter 74 thereof a new section 74-'�05; providing Ruies and Regulations governing the use af Motor Vehicles and Baats on, along, and'upon fiooded streets; providing it uniawfuf ta operate a motor vehicle or boat along ar upon a f[ooded street in such a manner as to create a wake which raises water ta Ieveis which cause or would be reasonably expected to cause darr�age to adjacent properties; providing a penalfy in an amount notto exceed$2,000 for each day of violafion of any provision hereof;repealing all ordinance or parts of ordinances in conflict with�his ordinance; providing a savings clause; and providing far severability. Seconded by Councilmember Goza: The motian was approved unan[mously. - *�`Councilmember Goza moved�o approve Second and fina[reading of Orciinance T2002-21,An Ordinance of the City of Friendswood, Texas estab[ishing a Temporary Moratorium against fihe location and operafion of Amusement Devices, otherwise Known as eight-liner machines,in the Gity af Friendswood;providing a penafty � in an arnount not to exceed $2,000 per day; and providing for severabiiity. Seconded by'Councilmember Kiften Brizendine. The tnofion was approved unanimous�y. Councitmember Goza left the.Council Chambers at this time. . �`�Councilmember Kim Brizendine moved to approve the First reading of Ordinance No. T2002-22, an Ordinance of the Ci�y Council of the City of Friendswood, Texas, extending the City fimits af said City to indude all of the territory within certain limi�s and boundaries and annexing to fhe City of�riendswaod all of the territorywithin such limits and boundaries; containing other provisions raiating ta che subject;and praviaing a saving and severability cEause. � Secanded by Counciimember Mel Measefes. The motion was approved 6-0. *"Councilmember KimmeI moved to approve fihe First reading of Ordinance No. T2002-23, an Ordinance providing for the Disannexation of a 61.53-acre tract of land, more or less,from the corporate boundaries af the Gi�y of Friendswaod,Texas; cantaining certain findings; and providing other matters related to the subject. Seconded by Councilmember Ericsson. The motion was approved 6-0. **Cauncilmerriber Msaseles rnoved to approve the First reading af Ordinance T2002-24,,an ordinance of the City of Friendswood,Texas,amending Ordinance Na. 84-1�,as amended,same being fhe Zoning Ordinance of the City, by esfab(ishing the�oning c{assifica�ion of a certain 58.70 acre�ract of land, more or less, located ofF�M 528;"imposing certain conditions; prov�ding a penalty of an amount not to exceed$2,000 for each day of violation of any provision,hereof; and providing for severability. Seconded by Councilmember KimmeL The motion was appraved 6-0. ` CouncilmeEnber Goza retumed�o the Council Chambers a�fhis time. Counc[(member Kit�en Br7zendine moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. A. Payrnetit of � Capital Projects— 1. Starm Water N[anagement Project with payment in the amoun�af$1,207.50 to 5CL Engineering for professional services. To date, seven percent of fhe contrac�has been expended. 2. 20Q2 Asphait �ireet Program ��im payment in fhe amau�f oi �2i8,'(3o.2u i� Si;va Con�,aci;n� �o., inc_ far consfruction services_ To date, 76 percent o� ti�e cc�r��facfi I�ias bee�� �zpeilueu. 3. BiaCr.il^aVVk �ro�n� S�orage TanK Construc�ion w�fih payment in�he amou.n�ot$8,478.75 fo Gu[f States Protective Caatings, InG. tor constructsan services. To date,71 percent of�he contract has been expended. �. Boos�er Pump Station � li/ 1.8 /02 • I959 Repiacementwi�h paymen�in fhe amount of$34,2Q0.00�o T&C Construc�ion, Ltd.for con�iruction services. To date, 92 percent of tf�e contract has been expended. B. '1. Resolutian R2002-56,waiv�ng f�nding for tF�e Juvenile Accoun�abiiity Incenfive Bfock Grant and designafing Gaiveston Counfy as the rec�pienf. 2. Resoiu�ion R2002-v7, to approve adop�ion of the Ci�jr of Friendswood Ffiancial Manageme.nt Policy. 3. Resolu��on R2t}a2-58, to apprave mu�uaf aid agreement with C1ear Lake Council of Cities for Emergency Managert�ent. C. Approve agreement with City of Nousfon far Iaboratory services on biolog[cai specimens submif�ed for tes�ing.to HDHHS. D. Approve renevval of contract with Galvesfon Gounty Nealfh District far Water Polfufion Gonfraf and Aha�ement services. E. Approve Banner Permit Appiica�ion for Crossroads r- �,.,�� c .-�, -r„ o � +„�,.,.- n �h r�- -i nn t• M� 'fes L.01Tiill'u'fii�y�t iui t.i1. i . Qi��ci��! i aX i�cl:iGl i tCi�G���ct �v��. �'7: �ij�'f7�.CvE u ic v{t'�C^vuilGi��vi28uiit^� � ilTll,i� for Octaber 2'[ and l�ovember 4, 2002. � � Seconded by Councilmember Measeles. The mofiion was approved unan�mously. � A mation�vas made and approved to adjoum at 7;39 PM. . � . arold L_ 1Nhifaker - At�est: f � - � R De aris McKenzie, TR City Secretary � , ' . �