HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 2002-11-11 Special �� 1954 STATE OF T�XAS )( C[TY OF FRIENDSWOOD )( . GOUNTIES OF GALVESTON/HARRiS }( '. • NOVEMBER 1�'�, 2002 )( '. MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETtNG OF THE FRfENDSWC30D C1TY COUt�CIL THAT WAS NELD ON MONDAY,iJOVEMBER't'I,20Q2 AT 6:30 PM AT FRIEND�WOOb GITY F-IALL, COUNG[L CHAMBERS,9�0 S. FRIENDSWOC7D pRIVE, FRIENDSWOOD,TEXAS, WITH TH� FOLLOW[NG PRESENT CONSTITUTING A QUORUM; `' MAYOR HAROLD L. WHITAKER � _ MAYOR PRO TEM TRACY GO�A COUNGI�LMEMBER KITTEN BRIZENDINE — � COUNCILM�MBER KfM BRIZENDWE � ' � COUNCILMEMBER SHA�INON KiMMEL GOUNCGLMEMBER MEL MEAS�LES � AG I iIV{� �I i Y IVIAIVAC�ER CI-If�.� ti�B VVICNCKS C[TY SECRE7ARY DELORIS MCKEf�ZIE �• Nlayor Whifiaker called the meeting to order and reported the city manager is out due to a death in the family. DiscussiQn was held regarding. the Water and Sewer Capifal�{mprovement Plan. Director of Community - Deuelapment/Public WorKs Mike Hodge presented an:overview of the Plan and objecfives for discussion inciuding setting priorities for wafer and sewer projects fo�the next five and ten years,Water and Sev�er Revenue Bonds, ` and lnfiltration and Inflow issues. Capital Projects Coordinator Skipper Jones gave a power point presentafiion � which inciuded affirming fhe priorities set for the Utility Fund Bond, origins of fhe process, major influence factors, the originaf projecfi prior�iza�ion,.changes since the drafE CIP was proposed, and s�taff recommendafions. Discussion continued regarding availability of reuenue bonds;prioritization, excess funds, a fime frame to spend 1999 fund proceeds, spending on water and sewer, lnfiltratian and [nflow, iift stafiions, fifE stations, emergency ii,iil�s' dvaiia�ie i0i �CV1%ci �ivuicii"iS, vJiiai CviiStl�i.i�e� ar, eme��E�iC�, i2f.^.'�l�l^� 2Ru iLCOnf}yutriny �y�ry ��d repairing Iines, water c�nversian, prablems in Wedgewood Subdivision, grmder pumps in San Joaquin Subdivision, the transfer of funds from the General Fund fo bonds, the Poliy Ranch line; the line replacement in San Joac{uin,fire hydrants,water pressure issue,substandard streets;Sun Meadow lift station,the flowofTower Estates and Windsor Estates, im�pacfi fees and water and sewer fees, previous projects, the focus of this year, and avai(ability of federal funds. If was the consensus of Council to have staff bring a recommendation back regarding funding.capabilifies for the revised CI P. — Discussion was held regarding the Draf�Financial Management Policy. DirectorofAdminis�rative Services Roger Roecker presented Council with a draft�of fhe F�nancia! Management Poiicy Statement and covered ifs major points during a povJer point presenfation. The presenfation included fhe foilowing financial objecfives: revenues, � expendit[ares, fund balancelretained eamings, capital expenditures a.nd improvements, deb� rnanagemenf, investments, intergovernmentaf relafions,grants,economic development,fisca(rrtonitoring,accouniing,auditing and financial reporfing,Y internal confirof, risK rnanagemenf and budget. Discussion continued regarding the proposed policy, operating funds, tI�e Iimif fhe Ci�y Manager has in aufl�orizing payments, the capitaiizafion threshofd for capita[assets; affordabifify targets, the pur�ose of the po(icy which ir�cludes guidance for planning and direcfing the city's daiiy financial affairs, fhe proper�y tax revenue statement, and sales tax revenua_ lt was . racommended that Council adopt fhe proposed p�iicy as fhe November 18,2002 mee�ing with Council concurring and sfa�ing ti�e policy can always be changed, Discussion v,ras heid regardi3�g the FaIse Alarm Ordinance_ CY�ief of Poiice Bab Wieners gave a_power poinf N;2S����afl0^ ;'°��;':�;�t� i�'i° r:��OS2� Oi�ill�iiCe. I�CI?;'�E� ii? ��?E (�F'ccB:?fafi0�? VU`,5 ~?:k�'OUn� inf�rm�TiOn i'2��i��^� f��S° Ql�rmc jnfprmB�IG',n, rr��arr�!!?�ff-�Q n��tir� nf fi�l� rr�hlam iP. O�T CQmtt'tilt�[fi�7� SL1!f���E? QptlO(1S fQ� _ review, and developing a-consensus on addressing the problem, Chapter 2'f 8 0�the Texas Local Government Code which provides guidance for reguiafing burglar alarms and permit�ing and penalfies, the problem in � Friendswood regarding false �alarms and costs, fiie problem in adjac�nt communifies, o�fions, and a recommenda�ian v✓hich inciuded`a penalty fee, permitting for alarms, and fhe hiring o�F an addiiional err}ployee as a€arm adrninistrafor. Chief Wieners s�afed tha�he hoped#o have the proposed�rdinance readyfor Council by�he -11I11/o2 - '. 1955 December meeting. Discussion cont�nued regarding educafing the pubiic,al�rm service billing,faulfy equipment, eitafions,and cammunicating informafion to t�e ci�izens in�he ne�r✓spaper and newsle�er. Itwas�he consensus of CaunciI to prepare fire and burglar ord"[nances; a fee structure, and have the burglar ardinance ready by the December meeting and the fire aiarm ordinance read.y by fhe first of tha year. The mee�ing acijourned at 8:20 PM, �G�� � _ �-Mayar Harofd L. Whifaker , . Attest; . c . . .� -- Deloris McKenzie, T MC � � �i�y S�c�etary . `