HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 2002-11-04 Regular . - , 1949 STATE O�'TEXAS }( CiTY OF FRIENDSWOOD )( C�UNTIES OF GALVESTON/HARRIS }( NOVEMBER 4, 2002 }( MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETiNG OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL THAT WA5 HELD ON M�NDAY, NOVEMBER 4,2002 AT 6:00 PM AT FR(ENDSWOOD CiTY HALL COUNC[L'GHAMBERS,910 S. FRIENDSWQOD DRIVE, FR[ENDSWOOD, TEXAS; WITH TFfE FOLLOWfNG PRESENT CONSTITUTING A QUORUM: MAYOR HAROLD L WHITAKER . MAYOR PRO TEM TRACY GOZA ' COUNCILMEMBER KITTEN BRIZENDINE � COUNCILMEMBER JERRY ERICSSON COUNGILMEMBER SHANNON KIMMEL COUNCILMEf�IIB.ER MEL MEASELES C!�?Y ATTOR^.EY .lnHl� G�!�ON CITYATTORNEY LOREN SMITH � CITY MANAGER RON COX CITY SECRETARY DEL�RIS MCKENZIE � Councilmember Kim Brizendine was absent from the meeting_ � Mayor Whifiaker called the meeting to arder. EXEGUTNE SESSION Council convened.infio Execu�ive Session m accordance with the Texas Government Code, pursuant to Section 551.071; Consulfation with Attorney concerning pending or contemplated litigation. A gh�rF h�aak�yac t�kan at thig tjr�e. Council re-convened infio Regular Session af 7:00 PM. � The tnvocation was given by Pastor Qan Liaisa from Calvary ChapeL Mayor Whitaker Eed the Pledge of AI(egiance to the United States and to the State of Texas Councilmember Goza left the Councif Chambers at this time. JOiNT DOGKETED PUBL[C HEARING Mayor Whitaker and Chair of the Planning and Zoning Commission Bob Bertrand cafled a Joint Docketed Public Hearing to order to receive comments fram the �ublic, either oral or wriften, regarding the Zoning designation for 58.70 acres of land known as�Ehe CDC Tract of land located off FM 528 to the North Eastern City Limi�s in Harris Counfy,Texas with approximately'S 6 acres{the first 750 feet)off FM 528 to be zoned Shopping Center(CSC) and the remainder being approximately of the acreage to be zoned Business Park Economic Development Coordinator Karen Capps provided a recap of the project zone and discussed ecanomic development with the zoning as proposed and explained that CDG has contiguous property of over �� ��r�s =�z;rentiv��reC S;;,gi� Fa�r,iiy Residensial �hat they�plan to rezone for busine�s p�rpcses. No one spoke. II/4j02 � 1950 Hearing no further comments, the Joint Docketed PubEic Nearing was closed. Councilmember Goza returned to the Council Chambers af this time_ COMMUNICATiQNS FROM THE MAYOR AND C011NCILMEMBERS Councilmember Measeles reminded everyone to vote,thaf itvitally important and urged everyone to vote for fhe candidate of�choice. � Counciimember Kimmei haa no reporE. Councilmember Goza had no report. � Councilmember Ericsson repar�ed on participation with the Clear Lake Area Economic Development Foundation in the Aviation and Aerospace Conference that washeld in Houston recently, and that ` Friendswood's parEicipation there shoufd be beneficial to the area, repQrted thatthe Governorannounced'�hat the speed fimi�s were being raised to 65 mph, and stated the Housto.n/Galves�on Area Council was acfively !C1V�JIV�''� !^ y^e�ln� 1-�Q c�AAG� �:I?;I�S f�l8°�. Councilmember Kiften Brizendine repor�ed that her daughter Heather was married last weekend and she is offiicia(ly a mother-in-law.. � COMMUNICATIONS Fi�OM THE FUBLIC ' Mr. Don Beeth, 5303 Whittier 0aks, appeared before Council regarding the proposed"na wake"ordinance, spoke in favor of the ordinanca, stated not much can be done with flooding from the creek,the probfem is with sheet flooding, places where flooding happens is well known, and sfated the city should prepare in advance and barricade these areas and stated the flooding situation can be handled with policy changes. Mr. Fred Krch, 209 Dawr�, appeared before Gauncil to express his concerns with flood control, stated he has written numerous letters smce 1985 and nothing is being done about flooding, stated he calfed the City Manager's office r�garding barricades during flaociing, and wa� to►.d th�t it wili �ie h���l�ri, �t�tPr� hP vvn��i� appreciate it if the City Manager says he is going to do something, to do it, sta�ed he did not appreciate Council nof being avaifable, with the exception of Councilmember Goza, during this last emergency_ Mr. Randy Weisinger,208 W. Shadowbend, appeared before Gouncil,and stated he has spoken with the City Manager numerous times„and expressed coneerns regarding sidewalks, flooding, street repairs, money i wasted, fhe purchase of the SporEspark, and the bond issue for February. ; Mr. Bill Essel, 206 Shadowbend, appeared before Councif, and discussed the increased traffic flow on his street, discussed the storm sewer issues, stated �he street should have been done in concrete, that putting blacktop an the street actually added to the probiem,with the City Manager responding that he is aware af the problem. - Ms. Liane Pell, a resident of Wedgewood VilEage Subdivision,appeared before Counci!to discuss a recurring problem she has had with sewer water backing up into lower-story bafhroom during heavy rain events. Ms. Pell addressed her concerns including fhe sewage problem is an environmentaf issue, and stated federal funding is availabie for environmental issues, sfated sF�e has spoken to PubIic Works and they are pfacing a manual vafve in the yard, discussed drainage, the bond election.and other sewer prob[ems in the City. Mike Hodge, Direcfor of Pubtic Works and Comri-�unity Devefopment met witfi Ms. Pell and Public Works Division , crews will install a"flapper valve"and a full cu�off valve in the service line at this location to prevent bac{cflows in these conditions_ Discussion continued regarding prablems�n�his area,an.d a contract nearthis location for repairs to sewer lines to prevent this inflow and infiltration(I&I)of s�arm�nrater info the can�ta.ry_ sewer s_y�tems. Ms. Pe(I also stated fhaf the manual valve wilf not work if she is not home wfien it rains ta tum oif the valve, stated she has iwo eight montI�oid babies that cannot crawl on fhe floor because af this hazard, stated there is a probiem with infiltrafian infa the sewer system, residents cannot enjoy the ba11 parks or play in the parks if � 11J4(02 1951 the drainage is not repaired, stated she knows there is a problem with the design of the horne but cannot afford to move. . CONIMUNICATIOhIS FROM GOMMITTEES AND SPECIAL REPORTS Presidenf of the Friendswood CFtamber of Commerce Garol Jones appeared before council and introduced the rnembers or the Cl�amber Board of Directors fhat were present and presented �he Ghamber`s Annual ReporE #hat inciuded services such as Referral ServiceslNewcomers Packets, Gity Events/Services, Community and Economic Development, Cify of Friendswood Maps, the Internet Link, and announced the Chamber is bui[d�ng a new facility on FM 518 adjacent to Stevenson ParK. GITY MANAGER'S REPORT Mr. Cox reported on the Leadersi�ip Friendswood Class and intr�duced members af this class fhat is sponsored by the Friendswood Chamber of Commerce, and reported that bofh he, and Director of Administrative Services Roger aoecker,serve on the advisory committee forthis program. This program will allow those inferested in the leadership of the community an opportunity to receive first-hand knawledge of wna� is napp�ning, and how tnings i�ork. 1,9r: Cc�x�i�o re�r�ried o� i�� insiaiiatiori c�l video �amera� anc� mobile'date computers for pateal vehicles. The city made appfication for 16 new cameras through a state grant program, and was recently funded for nine of those cameras with no cost to the city: The installation of Panasonic CF-28 TougF�books is under way as Phase 2 of a three-phase project. The first phase was a testing period in cooperation witE�Harris County. Grant appficafions were sought and not funded. The seeond phase wi11 cost$120,000 and includes the purchase and installation of 16 laptop computers, with modems installed in the city's patrol vehicles. The installation of software and hardware will be with the cooperation of Harris County, and they will pravide the mechanism ta the database necessary for the proper use of fhe equipment. The third phase is the integratian of this system with ti�e CompuferAided Dispatch(CAD)system currently utifized. ACTtON 1TEMS *'�Councilmember Kitten Brizendine moved to approve action regarding a request from the Friendswood \/pi�intn"ar���'A I1P��!{IY1Pi�l�F t(�l f�inri a F;ra Trainjn{�t �iairi Ilaciyn �tt�ri�at�i�-a�fati�n jt'�, Seconded by Counci[member Ericsson. The mofion was approved unanimously. **Councilmember Goza moved to approve action regarding a request from fhe Friendswood Volunteer Fire Department to fund a to fund repairs fio fhe Bum Training Building lacated at Fire Sfation#2. Seconded by Councilmember Measeies. The motion was approved unanimously. �`*Councilmember Kitten Brizendine moved to approve action regarding Change Order #1 to Calco Con�racting, Inc. for the 24"waterline along FM 2351 with some negotiafioa to be cQmp}eted. Seconded Councifinember Goza. The motian was approved unanimously. RESOLUTION *�`Councilmember Measeles moved to approve Resalution No. R2002-56;A Reso(ution adapting a Revised Design Criteria Manual containing Subdivision Improvement Standards for aI1 development within the City of Friendswood, Texas, pursuant to authority contained in Appendix B, Subdivision Ordinance, of the Code of The City o� Friendswood, Texas, and Chapter 212 of the Texas Local Government Code, and Resalution R2000-04. Seconcied by Counci(member Kimmel. '�*'�Councilmember Goza moved fo table Resolution R2Q02-56. �ec�r?r_l�c1 �y��,�n�ilr;-;etr'�e�!S;t�en Srizen�ine_ The mot;an �,rra� approi,�ed :.�7animausly- 11/4/02 . � 1952 ORDIh1ANCES �*Councilrnember Goza moved to approve,with amendments,the Firstreading of Ordinance No.T2002-19, an Ordii�ance amending the Gode of Ordinances of the City of Friendswood,Texas, by deleting from Chapte� '14�hereof all of sections 1A�-26 and 14-27 and subsfitufiing fherefore newsectians'[4-26 and 14-27, by adding to Chapter 14 new sections 14-28, 14-29 and 14-30, by deletmg from Chapter 14 alf af sections 14-59 and 14- 71 and substitufing therefo.re a new sectton 14-71, by delefiing from Ghapfer 14 fhe last sentence of section 14-132, by add[ng a new section 14-173, by deleting frorr�Chapter 14 all of sections'14-192, 44-196, 14-197, 'i4-232, 14-233, '{4-256,and 14-28'f and substitufing therefore newsec�ians 14-192, 14-196, 14-197, 14-232., �4-233, 14-�56; and 14-28'I, by adding fa Chap�er 14 new sectians 14-257, 14-282, �4-361,14-362,and 14- 363, by deleting from Chapter 30 all of sectian 30-6'1 and subsfiituting therefare a new section 30-61,and by deleting frorri-Chapter74 all of section 74-53 and sut�stituting therefore a,newsection 74-53;,providing forthe adoption of Uniform Construction Codes, includirtg the 200Q Editions of fihe International Buifding Cocie, Infernational Plumbing Code, international Mechanical' Code, Ir�ternational Fuel Gas Code, lnternationaf Ene�gy Conservation Gode, Infernational Property Malntenance Code,Infiernationa(Residential Gode for ane and'iwo family dwellings, and tf�e Intematiana! Fire Code, each as published by the Internafionai Gode Co�nc�l, a�� �F�'�70 �lational �le�t�i�sl GcUe, 189� E�i�;�r�, a� �u��is i�� by tti� ivaii��iai Fire Protecfian Association; providing certafn amendrnenfs to the Cades adopted h�reby; providir�g otlier matters relating to the subject, providing a penalfy of an amaunt notto exceed$2;000 for each day of vialation of any p�ovision hereofi; and providing forseverability. Seconcied by Councilmember Kitfen Brizendine. The mofion was approved unanimously. _ **Councilmember Ericsson moved to approve the First reading of Ordinance T2002-2Q, an Ordinance amending hre Code of Ordinances of the City of Friendswood, Texas, by adding to Articfe I!f of Chapter 74 thereof a new section 74-105; providing Rules and Regulations governing the use of Motor Vehicles and Boats on, along, and upon flooded streefis; providing it unlawful to operate a motar vehicle or boat aiong or upon a flooded street in such a manner as to creafe a wake which raises water to levels which cause or would be � reasonably expected to cause damage to adjacent properties; providing a penalty in an amount not to exceed $2,OQ0 for each day of violation of any p�ovision hereof; repealing alf ordinance or par�s of ordinances in confiict with this ordinance; providing a savings clause; and providing for severability. Sprnnr,io�j f��i �nwin�;�lmr�mhcr l�j�tgn Rr1Z°l:�.i�°. T�° mnt1L^.il .'L'2`S 2Nf,i�`3V�� u��2.iiliii^vu5iy. �`*Councilmember Kiften Brizend[ne moved to approve the First reading of Ordinance�72002-21�an Ordinance of the Gity of Friendswood,Texas establishing a Temporary,Moratorium against the locafion and operation of Amusement Devices, otherwise known�s eight-f�ner machines,in the City of Friendswood; providing a penalty in an amount not to exceed,$2,000 per day; and praviding for severabi(ity. i Seconded by.Councilmember Goza. The mo#ion was approved unanimousEy. GONSENT AGENDA � *'�Councilmember Kimmel moved to approve the ConsentAgenda as presented with the exception of Item D — Approve Resolution 2002-55, a Resolution adopfing Rules of Procedure for the Planning and Zoning Cammission of the City af Friendswood,Texas, pursuant to authority contained in Sectiin 2-3 of the Code of the Gity of Friendswood Texas; and repealing Resolution No. R99-16. A. Payment of Capital Projects— 1. Derr�ofi�ion of hMGP Suyout properties witl� payment in the amount af$163,020.Od to A& R Demolition, Inc. To date, 59 percent of the contract has been expended. B. Approve renewal of contract wi�h Friendswood Chamber o•,f Commerce. C. Accepf the streets, drainage, and utififies in Cowards Creek Grossing for the contracxtor's one-year maintenance period. E. Approve the Joint UseAgreementwith FISD forthe Iighting at the Tennis Caurt. F. Approve Banner Permit Appfication for Friendswood Little League for registration. G. Approve tha Cauncil Meefing minufes ofi October 14, 2Q02. Seconded by Cauncilmember Kiften Brizendine. The motion was approved unanimously. ��Cn��nci(mamhar CL�e rpn�r�rt fin annrn�i�Itam Tl Cf fl-�rv(��^c°^t.l�ncnG{�—� ��£�'V�°RB�C�U�O���u�-Jr�3,3 rr.... �.,�� '�.?p., resolu�ion of the City of Friendswood adapting the revised Planning and Zoning Commision Rules of Procedure. 11/4/02 . 1953 � Secanded by Councilmember Measeles. The motian was approved unanimously. A rnotion was made and approved to adjourn at 8:23 PM. yor Narold L: Whitaker De �is McKenzie, TRMG Gity Secretary