HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 2002-10-14 Special, Public Hearing ' 1943 �TATE OF TEXAS )( GITY bF FR(ENQSVifOOD }( COUI�TlES OF GALVESTON/HARRIS )( � . OCTOBER 14, 2002 }( MfNUTES OF,A SPECIAL ME�TING QF THE FRIENDSWOOD GITY COUNCIL THAT WAS H�LD Ot� MONQAY, OCTQBER 14,2002:AT 6:30 PM AT FR[ENDSWOOD CITY HALL, COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 9�0 S. FRlEI�DSW�OQ DR1VE, FRIENDSWOOD,3EXAS, WITH THE FOLLOWING PRESENT CONST[TUTING A QUORUM: MAYOR HAROLD L WHITAKER MAYOR PRO TEM TRACY GOZA COUNCILMEMBER K[TTEN BRIZENDINE COlfNC1LMEMBER JERRY ERICSSON COUNCILMEMBER KIM BR[ZENDINE COUNCfLMEMBER SHANNOt� KIMMEL COUNCILME[V1BER MEL MEASELES C{Tl'�v1�N��ER R�N COX CfTY SECRETARY DELORIS MCKENZIE ° Mayor Whitaker cal{ed the meeting fo order. � Councilmember Goza feft the Council Chambers at this time. " PUBLIC HEAR[NG Mayor Whitaker called a Public Hearing to order to receive comments from the public either oral or written, regarding the AnnexatBon ofi approximately 58.70 acres of land located off of FM 528 in Harris County,Texas and knawn as the"CDC' tract of fand. � Mayor W�itaker called a Public Hearing to order to receive comments from the public either oral or written, i`�cy^QiCiiil��iS�i.[:2Xc'��'..f.^�.^.^f 3Nh^.f^X�^lr��°�y��.rJ�c`3C�ES Of I�nul IiJr�for�1^ff�u�I�rA�Rn�la�iarr�f- in �-IarriS('ni i�t�� Texas and knawn as the"Holmes"tract of land. � Ms. Evelyn Riewman appeared before Council and asked where the property is located with Mayor Whitaker explaining it is about 800 feet long and 75�feet deep along FM 528. Ms. Newman asked for an explanation of the beneft to the City for the[and exchange with Mayor Wh€taker responding the land to be disannexed is zoned Single Family Residential and the property that the city is proposing to annex is to. be rezoned Community Shoppkng Cenfer and Business.Fark, discussed the adjecent properLy along FN[528,.the benef.it fio the Citywil!be an addifiona[ commercial property for economic development purposes and should be a boost to the City of Friendswood's plan. Stuart'William appeared before Cauncii asked if the property on FM 528 is adjacent to the City fimits with Mayor Whitaker advising yes, it is. Mr. John Gole appeared before Cauncil and asked what the fair market value of the properties are and the potential for the �M 528 properties and why the difference in acreage in tfie two swaps with Mayor Whitaker expiaining:Ehat the value of fhe iwo properties is almost equal, both properties have been on the tax rolfs as agriculture property and have had.an AG Exemption,and in the Mayor's opinio�, due ta the focation,the FM 528 property wi[I be at a higher value. Mr. Cole stated fhat the Singie Family Residentia(is usualiy valued less and the property on FM 528 shoufd be more valuab(e if it becomes commercia(with Mayor Whitaker stafing this is carrect. �c�Cin� nn fiirtF�r��^-im�nt�, fh�? PLhI;G ���;t;l�V'��5 :���5°�. C�uncifinember Goza retumed.to fhe Council Chambers at this time. Qiscussion was not heid with�he Parks&Recreafion Board regarding using 1776 Park as VVild[ifie Re#�abiiitation and Education Center as the proposer of the Wildliie Rehabilitation and Education Centerwithdrew interest and 10 / 14/02 ' 194� did not attend. Discussion was held with Fiaiff&Associates regarding the Draft Hazard N(itigation Pian. Deputy Director Dan Johnson of Community Development presented an overview regarding the praject and the purpose, Ms. Carrie � Furiong, representing Nalff & Associates, gave a•presentafion regarding the Grant Program, presen�ed information regarding the Mitigation Plan,the legal basis for planning,the City's organizatiot�fo prepare the plan, the Mitigafion PEanning Committee and members, fhe Floadplain Management Quesfionnaire;coordinafing v�ith outside organiza�Eions, assessing the hazard, assessing the prob{em, goals and activities, future actions, and adopfion and implemenEation of fF�e Mitigation Plan. Discussion was held with the Planning and Zoning Commission regarding amendments to the Subdivision Ordinance for fhe Master Planned Deve(opments. Members of the Planning and Zoning Commission in attendance were Chair Bob Bertrand,and Commissioners Tom Burke, Zekie McVeigh, and Niels Aal�nd. Chair � Bertrand led the discussion regarding fhe concept of Master Plans. Discussian continued regarding conceptual ?. plans, zoning changes, PUD'.s, changes to a Master Plan, expediting the develapment process, densi�ies, the ' Specific Use Permit, and the current Subdivision Ordinance. Councilmember Kimmel lef�the dais at this time_ Discussion was heid regarding proposed amendment to the�esign Crite�ia Manual. Mayor Whitaker expfained the process, the conflict in the Design Criteria Manual, and that it was physically impossible to work for a project being proposed by Counci(member Kimmel and Mr.Tom Offenburger. Discussion continued regarding problems with consistency, the variance process, cost effectiveness, residential driveways, safety limits, design of driveways, It was the concensus to have staff bring back revision on November 4t�'with a query to other cities. Qiscussion confinued regarding whetherto draw up an ordinance or resolufion, definitions,traffic study procedure, site plan review, building permits, and a possible abbreviated traffic study for minor streets. " Councilmember Kimmel returned to the dais at tf�is time. A motion was made and approved to adjourn at 8:44 PM. ��- � �� . �,�, Mayor Harold L. Whitaker ATTEST: t � ' �T �� 1 De oris McKenzie, RMC' City Secretary