HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 2002-10-07 Regular . I940 STATE OF TE)CAS �( CITY Ot= FRIENDSWOOD )( . COUNTIES OF GALVESTON/HARRIS )( OCTOBER 7, 2002 )( MINIlTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD C[TY COUNGIL THRT WAS HELD ON MONDAY, OGTOBER 7, ZU02 AT 7:00 PM AT FRIENDSWOOD CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 9'[d S. FRIENDSWOOD DRIVE, FRfENDSWOOD, TEXAS,WITH THE FOLLOWING PRESENT CONSTITUTING A QUORUM: MAYOR HAROLD L. WHfTAKER COUNCILMEMBER KITTEN BRIZENDINE COUNCILMEMBER JERRY ERICSSON COUNCfLMEMBER KIM BRfZENDINE COl7NCILME[1YIBER SHRNNON KfMMEL I;OUNl�.11L�/�EI`1�BE.f� !`1���L'IV�Cl�JCLrCS. C1TY ATTORNEY LOREN SMiTH CITY MANAGER RON COX � CITY SECRETARY DELORIS MCKENZIE Councilmember Goza was absent from the meeting. Mayor Whitaker calfed the meeting to order. , The Invocation was given by Pastor Rick Baldwin#rom Friendswood Community Ghurch. Mayor Whifiaker led the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States and to the State of Texas. CU!l+(IIAUN!GA?"IQNS �R�M TF-!E !�!!�4YQR A!�!D GOU.N�tLt�tlEMBERS Mayor Whitaker proclaimed October 10, 2002 as "Nationa( Community Education Day 2002" in the City of Friendswood. On hand to receive the Proclamation was Friendswood Independent School District Deputy Superintendent Haze! Johnson. Cowncilmember Kitten Brizenciine reported t haf it is 19 days away from her daughter's wedding, Cou�cilmember Ericsson had no report. Gouncilmember Kim Brizendine had no report. Councilmember�mmel had no report. Councilmember Measeles had no reporE. Mayor Whi�taker had no report. COMMUPJICATtONS FROM THE PUB�iC Mr. James Ashley, 305 Garden Drive, appeared before Gouncil fo express his concerns regarding Waste rsara�ement, an��tate�fhat it is ri���.�l�u�to h�ve t�g�fk u�rra�tree debris, limb�; a�d cuttings, he is only±-;ying to make his hpme ore�entabie, stated if fhe alder neighbors can carry the trash fo the curb,then sure[y�he three grown men in the trash hauling truck can pick up the tree and brush debris, discussed the waste management contract and asked Council to renew tne Waste Management contract without the bundling and cutting 10/7/02 � 1941 requirements. Ms. Liz Wagner, 4427 Peridot Lane, appeared before Council to express her appreciation and gratitude to the City, stated she had a terrible sewer problem,spoke vvitf�the Gi�y, and the workers came out immediately and she no longer has a raw sewage problem in her home, everything wor[cs well,s#ated she is very grateful for the City's help, and thanked the ciiy workers. Mayor Whitaker repor�ed on the Texas Munieipal League educational programs and that during the TML Confe�ence held in Fort Worth next week, Councilmember Measefes wilf receive an award for Outstanding F�ccornpiisnmenTS for eaming more tnan 72 credit nours. i COMMUNfCATIONS FROM COMMITTEES AND SPECIAL REPORTS ; Ms. Evefyn Newman, President of the Friendswood Historical Society,appeared before Council and presented an overview of the Annuaf Report that Gouncil had previousiy recei�ed, Entroduced members Joyce Baker and Ann Whitaker, stated they are very excited to have a re-print of the book"Friendswood:A Settlement of Friendly Folks available for sale, reported on the resto�ration and dedication of the Perry House which was a five-year project, . spoke a'�cut the Fr�nk J. Brotiti1n I��useum, Heritage Day,the Cemmun:ty�Chri�tma��ree L;�ht;ng,the]4�Icther and Daughter Tea, the Christmas Home Tour, and thanked the C.ity for making if possibfe to accompiish the projects of the Friendswoad Historical Society that wil(forever keep alive the history and heritage of Friendswood. CITY MANAGER-'S REPORT City Manager Cox had no report. ACTION ITEMS , **Councilmember Kitten Brizendine moved to approve acfion regarding donation to the City of Lot 21 in Enchanted Woods. . Seconded by Councilmember Kim Bnzendine. The mo�ian was approved unansmousiy. *'�C�!�nciJme??�hsr KiitPn �rizanclir�� moved tq appro�e �ction reg��ding ��thorization Q#3gre�m��t wrfh SGL Engine�ring for engineering services to prepare a plan to meet Phase II Storm Water Reduction Regulations. Seconded by Caunciimember Ericsson. The motion was approved unanimously. RESOLUTIQN i �*Councifinember Ki�Een Brizendine moved to approve Resofution Na R2002-49; A Resolu�ion of the City of � Friendswood,Texas, hereby designates Councilmember Jerry Ericsson as Representative and Mayor Pro-Tem Tracy Goza as Altemate to the Houston-Galveston Area Council 20�3 Generaf Assembly. Seconded by Councilmember Measeles. The mofion was approved unanirnously. CONSENT AGEN�A �"`Councilmember Kim Brizendine moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. A. Paymenfi of Capital Projects — 'I. 2002 Asphalt Street Project with payment to Silva, Inc. in the amount of $'104,846.54 for construction services. To date, 32 percent of the contracf has been expende.d. 2. Ground Storage Tank Rehabilitafiion with payments to SCL Engineering in the amounts af$1,744.50 and $1,735.07 for engineering services. To date, 88 percent af the contract has been expended. 3. Blackhawk Ground Storage Tank Construction and Rehabilitation with paymenf to SCL Engineering in the amounts of$3,762.55 and$276.45 for engineering services. To date, 82 percent of the contract has been expended. Total payments were $112,395.'[1. B. Approve the 24Q2 SidewaIk Project-1. Disposition of Bid 2002-Q7 awarded to Smith's Classic ^n;��firt��ti�p i,r; th� ar;z��I?t �f �5�,�5A_��1 feC !'he 2C�C�'� S�c�eur�ik Pr�Sr�r�. ?. Gh�;-E�� �5rd�r ".;�. 1 tG 2Q�2 �i�l�`Ma11�Prni��t� rar���rin�fhe��tiCnatP�3 nrt!?'Ih�r���irain �inXQc�iy f��r i inj{S afi�4.�Q E�Gh. G. A��fQVE'-��li�� for Use of the City�mblem and City Logo. D. Approve renewal ofi contract with Friendswood Historical Society for the maintenance and preservation of historical sites in the City. E. Approve revisian to the Interfocai i 10/ 7/Q2 � ±942 Agresment with Galveston County for paving and drainage improvements to Sunset Drive. E. Approve amendment to contract with ECO Resources for increase in fees forwater meter reading services. G. Authorize contract with WRG Fire Training and Simulation Systems, Inc. for the .FVFD training field design study. H. Approve Banner Permit Application for Friendswood Chamber of Commerce. [. Approve the Minufes from the Sepfember 16, 2Q02 Council Meeting. . Seconded by Councilmember Kitfen Brizendine. The motion was approved unanimously. A motion was made and approved to adjoum at 728 PM. ' ayor Harold L. Whitaker Attest: • `_ � �3 , � � _ � , Deloris McKenzie, T MC City Secretary \ .