HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 2002-09-23 Regular 1935
' SEPTEMBER 23, 2002 }(
Mayor Whitaker called the meeting to order. �
Discussion was held regarding the Capital Improvements Plan for the General Fund. City Manager Gax presented
a brief overview of Capital Improvement Program and topics of discussion induding priorities set for the General
Fund, confirming Tax Bond Capacity, selecting a Ballot for Referendum, and setting a Bond Election date.
Director of Public Works/Community Development Mike Hodge presented information regarding streets.
Discussion cantinued regarding streets to be determined,developing a criteria for a list of streets to be repaired,
major thoroughfares, a priority system, sidewalk criteria, and budgeting.
Discussion continued with Director of Communiiy Services Jon Branson responding to questions regarding
Centennial Park, soccer and football needs, Renwick Park, Frankie Carter Randolph Park, tax elections, and
Director of Administrative Services Roger Roecker presented an update on bonding capacity for funding for
Capital lmprovement Plan Projects from General Obligation Bonding with 20 to 25 year bonds. Discussion
continued regarding bond issues and a determination of the ballot format,will needsupport from the public,input
regarding drainage, public safety and the fire station, concerns with lack of information to the public and
discussed lack of grant funding for Centennial Park.
It was the consensus of Council to hold a Bond Election in February, 2003 for four categories which.would be
streets, drainage, Centennial Park, and Public Safety Facilities for the Police and Fire Department.
A break was taken at this time.
Council reconvened at 6:15 PM.
Council convened into Executive Session in accordance with The Texas Government Code, pursuant to
Section 551.072 Deliberafion regarding Real Properfy.
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Council reconvened into Regular Session at 7:00 PM.
The Invocation was given by Pastor Dennis Owens from New Life Assembiy of God.
Mayor Whitaker led the Pledge of Aliegiance to the United States and to the State of Texas.
Mayor Whitaker administered the Oath of Office to Municipal Court Judge Jim Wolfz, and Prosecutor Dennis
Associate Judge Richard Flake and Prosecutor Steven Baker were absent from the meeting.
Councilmember Measeles had no report.
Councilmember Shannon Kimmel had no report.
Councilmember Kim Brizending reported on meeting with Brio last Thursday and that Brio is projecting mid-
2003 will complete the final closure of the Brio Site off Dixie Farm Road.
Counciimember Goza had no report �
Councilmember Ericsson reported on attending the Houston - Galveston Area Council meeting during which the 55
MPH speed limit was discussed and that there is a movement to raise speed limits.
Councilmember Kitten Brizendine had no report. .
Mayor Whitaker reported on attending the Perry Home dedication, reported that Councilmember Ericsson was
elected Vice President of the Galveston County Mayors and Councilmembers Association and congratulated
Counciimember Ericsson, reported City Manager Cox and Mayor Whitaker attended an Open Forum regarding
the Study for the Grand Parkway held at the Nolan Ryan Building in Alvin.
Mr. Ronald Kaltenbaugh, 402 Meadow Wood Lane, appeared before Counci[ representing the Friendswood
Soccer Club, and expressed his support of the buyout of the Sports Park property located at FM 528 and Moore
Road. Moore Road and stated this property is critical in order for the Soccer Program to continue.
Don Beeth, 5303 Wittier, appeared befiore Council in opposition to the purchase of the Sports Park Property
located at FM 528 and Moore Road, and expressed concerns regarding the price of the property, discussed the
water tower on property not owned by the City, and suggested that Council let the citizens vote on whether it
wants to purchase the park, stated "this isn't free money", asked how much money is Council willing to spend to
spare embarrassment, and spoke about flooding and street repairs.
Mr. Keith Myers, 1303 Thomas, President of the Friendswoad Little League, appeared before Council in support
of the purchase of the Sports Park property,and stated he has been invalved in Little League aver the past eight
or nine years,stated the property is important to Little League,there almost 1,000 kids using the fields,there is no
room to add on to at Renwick Park, stated there were 71 teams turned away last year because there was not
enough fields to handle these teams, and asked everyone to support the purchase of the Sports Park.
Mr.Yank Li, 2919 Windemere Dr.,a Falun Gong practitioner appeared before Council ta present information an
Falun Gong, a traditional self-cultivation practice to improve the mind and the body,stated he is a graduate from
University of Houston-Clear Lake, explained the many benefits of Falun Gong, stated over 700 proclamations
were received from other cities including Houston and San Antonio; and asked the City for its support.
Mr. George Dixon, 611 Melody Lane, appeared before Council in support of the purchase of the Sports Park
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Property, spoke about moving ta Friendswoad and the growth of soccer, discussed current fielding, Centennial
Park, watering sys�em, shortage of playing fiefds, and asked Councii#o keep the facility at Moo�e Road. .
° Ms. Evelyn New►nan,302 Friends Knoil Lane, appeared before Council in support of the purchase of the Sparts
Park, and stated�she was involved from the beginning of the lease of this proper[y, spoke about the lease, use,
and deve{opment, and youths'sports,stated she has lived in Friendswoocf for over 35 years,served on Council
fa�1t7 years and as Mayor 5 years, and asked Cauncil ta do the rightthing ac�d vate for the Sports Park.
N(r. Kevin Window, 2714 PorE Carissa, appearad before Couneil in support of�he purchase of the Sports Rark,
and sfated this is"the obviousiy right thing to do,stated "ne nas iived in r=rienaswaod since i 99G,has been invoived
wi�h softball since 1991, served as Chair of the Parks Board for eightyears ar�d was Chairwhen the lease on this
property was signed, discussed Centennial Park, girls softball teams, and asked Council to vote yes on the
purchase. .
Mr. Rey Peneranda, 1208 Tall Pines,appeared before Council in support of the purchase of the Sports Park,and
stated he moved to Friendswood a fewyears ago, and discussed th�benefits to fhe youth of Friendswood, and
asked Council ta vote for the Sports Park.
Mayor Whitaker read a letter to be entered into the record dated September 23, 2002 from Megan Bayne,
President of tE�e Friendswood Chiefs and Chiefettes:
"My name is Megan Bayne and l am the President of the Friendswood Chiefs and Chiefettes Iittle league foot all
and drill team program. I understand there is a meefing tanight and on the agenda will be whether or not the city -
shouid exercise its option ta purchase the SporEs Park on FM 528. I am unable to aftend the meeting tonight but{
would fike ta implore you to please consider this purchase. {f the Sports Park rever�s back to its origmal owners,
the girPs softbail program would be forced to move ta Renwick Park. TFie Friendswood Little League Pragram
and the Friendswood Chiefs already share the park amicably. It is hard at time, but we make itwork for the sake
of all the kids involved. But if the girls are farced to come over to our fiefd, it wili be total chaos. There simply isn't
enough space for all the chifdren in Friendswood who participate in these programs to practice at one site. !
cannat stress to you enough how much the Friendswood chiefs support the City of Friendswood purchasing the
Sports Park. I thank you for your fiime. Sincerely, Megan Bayne, President Friendswood Chiefs and Chiefettes."
The following presented sign in cards indicating their support to the purchase of the Sports Park but did not
address Council: Don and Kelly Treleaven, 1104 Glenshannon; David Montz, 1808 Streamside Dr.; Larry Sikes,
15803 Heritage Falls; Liz Roelant, 1811 Oak �ork Circle; Rick Salyer, 501 LiberEy; Hugh V. Hines, 1412
Edgewa�er; Rebecca Newlin,406 Stonelecige;Joe Craft,2502 N. Mission Circle; RobertVan Dyke;2865 Everett;
Daniel Br�wster,2852 Everett; Ken Ham, 904 W.Viejo; Ram Spaccarotella, 140'i Bayou Oak; Les French, 537
Heather�Lane; Tracy Harper, 1908 Lavaca; Lorefta Kelly,305 E. Castle Harbour; Jim Morton, 1307 Wildemess
Pines; Kathy Molinaro,708 Tall Pines Drive; Mark E. Brenner, 1215 Woodchase; Raymond Bradford, 602 Faliing
Leaf; Marilynn Gerstmann, 1203 Middlecreek; Pam, Ashlee, and Larry Thomas, 903 Murphy;Sue Robicheaux,
707 Eagle Lakes; and Oliver Earnshaw, 1108 Tipperary.
Mr_ Robbie Gill, Director of the Coppinger Family YMCA, appeared before council and presented t�e YMCA
Annual ReporE. Mr. Gill stafed he appreciates CounciPs supporE and fooks forward to serving the community.
Ms. Kaye Corey, Chair of the Cammunity Appearance Board and members of the Board appeared before Council
and presented a Plaque ofAppreciation to autgoing member Ms. Svsan Hood. Chair Coreystated Ms. Hoad has
been a member since 1996, and while serving on the Baard, focused her attention an enviranmentai educatian,
and s�ated Ms. Hood was responsible for initiating fihe geeen waste and recycfing program in Friendswood.
Ms. Hood thanked the Board and Councif and stated if vdas her privi[ege to serve on the Community Appearance
Ghair Corey also presented a Certificate af Appreciafion to Counci(member Mei Measeles ,who I�as served on
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tF�e Community Appearance Baard as Council Liaison since 1997, stated tha�Councilmemi�er Measeles has been
a working member physically suppor�ing the"Adop�-A-Spot"program,stated it was his idea that helped put this .
program together. .
Councilmember Measeles stated that the CommunityAppea�ance Baard has been one of the most outstanding
committees he has served on and definitefy has fhe city at heart, stated that Ms.Hood was a guiding force and is
an outs�anding citizen, and hopes this is a�emporary abaence and`looks forward to working w[th her again.
City Manager Cox repor�ed on U.S.Congressman Lampson and State SenatorJackson's visit regarding drainage
problems. Mr. Cox reported fhat he and Mayor Whitaker have been meeting with representatives of the City of
Pearland, Brazoria Counfy Drainage District#4, and Gafveston CountyConsaiidated Drainage Dist�ictforthe last
several months to seek the common goaf of providing information for and encouraging completion af the Corps of
Engineers Clear Creek lmprovement Project. To that end, the gro�p met with Col: Leonard Waterworth, the
commanding officer of the Galveston Office of the li.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The group has worfced
cooperafively to develop an animatech digital rendition af a flaod event on Clear Creek in Pearland and
fr'i iCt1�SW00C�.. iil ail c�vit t�li1Ci�aSc�I12 a4t%af 2ilcs3 Of tllc ilcofj fOC�i ic iifl.�"i1"04EiTi2ilt�tt3 C�c2i�i Ec�, as ane�f
severaf drainage initiatives to relieve ffooding along the watershed,the group hosted Congressman Nick Lampson
and Senator Mike Jackson on Monday, September 16. During the;meeting, an overviewwas presented of the
Clear Creek Watershed Study canducted by the C{ear Creek Vi(atershed Sfeering committee with Dannenbaum
Engineering in 1992. A representative of the Harris Caunfy Flr�od Confrcl District reviewed the status and work on
the C1ear Creek Corps Project. Discussion included local initiatives of both the cities of Friendswood and "
Pearland and the two drainage districts ta impeove detentian;improve fhe tributaries;flow, clean out Clear Greek
and buy aut repetitive loss structures. T�re Congressman and Senator were taken on a boat tour of Clear Creek
in Friendswood and were able to observe ��st hand how narrow, winc(ing anc! overgrown the creek is at this
location and that its condifion worsens as it contmues upstream. Se�eral initiatives were outEined and requested
of the Congressman, and he acknowledged he would wo�k on ti�at was given at this meeting.
City Manager Cox also repor�ed on the Charnber of Commerce FaII Trade Show and the city's participation as a
resuit of the eiforf byKaren Capps, Ecanomic Development Coardinator,to bet�er communicate and market our
ci±;and for m�re cnrnmunicati�n v�ith the citizens of Friendsuvoad.
Lastly, Mr. Cox reported on the Historicai Society's Perry Home '`Dedication East Sunday. In 1992, the
Friendswood Historical Society acquired the Perry,Home and has worked steadify to acquire funds,and along with
volunteer time, restore it to the condition it is in now. This is one of the many returns the city receives from the
annua! contract for service for$'i 0,000 wifih the Sociefy. The city appreciates their hard work and the historical
preservation they have made. '
'�*Councilmember Measeles moved to approve Resolution No.R2002-49;A Resalution of the City Council of the
Gity of Friendswood, Texas, authorizing the Mayor and City'Secretary to execute and attest, respectively, an
agreement by and between the City and HWG Partnership Group,Assignee of Southwest Sunspor�s Inc.,which
agreement provides for the City's "Buyout" of the rights of HWG Partnership Group fo repurchase a certain
27.1163 acre firact af Iand { Friendswoaci Sports Park located at Moore Road and F.M. 528).
Secanded by Councilmember Kitfien Brizendine. The motion passed 5-2 wifih Councilmembers Goza and Kimmel
opposed. ,
Councifinember Kit�en Brizendine moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. A. Payment of Capital
Pr�j�e:ts — '�. R�csfEr °;�n�� ut�tic:� �vith cayme�?t ir the amc��tt �f �2��;96�,25 to T � C Construct;or, fcs
cc�ntract se.r�rices. TQ�3�#e, 86 perc�nt of the cantract has been expended. 2 Surface Wa�er Pump Station with
paymenf in the amount of$22,534.42 �o T & C Gonstruction far contract services. To date, 48 percent ofi the
contract has been expended. 3: Seeand Elevated Sforage Tank with payment in�he amaunt of$124,564.Ofl to
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, Landmark Sfructures for contract services. To date, 91 percent of the contract has been expended. 4. Beamer
Road V1/ater liEce wifh payment in the amounf of$300.0�to�ox&Subela Inc.for appraisal of surface water.trunk .
Iine easement. To date, 17 percenf of the contract has been expended. 5. Hazard Mifigation Buyout Projectwith
payment in �he amount of$86,212.50 to A&R Demolition, Inc. Ta date, 27 percenf of the confract has been
expended. Payment in the amount of$78,638.32 to Lawyers Tifife Company for a Blanket Owner,s Title Policy in
the arnount of $17,935,418. Tafal payments vvere $558,218.49. B. Qispo�ition of RFP for a Consu(tant to
conduct a Fire Statian Needs Assessment to Munson Kennedy Partnership for the amount of $6,500. C.
Approval of six resolutions for the Gity af Friendswood adopfing Emergency Managemen� Agreements with
Galvesfon Coun�y. 1. Resolution R2Q02-43 adopting the Damage Assessrnent Plan;2. Resolution R20U2-44
adopfing,the Debris Management P{an; 3. Resolution R2Q02-,45 adapting the Donat[ans Pian; 4: Reso[ution
R20U2-46 adopfing the Emergency Communica�ions Plan; 5. Resofution R2002-47 adopting the Public
{nformafion P[an;6. Resolution R2QQ2-48 adopting the O�ersight Committee. D: Approve con�ract renewa[with
Vic CoppingerYMCA fior aft�r-school pragrams and Teen Gourt. E. Approve participation in Narris County 9-1-'[
NEWS (Network Early Waming System). F_ Approve Ban�er Permit Application,for Heritage Gardeners. G,
Proper�y TaxReport for August, 2002. H. Approve Minutes of A�gust 30 and September 9, 2D02 Council
Secanded by Councilmember Kimmel.�The motion was approvecl unanimously.
A mation was made and approved-�o adjourn at 829"PM.,
Mayor Harold . Whi aker
Attest: .
� i �- �
_ 1
De oris McKenzie, TR�VIC
Clty Corrotan�i