HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 2002-09-16 Special 1933 STAT� OF TEXAS }( ', -- CfTY OF FR[ENDSWOO� }( . GdUNT]�S OF Gr�,LV�STON/HAP�RIS )� SEPT�MB�R '(6, 2002 }( MINU-f�S OF A SPECIAL MEETIIJG OF T�-{E FRI�NDSWOOD CiTY COUNCIL,THAT WAS HELD ON IVIQ�VUf-1�,SC,Y 3�NIF�R'�b,20GZAT 6:30�M A�r=RIENuSVVGGD Ci i�`Ht�Li., l�Vl.lIV�,IL l�tiH1���R�,�I�J. FRIENDSWOOD DRIVE, FRIENQSWOOD TEXAS, WITN THE FOLLOWING PRESENT GONSTITtJ71i�G A QUORUM: MAYOR HAROLD L. WHITAKER MAYOR PRO TEM TRAGY GOZA ' CCL'NCIL�L1EMBER JERRY ERICSSCN COUI�CILMEMBEft KIM BR[Z�NDf�IE� CC�UNC1LMEtVIBER ME� MEASELES CITY PJiANAGER RON COX CITY SECRETARY DELORfS MCKENZIE ' Councilmembers Kitten Brizendine and Shannon Kirnmel were absent from the meeting. Mayor Whitaker calied t1�e meeting to order. y Discussion was held regarding Vision 2024—A Strategic Vision for Friendswood. City fVianager ied the pawer— point presentafion that incfude� informafion outlining the basic premise underwhich Vision 2020 was.derived;the methodalogy ior the collection and interpretation of the date; and the goals that were sef. Councilmember Vleaseles stated that v�hile attending the Sepcember Galves�on Count}r Mayors and Counciimember's Meeting, the speaker, Qr. John L. Compfon, addressed the Open Space concept and the differen#options tliat are auailable. Discussion con�iriued regarding housing, taxes, homes, support services, �_.._� � r. � � �,_�:..�__ , _ ���t;:_..�_,...� , ..�..,� ,.. �.��t� ,.�. � �_�.,.�..,,..,..... C��tl��l2i�id{ ueveiu�iiiciii, IUI(US 1V7 U1d111dlJ.C� 'JdlltJ� Gc1�.111q1 1III�.JIUVCIIICIiI�.11U�Cl,IJ� JI.IIUUlJ� Lf1�G' 1111tQJlIl1l�LUlE� and flooding. _ Disc�s�i-caa�a��e[d�eg_ar�liag�hhe_Gener_aLF nd�a{�_ifaJ��av�mPnfi�Prng�r�4c;IP�_DirPCfi�r �f Pi,hfi� Works/Community Developmenf Mike Hodge presented informafion regarding fihe CIP 10-year plan which included priorities set fort}ie General Fund, C!P Programming, bond eligible prolecfs, presented a brief history of the top goals of communify leaders, additional guidance provided by Vision 2020 to the CIP process, areas ofi — concem, CIP prioritizafion, the C[P manuai and objectives, bond capacify, J�allot options, and sei�ing a bond eiection date. Discussion alsa included a newfire s�a�ian, Glen Shannon drainage,.San Joaquin reconstruction, stree�projecfis, CenEennial Park, Renwick Park lighzing, scheduled projects and their associated spending, and fihe current finan.cial si�uation. Gouncii requesfed that staff fook at other ci�ies' success as to baiiot style, bring back a staff consensus an� recommendatran and then Council wi!I debafe "the issue. DisGUSSion was hefd regarding adoption of the City's Buiiding,Fire and Life safety Codes. Mike Hodge introduced Comrnunity Development DeparEment Bvilcling dfficial FZandy Mason. I-�andy gave a presentation regarding a series of codes intended to standardize fhe code requirements �hraughouf the country, and the Infernational Building a�d �nergy Code. Discussion was held regarding updating the 1997 lntemational Fire Code. Fire Marshal Terry Byrd presented recommendafions ta the curreni code—one is a change in the coiorofthe le�tering an fhe curb in a ftre Iane to white Iettering and the other was a requiremenf to have a sprinKler system in new . apartment btaildings. Discussion con�inued regarding violation penalties, open burning, and itre protection water supplies. ""Councilmember Goza moveci fo approve Ordinance no_ T2002-'i7;. t=irst and tinaC readfng of an Ordinance providing for ihe assessment; levy and col[ection of Ad Vaforem faxes of ti�e Cify of�riendsvvood,Texas,for fihe year 20fl2 and for each year fhereaffer unfii otherwise provi�ed; proviaing fhe date on which such taxes shall be � � � � 1934 � 1934 due and payab[e; providing for penalty and interesf on all taxes nai timely�aid; and repealing�ll ardinances and parEs of ordinances in c�nflict f�erewifh, the tax rat� af.6385 v�ith .v��7 to ft�nd rnain�enance and aperation ,� expendifures. , Secanded by Gouncilmember Kim Brizendine. The matian was approved unanimously�-0. � "�CounciImerrjber Goza moved to approve O�dinance no. T2002-�t7, �irst and final reading �f an Or�cfinance providing farthe assessment, Levy and collec�ion of Ad Valorem faxes of the City of Friendswood,Texas,forthe year 2OJ2 and f�r each yearfliereaftar until other+�ise provided; providing�he date on which such taxes shall be ' due and payable, prouiding for penaliy and interesfi on aIl faxes not fimely pa[d; and repeaiing all ardinances and parEs_of ordinances in conflict E�erev,rith, the tax rate ofi.638�with ,0838 for debfi service. Seconded by Gouncilmember Km Brizendine. T(�e motion v�as appraved unanimously 5-0: �'�Counciimember Kim Brizendine moved to approve Ordinance T2�02-98; First and finai reading of an�rdinance a��i oving ar�� adcpting �he Cify of Fr;endsv�aod, Texas, Gez�eraI Budaefi for the fiscal year 2402/2403 making u - appropria�ions for the cify tor such fiscai year as refVecfe� �r� said bu�g,et� aiiu i iiai�ing c��±ain �ndings and �nnta;nin� ce.rtain orovisions relating to�he subject. ° Seconded by Gourciim�r�uer(�9easelns T"ha i,-,cf;�n�,,r�s a��roved unanimously 5-�. A mofion v,�as made and approved to adjourn at 8:20 PM. --�. . � ��� +� �y� F` rK , - ...c� .:�._ :- , ��yor Harold L. V1,'hitaker�� � Attesfi: � �- ------�� � a �� F���{� '�D loris McKenzie, MC � Ci�y Secretary `