HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 2002-08-05 Regular � 1419 STATE OF TEXAS )( GITY OF FRIENDSWOOD � )( _ `COU[�TIES OF GALVESTON/HARRfS )(. �AUGUST5, 2002 )( MINUTES OF A REGULAR ME�TING OF THE FR}ENDSWOOD CfTY GOUNCIL THAT WAS F-{ELD ON MONDAY, AUGUST �, 2002 AT C:00 PM AT FRIENDSWOOD CfTY HALL COUNCiL GHAMBERS, 910 S: FP;E��'J�1��,�GOD DR1VE, �R1��!DS1�;�OQ�J, T�PS, V�J1Tu -rHE FOLL�JNIING pREcE�]T �ONSTITUTINt�; A QUORU-M: MAYOR HAROLD L. WHITAK�R MAYOR PRO TEM TRACY GOZA COUNCILMEMBER KITTEN BR(ZENDINE COUNCILMEMBER JERRY �RICSSON GOUNC;LME(VfBER KIM Br�iZE1VDINE CQI I•1�1(`IL�iIFn�RFR SI-I1�N�Qf� I�lt�/I�lIF� Cf�Y ATTORNEY LOREN SMITH CITY MANAGER RON COX CITY SECRETARY DELQRIS MCKENZIE Councilmember Measeles was absent from the meeting_ � Mayor Whitaker cailed the meeting to order. EXECUTIVE SESSION Council convened into Execu�ive Session in accordance with The Texas Government Code, pursuant to Section 551.072, befiberation regarding Real Property and Sec�ion 551-074, Discussion regarding Persannel Matters. Council re-convened into Regular 5ession with action taken later in the meeting. REGULAR SESSION The Invocation was given by Reverend Sue Scott from Good Shepherd Episcopal Church. Mayor Whitaker fed the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States and to the State of Texas. COMMUNiCAT10NS FROM TH� MAYOR AND COUNCILMEMBERS Counciimember Kiften Brizendine had no report. Councilmember Ericsson had no report. Councilmember Goza had no report. Councilmember Kirri Brizendine reported that he, the Mayor and Ci�y Manager Cox met with Imperial Gardens Homeowners Association regarding concerns related to Tropical Stc�rm AlIison. Counciimember Kimmel reported on aitending the Prayer Breakfasf during which Ciiy Manager Cox sNOkc, �nu :,��-bgru! J"i"i�.�.�t� �!�?��n� ±p att�;�r�(. Mayor Whitaker reported that he, Frieridswood Pofice Chief Bob Wieners, and �riendswood's Assistant Fire Marshal Bryan Mansfield at�ended a mee�ing held at the Emergency Operation Center in League City 8/5/02 I920 to discuss a Partnership v,i�th Galveston 9II, and a�tended the,Juiy 18t'' meeting with Clear Creek Independent Schooi Districi to develop a par�nership with CCiSD schools within the city lirnits oi . �Friendswood iike the parEnership with �he Friends�vood Independent School Distric�. COMMUNlCATIONS �RQM THE FUBLiC Mrs. Donna Berry, representing the South Texas Flood Recovery Project, appeared before Council to ackr:owledgn fihg Tropica4 Storm P,Ilison Vc!un}eers an�+ rresen}ed CQrtifica�es of A,�preciation }o PJ±ayor Whitak�r, Councilmember Kitten Brizendine, Counci(member Ericsson, Counciltnember Goza, Councilmember Kim Birzendine, Councilmember Shannon Kimmef, Councilmernber MeaseEes, former Councilmernber Larry Taylor, City Manager Ron Cox,the �riendswood Vofunteer Fire Department/EMS, the Police Department including Sergeant Reagen Breaux,Administrative Secretary Lisa Wev, Volunteer � Caro(yn Todd, and the Community Services Departrr�ent including Director of Gommunity Services Jon Branson, Building Supervisor Alex Buenrostro, Senior Program Coordinator Melody Kammerer, Recrea�ion Aide K��isiine Schaiiner, �rom �he American Red Cross, �enise Piati, Direc�or oi South bay .Qt'Eu F?i'�^Ch� �nr1 frpS-n fho Fjra nnar�hai�c flffi�er Firo R!Iur5h3t TPt"f} R�Cd. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT City Manager Cox reported on Tropical Storm Ai(ison Buyout Pro}ect Status. To date, the City, through it contractor,Ward &Associates, has purchased 132 properties. Onlyfour properties remain to be closed � on. This will complete the purchase of a[I hames in the project at 136. TFtirtytwo of the homes have been demofished by Cherry Demolition Company in the first contract. The second contract, with A& R Dernolition, fnc. is for�the reminder ofi the properties, induding those that remain fo be purchased. A& R has worked with staff to set the priority o#work and schedule the demolition process by neighborhood. Ail houses have been inspected for asbestos, and abatement is underway on those that require it. Also, the company has divided fhe city and all the houses into fovr areas. Each area has between 25 and 2S houses in it. Area 1, where actual demolitions are occurring now, is between Quaker Drive and Elear Creek. Area 2 is the Wedgewood/Forest Bend Subdivisions. Area 3 is a large portion of Friendswood ',Nf;2t"E T'IOOGIfI�CCCu'CY°^; lnCfU'G�'It1�Z?�° l%Il°t`rV I i'B°L2^°; ;��I"I� ��CI JOUTC t�.l°��G��°�1��C;V�, ;?�IjRS L�?T; and Mingiewood streets. Area 4 is Imperial Estafes. The objective is to conduct the demolition and clean up'in these areas, on a systematic basis, ensuring that when a neighborhood is entered all homes are compieted before the contractor leaves. All_areas are now scheduled to be complete by September 26, 2002 ACTIOt3 13'EMS "xCouncilmember Kitten Brizendine moved�o approve action regarding approval of Interlocal Agreement wi�th Clear Creek Independent Schaoi Distric�t for Mutuaf Aid for Law Enforcement. Seconded by Councilme�nber Ericsson. The motion was approved unanimously 6-0. "xCounciimember Er[csson movec! t� apprave action regarding authorizing additional school crossing guard position for Wedgewood Elementary on Friendswood Link Road. Seconded by Councilmember Goza. The motion was approved unanimou5ly 6-Q. ""Councilmember Ki-tten Brizend�ne moved�o approve actiori regarding approval of joint purchase with Galveston County Consolidated Drainage District of lot 39 iocated in Imperial Estates. Seconded by Councilrr�ember Ericsson_ The motion passed 5-I with Councilmerriber Kimmel opposed. ��OL,�f;rriltf;a,r;-iE.:('; �it��n �vi"iZanru(i�r2 :i��.��� 10 u�}.'"�fG'1,'E ,.,�ti�.-,.r? s`2�u'�:;1� dNNY`.�sli3i Of }:;rC�pca� {fQ:`i": Tarr�POiP.�, I i � fnr I ',�l�i�-F'aSA�,-t m�r-��n,l^�r�n`j flCO� �3±a fQr �;fn�r ('r2�LC LN3�4rc,,h4�( Seconded by Caunciimember Ericsson. The motion was approved unanimously 6-0. 8/5/02 • I921 RE50LUTl�[�S '�"�Gouncilmember Kitten Brizendine moved to approve Resofution R2Q02-39, A Resolu�ion of the City of � �riendswood, Texas, ratifying in�ervention in Texas-New Mexico Power Company's request for certain findings concerning TNP One filed at �I�e Public UtiGify Commissiori of Texas and assigned Docket No. 25931; au�horizing the joining with other infervening cities to protect municipal and ratepayer interests; approving payment of share of legai and consulfing costs. Seconded by Councilmember Kim Brfzendine. The motion was approved unanimously 6-0. '�XCouncilmembe.r Kim Brizendine rr?aved to approve RPs�lut?on R2Q0�-d0, A Resol«tic�n of the City of Friendsu,�ood, Texas adopting fhe Mutual Aid Agreemenf with various Municipalities incorporated within the Caunty of Gaiveston and Galveston Caunty, Texas. Seconded by Councilmember Ericsson. The motion was approved unanimously 6-0. ORDINANCES �X�ouncfinember Kitten Brizendine, moved to approve a second and iinai reading oi Ordinance N�. -,r?nn�_7�, an Qrdin��cP amencling A��en�sx�'^f the Fr;enc�s��r�c�d Ci�y Code; sai�A.p�en�ix G�eing C�t,� � of Friendswood, Texas, �rdinance No. 84-15, as amended, originally adopted the 19t'' day of November . 1984, and being the Zoning Ordinance of the City, by changing �he zoning classification of a certai.n 1.9495-acre tract of land from Singe-Family Residentia( (SFR) to Business Park(BP), such tract being situated at Lot 50 in the Sharp's Subdivisian o# Section 22 of the IG&N Railroad Company Survey, Abstract No. 693, commonly known as 4645 Mandale Road, anc( wi�hin the City Limits of the City; � praviding for the amendment of the Cify's official Zaning Map; repealing al( other ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent or in confficf herewith; providing for severabi(ity; and providing a penalty in an amount not to exceed $2,000 for each d"ay of violation oi any provision hereofi. Seconded by Counciimember Ericssan. The motion was approved unanimously 6-Q �"Councilrnember Ericsson maved to approve Ordinance T2002-16: First reading of an Ordinance designating or providing for the redesignation of names of various streets and thoroughfares within the cify fimits of the City of Friendswood, Texas; providing various findings and pravisions related to such . LI d�1�"CS. uliC�.l LrGYlUlll� C JC1%��C'..�,I1fl� Ll�:.�'S�. ' . . Seconded by Councilmember Kitten Brizendine. The motion was approved unanimously 6-0. XxCouncilmember Kitten Brizendine moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presenfed with the exception of Item C. Authorize two public hearings be called for August 19 and September 2 for the annexation/dis-annexatio�n of proper�ies with the City ofi Friendswood and the City of League City and direct development of service plan to areas to be annexedldisannexed. A. Payment of Capital Projects. 1. 1 Milfion Galfon Elevated Stor.age Tank with payment in the amount of$3,600.QO to Klotz Associates, inc. for engineering services. To date, 85 percent of the contract has been expended. Payment �n the amount of $143,535.50 to Landmark Structures for construc�ion services. To date, 75 percent of the contract has been expended_ Payment in the amount af$531,50 to Stork Southwes�ern Laboratories for testing services. To date, 69 percen�t ofthe contract.has been expended. 2. Beamer Road Pump Station and Waterline with payment in the amount of $2,752.00 to Klotz Associa�es, lnc. for engineering services_ To date, 76 percent of the contract has been expended. Payment in the amount of$1,328.50 to Stork Southwestern Laboratories for testing services. To date 28 percent of the can�ract has been expended\ 3. Ground Storage Tank Rehabilitation for Wells #3 & #4 with payments in the amount of $9,958,87 and $5,163.85 to SCL Engineering (formerly Wayne Smith & Associates) for engineering services in the amounts of$9,958_87 and $5,163.85. To date 83 percent of ihe contract has been expended_ 4. Biaci�hawk Ground Sforage Tank Gonstruc�tion and Rehabilitation - Payment in the amount of$8,122.50 to Gulf States Pro�ective Caatings, Inc.for construction services. To date 65 percent of the contract has been �xpen�ed. Payments in the amount of�480.00 and$552.5Q {o S�or�C Southwes�tern Labora�ories for�esting services. To date; I9 percent of the contract has be�n exDended. Payments i�t ti�e arnount of $3,95�.08 and $4,77I.62 �o SCL Engineering for engineering services. To da�e 66 percent of fhe contract has been expended. 5. Surface Water Trunkline — Payment in �the amount of I � 8l�/02 1922 $373,812.65 to Ga1co Cantracting, 1 nc, To date 50 percent of the con�tract has been expended, Payment , in the amaunt of$712.�0 to Stork Southwes�ern Laborafories for testing services. To date 18.percent of the caniract has been expended. To�a! payments vvere$559,281.07. B, Approve amended Cooperative -agreement wi�h Galveston Caunty Health District. D. Au�harize exteRSion of contract with Waste Management for�hree-montl� period to end November 30, 2002 and authorize staff to issue RFP for solid waste coElection services_ E_ Author�z� application for a license to plan capyrighted music in pubfic perfarmances_ �. Authorize replacemen�E of lnt�rlocal Agreement wiih Memorandum of lJnderstanding the City of Pasadena Police Departmer�t for Mutuai Aid. G. A�athorize Developer Participation Agreernent �0 CQ�1S�r�i�1�� fian�� at Centanr�jal Park. N: AL.ifit`l�!"IZ2 th� M�u�Or tO EXPf`(,��'e CPF'�leTT�Pi�f agC�eI�T�PI'!��A(I�II �he Attarney's Genera!'s Office. l. Authorize payment plan for City's share of BEackhawk Regional Was�ewater Treatment P1ant Renova�ion Project. J. Authorize consulting agreement with Ward & Assoc€ates for demo[ition reimbursement support services. K. Approve appointments to the Baards : Committees, and Commissions for Group A as follows: Planning and Zoning Commission—Jim Gibson, - �� new appointment; Michele Brekke, new a�pointment; Construction Board of Adjustment-Dan lllerich, re-appointment; raye Curtis, new appointment; Max Bhatti, new appointment; Community& Economic Developmeni— Zekie �eb`eigh, re-a�pointment, 8�ent Goswick, re-appoin�meni, Andre Massicoi�, re- �r�rpirntma,n,t� l,�g��ip �anrEpe rg-a�rCinfii"n2r�t: �rpo��-j {'.rin!�n, re-�rn-rn,Cin�rr,A�i-f 74nino RpaCG� Qf Adjustments — Greg Hughes, re-appointment, Ken Boggs, new appointment, Wayne Ford, new appointrnent, Melissa Pride(alternate) new appointment; Library Board - Larry Seelig, re-appaintment, Dr. John G. Neard, re-appointment, Dee Dee Race, new appointment: L. Apprave Bannet� Permit applications for Friendswood Community Chureh for back to School Kickoff, Chamber of commerce for Fall l�rade Show, Friendswood H[storical Society for Heritage Day, and Good shepherd Episcopa[Church for Pumpkin Patch. M. Approve �he Council Meeting Minutes ofi Ju}y 15, 2002 meeting: Seconded by Councilmember Ericsson. The motion was approved unanimously 6-0. Councilmember Goza left the Council Chambers at this time. XCouncilmember Kitten BrizencEine moved to authorize two public hearings be cailed for the new dates af October 1�and 21, 2002 for the annexation/dis-annexaton of properties with the City of Friendswood � and the City ofi League City and direct development of service plan to areas to be annexed/disannexed. �°COflu°C� CV IiCU^C.�:7]nm'�n,n�r tr1C5S0^. I fl° C1�CT;OP ^�SS°C �-l�. Councilmember Goza returned to �he Council Chambers. A motion was made and approved to adjourn at 7:4I PM. ayor Harold L. Whitaker , Atfesi: � Deloris McKenzie; T MC City Secrezary r