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HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 2002-07-15 Regular , 1913
�J U LY 15, 2002 )( .
FRlENDS�,�1rJ�D �JR!VE, FRlER�SV;�O�JD, TEXP,S, V;fITN TN� F(,�f I :QWIl�jl� PR,FSE;�IT Cnr��TiTi,�Ti�r q
Mayor Whitaker called the meeting to ortler..
Council convened into Executive Session in accordance with The Texas Government Code, pursuant to
Section 551.072, Deliberation regarding real property and Section 551-Q74, Discussion regarding
Personnel Matters.
Councii convened into Regular Session wifh no action raken. �
Mayor Whitaker called the Regular Session to order at 7:00 PM.
The Invocation was given by Associate Pastor Chris Norton from Friendswood United Methodist Church.
Mayor Whitaker fed the Pledge of Aliegiance to the United States and to the State of Texas.
Councilmember Measeles had no report
_ Councilmember Kimmef had no report
Councilmember Kim Brizendine has na report
Councilmember Goza had no report
C^�';�Cllrr�n�,-�hoY Frl��SOii r4�^riv-'�� e� �i����:n� k�":e �B�V'�5���i �Q�.�tj� M�}�0"� �"iG� �Q��C!�i71c'1'?�E'
mee�irg�,v[th th��uest spe�lter fr�m th� F`J!"+ ��^d Schoc! L�i,tric} P�iicP Fer�e udclressing�ss��es ip the
school sys�em, attended the Hous�on/Galveston Area CounciE meeting, reparted on a new cornmittee
being created and being appai,nted as Vice President and may need to ca11 on Friendswooc!'s Emergency
7/15/02 . 1914 ,
Management Caordinator to provide information. �
- 'Councilmember Kitten Brizendine #hanked the city staff and volunteers for a wonderful 4-th of July
Mayor Whitaker afso commended the staff and volunteers for a wonderful 4th of July celebration.
Mr. Ricf�ard Keliy, 305 E. Castle Harbor, appeared before Council in opposition to the proposed rezoning �
of property located in the Sunmeadaw Subdivision and askec[ Council to make decisions on the reverse '
side and help the Sunmeadow resiclents get a tax discount on Ioss af p'roperty.
Ms. Paula Oddo, 148 St. Andrews, appeared before Councii in opposition to the proposed rezoning of
property located in the Sunmeadow St�bdivision, and asked Council how many people have sent
correspondence to City Council and how many responses have peaple received, stated that Council hofd
the fGtu��s of th° hcmeo�h,^ers i^ th°{r srasp, and asked Courc;! to v�te no ±� �e�a� CI@Vaip�mant �n S�n
. Meadow. .
Ms. Joyce Healy, 210 +N. Castle Harbor, appeared before Council in oppositian ta the proposect rezoning
of property located in the Sunmeadow Subdivision, and read a statement before Council stating she has
been a resident in Friendswood for 30 years and Friendswood is no longer a small t�wn, stated that there -
are a number of closed commercial establi5hments and the town looks trashy, compared shopping at
area cities, stated there is trash in the in�ersection, stated there is lost pride in the city, the.onlything
positive is our schools, and asked Council to vote no for the proposed rezoning.
Ms.Carmen Walter, 447 Old Course, appeared before council in opposition to the proposed rezoning of
property located in the Sunmeadow Subdivision, stated he is 83 yea�s old, and read a letter regarding
moving to Friendswood, and that he wanted peace and protection, and begged Council to not go through
with the rezoning, and asked pro�tection of senior c,itizens in the Sunrneadow Subdivision. ,
Ms. Janis Lowe, 401 Forest Pines Court, Agent for the River Oaks at Friendswood, appeared before
Council in support of the proposed rezoning of property focated in the Sunmeadow Subdivision, and
reported on the current situa.tion of the River Oaks at Friendswood, stated a citation from the
Sunmeadow subdivision was received, asked Council to table the Rezoning to al(ow all parties to resolve
the lawsuit, stated they are proceeding with development with the closing of 9 holes on the golf course,
asked Council to allow this subdivision to proceed, stated their goai is to meet the 2020 Vision, and
stated they will get through the litigation before them and move forward.
Mr. Bob Ofiver, 209 Palm Aire, appeared befare Council in opposition to the proposed rezoning of
property located in the Sunmeadow Subdivision, and presented information packets to Gouncil, stated
this is a joint venture of the subdivision, and the golf company presented a sketch on how the golf course
was put together and that it was meant to be a golf course from the beginning, presented Section l, 2,
and 3 showing joint ownership by Sunmeadow Development and Sunmeadow Golf Course, presented
Deed Restrictions signed by all tl�ree companies referring to housing and the go(f course, and stated he
does not see how the golf course can be made into additional housing.
Ms. Faye Roberson, 422 W_ Cas�le Harbor, appeared before CounciI regarding the proposed rezoning in
Sunmeadow Subdivision, and expressed concerns regarding flooding, drainage, and high density, asked
Counci.l to vote agains-t the,proposed rezoning, asked Council to please do not allow the application for
r°Z^Ilil?6 i0 h6 1'�'i�:?�`^Gh''n, Si��t.''.;.;,!��?g �F�fal�re�ha� �i�8�ci?� �Ee�tcy Ctat2`1 tl?'2 C�2VE�Q�2i i��i`c'-��t"�['g th�
�ite�cr pre�araticn }o prccpp� �ti�ith��ut permi±s, �hey are v!earing�he back 9 heles, ?�?d ?Gked th?f Ms.
Janis Lowe abide by the law.
7/ 15/02 , I9I5 �
Coordinator to provide information.
Councilmember Kitten Brizendine thanked the city staff and volunteers for a wonderful 4{�' of July
Mayor Whitaker also commended the staff and vo(unteers for a wo�derful 4th of July celebrati:on.
Mr. Richard Ke{ly, 305 E. Castle Harbor, appeared befiore Council in opposition to the proposed rezoning
af property located in the Sunmeadow Subdivision and asked Council to make decisions on the reverse
side and help the Sunmeadow resid:ents get a tax discount on loss of property.
Ms. Paula Oddo, 148 St. Andrews, appeared before Council in opposition to the proposed rezoning of
property located in the Sunmeadow Subdivision, and asked Counci! how many people have sent
correspondence to City Council and h.ow many responses have people received, stated that Council hold
±h�f��±f�rPs �f±he homeown�rs in th�ir gr�s�� �nc� �sked Coun�il t4 vot� no tc� n�w develp�ment in Sun
Ms.Joyce Healy, 210 W. Castle Harbor, appeared before Council in opposition to the proposec�rezoning
of property located in the Sunmeadow Subdivision, and read a statement befare Council stating she has
been a resident in Friendswood for 30 years and Friendswood is no {onger a small town,stated that there -
are a number of closed commercial establishments and the town looks trashy, compared shopping at
area cities, stated there is trash in the intersection, stated there is lost pride in the city,the only thing
positive is our schaois, and asked Counc"il to vote no for the proposed rezoning.
Ms.Carmen Walter, 447 Old Course, appeared befiore council in opposition to the proposed rezoning of
proper�y located in the Sunmeadow Subdivision, stated he is 83 years old, and read a letter regarding
moving ta Friendswood, and that he wanted peace and protection, and begged Council to not go through
with the rezoning, and asked protection of senior c:itizens in the Sunrneadow Subdivision. ,
Ms. Janis Lowe, 401 Forest Pines Court, Agent for the River Oaks at Friendswood, appeared before
Council in support of the proposed rezoning of property located in the Sunmeadow Subdivision, and
reported on the current situa,tion of the River Oaks at Friendswood, stated a citation from the
Sunmeadow subdivision was received, asked Council to table the Rezaning to allow a(I parties to resolve
the lawsuit, stated they are proceeding with development with the closing of 9 ho.les on the golf course,
asked Council to allow this subdivision to proceed, stated their goaf is to meet the 2020 Vision, and
stated they will get through the litigatian before.them and move forward.
Mr. Bob Oliver, 209 Palm Aire, appeared before Council in opposition to the proposed rezoning of
properfy located in the Sunmeadow Subdivision, and presented information packets to Co.uncil, stated
this is a joint venture of the subdivision, and the golf company presented a sketch on how the golf caurse
was put together and that it was meant to be a golf eourse from the beginning, presenfed Section I, 2,
and 3 showing joint ownership by Sunmeadow Development and 5unmeadow Golf Course, presented
Deed Restrictions signed by all three companies referring to housing and the golf caurse, and stated he
does not see how�he golf course can be made into additionaf housing.
Ms. Faye Roberson, 422 W. Castle Harbor, appeared before Council regardingthe proposed rezoning in
Sunmeadow Subdivision, and expressed concerns regarding fioac[ing, drainage, and high density, asked
Council to vote against the proposed rezoning, asked Council to please do not allow the application for
_ .rezc�n;rg�o �e w�thc�raw�; �tated the dev�ic��r�as differert�lars; stated the u�eve(oper is preparin�fhe
��±e for �re�arat?on tc? �rc�cee�l withc���t permits; they are cl�aring the back� hple�, and asked that Ms.
Janis Lowe abide by tl�e faw.
7/15/02 1916
Mr. Fred Krch, 209 Dawn, appeared before Councii to express cancerns regarding street flooding on
Dawn a.nd Woodlawn, stated the Friendswood Independant School District's retention pond at Woodlawn
� is useless, will not handle rainwater, asked if Friendswood has a pian to correct flooding at 209 Dawn,
- requested a written response, stated new construction has affected drainage in this area, sta�ted hefeels
that priorities are on fiunding to provide for this project, stated prQblems started in 1992 that changed
the flow of the water, and asked Council what tF�ey plan on doing regarding this prablem.
Gity Ma:nager Cox presented the Five Star Award for the Second Quarter of 2002 to Associate Librarian
Monetta Houston. Ms. Houston has beert employed at Friendswood Library for over 20 years. She
received recommendations because of implementing excellenf programs and activities forthe children of I
Friendswood. Under her direction, Summer Reading Club participation has quadrup[ed to over 2Q00 and �
program attendance has doubled to over 7000 per summer. Mo�etta is always looking for creative ways
� �o fund the li.brary's programs and has been praised for the programs and demonstrations she organizes
that gives the cammunity a path to guide children in a most positive and educational manner.
City Manager Cox reported on traffic signals. Council has been interested over the past several months
in the timing of traffic signals. Captain Jimmy Hofland, Friendswood Police Department, made an inquiry
of the various signals over the city and their inner-connectedness. Most are inner-connected, but do " .
need to be re-configured. Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) intends to da a synehronization
project this�summer to be complefed by September. In addition, TxDOT has indicated the engineering
for a left�urn bay at the intersection of FM 518, Friendswood Drive and Clearview. TxDOT is determining
whether to contract the project, or complete the work in-house, and will let staff know. Mr. Cox also
reported on fhe Fourth of July Celebration and stated that everyone's patience was appreciated with the
fi.rst Independence Day celebrafion held at Centennial Park. FISD school bus cfrivers indicated they
moved over 8,000 people out of Centennial Park after the That, combined with those who
parked in the unopened subdivision next door or walked, brings the esti.mate for the evening performance ,
io ai�osi 1^v,OG^v. T�ere wiii c�rtainiy be adjustments to the bus scneduiing for tne return trip to tne
� parking lots, but overall tl�e program went very well, and was the best a�tended in recent years.
**Councilmember Kim Brizendine moved to deny the request regarding the appfication for rezoning of �
property in Sunmeadow Subdivision and autharization to prepare an ordinance for the zoning
Secflnded by Councifinember Measeles. The mation was approved unanimously.
'�"Councilmember Kitten Brizendine moved to take no action regarding the expiration of the 90-day
suspension of rates for Reliant energy Entex.
Seconded by Councilmember Ericsson. The motion was approved unanimously.
Counciimember Goza left the Councii Chambers at this time.
axCouncilrimember Kitten Brizendine moved to approve the land trade with the City of League City.
Seconded by Councilmember Ericsson. The motion passed 6-0.
. Counciimember Goza returned to the Council Chambers at this time.
'�"Councilmember Kiften Brizendine moved to approve Ordinance T2002-I4, Second and final reading of
7/ 15/02 I917
an Orcfinance of the City af Friendswood, Texas, estab[ishing a curfew for persons under the age of 17
years befween the hours of 12:01 A.M. and 5:00 A.M. on any day of the week and between the hours of
- 9:Od A,M. and 2:30 P.M, for school•aged children on school days; prouiding it is unlawful for any person
-subject to a curfew hereunder to remain in any pub[ic place or on the premises of any establ.ishment
within�he Gity of Friendswood during curfew hours providing it is unlawful far any parent arguardian of
� a person subject to a curfew hereunder to knowingly permit or by insufficient controi, allow such person
to rerrlain in any pubiic place or on the premises of any esfablishment within the City during curfew
hours; providing it is unlawful for any person owning, aperating, or in the employment of any
establishment within the City to knowingly allow a person subject to the curfew hereunder to remain on
the premises of such esfablishment during curfew hours; providing defenses to prosecutian for violations
hereunder; prouiding an effective date; providing a penalty of an amount not to exceed$5d0.Ofl for each
day ofviolation of any provision hereof; making certain fiindings; repeafing Ordinance No. 99-16, passed
and approved the 7th day of June 1999, and ail other Ordinances or parts of Ordinances inconsistent or in
conflict herewith; and providing for severability.
Seconded by Councilmember Ericsson, The motion was approved unanimously.
�"Cou�cilrnember Ericsson moved to approve Ordinance T2002-15, First read'tng of an Ordinance
amending Appendix C of the Friendswood City Code, said Appendix C:being City of Friendswaod., Texas,
Orclinance No. 84•15, as amended, originally adopted the 19th day of November 1984, and being the
Zoning Qrdinance of�he City, by changing the zoning dassification of a certain 1.9495-acre tract of land
from Singe-Family Residentiai (SFR) to Business Park(BP), such tract being situation at Lot 50 in the
Sharp's Subdivision of Section 22 0#the IG&N Railroad Company Survey, Abstract No. 693, commonfy �
known as 4645 Mandale Road, and wi�hin the City Limits of the City; providing for the amendment of the
City',s official Zoning Map; repealing all other ordinances orparts of ordinances inconsistent or in conflict
herewith; providing for severability; and providinga penalty in an amount not to exceed $2,OOQ for each
day of viofation of any pravision hereof.
Seconded by Councilmember Goza. The motion was approved unanimously.
-�-xr'-" i.-.-. 4..,,- tl�++ [�r'� nri' a m ,.a n nnrn�ia fhr� ('nncnnt � anri a n acPnt rl ith thp
�.vuili,iiiii2�iiuci �vi�2ii vi ic8�iuiil �f..'��.`J" t ?.�,p. .g... a s rr,.,,., e !N.
exception of item C to be tabfed—Approve appointment to the Boards, Committees, and Commissions
for Group A as folfows: l. Planning and Zoning Commission; 2. Zoning Board of Adjustment and
Appeals; 3. Constructoin Baard of Adjustment and Appeals; 4. ,Community and Economic Development
Committee; 5. Library Advisory Board, and item D to be approved separate[y — Approve Resolution
R2002-38, A Resolution of the City of Friendswood, Texas, authorizing intervention in Reliant Energy,
Inc.'s petition to reconcile fuel costs incurred during the period August 1, 1997—January 30, 2002 filed
at the Public Utility Commission of Texas and assigned docket No. 26195; authorizing the jaining with
other intervening Gities to protect and Ratepayer interests; authorizing the hiring of Attorneys
and Gonsultants; and requiring reimbursement of the Cities' ratemaking costs. A. Payment of Capital �
projects. l, Beamer Road Pump Station and Wateriine with payment in the amount of$225,095.85 to T
& C Construc�ion, LTD for construction services. To date, 64 percent of the contract has been expended.
2. Demolition of Buyout Properties with final payment in the amount of$39,582 to Cherry Demo(ition.
To date 10 percent of the contract �as been expended and payment for retainage in the amount of
$21,990 was aclded. Total payments were $286,667.85. B. Disposition of Bid No. 20d2-06 for the
2Q02 Asphalt Sfreet Project to Sylva, lnc. in the amount of$503,487.93. E. Property Tax of June 20Q2.
F. Minutes of June 17 and July l, 2002 Counci[ Meetings.
Seconded by Gouncilmember Ericsson. The motion was approved unanimously.
Councifinember Measeles left the Council Chambers at this time_
�XCouncilmember Kim Brizendine rnoved to apqrove Item D of the Consent Rgenda, Resolution R2002-
38, a Resolution of the City of Friendswood, Texas, authorizing interven�ion in Reliant Energy, {nc.'s
petition to reconcile fuel costs incurred during the Period August 1, 1997—.Ianuary 30, 20Q2 filed at the
7J15/�2 1918 � -
Public Utility Commission of Texas and assigned Docket No. 26195; authorizing the joining with ather
infervening Cities to protect Municipal and Rafepayer interests: authorizing the hiring of attorneys and .
Consultants; and requiring reimbursement of the cities; ratemaking costs.
�Seconded by Councilmember Ericsson. The motion was passed 6-0.
Councilmember Measeles returned to the Council Chambers at this time:
A rrFOtion was made and approved fo adjourn at 8:05 PM.
� . �
Mayar Harold L. Whitaker
s �
��� .. � --------� :
.� � ,-�
eloris McKenzie, TRMC �
City Secretary