HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 2002-07-01 Regular , � 1909 . ' STATE OF TEXAS )( CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD )( . � . COUNTIES OF GALVESTON/HARRIS )( JULY l, 2002 )( MIN�UTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE �RIENDSWOOD CITY CQUNGIL THAT WAS NELD ON MONDAY, JULY 1., 2002 AT 6:00 PM AT FRIENDSWOOD CITY HALL COUNGIL CHAMBERS, 91d S. �RIENDSWOOD DRIVE, FRfENDSW00D; TEXAS, WITH THE FQLLOWING PR�SENT CONSTITUTING A QUQRUM:� MAYOR HAROLD L. WHITAKER -MAYOR PRO TEM TRACY GOZA COUNCILMEMBER KITTEN BRIZENDINE GOUNGILMEMBER KIM BRIZENDINE GOUNCILMEMBER SHANNON KIMMEL (Arr. 7:OQ PM) COUNCILMEMBER � � MEL MEASELES : CITY ATTORNEY . JOHN OLSON CITY ATTORNEY LOREN SMITH DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES ROGER ROECKER - RECORDS SPECIALIST KATHLEEN ODELL Councilmember Ericsson was absent from the meeting. Mayor Whitaker called the meeting to order. EXECUT(VE SESSION Councilmember Kimmel was absent from the Executive Session. Council convened into Executive Session in accordance with The Texas Government Code, pursuant to Section 551.071, Consultation with Attorney concerning pending or contemplated litigation; or a settlement offer; Section 551.072, Deliberation regarding real property. Council re-covened into Regular Session wifh no action taken. A short break was taken at 6:50 PM. Council convened into Regular Session at 7:00 PM. Mayor called the meeting to order with all Councilmembers present. The Invocation was give by Ron McCallon, representing the Friendswood Friends Church. � Mayor Whitaker led the Pledge of Aflegiance to the United States and to the State of Texas. DOCKETED PUBLIC HEARING - � . -- Mayor Whitaker called a Docketed Public Hearing to order to receive commenfs, either oral or written regarding the re-adoption of the Juvenile Curfew Ordinance. Na one spoke. Hearing no comments, this portion of the Docketed Public Hearing was closed. 7/ 1j02 • 19I4 :�1 - . . � � � • - - Mayor Whitaker cailed a Docketed Public Hearing to order to receive comments, either oral or written regarding a proposal to create Reinvestmen�Zone 1.in the Ci�y, No one spoke. Hea,ring no comments, this portion of the Docketed Pubiic Hearing was closed. Mayor Whitaker called a Docke�ed Public Hearing to order to receive comments, either oraf or written regarding an applica�tion for L.acai Law Enforcement Biock Grant. . No one spoke. Hearing no comments the Docketed Public Hearing was closed. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAYOR AND C011NCiLMEMBERS. Councilmember Kitten Brizendine.reported that there was a fire at the Lighthouse equipmentfacilitythis weekend, reported that there was over $250,000 worth o# damage, asked e�eryone to keep the Lighthouse Volunteers in their prayers and support them in fhe re-building of their facility and equiprnent. Councilmernber Goza had no report. Councilmember Kim Brizendine had no report. Counciimember Kimmel had no report. Councilrrmember Measeles wished everyone a Happy Fourth of July, and cautioned anyone leaving town . because this will be the best Faurth of Juiy celebration, the best parade, and the best evening 2,^,�°S"t�{n r^B!�±. Mayor Whitaker stated he concurred with Councilmember Measeles, and stated this will be the 107tn celebration of the Fourth of Jufy Celebration in Friendswood. � COMMUNIGATiONS FROM:COMMITTEES OR SPECIAL REPORTS ' Chief of the Friendswood Police Department Bob Wieners appeared before Council and announced that Ron Carter Dealership.in Alvin has donated a 2002 Hummer to �he City to be used in support of the DARE Program. Chief Wieners stated that the Hummer, valued at $45,000 will be used to get out the message to students of the anti substance abuse program, the vehicle will be parked on the campus of Friendswood High Schoo( for the students to see, and wifl be used at City#unctions. Chief Wieners also recognizec! Sign City for donating the graphic services that were dane on the Hummer and stated a letter of thanks will be sent to�Ron Carter as soon as the contract is signed. Director of Gommunity Services Jon Branson appeared before Council regarding the Jufy Fourth Celebration and s�ated ttiis year's theme is "Let Freedom Ring,A Tribute To Our Neroes", s�ated that the . Fourth of July Steering Committee is encouraging residents ta place flags on the houses, reported that there will be a grea� day of activity, this year's parade has the greatest number of entries— 133—and promises to be a fantastic parade. Qirector Branson stated that the opening ceremonies at Stevenson Park w.il[ begin at 1 1 :30 AM un�til 3-30 PM, there�v;ll be great food, a great dav of activities, and over 50 booth vendars. The evenin�pragram will be held at Centennial Park, and the onI_y wa_y to get to the park wili be by the free shuttle service will be available at bath C1ear Brook and Friendswood High Schools. The evening program wili �nclude the Chamber drawing for the 2002 Ford 150 4-door Pickup, musical � 7/1(02 � 191I ` � entertainment including Grammy award wanner B. J. Thomas, and concludingwith a fantasticfireworks � display and Director Branson urged everyone to at-tend al[ af the fes�ivities. . ACTtON 1TEMS '�=�Councilmerr�ber Kim Brizendine moved to approve action regarding appoirttment of City Gouncil Liaisons for 2002�2003. Seconded by Councilmember Kitten Brizendine. The motion passed 6-0. RESOLUTIONS , "�Counc[Imember Goza moved to approve Resolu�ion No. R2002-24, A Resolution of the City Council af the City of Friendswood,TexaS, establishing the fees to be charged bythe City ta non-resident customers of the City's water and sewer service. Seconded by Counciimember Kitten Brizendine. The motion passed 6-0. ORDINANCES " xxCounciimember Measeles moved to approve Ordinance T2002-12, Second and Final Reading of an Ordinance of the City of Friendswood creating Reinvestment Zone No, l, same being that certain-2.5Q14 acre tract of land within the City of Friendswood, Harris and Galveston Counties,Texas, said 2.5014acre tract being the J.R. Wiiliams or Sarah McKissick League, Volume 254, Page 72, in the office of the - County Clerk ofi Galveston County, Texas, and also described as Lot 52 and part of Lot 51 of the Antoinette Voss Subdivision, Galveston County, Texas; making certain findings; repealing all Ordinances or parts of Ordinances inconsistent or in conflict herewith; and providing for severability. Seconded By Councilmember Kim Brizendine. The motion passed 6-0. xxCouncilmember Kim Brizendine moved to approve Resoiution R20p2-37; A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Friendswood, Texas, authorizing the Mayor to execute and the City Secretary to, attest a Tax Abatement Agreement by and between the City, Baywood H.oldings Ltd. Co., and Baywood Medical Associates, Pa; related to proQerty lc?catet! vvithir� R��nvestmP�t ���P N�_ i . Seconded by Councilmember Goza. The motion passed 6-0. . ""Councilmember Kim Brizendine.moved to approve Ordinance T2002-13, Second and Finaf Reading of an Ordinance amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Friendswoad, Texas, by deleting therefrom all of Chapter 82 and substi#uting therefore a new C�apter 82; providing rules and regulations governing the towing of vehicles within the City; providing other matters related to the subject; providing a penalty of an amount not to exceed $1,000.00 for each day of violation of any provision hereof; repealing ali ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent or in conflict herewith; and proyiding for severability. Seconded by Councilmember Kitten Brizendine. The motion passed 6-Q. xxCouncifinember Goza moved to approve Ordinance T2002-14,First Reading of an Ordinance of the City of Friendswood, Texas, estab�ishing a curfew for persons urider the age ot 17 years between the hours of 12:01 A.M. and 5:d0 A.M. on any day of the week and between the hours of 9:00 A.M. and 2:30 P.M. for school-aged chiidren on school days, providing it is unlawfui for any persan subject to a curfew hereunder to rerriain in�any public place or on the premises of any establishment within the City of �riendswood during curfew hours; providing it is unlawfu! for any parent or guardia� of a person subject to a curfew hereunder to knowingly permit or by insufficient control, allow such person to remain in any public place or on �he premises of any establishment within the City during curfew hours; providing it is unlawfiul for any person owning, operating, or in the emp�oyment of any es�ablishment within the City to knowingly alfow a persan subject�Eo the curfew hereunderto remain on the premises of such establi�hment during curfew hours; praviding defenses to prosecution for viola�ions hereunder; providing an effective date; provicling a penalty of an amount not to exceed$500.OQ for each day of viofation ort any provision hereof; making certain findings; repealin,g Ordfnance No. 99-16, passed and approved tl�e 7}h day ofJune 1999, I 7/1/02 � 19I2 ° and all other Ordinar�ces or par�s of Qrdinances inconsistent or in conflict herewith; and pravid�ng fior severability. . , Seconded by Cou�cilmember Kitten Brizendine. The, motion passed .6-0. �XCouncifinember Kim Brizendine moved to approve the Gonsent Agenda as presented. A. Payment of Capital Projects. 1. 1 Miflion Ga(Ion elevated storage tank wifih payment in the amount of$6,300.OQ to K1otz Associates, Inc. for engineering services. To date,83 percent of the contrac� has been expended. Paymenfi in the amount of $49,d29.50 to Landmark Struct�res far cansfruction services. To date; 64 percent of the contract has been expended. 2. Beamer RQad Pump Station and Wa�terline with payment in the amount ofi$12;899.28 to T&C Cons�ruction, L7D for construction services. To date 51 percent ofi i the contract has been expended, 3. Ground Storage TankRehabilifation with payment in the amount of $187,530.00 to T&�C Construction, LTD for construction services. To date 51 percent of the.contract i has been expended. 4. Blackhawk Ground 5�orage Tan-k Construction and Reha(�ilitation with payment in the amount of$32,477.50 to Gulf States Protective Coatings; Fnc.for construction services. To date 63 percent of the contract has been expended_ Payment to Stork Souti�western Labora�ories in the amount of $480 and $552.50 far testing services. To date 19 percent of`the confract has been expended. 5. Public Works Facility Addition witIi finat payment in fhe amount of$16,742.16 ta G &Z Contrac-ting for retainage withheld pursuant to terrris of contr.act. Tota[ payments were $309;978.4�4. B: Approva� of Resoiution of the city of Friendswood as fallows: R20D2-35, a reso}ution of the City of Friendswood establishing maximurn fees that may be charged by wrecker companies operating within the City. R2002-36, a resolutian of�he City of Friendswood adopting�he Coun�il Rules of Procedure for 2002-03. C. Authorize lease/purchase agreement for replaeement of computer hardware and software. D. � Approve acceptance of access easement for emergeney and maintenance purposes alang Clear Creek. E. Approve acceptance of easements for 24" waterline far fhe Beamer Road Surface Water Station. F. Approve Change Orde,r No: 5 for Centennial Park Project; Phase l. G. Authorize application for Local Law Enforcement Block Grant funds with a local match af ten percent. H. Apprave contract with Harris- Galveston Area Council for renewal of Victims of Crirne Act. I. Approve addition of one Schooi Crossing Guard position for the Police Departmenf. J. Approve the Minutes of the June 14, 2002 Council Meeting. Seconded by Councilmember Measeles. The motion was approved 6-0. A motion was made and approved to adjourn at 7:26 PM. . �Q� Mayar Harold L. Whitaker Attest: ���Ll.�, a hleen S. Odell ` Records Speciaiist `