HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 2002-06-14 Special, Retreat � zga� � ST4T� OF TEXAS )'( CITY OF FRIE�DSWOOL� )( CQUNTIES OF GALVESTONtHARRIS )( J U N L 14, 2002 )( MINUTES OF F� S°ECIAL MEETING OF TH� FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUhICfL I NAT VV�;S HEL17 ON FRIGAY,.JUNE 1�4, 2002 AT 8:00 AM ,4T HILI ON HOUSTON NASA GLEAR LAKE, I`�i�RfRIA COVE ROOM, 3000 N;4SA ROAD l, HOUSTON, TEXAS WiTH THE FOLLOW[iVG PR�SENT CONSTITLJ i IiVG A QUORUM: MAYOK HAROLD WHITAKER MAYOR PRO TEVI TRACY GOZA GOUNCILMEMBER KITTEN BRIZENDINE COU�IGILMEMBER JERRY ERICSSON COUNCILMEMBER KIM BRIZENDINE CO�JNCILMEMBER SHANNON KIMMEL • COUNCILMEMBER MEL MEASELES GITY MANAGER RON COX CITY SECRETARY DELORIS MCKENZIE FAClLITATOR JOE GONZALEZ Mayor Whitaker calied the meeting to order. **Councilmember Kitten Brizendine m.oved to approve Resolution R2002-33, A resolution ofi the City of Friendsvvood, Texas, declaring ihe necessi±y for the holding of a Specia! Meeting (Planning Retreat) of City Council on Friday, June 14, 2002, at 8:00 AM ai the Niiton Houston NASA Clear Lake, Marine Cove Room, 3000 NASA Road One, Houston, Texas, for the purpose of discussing planning for the City; making certain findings; and ratiTying and contirming the cailing of such meeting. .. - Seconded by Councilmember Jerry Ericsson. The motion was approved unanimously. Facilitator Joe Gonzalez led Council regarding goals and objectives #or the City of Friendswood. The following are the issues discussed. Governance • Reuiew the vision, Mission, Policy Ends and Focus Ends ° Assess the Council is sti!I on targe# ° Determine if any adjustments shouid be made • Maintain commitment to Staff, public service, infrastructure • Gonveying Council philosophy to standing committees • Review the concept of governance as a reminder of r2sponsibi(itie5 of Council in the Council/ivlanager torm of Government • CaunciG providing mentoring to newiy-eiected members • Rerocus Council Members in liaison appointments and define a role for members with homeowners associations • Review and refacus role of Cauncil �oward economic development and Vision 2020 = Engage citszens ef Friendswoed who resi�e �,�ithir� Narris County • Gonform the role of leadership and deliberation among Council Members • Confirm the proper balanc2 between taxes for carin� for citizens versus taxes for pay�irg�or staff al�d operatiot;s and determine we are on the righ# path • Reifect on the positive ihings we have accomplished; ceiebrate and reccnfirm achievements � 6 / 14/�2 � 19Q2 �canomic ueUeiopment * Di�cuss the direction we are going relative to the recent dei��t of the 4B Sa1es Tax . referendum • Access the level of community support ior economic develooment ' • Discuss better ways to communicate issues to citizens on need for econcmic development * Discuss imp(ications of sales tax election — are citizens for or againsi economic developmer�t in general • .. Discuss if there are other possibl� uses rar 4B sales tax that would be more acceptable to citizens ; • Con�inue ta sir�arrtfine the developmeni pracess, incl�ding site plan a�proval � process • Appoint a new ad hoc Development Review Committee to look at ardinances and procedures Ga��fial lmprouQme:�t� Pr�gram • Determine what level and when ta proceed vviih implementation of CIP pian � • Revie�h� presentation of proposed capital improvements • Determine priorities of praposed Cf P � Set priorities far th° key items, par#icularly the Public Safety Building • Address funding for Centennial Park �rainage - • Continue to build advocacy with other entities for improvement to Ciear Creek � Focus on local dC'aina�e is�ues; SunmeadoUV, A�nalea/Kingspark/�Vhitenali, Clover Acres Qth�r,Is�u�s • Sunmeadow zonin� and redevelopment issue , - FM 2351 Medians � Mainstreet • FVFD Contract . • Clear policy on use of Buy Out properties , • Lobby state government on upcoming insurance, open meeting and open records • �uture plans for Lake Friendswood � Develop a Citizens approval Rating System ��rith a citizen survey • Canduct Ulunicipal Code update of all city ordinances • Develop a more aggressive open/green space program A motion was made and approved to adjourn at 4:15 PM. r ..,-�,,'''� �.�%;�.� '� ' ��'°f�...� -'��"' +3 � � � � �'Mayar Harold L. Whitaker r � Attest: �'� .t;>° �--�, 1 ������ ..��_=�._.-="��"��� Deloris iNcKenzie, I R(V� � ~p City Secretary .