HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 2002-06-03 Regular 1895 , STATE 0 F TEXAS )( CITY OF FRIE�IDSWOOD )( • COUNTIES OF GALVESTON/HARRfS )( JUNE 3, 2002 )( � MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL THAT WAS HELD ON MONQAY, JUNE 3, 20(72 AT 7:a0 PM AT FR(ENDSWOOD CfTY HALL C�UNCIL CHAMBERS, 910 S. F°ILNQSV'J�OD D°IVE, �°;ENCS'J�'OCC, TEXAS, `�`JiTH E`I-IE FvLLCV`JiiJG PRESE�i i�' C^vf�1Si'I i UTiiV'G r1 QUORUM: MAYOR HAROLD L. WHITAKER MAYOR PRO TEM TRACY G�ZA COUNCILMEMBER KITTEN BRiZENDINE COUNCILMEMBER JERRY ERIGSSON COUNCILMEMBER KIM BRIZENDINE � C(�I r��(� n/� �,n �+ /�� (� n � � �/� VVIVLILiV�I�IYI�LD JI1!'1(VtIVOIV (\IIV�IYILL ' COUNCILMEMBER MEL MEASELES CITY ATTORf�EY LOREN SMITH CITY MANAGER RON COX - CITY SECRETARY DELORIS MCKENZIE . Mayor Whitaker called the meeting to order. The Invocation was given by Pastor Mike McAlister from Friendswood Church of Christ. Mayor Whitaker led the Pledge of Allegiance to the United 5tates and to the State of Texas. PUBLlC HEARING IViayor'vVhitaKer cafled a l ublic Nearing to order to rece�ve comments, either oraf or written, regarding a proposal to create a Reinvestment Zone in fihe City. Chair of the Community and Economic Development Committee Kevin Candee appeared before Council and reparted that the Committee is in favor of fhe Reinvestment Zane. Fiearing no further comments, the Public Hearing was closed. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAYOR AND COUNCILMEMBERS Counci{member Measeles had no report Councilmember Kimmel reported that whi[e visiting Dallas, he visited the "Sixth Floor" Museum where � information regarding President Kennedy's assassinati�n was on exhibition and urged everyone, ifthey - get the opportunity to be in Dallas, to visit this historic site. � Cauncilmember Kim Brizendine had no repert Counciimember Goza had no report. �o�u^cil��errber Er�cs�cr i Giiiiiiueu everyene �hu� i� avas�he vvth ail,iiVciSaiy a����e 'Baz�ie o� ti�idti�;ay„ �i�iC�i aiSC i115 a���3fV81"3Qi)% ^vf si�uuPi�i.iii� fiv^i""ii {ii�il� SGilvO' 8ilu 'tii�c�i 2V2i")%Oil^v- �O ��^ C�j�Bi.��iui i0 Oui vetera ns. 6/3/02 . � 1896 � Councilmember Kifiten Brizendine thanked Counci[member Ericsson for bringing this anniversary to everyone's at-�ention and stated that her fat�er was at Midway. � Mayor Whitaker r.eported on attending the Blackhawk Plant Meeting iast Thursday during wE�ich. a contrac�t for renovations for the plant were approved, and discussion was held regarding �riendswood's share of the cost, which ,is approximately $820,0�}0, and reported that Blackhawk will share the information regarding financing, and fhis will probably be work-shopped at a later date. • � CO!!�1�lUI�I�P,TlQ.RfS F!?�M G�M!V;IT?'4ES �JR SPEv��$L P.EP^RT� Mr.John Cole, 401 Virginia Lane, appeared before Council and asked aboutthe ReinvestmentZone as to the impact on the City and whythis is good for the Cifiy, asked about�he Council Planning Retreat in the City Manager Report, the Budget Amendment Ordinances, and requested information on these agenda items with Mayor Whitaker explainin.g that Council wili have a discussion regarding each agenda item during this meeting. lVls, Jean B�lder�uck, me;�;-;�pr Cf thn� Co�;lor Citazen,,Sdvi,ory Cemmitt�e, aPP�a�ed Uefo;e Caunci! an� stated that she brings sincere thanks for all that is provided for the Senior Citizens of �riendswood including the weekly scheduled activi�ies, exercise classes, card games, bible studies, Bingo, medical c�ecks, dancing, birthday parties, lunch program and unscheduled activities including Fridays thaf are "out to" days, annual activities, fundraiser, networking with the Chamber for different projects, the Chamber Trade Fair, the Chamber Halloween' in the park, Thanksgiving, Ghristmas luncheons, sponsored AARP "Alive at 5" program. Ms. Bi Iderback stated�hat the Friendswood Senior Activity Center is in need of a large-screen TV and are currentiy in the process of raising funds, sponsored the first Health Fair, have a number of trips planned, anc[ also are working on a memorial plaque at the center to remember Seniors tha# have passed away. Ms. Sherri McGavern who is wifh the Red Cross, recognizing the one-year anniversary since Tropical Storm A(lison, presented Certificates of Appreciation to Senior Program Manager Melody Kammerer and Recreation Aide Kristine Schaffner of the Senior Citizens Division of the Community Services Department, fior zneir outstanding eitort during the recovery process. Both lVie(ody and Kristi�e were calied upon to go far beyond the duties in their job description when a Red Cross Center was established at the Activities Building. They did a great job of providing assistance for the Red Cross personnel, the many volunteers, and the victims who needed the services after the storm. � Tedd Olkowski, President of the Galveston County Economic Development Alliance, appeared befare ' Council and presented the Annual Report. The report included: Business Expansion and Business Assistance Programs;.Business Incuba#ors; Venture Capital Funds; Business Recruitment— Mar€ce�ing and Sales;Advertising; Public Relations and Media Communications; Pui�fic P.olicy; and Cooperation with Other Regional Entities. CiTY MANAGER'S REPORT City Manager Cox reported that City Gouncif Planning Retreat has been scheduled for June 14, 20�2 a� the Nassau Bay Hilton. Mr. Cox aiso reported on t.he status of Electric Provider Changeover. Councif chose the�Public Power Pooi.(P3) as the consortium of local governments to work with to purchase � � electric power for'the city. Bidding took place last win#er, and �XU was chosen as the provider for�Ehe City of Friendswood. Since then the process o changeover has been very slow far the city, anc! has been extremely arduous for citizens around the state. Currently, only five percent of our accounts have been fully switcl�ed and are being billed by TXI. Most of the remaining 95 percent have been switched, but r � � nari ;-��i�� hl�it " "�I�fICL��i �� f� 1�I ;i"Su ! � CC^ ,or �nn o..��- n-, II �n+ , :X� ...�Xr.,.., t^, �.b i?`I^�}` !l� u I ( ., , t S Sj�@ 1, S . S 4..i 8i S r8i, 2cCCOui��S COi ii{i iu2 ±� be h:!!ed by, Raliun�an�T�!P. lNerk continUe����it" P3 to g�t t"2s� accour�fs switcf�ed to TXU, a��vei�. In addition, there is cantinued acfivity in the regulatory front. Even though the price of retail elec�tricity has been deregu{ated, the transmission and distribution on the wires and po[es within our cities � 6J3/02 . I897 continues to be regufated. Neither has the cost of electricity for the "Price to Beat" customers (those customers that elect to remain with the default provider of.electricify). Recentfy both TNP and Reliant- . HL&P both submi�ted cost_of service increases for f.uel costs. This affects the cos�s of electricity for all customers that have chosen to stay with �he defauit provider. The Coalition of Cities for both TNP and refianf-HL&P has authorized Geoffrey Gay, �he attorney representing the coalitions, to intervene and file answers on behalf af the cities. ' Mr. Cox alsa reported�on Departmental Grant Reports that included the foltowing departments and related grants: Library - Library TfF Grant; Lone Star Libra.ries Grant; Commun�ty Develo�menf Department - Hazard Mitigation Grant; Poiice Departmen� - Schoof Resource Officer Program; Crime Victim Assistance Program; Local Law EnforcementBlock Gran�; and Fire Marshal's Office— pomestic Preparedness Equipment Grant; Law ,Enforcement Officer Standards & Educatio.n; Ernergency Management Performance Grant; Doppler Radar; Hurricane Local Grant Program. ACTI�N ITEMS xXCaunci[member Kitten �r?zencfine move�l to �pprc�ve th� Ir�terl�ral Agrg�ma�t �r�rith I-larri� Cniinty fnr • mutual aid in the even�E of an err�ergency. ; Seconded by Councilmember Ericsson. The motion was approved unanimously. ""Counciimember Measeles rnoved to approve the Mutual Aid Fire Protection Agreement with Narris County Fire Fighters�Association for fire protection services in the event of an emergency. ' - Seconded by CounciEmember Goza. The motion was approved unanimously. �xGouncilmember Kitten Brizendine moved to approve the Debris Management Agreement- with Galveston County Consolidated Drainage District for a Declared Emergency. Seconded by Councilmember Ericsson. The motion was approved unanimously. ��Cou�cilmember Kitten Brizendine moved to approve the Debris Management Agreement with Ga(veston County Consolidated Drainage District for an Un-Declared Emergency. .J t-. (` 'I hl..- C.-� TI..,. �; � „I ' 1 SBCvilf�I2u uy l�OU111.11117GE11UC1 �iiC�Si�ir. i iic iiiGuvii''vJ�� a��ivV�u uiiaiiiii�Gli�i�. '�"Councilmember Kiften Brizendine moved to approve the Agreement with Baron Services, lnc. to provide Doppler Radar Data. . Seconded by Councilmember Kim Brizendine. The motion was approved unanimously. ORDINANCES '��`Councilmember Kitten Brizendine moved to approve Ordinance No.T2002-1I.,An Ordinance ofi the City ofi Friendswood, Texas, known as "Budget Amendment I", amending City of Friendswood, Texas, Ordinance No. 2001-20, passed and approved September 17, 200I and being an Ordinance approving and adopting the Ci�y's Genera! Budget for fiscaf year 2Q01-2002; providing amendments to such budget; and providing other matters re[ated to the subject. Seconded by Councifinember Ericsson. The motion was approved unanimously, x�Councilmember Ericsson movec! to approve Ordinance No. T2002-12—First Reading of an Ordinance creating Reinvestment Zone Na. 1 same being that certain 2.5014 acre tract of land within the City of Friendswood, Narris and Galveston Gounties, Texas, said 2.5014-acre tract being in the J.R. Williams ar Sarah McKissick League, Vofume 254, Page 72, in �he office of fhe County Clerk of Gafveston County, - Texas, and also described as Lot 52 and par� of Lot 51 of the Antoinette Voss Subdivision, Galveston Count��, Texas; makin�certair, findings; repea!ing a!! ordinances or parts o€ordina���s inconsistent c�r ir conflict herewith; and providing for severab€lity. Seconded by Councilmember Goza. Tl�e motion was approved unanimously. 6I3/02 , 1898 . � CONSEN7 AGENdA �`�`Councilmember Kitten Brizendine moved to approve fhe Consent Agenda as presented. A. Payment of Capital Projects— 1, Centennial Park Phase One with payment in the amoUnt of$104,941.30 to Kinsei Indus�ries, lnc, for development at Centennial Park. To date, 100 percent of the contract I�as been expended. Payment iR the amount of$16,546.00 to Aries �ence Co.forfencing. To date, 100 percent of the cantract has been expended. 2. Ground Storage Tank Rehabilitation with payment in the amoun�E of $2,259.15 to Wayne Smith &Associa�es for engineering services. To date, 75 percent of the contract �la� �EF'n gXr�t✓nrlPrl, � (3aampr f�J�u� P!u:?1r C��u±fOP �fl�.I 11;/a±ar�{;-�° 1Nl�h �.'?�y1;3Qf�t Iil t�"i2 a�iiGuil'i Gi $6,753.20 to K(otz Associates, I nc. To date, 75 percent of the contract has been expended. 4. 1 Mil[ion Gallan Elevated Storage Tank with payment in the amount of $4,574.53,to Klotz Associates, Inc. for ; engineering Services. To date, 66 percent of the contraet has been expended. 5. 500,000 Gallon Ground Storage Tank/Rehabilitation of Existing Starage Tank with payment in the amount af$1,392.45 fo Wayne Smith & Associates for engineering services. To date, 53 percent of the contract has been expended. Tota1 Payments were $175,1.89.82. B, Approve Resalution R2002-32, designating representatives and al�ernates ofi the City to the General Assembly af the Houston-Galveston Area Council fc�r th?year 2�C�2. C. A��rn�re a�reen-,P�,t�t�t� N��� Sar;� romNany,f�r debri�clea,�u�an�uispc�al ;��the event of an emergency.- b. Approve final buyout payment for tease/purchase of four vehicles in the Police Departmen�. E. Autho:rize one Traffic Safety Ufficer position to be fiilled per Council Work Session. F. Approve disposal of city vef�icle, one I983 Chevralet Ambulance, by public auction. G. -Approve appointments of Karen Pauly and Laurie Winn to the CommunityAppearance Board to fill vacancies. H. Approve �he minutes o# May 13, 2002. - _ Seconded by Councilmember Kim 8rizendine. The mofion was approve unanimous(y. A motion was made and approved' to adjourn at 8:25. PM. Mayo:r Harold L. Whitaker Attest: �- '� - ' i De oris McKenzie, TRM � City Secretary �