HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 2002-04-15 Regular � �1881 STATE OF TEXAS )( C1TY OF FRIENDSWOOD )( . COUNTIES OF GALV£STON/NARRIS )( APRIL 15, 2002 )( MINUITES OF A REIaULAR MEETI(�fG OF THE FRIEI�lDSWOOD GITY COUNGIL THAT WAS HELD ON MONDAY, APRIL 15, 2002 AT 6:Q0 PM AT �RIENDSWQOD CITY HALL GOUNCIL CHAMBERS, 910 S. ,FRIF�pSW00p pRIVE; fRIENDSW00d; TEXAS, WITH TH� FOLLOWING PRESENT CONSTITUTING .A QUORUM: . � MAYOR HARCILD L. WHITAKER MAYOR PR0 TEM LARRY TAYi�OR COU�JCILMEMBER KITTEN BRIZENDINE COUNCiLMEMBER JERRY ERICSSON COUf�CILMEMBER TRACY G�ZA � COUI�CILMEMBER KiM BRIZENDINE COUP�CILMEM�ER ' MEL MEASELES CITY ATTpRNEY JOHN OLSON CITY MANAGER RON COX C.ITY SECRETARY QELOR[S MCKENZIE MAYOR WHITAKER CALLED TNE MEETWG TO ORDER at 6:OQ PM. WORK SESSION - - Discussion was hefd regarding Police Department staffing—Traffiic Safety Program. Police Chief Bob Wieners gave a power point presentation on the foilow[ng. • PersonneVTraining • Enfiorc�ment Hctivity. ' . • Other duties � • Cost/Benefit • Staffing Proj��ctions Chief Wieners summarized:�he presentation as follows: • With approval of�raffic safety unit, the police department will have what it needs to reach this year's revised goal • The Police Depar�ment will add one officer in th'e 4t'' quarter to staff the traffic safety unit • There is no cost to the general fund for adding the officer • The Police Department will need to craft a budget strategy that addresses the need for more personnel and addresses diminished grant fund'ing. Councii taok a brief break a-t this time. REGULAR SESSION � Council_convened into Regular Session at 7:00 PM. The Invocation was given by Cauncilmember Larry Taylor. �f VWili� -I i"Ov��. G�� i�� iilE �iC-f��@ Ji r�ii^c�iatl�,@ i^v tii2 �}n�.^�u ���ut°S u;l� t0 ±hg Cta�° Of�2Xw5: 4� is/a2 , 1ss2 COMMCINICATIONS FROM MAYOR AND COUNC[LMEMBERS Councilrnember Measeles reported on attendingApril 2�dthe Friendswood Public Library Poetry Reading during which works from two focal poets were read, attended the Galveston County Exposition at fihe dog track in LaMarque, with Friendswood in participating in the Fire Department disaster driil, with helicopters, blaad banks, etc., reported on attending the�exas Municipal Clerks Association/Salt Grass : Chapter Annual BanGuet during which a scholarship fund was announced and named after City Secretary �Deloris McKenzie. Councilmember Tayl�r stated that this was his last officiat meeting, reported on attending the "Opening Day Celebration" at Renwick Park for little-Ieague basebaii'and so#tbali teams; and reported on attending the Salt Grass Chapter Annual Banquet wnere City Secretary Del'oris McKenzie was recognized for her 25 years of service as a City Secretary and a scholarship fund was named after her. Councilmember,Kim Brizendine reported that he was unabfe to attend the Salf Grass Chapter Annual Banquet but announced each Councilmember will donate $10Q.00 towards the Deloris_ McKertzie Scholarship Fund in recognition of her outstanding service. Councilmember Brizendine also reported on meeting with homeowners associatians and stated this is a great'wayto communicate with homeowners and suggested possibly having a liaisan to homeowners associations. Councilmember Goza announced he supported the donation to the Deloris McKenzie.:Scholarship Func(, and reported he attended the opening ceremonies at Renwick Park for little-league baseball and softbal! teams. Councilmember Ericsson reported on attending the opening ceremonies for little-league baseball and softball and the soft�all ffoats that were a part of the "`Opening Day Celebration" at Renwick Park, and �Bj����8u C7 �<<2��v1�r�;iiic HvuSiviif,aa�V2Sivi�r�1"S� �vuiiCi� ii`1ui i�'"liji iiFC@iiii�;ai iu il ie Saii GidSS Cila�ii2f 8anquet ` Councilmember Kitten Brizendine reported on attending the Senior Citizens' spaghetti luncheon held at �he Activi�ty Building during which Mr. Joe DeBonis was recognized for.his work in preparing the spaghetti and his generosity to the SeniorProgram, reported on a�tending,the Rotary Reverse Draw,.the TMCA Sait Grass Chapter Annua( Banquet and the creation of the Deloris McKenzie Scholarship Fund, and thanked the 1aw firm of Olson & O[son for their generous donation to the scholarship fund, and also recognized the law firm of Greg �and Grey for their contribution ta �he scholarship fund. Mayor Whitaker reported on attending the "Opening Day Celebration" for little-league and stated that about 1,700 attendin�g this event, stated that this youth prograrti has really expanded, and cor�imended the Community Services Department for the excellent'program they offer to the youth of Friendswood, congratulated City Secretary Deforis McKenzie on the creati,on of the beloris McKenzie Scholarship Fund and stated she is a real professional, anc[ recognized',Councilmember .Taylor tar his service to the communi�y the Iast three years, and looks forward to working with him in the Legislature. � Mayor Whitaker also recognized the Counselors Ms. Mary Rinehart and Ms. Renae 5imons who worked with the Decathlon tearn and presented the Proclamation ho�orir�g the Friendswood High Schaol Academic "2d02 Decathlon 1 eam" who won the State Championship for the lOth consecutive year. The members present and their counselors received a St31��i�1� Ol�ut!On. 4/ 15/02 1883 COMMUNfCAT10NS FROM 1�N£ PUBLfG , Mr. Lew Fincher, 13�J1 Buttonwood, appeared before Council and announced the National Hurricane Conference Award for Outstand'ing Achievement in Local Emergency Management was presented to Friendswood Fire Marshal TE:rry Byrd last week in Washington.. Mr. John Wilkinson, 112 W. Lang, representing Reliant Energy; appeared before Cauncil regarding Reso!ution 20�2-22 an�l asked Council not to suspend the operation of the Proposed Rate Schedules for "-' a pe.r:iod up to 90 days beyond the c(ate �n which such schedules would otherwise to inta effect. Ms. Doris Heard, P. C7. Bax 647; appeared before council to express her concerns regarding the medians on FM 2351, presented a petition which 750 peaple have signed, presented a drawing of the current medians and asked Councii to consider alternatives to the removal of the medians. Mr. Tom Lay, 905 Layfair, appeared before Councii and gave;a presentation regardingthe removal ofthe medi�ns on FM 2�51 and stated h� represented concerned citizens, stated that hundreds signed a - petition "Don't Mess With our Medians", asked where will the dollars come from to fund the removal of the medians, and asked Council to reconsider previous votes or decisions made on removing the medians.. Ms. Susan Hood, 2I09 S. Mission, appeared befare couneil fhank thanked council for allowing her to reiterate what has already been said, suggestecl a workshop be held to brainstorm the median�project, expressed concerns i�egarding traffic, alternative interior circulation, the turn at Albertson, an extended left turn lane, proposed a study be done by-Texas Tran5portation Institute, discussed cost analysis, and maintaining the bea�aty af the medians. Ms, Millie Perner, 506 Fairdale, appeared before council to;express her concerns regardingthe proposed removal of the medians on FM 2351, stated she was a member af the Community Appearance Board a long time ago and at that time decisions were made regarding the raised medians, stated that �USIfI��S@S liI lC7VV11 i"dijCU i 18'�i��i7Cy ivi �iC CI`Ej✓2 iii`y'i"ticS� ailu NivViu2u a hIS�:,�y �f �'��i`y' ii'1°�I^u^S On FM 518. ' Mr. Jeff Payson, 1013 Quaker Bencl, appeared befare council and stated he wished to express another " "" point ofi view on esp{anades, discussed the shortage of rights of way, FM 2351, traffic, alternatives for the use of the crepe myrtles on �he medians on FM 2351., and would prefer a continuous turn lane thaf would accommodate the offices focated on FM 2351 at Melody Lane and traffic. Mayor Whitaker rec�pped the reason for the medians on'FM 2351 being rev[ewed, explained that over two years ago, the Texas Department of Transporta�ion presented a plan, stated the City Manager Cox wili look into this to see if a draft plan will be avaifable for Council review, sta#ed that Council has not voted an this, and tl�iat only city funds would be spent if the city wan�ted to enhance a turn lane on FM 2351. C:�MMUNlCAT10NS FROM �OMMITTEES OR SPECtAL REPOFtTS Ms. Kaye Corey, Chair of the Community Appearance Board, appeared befiore Council with the Annual Report which included the Annual Projects such as ``Spring Sparkle", "Falf Haul A Day", "Rdopt a Spot", °Busir�ess Beautificatio� Award", Annual Tree Give-a-way", and "Main Street Beautification Project".The report also incfuded opposition to the removal of the 2351 medians, and recommendations for open space resulting frem the FEM.A bu}�o!�t. Ms. Core��a[so e�cpressed the Board's appreciation to Gouncil for funding; thanked Councilmember Measeles for servin� as Liaison, fihanked Director of CommunityJon Branson for his support, recapped the Board's projects, and stated tl�at the Board is missing 5 members and that vofunteers �re needed:. 4/ 15/02 , 1884 SPE�IA,L PRESENTp�TIONS Gity Manager presented the Five Star Award to Mr. dan Johnson, Deputy Director of the Community Development Depart:ment, far the first quarter of 2002. Dan is always very courteous to everyone, whether a citizen ar a fellow employee and was nominated for the work he has done on the FEMA Hazard Mitigation Grant Program. Dan wrote the application to FEMA and it was the first in the nation to be funded under their newly impfemented Fast Tract Program. ban handled the families anc! their properties both professionally and campassionately. Ci-ty Manager Cox ga,ie.special�recognition to Judy Howard,telecommunicator for the Friendswood Police Department, for being named one of seven State Telecammunicators of the Year for 2001. Judy was recognized fior her patience and caring with a strake victim vvho�alled fhe police`department in January, 2001. The lady did not knaw where she lived or what had happened to her and for 45 minutes Judy car.efuliy and patientay questioned the 1ady. She was able to have the lady practice dialing 9-1-1 on her phone. This brought the call to the attentian of a telephone aperator who was abie to give Judy the lady's phone number. With the ohane number, Judy was al�le ta Icicate the (ady's address �.rt�1 c�n±a�t Pearland EMS to assist her. Judy stayed on the phone with the lady until help arrived at her rural Brazoria County address. City Manager Cox also gave special recognition to Stephanie Price-Taylor, telecommunicator for the Friendswood Police department for receiving a state awarc[ as a °Silent Hero". This award is given to diligent, hard working telecorr�municators who;go the exti�am[le to help the pubfic in their everydaywork. Gity Manager Cox recognized Terry Byrd, Fire MarshalfEmergency Management Coordinator, for the honor of receiving the award#or"OutstandingAchievement in Local Emergency Management." Terrywas recognized for his outstanding service during Tropica[ Storm Allison by the Nationai Hurricane Conference at their annual meeting in Orlando, Florida cI an April 4, 2002. This award is given to one individual each year. Mr. Cox sfiated that Terry is a I:eader in emergency management in the city, our region, our state, and not as evidenced by this award, our nation. GITY MANAGER'S RIEP(]RT� City Manager Cox reported on the Hurricane Greg Exercise. This is the annual preparation and training fior the hurricane sea�son, which begins June l of each year. This year the exercise will begin after the landfafl of Hurricane Greg, a Category)V hurricane. Und'er this scenario, we will actually simulate the activation and opera�tion of the Emergency Operations Genter. Preparations for the event have already begun. A debris contractors meeting was held on March'21, 2002. A meeting for utilities, Red Cross, and the school districts will be held on April 17, 2002 to discuss,the hurricane season and recovery issues. Afl city departments will receiue EOC,Operations trainingfrom April 15-19, 2002. On April 24, 2002,the Friendswood Office of Emergency Management will be conducting a functional exercise for the City. We will coordinate our exercise with state and county. The city department heads will meet at the Friendswood EOC on April 22-23, 2002 at 4 p.m. to prepare for the functional exercise. City Manager Cox afso reported on the Staff and Organizational Development. Mr. Cox reported that about 40 employees were enlisted to complete a writte� questionnair.e to measure each empfoyee's percepfiion of what actualfy occurs in our organization, versus what they believe should occur. The results of the Organizational Needs Inventory(ONI)showed gaps in eignt major areas of our organizatian—Flexibility, Motivational Style;Communication S�yle, Identification with the Organization, Empowerment,Trust, and Shared Values and Befiefs. Project teams co�sisting of over 50 employees #rom a11 departments of the organization were as5igned the duty of making recommendations to close the gap in each bf these eight areas_ On Apri! 9t", al! partici��.n.ts in these �ro;ect tea�s Y.r:et to rr?�ke �rese�ta�icns L�? the:r recc�mmendations_ The recommend�ti�ns centerec� on c�-gan��at�c�nal devei�,�m�nt and irr!prnvement in #hese major areas: training, communication, acknowledgement, recognition, consistency and involvement. Mr. Cox stated that he and the Senior Staff will work to see these recommendations are i 4/ 15/02 � 1885 implemented on a timely basis and bring a work session item to Council to have a first-hand view of the plan, , AGTION ITEMS x�Councilmember Kirn Brizenzine moved to approve the contract for consulting services far the Corps of Engineers Clear Cree� Flood Control Project. Seconded by Councif�nember Ericsson. The motion was approued unanimously. -- �'�Councilmember Kim Brizendine maved to approve action regarding a negative recommendatian from - Planning and Zoning Commission for a zoning recfassifieation for 3.765 Acres off F.M. 528, Harris County �rom Singie Family Residential (SFR) to Agricultural District (A1) (Whitcomb Property). Seconded by Councilrnember Measeles. Ti�e motion was approued unanimousiy. RESOLUTIONS xxCounciImember Kirn Brizendine mc�vecl to approve Resolut�o� Nn. R?C�Q2-2?, A Res�!!�t!on nf thA.��±}, Council of the City c�f Friendswood, Texas, Gaiveston/Harris Counties suspending the operation of Proposed Rate Schec(ules fi{ed by Reliant �nergy Entex for a period up to ninety (90) days beyand the date on which such schedules would otherwise go info effect. Seconded by Councilrnember Kitten Brizendine. 7he motion was approved unanimously. -xxCouncilmember Kitten Brizendine moved to approve Resolution No. R2002-23, A Resolution of the City Councif of the City of Friendswood, Texas, assenting to increased access line rates by the Publ,ic Utility Commission of Texas. - Seconded by Councilmember Kim Brizendine. The motion was approved unanimously. ORDINA�NCES -xxCouncilmember Measeles moved to approve Ordinance Na. T2,002-49, Second and Final reading of an n.-.�1'�-,-, ,-1�.,,,- (��+.� -f C.=•,..,,�....,,.,. T„ ��,.�,......,. pn •i c � .a� • • i � x_� � viuiiiailCc aiii2iiuiii� vi�y Gi r i iciivavvvv�, I CXCIJr �fUl11QIIl+G^!.�`-F'1:J� QJ �IIICIIUC�, viigiiraiiy au��iieu l�le 19t"day of November, 1984,'same being Appendix C of the Friendswood City Code and being the Zoning Ordinance of the City, by adding two sentences to Paragraph 7 of Sectian 9.G thereof; estabiishing time limitations for a SpecAfic Use Permit; providing a penalty of an amount not to exceed$2,000 for each day �° � of violation of any provision hereof; and providing for severability. Secondecf by Councilmember Kitten Brizendine. The motion was approved unanimously. CONSENT AGENDA xxCouncilmember Taylor moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presentec[. A, Payment of Capifal Projects. 1. Buyout Homes Demofition with payment in the amount of$35,928.00 to Cherry Demolition for demolition services. To date, 18 percent of the contract has been expencled. 2. Booster Pump Station Replacements with payment in the amount of $951.49 to Wayne Smith & Associates for professianal services. To dat�:, 53 percent of the contract has been expended. Payment in the amount o# $279,670.50 to T & C Construction LTD for constructing services. To date, 22 percent of the contract has been expended. 3. Grouncf Storage Tank Rehabiiitation with payment in the amount ofi$2,558.08 to Wayne Smith & Assaciates for professional services. To date, 73 percent of the contract has been expended. 4. PubEic works Addition with payment to G & z Contracting for contracting services. To date, 100 percent of i:he contract has been expended. {Retainage still to be paid.) 5. Second Elevated Storage Tank with pa�yment in the amount af$1,893,OQ to Stork Southwestern Laboratories for testing serv;ces. To date; 21 �ercent of the ^c�tract has '�ee_n. ex�ended. p�yment in the �mc����t of $218i1�9-23 tc� L�.n.dm�rk Cc?nstruction for eQ.n.�truction ServicPS. �o �1ate 47 �erGe�,t �if the contra�t has been expended. 6, Surface Water Pump Station with payment in the amount of$5,316.00 to Stork Southwestern Laboratories for tesfing services. To date, 71 percent of the contract has been expended. 4/ 15/02 � 1886 Payment in the amount of $52,000.00 to T & C Construction LTD for constructing services. To date, three percent of the contract has been expended. ,Tota! payments were $633,738.58. B. Approve � disposition of Bid Nc�. 2002-03 for Water Improvement Projeet—24" Trunk Waterline for surface Water Second take Point from Beamer Road to Blackhawk Bou[evard i:o Calco Contracting, Inc. in the amount of $781,736. C. Approval of the assignment and assumption of the agreement from American Tower Corporation to Amer3can Tawer, L.P. D. Approve Federal Equitable Sharing Agreement(FESA)to share seized assets with the fieder�l government. E. Invoke Rule I8 of the Rules of Procedure and change the regular meefing dafe from Monday, May 6 to Tuesday; May 7 for�he first meeting in May. F. Approve Banner Perrrmit Anplica�ion far Firsfi Baptist Ghurch_ G, PrapPrty Tax Report for the mont.h. of March 2002. H. Minutes af the March 18 and April 1, 2002 Council Meetings. Seconded by Counci(member•Goza. The motion was apprave unanirnously. A motion was made and approved to adjourn at 8:30 PM. �/ � -Mayor Harald L. Whitaker Attest: '. � � Fd�i � �� `� � � �'.� Deloris McKenzie, T MC " � - City Secretary