HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 2002-03-04 Regular � 1868 STATE OF TEXAS )( , - � CITY OF FRfENDSW00D )( � COUNT[ES OF GALVESTON/HARRIS )( � MARCH 4, 2002 )( MIIVUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIEN'DSWOOD CITY COUNCIL THAT WAS H_ELD QN MONDAY, MARCH 4, 2002 AT 5;00 PM AT FRIENDSINOOD CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 910 S. FRIENDSWOOD DRIVE, FRIENDSWOOD; TEXAS, WiTH THE FOLLOWWG PRESENT CONSTITUT[NG A QUORUM: MAYOR �IAROLD L. WHITAKER MAYOR PRO.TEM LARRY 7AYLOR CQUNCILMEMBER KITTEN BR[ZENDINE � COUNCfLMEMBER JERRY ERICSSON COUNCILMEMBER TRACY GOZA . : COUNCILMEMBER KIM BRfZENDINE : . COUNCILMEMBER MEL MEASELES CiTY ATTORNEY JOHN OLSON CITY MANAGER RON GQX CITY SECRETARY DELORIS MCKENZIE The Executive Session was de[ayed unfil 5:30 PM. � Mayor Whitaker called the meeting to order. EXECUTIVE SESSION � Council convened `[nto Execufive Session in accardance with the Texas Government Code, 551.-074, p8i sor�ne! �����°i 5 — ri��r Co�rot�r�i'g 4nnival FGi�l��tinn �� y y Council re-convened into Reguiar Session with action taken later in th,e meeting. -- The I nvocation was given by Pastor David Byrne, Director of Friends Coalition of Hispanic Ministries from . Friendswood Friends Church. Mayor Whitaker led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Umited States and to the State of Texas. JO1NT DOCKETEQ PUBLfC HEARING Mayor Whitaker and Chair of the Planning and Zoning Commission Tom Burke called a Joint Docketed Publ ic Hearing to order to receive comments, either oraf or written, regarding amendments to�he Zoning Ordinance regarding Time Limits for Specific Use P�rmits. No one spoke for or against. � COMMUNICAT[ONS FROM THE MAYOR AND COUNG[LMEMBERS Mayor Witaker welcomed recognized Counciimember Matt Dekipp and MIS Director Casandra Langely frorn the City of Alvin, who were present during tf�e meeting to follaw along and get a first-hand look at the paperless agenda. Councilmember M"easeles had no repart. 3 /4/02 ' 1869 Counciimember Taylor reported on a�tending a number of ineetings, reminded everyone of Eariy Vo�ing going on this week from 7 AM unti! 7 PM and that the Primary Election Day will be next Tuesday. Councilmember Kim Brizendine had no report. Councilmember Goza had no repQrt. Councilmember Ericsson stated that he is proud to have been a Councilmember for the last six years, "- proud of this Counci( and the way it conducts business, and stat�d that he has filed for re-election for Council Position #2. Councilmember Kitten Brizendine had no report. Mayar Whitaker re�orted on attending a number of ineetings, reported on the joint meeting with F{SD representatives on February 21St to discuss issues of mutual interest and throu�h this process,the�roup accomplished a lot:and reported that the city/school relationship is the.best the city has ever had. GOMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC Mr. Tom Ferris, 40�Vance, League City, appeared before Council and stated that he has been a surveyor in this area,a long 'kime and drainage is one of his pet peeves, especially the drainage of Clear Creek, presented inforrnation stating that the Corps of Engineers has spent a lot of money on studying this drainage problem, stated if someone wouid get an aerial map and see how Clear Creek could go to Halls Bayou, this drainage probfem could be finished by now. COMMUMCATION:� FROM COMMITTEES OR SPECIA�L REPORTS ��` Ms. Connie Elston, Bay Area Transp�rtation Partnership, did not appear at this meeting. Mr. Tom Burke, Ch��irman of Construction Baard ofAdjustments&Appeals, appeared before Council and reported that there were no meetings of this board the last six months, stated the city used to have an Electrical 8oard and is not sure why this board ended, recommended adding another member to this board with a Master Electrical License, reported that last year he wrote �n article on this board and would fike to have �n arti�le in the city's newsletter to inform fhe public regarding the appeal process, spoke on the requirement to adopt the international Code, stated prior responsibility of this board was to review the codes, and urged Council to consider the impending new coc}es to be adopted in the future, the community has resources and building trades background and feels this committee needs to be reading through the codes to see what is wanted in Friendswood. CCTY MANAGER'S f�EPORT City Manager Cox reported that the Friendswood Library received their first grant from the State of Texas in the amount of $5,820. These funds were appropriated by the Texas Legislature during the most recent session for all public libraries. The money wifl be used to chapter books, easy readers, and shelving i� the juvenile department. Mr. Cox also reported on the FEMA Hazard Mitigation Grant Process. To date I01 homes have bene purchased for a totfe of $#13.7 million. In addition, the ciemolition of the homes is continued with five homes demoiished to date. A total of 132 homeowners have naw accepted their offers for a total amount of$17.8 million. It is anticipated that the buyouts wil[ be completed within three to four weeks. It is aiso anticipated the second round of demolition contracts v�i[I be advertised and back to Council for approvai in ]ate March. Mr. Cox reported the City received funds from Galveston County in tlie amount of $35�J,000 to be used toward the city's 25 percent matching requirements on the.grant. The Cou�cil authorized up ta$2.2 million forthe City's 25 percent 3/4/02 , � 1870 match. The City has received a(I of tNe grant and interlocal agreement funds ta be applied to the match, except the Galveston County Consolidated Drainage District`s $100,000: The real variable nov� is the cost of demofition that is paid for by fhe flood insurance ICC money and is to be used toward the City's match. Currently staff is using a conservative estimate of$5,000 per house in calculations. Using this figure, the City's share of the 25 perGent match coulci be almost $2.1 million. Mr. Cox ai,so reported that the Fire Department has us.ed some of the homes fortraining. Council:asked abr�ut the time frame for demolition with City Mana,ger Cox advising they have a 90-day period for —� demolition. Council asked if there are any penafties if this deadline is not met, and the City Manager stated he will chec6c that contract. Mayor Whitaker reminded the City Manager the city is in charge of this driver � ACTION ITEMS XxCo��ncilmem�er Ericsson stated that on l�ehalf of i:he City Secretary's outstanding professional 18 - years of service to the City of Friencfswood, he moved to appr�ove a five percent increase in the City Secretary's salary. Seconded by Councilmember Kitten Brizendine. The motion was approved unanimously. No action was taken on the approval of land acquisition for Friendswood Sportspark property. R�SOLUTIONS xxCouncifinember Ericsson moved to approve Resolution R2002-13, A Resolution of the City of Friendswood, Texas, supporting President Bush's Budget item for the U. S. Army Corp's of Engineers General Reevaluatian Report on Clear Creek. ��, Seconded by Councilmember Kim Brizendine. The rriotion was approved unanimously. VRDIIVH�LCJ � � xXCounciimember Kitten Brizendine moved to approve Ordinance No, 1'2002-05, Second and Final Reading of an Ordinance of the City of Friendswood, Texas, adopting a policy to limit the provisions of � ci�y water and sanii:ary sewer services to properties located outside the ci�y limits; providing exceptions; and providing other matters relating to the subject. Seconded by Councilmember Mel Measeles. The motion was approved unanimously. xxCouncilmmember Ericsson moved to approve Ordinance No. T2Q02-07, First reading of an Ordinance granting a Specific Use Permit for use of a 56.883 acre tract at FM528 and Lundy Lane for Church purposes. CAPTION:An Ordinance of the City of Friendswood,Texas, amending Ordinance No. 84-15, as amended, same being the Zoning Ordinance of the City, by granting a Specific Use Permit to authorize the use of 56.883 acre tract of Iand, more or less, at FM 528 and Lundy Lane within the City, for Church purposes; imposin� certain conditions; providing a penalty of an Seconded by Councilmember Taylor. The motion was approved unanimously. CONSE[�tTAGENDA �"Counc�Imember Ericsson moved to approve the Cansent Agenda as presented. A. Paymsnt of Capital Projects. 1. Sun Meadow's Subdivision Drainage witri payment in the amount of$14,000 to Claunch & ti";;I�e�fo;�ons��ltan�serv:ces, To date, 4? percent ofthe con�ract has been expen�ed. @. 201_ Sidewalk P�-ngr?m �ith ��ymertt in the arriount of �11;4354.5�0 #o Smith Classic Construction for construction services. To date, :100 percent of the contract has been expended. Total payments were$25,454.50. B. Approval for a Marke# Study f.or Economic Development and Main Street with CDS Market Research in 3/4/02 � ` 1871 the amount of$32,000. C. Approve Resolutions- 1. Resolution R2002-12, a Resolution of the Gity of Friendswood authorizing aerial spraying over Friends:wood by the Galueston County Mosquito Control District for the County-Wide Mosquito Control Program; 2. Resolufiion R2002-14, a Resolutian amending the City of Friendswood, Texas Resolution R 2002-10 passed and approved the 18t" day of February, 2002,and being a resolufiion providing fo'r the hoEding of a general officers election and two Special Elections, by amending to Section 7 thereof a new proposed Amendrnent No. 16, by adding to Section 9, thereof a new Proposition No. 16, and by deleting all of Section 9 thereof and substituting therefore a r?ew Section 9; �rp�l�ing for the submitting of an additionai prr�posed Amenr�ment to the existing Charter of the City at such elec�ion; designating electian officials for existing Charter of the City at such election; des�gnating election officials for precincts in Harris Gaunty; and providing other matters relating to the subject. D. Approve Street Banners Perm�t Applicati�ns— l. Heritage Gardeners Annual Home Garden Tour; 2: M�ry Queen Annual Parish Festival. E: Approval of minutes of February 11, February 18, and February 25, 2002 Council rneetings. Seconded by Councsilmember Kim Brizendine. �'���:����-,���mem��r Fricssc�n mc�ved tc� amend the rnain mc�tic�n tc�correct the Februu�ry 18, 20Q2 minutes. to reflect the vote ta be 3•0 with 1 abstention. . Seconded by Councilmember Taylor. The motion was approved unanimousfy. x�The main motion was approued unanimously. A motion was made and approved to adjourn at 7:42 PM. �� � - � t , C._...-�'.' ° �' � ,�-� � �--1 Mayor Harold L. Whitaker � , Attest: � � De ris McKenzie, - - C - City Secretary . �