HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 2002-02-25 Special � 1866 STATE OF TEXAS )( � GfTY OF �RIENDSW�OD )( COUNTIES OF GALVESTON�HARRIS }( FEBRUARY 25, 2002 . � )( � M(NUTES`OFA SPEG,AL MELTING 0;�NE FRf�NDSW00D GITYCOUf�CILTO B�HELD ON FEBRiJARY 25, 2C}€32 AT 8.00 AtYE AT FRI�NDSW00D GITY HALL, CDUNGfL CHAMBERS, °10 S. FRIENDSWOOD DRIVE, FRf ENDSW00D, TEXAS, W�TH THE FOLLOWIl�G PREStI�IT CONS I ITUTING A QUORUM: � MAYOR ' HARULD L. WH1TAKrR MAYO.R PRO TEM LARRY 7AYL0� (Arr. 8:Q2 4M) . COUNC[LMEMBER_ KITTEN BRIZEN[�[NE CO�NCILMEMB�R JERRY ERiCSS�N � . COUf�C[LMEMBER TRAGY GOZA COU(�CILMEMBER KIM BRIZE�ID[NE COUNC(LMEMBER MEL MEASELES- CITY MANAGER kRON COX C1TY SECRET,ARY DELORIS MC}�E�IZIE May�r Whi�aker cafied the meeting to order. ''`Counciimember Kitten Brizendine moved to ra��fy and canfirm the following items approved at the Reguiar City Council Mee�ing of February 18, 2002 with the exception of Item B —approve settlement agreement in Clemmons et af vs. Board of Ad�ustment e� al. A. Approve Main Street Task Force Final Report and recommendations;. C: Appr-ove Resotufiion I�Io< 20�2-10, providi.ng far the holding of-a generai municipal officers elecfion, a special election to subm[t a proposition of whether or not to � authorize imposition of a one-half of one percent sales and use tax pursuant to Section 4B of Article �I90.6, Tex. Rev. Civ. Stat. Ann. Art., and a specia[ efection to s�bmit propositions regarding proposed amendments tc the CTty's horr�e ruEe cf�arter, each such election�o be:held Maya, 20Q2, and providing other matters relating to the holding af such elec�ions; D. Apprave Resotu�Eion N.o. 2002-I3, expressing ctiQnt"1' f an Frn n �� fla�� inr,m + T +�... n:a-. . n r� �O O fl "� 8iv;�ii,2ii� SalcS ,qX fC�.i �llc �I�;, � r���r{S`i� �ir(}jnart�a ;V�, T,"i„ii?`_���?i second reading, establishing prima facie speed lim�ts along �M 518; F. Approve Ordinance l�o,T2Q�2- 04, second reading, granting a specific use permit to the Church of Christ of Friendswood, to authorize developme�t and use of 9.2678 acres at FM 528 and Desota Drive for Church purposes; Approve Ordinance No. T2002-Q5, first reading, adopting a policy -�o govern the extension of water and sewer services to properties outside the city limits; G. Approve Ordinance Plo, T2002-06, first and final reading, authorizingthe sale of refuncling bonds, series 2002; in±he amount of$3,785;OOC�, authori?��,g �he redemptian prior to ma�Yurity of certain outstanding abfigations,and containing ather matters refating to fihe subject; I_ Authorize Payment of Capital Projects: 1. Westside Efevated Tank; 2. Surface Water Pump Station; 3. Public Warks Buiidir�g; 4. �round Starage Tank and Rehabilitatian; 5. Second Eleva�ed Storage Tank; J. Approue Change Order No. 1 �o the 2001 Asphal�Street Project in t�e amount i1i��.�,i�,+t`�t"." �� O'✓�rluy�LL`�CI`y`L�^°; �. ��j�l`^vV2 3j��vii�i[liciii �O�he �ai ks a�� �eereai�an Board to fiiii a vacancy; L. App;�ve Ba��rter P�r��,it r�,ppfication for �aivary Cnapel; ivi. Approve Property I ax F�eport endingJanuary3l, 2002; N. Approve minute� of February 4, 2d�2 Councii meeting. Seconded by Councilmember Measeles. The rriotion was approved 6-Q. - Councilme�Cnber Goza fei�the Council C�arnbers at this �ime. 3'XCCGf]Ct��e[i2�2i i�iTic�; �ilZcirtl'iil� �i�c�V°C� i0 apPi"OV0 i�EI`1'] B — ;�pprove S°�ier;�enf agreci71�I1t iCl Glemmons et al vs. 8aard of Adjustr�ent e�t al. Saconded by Gounc�lmember Eric�s�n. ?�;e meiion :h�as appraved 5-0� 2/25/�2 � 18�fi7 G�uncflmamber Taylor arrived ��this time. , � � � A motion was made and approve� to adjourn at 8:�3 AM. � Mayor Harold L. Whitaker � Attest: . f ' f l � . � De oris McKenzie, RMC City Secre�tar}� . � . � ; �