HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 2002-02-18 Regular . - I861
._ STATE OF TtX�S )( �
CETY O� rR1tNDSW00D )( �
�EBRU�RY ?8, 2002 }( .
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CITY:4T70RR��Y JC�HN �JL��?�
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Councilmembers Kitten Brizendine, Larry�aylor, and Mel Measeles were absent from the �meeting.
Mayor Whi�aker called the meeting to order.
Discussion was heid with Frank lidebrando, financial consultantfrom Dain Rauscf�er, [nc. regardingtf�e,
issuance and sale of refunding bonds. Discussion continued regarding a potential sale and�he economic
benefit ofthe sale. .
. ����u i��vr� ����,�[i?iii .
Council convened into Executive Session in accordance with �he Texas Government Code, pursuanf �o
Section 551-Q71, to discuss pending or contemplated litiga�ion-CEemmons�ZBOA Gase, and Section 551-
072, deliberatian regarding Rea'I Property—Land Acquisition — Friendswood Sportspark.
Council convened into Regular Session wifh ac�ion take.n. later in t[,e meefiing-.
The lnvocation was given by Pastor Dennis Owens from New Life Assembly of God�
Mayor l��hitaker !ed the Pledge of�Ilegiance to the United Sfates and to the State of Texas.
Cvi�ii�ui�i�Hi i�i�S t=KUEVt E[-iE IYiAI`"t�� A�[D ��Uf�I�IL�i�Nt$E�tS
Ciiy Manager Cox presented �the Award for Excellence ir� Financial Reporting ior �he Ci�y's CAFR �o
Qirecior of Adminis�rative Services Roger Ro;�cker and Cindy Edge, Accounting and Utifity Bi{iing
Serv'ices Supervisor. This is the fourteenth consecutive year the city oi Friendswood has been awarded
z;�is award by the Governmen� Finance Oiiicers Assaciation. This award�goes�o ciiies; across�he nation,
�nai mee� G�u� standards iar repor�ing on ihe financial conciiiion of�he ci�y.
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Co�nci[member i aylor oui b�cause ;�� is cam�pai�ning. .
Z� �g/az � � is�2
� Counciimember tricsson had na repor't_ � `
Councifinember Goza had no report. � .
Council�nember Kim Brizendine s�ated again ��at Councifinember K�t�en Briz�ndine is his sisier-in-law,
n�i his wife, repart�d an �f�ere are r�ajar issues regard�ng our ci�y with upcoming elec�ions that �viI!
impact our fu�ure Ieadership, encouraged euery ta be involved, io ga�her information, regorted on
a�tending fihe �h�?T?�2!'O$ �OI?;mgr�o I ,,:�C�eOR V�J[�h ��12 MaVG��ufiil�W�liCil �iic Cl��i i4rta��o��?"�QX, a��
the Economic Deve(opmen��Coorcfirato,� Karen Gapps sp�ke a,�d everyone enjoyed �their presentaz[on, ;"
report�d that he and the Ci�y Manager participated in a€exas Municipal League's panel dESCUSSion at the i
K[r�g Coie Gonference on Gity Maragers and staifi relations� �
Mr. John Cole, 401 Virginia, appeared before Council, and asked why Councif has Executive Sessions,
why are�hese me�±l?1�;?O±Op°il t0 }�;''° �.^,U}�EiCr St2it2� he has i c2iC�i�'i�?c�}.'�3ci i i4�ic2�ii1� iaYti'a�l��ile��it?ji�Y�
aiiu uvcSii'i i.iiiuBiSi�tliU vY�3y CXeCL1lN2 JeSSftlll5 a!'e ClQSB� t0 Th2 P[tbIIC.
Mayor Whitaker gave Mr. Cofe a briei expianation and City Attorney Olson met wi�th Nr. Co[e�,
Mr. Rebecca Liliey, Chairman ofthe Board of�he Friendswood Chamber of Commerce, appeared before -
Councii in support of the Economic Deve}opment 4B Election.
Mr. Don Beeth, 5303 Whittier, appeared i�efore Council and presented a prepared statement regarding
t�e Sales Tax election, and asked everyone to reserve iheir judgment untif they hear the whole story_
Mr. David Smith, 1�110 Middlecreek, appeared before Council and stated he is a 24-yEar resident, and
S!��)t�'',QCfS �h° Sa�°S }uX °;°C�1C��, S�a�cu tiif5 cicC�iOii I� a irJaj% �o a1ar� i0( ih2 iuture and to pian for the
diver'sification of taxes, �
� Mr. lNaiter Wi!son, Superin�enden�of FISD, appeared uefore Council and s�tated he has been a residen�af
Friendsv�aod for 36 years, and stated the schoQfs need more money to plan for future sc5ools, reported
that other school districts are filing bankrup�cies, and stated tha�this sales tax election will benefit all,
includirig businesses, reported fhat there has been a 5 percent grawth in FI"SD this year and the district (
will be Iooking at new sehool in the next two years, stated that Friendswood needs a greater tax base, ;
8i3(� .�.�S�Ced Gounc�l-�o .k.eep FrfPn�l�l/±/�p�v;/ha- i-� I;±0�3y� uC;� S°°S��;�S�?.�n�'iSC�ii^vi i 2S a �i icai ij i0 uu�iat. i
Mr. Kevin Candse, Chair of the. Community and �conomic Deve{opment Committee, appeared before
Gouncil and stated that the sales tax election is a way to make everything work, tnat Economic
Devefopmen�is par�nerwi�h Mainstreet, and sta�ted �t�at everyone should laok at this as no�a tax but an
iRVcS'LI71�iit iiE iii° TLi�Ur2.
Mr. Ron Decker, Chair of the Zoning Board oi Adjus�ments and ,�ppeaIs, appeared be�ore council and
presen�ed`an annuaf report �uifining their mPe�ings held and tI��ir recommencia�ions to Councii.
�Ii}<«?��oEt"COX ranOCi?� O�;��?R �n-.a(G'BSiC;"; �C'.�^T r OC�� �til�r Df,. ` r` "� ri �pr��
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cot:s;sis of emergencu manage���eni p��s�nn�1 from bath i�dus�ry and�h�pubfic sec��r;rom aIl o�j�z�he
�OUi iV, V�i110 1`iaV� �il^:il Yi��C�i�i"t�iOC �Vt�O�/E�1`S OI3 1"°VI�4nIE!lg d�lQ Ck2Sl�i�u-17� i�aZBCC�OLfS ma�eri�i rou�;ng
2/ 18/(}2 � . I863
� i�raughout the coun�y. TI�e LEPC was receniiy awarded a gran� in the amo€.�nt af�10,358�a couer t�e
cosLs �f an in-depth study of this issue. This is �a pre-Sep�amber 11 issue, but has received higher
� priori�y since thai time. I erry Byrd, Fire Nfarsha[/�i-nergency Management Goordinaior, serves as G�air
of�hat Committee,
�'�Cc�unciimember Kirn Brizenc�ine moved 'r_o apprave action regardi�g if�e Nta�n S�reet Task Force Final
Repori and recommendaiicrs_
Seconded by Councilmember EricssQn. The mo�ion was approved 4-0.
t�o ac�ion was taken regarding approval of Iand acquisifion for Sportspark property.
�xCouncilmember Kim Brizendine moved to aoprove the settlement agreement regarding the
ClemmonslZoning Board.of Adjus�ment and Appeals Iitigation.
Seconr�ec� by Councilmember Ericsson_ The motion was app�oved 3-Q wiih Councilmember Goza
au��au�ui�. ^ . " .
-aaCouncilmember Goza maved fo approve Resolution R2flQ2-1Q: A Resolution of the City Council of the
Gity of Friendswood, Texas, providing for the holding of a General Election on May 4, 2Q02, for the �
purpose of efecting Councilmembers to Position Nos. 2 and 5 for�he City; providing for the holding of a
Speciaf Election on the 4t'' day of May 20�J2, for the purpose of subm�tting to the qualified voters of the
City a propasition relating to whether the City shall be authorized to impose a one-half of one percent
saIes and use tax pursuant io Sec�tion 4B ofi Artic(e 5I90:6, Texas Re�ised Civil Statutes (The
� Deveiopment Corporation Act of 1979); providing for the hofding of a Special Election on the 4t'' day ofi
���}�2���,?03"�C?8 �Lir�OS°�f�Uh;??I�ZI!la}O fhe C�yU4ljfieri �inter5 of±he r:}J CPr��!!l �rCrn,pc@rl arp�nrl-mgntc
to the existing CharEer af the City; stating the proposed amer�dments ta the City Charter �o be voted
a. •,i �.. ��,-,... ,.i • c;,-,,'+t.,,. tt' i�..,.� ,-t ' +„-.� 1 }. fF" ' I fr.r � h q�n��;r,�-,
��J��il ni jqi.0 r�CC�fU��f l.l�iio;��iiflb' Li(G �it.��li!��I'�iQL.GJ QiiU C[UUViii4l�l� ���cLCivii. �t�fi.iC�.is iv� $ui.i� ��v��$;
pro�id;ng the form of the ballots a�t such elections; directing the giving of notiGe of such elec�ions; and
containing other provisians refating to the subject.
Seconded by G.ounciimember Ericsson. The rr�otion was approved.4-0.
'��Councilmember Ericsson moved to approve Resolution R2002-11: A Resol.ution of�he City Council of
the C[tv qr�riendswood,Texas; �roviding for support of an Economic �evelodment 5aies Taxf�rthe City
of F riendswood. �
Seconded by Councilmember Kim Brizendine. The motion passed 4-Q.
a'�Councilmember Ericsson moved to approve Orciinance No_ �`�Ct��-��; �econc[ an�i tinal reariing ot an
Ordinanca ofi�he City of Friendswoad,Texas, altering ihe prima;acie speed limits established for vehicles
under�he prov�sions of Section �45.355, Texas Transportation Code, upon the basis of an Engineering
and t rafic Investigation, upon certain s�ree�s and highways witl�in the Gity, �to wit; 4� CYiPH afong FM
518 from che 8razorialGalves�on Gouniy �ine to FM 235I, 30 MPH afong FM 518 r'rom FM 2351 fo a
paint IQ5 fee�t East or`Whispering Pines, 45 (��IPH along FM 57 8 from a point ld6 ieet east af Whispering
Pines to a point 37t� iee�t easrt ot tivi 52z3 to �he t=riendswoociii�eague C�iy Limii Line; and proviaing a
penalty oi an amoun� oi not !ess �7an one dal�ar ($1.00} nor �ore than $200 vioiatiar ofi any provision
Secon��d ��r Cor.�;,�jl,r-,g;;;b�r �ri?en�iin�., T;,� rnoii�n ��cs a��;oved 4-0.
'�'`C�uncilm�mber Goz� movEd �o app;ove �rdiranc� �o. T20t#2-04; Second ans -ina[ re�ding of a�
?f I8/02 . , �.864
Ordinance of�he Gi�y of�riendswood, Texas, gra��ing a Specific Use Permtf fior Properiy located �z�.IvI.
528 at Deso�a Drive, same being 9.D267 acres out oi a por�ion oi lo�s l and 2, Biock I of�he Ber�an
Bap�ist and Burgess Subdivisions, Galueston County, Texas,for use�s a church fac�iityJ impasing certain
�condiiions and limi�atians as a condi��on o-�the granting of s�ci-1 Speciiic Use Permit; prevlding Tar the
amendmen� of ��te Zoning Disirict Map oG the Gi�y �s adop�ed by Ordinance No. 54-15; ihe Z�ning
Ordinance of �he Ci�Ey; containing ather provisions rela�ing to the subjec�t; praviding a penalty of an
� arnoun� nof L� �XCe°d $2,000 for eaci� day of viofa�ion of any provis�on hereof; and prouiding for
severabiE[fy. -
SecorEded by Go�nciirr�ember Kim Brizendinz. i he motion was a�provea �--u.
kxCouncilmember Goza moved to approve Ordinanee No.T20Q2-05; First Read"tng of an Qrdinance of the
. Ci�y of Friendswood, I exas adopting a policy ta iirnit �he provisions of city water and sani�ary sewer
sarvices to propertfes located outside the c��y limi�s; providing excep�io.ns; and providing other rriatters
refa�ing to �he subjeci. - � �
Seconded by�ounciimember �ricsson. I he motion was approvec[ 4-0.
X�Counc[Imem�er Goza mov�d to approve Ordinan�� N�. T��02- „06; First an� iinal readir�� of an
Ordinance of the City of Friendswood authorizing the issuance o#Ci�ty of Friendswood; Texas, refunding -
bonds, series 2(?02; authorizing the redemption prior to maturify of certain au�standing ob[igations, and
containing other matters relating thereto. . �
Seconded by Counciimember Ericsson_ The motion was approved 4-0.
� ��Councilmember Kim Brizendine moved �o approve the ConsentAgenda as presented. A. Payment of
Capital Projects. 1. Westside elevated Tank with payment in tFe amount of $17,I37.60 to Kiotz �
Associates, Inc. for Engineering Consultants. To date, 51 percent of the contract has been expended. 2.
Surface Water Pump Station with paymenf in�he amount of�a10;250.00�;o T&C Construction, LtD,for
construc�ion services. To date, 32 percent of�I�e contract has been expended, #. �ubfic Works Building
with payment in the amount of$49�,780.00 to G &Z Con�racting for construction servfces, To date, 76
percent of the con�ract has been expended. 4. Ground 5�arage Tank and Rehab wi�ti� paymen� in tfie
amount of �552.9Q to Wayne Smith & Associates for consuiting services. To date 47 percent af the
contract has been, expended. 5. Second Elevaied Storage Tank with payme.nt in the amoun�t of
$77,52Q.00to T & C Construc�idn, Lfd. for construction services. To date, 7 percent of tI�e eoniract l�as �
aeen expended. Total Paymen�s were $555.240.50. B. Approve Change Order No. 1 to the 2001 ;
Asphalt Street Praject in �he amount of$12,000.00 to overiay Lundy Lane. C. Approve appointment of '
NiicC�eie �rekke to the Parks & R�crea�ions Board to fi(I a vacancy. D. Approve Banner Permit
Applicaiion far Calvary Chape! Sou�heast Houston�, �. Property Tax Report #or the month of January
2002. Minufes of �ebruary 4, 2002 meeting.
Secanded by Councilme�nber Ericsson_ The mation was approved 4-D.
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