HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 2002-02-11 Special - - 1859 �. STATE OF TEXAS )( � GITY OF �R(ENDSW�OD }( COUN�I�S OF GALVEST01�lNARRIS )( FEBRUARY 1I, 2002 )( � - MINUTES O� A SP�CIAL ME�TING Ot= THE F�IEf�DSW00D C(TY COUNGIL iHAT �AS H�LD ON � �EBRUARY 1l, 20Q2 AT 6;30 PM RT �RI�NdSW00D GITY HALL. GOUNCIL GHRMB�RS. 91fl S, FRIENDSWOOD DR}�E, FRIENDSWQOD, TEXAS, WITN THE FOLLOWING PRES�N( CONSTITU I ING A QUORUM. i' - _ MAYOR HAROLD L_ WHITAK�R � MAYOR PRO TEM LARRY TAYLOR ' � _ � COUNCILM�MBER KITTEN BRIZENDINE COUNCILMEM�ER JERRY ERICSSON COUI�CILNIEMBER TRACY GOZA COUNCILMEMB�R KfM BRIZENDIf�E GOUNCILME�IBER MEL M�ASELES � CiT'r` N1aNauER ����v c_��X , CITY SECR.ETARY QELORIS MCKENZIE Mayor Whitaker cal]ed.the meeting to order. � Discussion was'held regardingthe Final Repor� from Main Street Task Force (MSTF). Mr. Alton Todd, � Chair of the Main Street Task Force intr.oduced members of the MSTF, Econornic Develapment Coordinator Karen Capps; and CouncElmember Kirrz BriZendine. Chair Todd gave a power poi�t presentation tI�at included an Executive Summary. Informa�ion presenzed included the history of the MSTF, the in�tial work ofthe MSTF that consisted of reviewingthe downtown Overlay District Ordinance, The Task Force recommended changes to the geographical b.oundaries of the Main Street area and so�ght guidance frorn the Texas Downtown Associa�ion that resulted in a visi� to Friendswood by t�va community revitaliza�ion experts thaf provided information and advice regarding the Main Street Area. and the MSTF was given the responsib�lity to develop � �tratPOjr vi�inn fnr-Fha fi�;±3�r� �f��;A t�n�;.� S-rrA�-r area, The Gaals of fihe MSTF presented were: • To preserve local heritage while promating reir�vestment and redeveiopmen� of sustainab(�e n�ighborhoods ar�d businesses in the Main 5treet area; � - To provide a center to preserve and enhance a community and economic value of the Main Street area by developing a unique identity at�d recognizable sense of place; • And�o enhance the value of the Main Street Area incr�asing the overalf va(ue of�the area. TiB :P�t�,� C!aitl�??G� l�"1P IO�+OL4�:!?g !"�'C�rTlt"1"1°ilC�TICf1S: • ��caurage Mixed-Use Deveiopment � - Retain and A��ract Business � � • Define Main Streef S�udy,�rea � • Create Civic and Recrea�cion Oppor�unfties • Impr�ve or �nhahce the Appearance - Communica�e tne �e�eirts or�he Main Sire�t Area�o Friends�nrood's Ci�izens and Oth�rs • Conduci a Market/Land Use S�udy 6 .,i�C� jP�111�g1' i;i il'12 C°NQ;L 1N�S ,� !n�Fr'. Ol�;�° ��ul� S���c= r^ =hn ��"2ii: '"r� �" ui V:4 31 i � 2��c2�, �i i i JLi"2°� i c� �.i uL2i 1 S t� c�nclusians of the surveY- r4���'Ot"��4`;"1;i3�{Et"i�lari�C°{.� ���. ��l.t' iCr�}lc !C?-�ic,�Ji�i�. I"2DOI"�; Sicic� �ii�i i:�1hf?aS Iii�D3��SSE�'1` 1A�1�i1 i.}�°�fOCk aC7Cl LhOi���l iiu�ii?SS, �Il� C�fTltitt3il Sc�1S?,uilC��i18 VISIOP. 0i�:i[S��u�Ci�. �i�n�VY2:}C, ��� �[ii2� f�'���OCi 1�111� �'° .. 2� I1/o2 , is6o accep�ed by Resolution autnorizing a mar-kei s�udy. ' � Discussion was h�[d wl�i-r �he Communi:y and Economic Developmeni Commiziee regaraing econorr�ic - developmen� recommenda�ior.s. Member Greg Cr�nion appearing on behal, ai Chair Kevin Candee, intraduced members oi the Comm��iee and liaison�. R p�wer point presen�a�ion was given v�rhicl� included. � • Program Development • Duties of�he Community& Economic Developmen� Commit�ee • Vision 2020 • Commun�ty.& �conomic Developmenf Program Mission Sta�t°rraeni _ . CEDG Prograss on 80I20 Gommitment ; • CEDC 2001/2Q02 Priori�y Goais = • Industry Target Markef Stucfy , • r=unding Strafiegies • 4B Lconomic Deveioement Sales T�x • CEDC Recommendations t�o Gi�y CounciL � il� ' �-;.-.,,,.,,1� ,-];.,,�a-t-.,. ,-t„"1.:..�.�t,... nn r--_-. � r� a v�si.�.i$Sii�ii i.v[ILltIl7GU tC�GtlC.illl�' LEICCIUV�.JLIII�' IIIC�-I-LS G(.UIiUr�il{.UeV'�'1���1�'.'���JC���S ��c�X� plaRfl]IlgT01"tlle . future, a �ublic hearing for each praject, a public referendum for projects, projec�ts determined by Economic Deve(opment Gorporation with a separate board of directors, recommendations authorizing target market study, residential�tax rates, and schoo( tax rates. � Discussion was held regarding ballot wording for the Charter amendments. Mayor Whitaker stated that every five years, a review is made of t[�e Charter. The Charter Committee did a grea#job reviewing the Charger and presented I6,propositians. Discussion continued regarding vacancies and wording, reimbursement and compensations af the Mayor and Councilmembers, increasing the pool of candidates, tne tim[ng issue, defining reimbursement for expenses. It was�he consensus of Council to omit Proposed Rmendment No. 1 — Sec. 3.04 Reim6ursement of Expenses�Compensation from the 4-J���Qt. Tl-lic urjll arn,�aar pn nAXT lhrn..°iC'S A�°l�'�8 �CI' ���rOv'��. - � n t:_„ .,t .i_ .i !- n n rt ' . r-�, iiiCli�i��i W�J. iTjrr�P �ilCi �r�t�flvr�[.,'f icJ �t�'iilliiiit ui 5:_�rJ �--iyi, . � ayor Harold L. Whitaker 1 i Aftest: �-, �- � �i J�� � l ���� . , � �� veloris IvicKenzie, TRYiC C�ty Secretary