HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 2002-02-04 Regular � 1855 ' STATE OF TEXAS )( CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD )( � COUNTIES OF GALVESTON/HARRIS )( t FEBRUARY 4, 2002 )( MWUTES OF A REGULAR MEETiNG OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CfTY COUNCIL THAT WAS HELD ON MONDAY, FEBR(�ARY 4,2002 AT 5:00 PM AT FRIENDSW�OD C1TY HALL COUNCfL CHAMBERS,910 S. r�tiEivuSWC�Ou ut{Nt, FRiEtvuS�ViiGOC�, iEX�,S, WiTH i HE FG�LGVViNG r RESEiVT �GivSTiTUT1�iG �i QUORU�M: MAYOR HAROLD L. WHITAKER MAYOR PRO TEM LARRY TAYLOR (Arr. 5:05 PM) COUNCILMEMBER KITTEN BRIZENDINE COUNCILMEMBER JERRY ERICSSON COUNCILMEMBER TRACY GQZA (Arr. 5:45) CuUiv�iLMEVi�ER kiM SRi�tNDiNE COUNCILMEMBER MEL MEASELES CITY ATTORNEY JOHN OLSON CITY MANAGER RON COX CITY SECRETARY DELORIS MCKENZIE . Mayor Whitaker called the meeting to order. Councilmember Gaza did not attend the Executive Session because of a Conflic�t of Interest. EXECUTIVE SESSlON Gouncil convened into Executive Session in accordance with the Texas Government Code, pursuant to Section 551-071, to discuss pending or contemplated fitigafion and Sec�ion 551-072, deliberation regarding Real Property. � A short break was taken at �his time. Council re-convened into Regular 5essian at 7_00 PM. The lnvocation was given by Pastor Chris Norton from Friendswood United Methodist Church Mayor Whitaker Ied the Pledge of Allegiance to the Un�ted States and to the State of Texas. JO[NT DOCKETED PUBLlC HEARING Mayor Whi�aker and Chair of the Planning and Zoning Cammission Tom Burke callec[ a Joint Docketed Public Nearing to order to receive comments from the public bath oral and written regarding the foPlowing: To receive comments, either oral or written, regarding a request for a Specific Use Permit- Church, far 56�883 acres of land at 2801 West Parkwood Avenue (FM 528 at Lundy Lane) far Friendswood Community Church. Mr. Paul Keith, staff merrmber from Friendswood Community Church, appeared before Council and presentecE a Master Plan for the 56-acre pareel of land. Mr. George Haney, arcFtitect for the proposed � projecr, provided inrormation and acivised tf�a't they are in tne finai stages of approvai witn the �lear c:reek t�rainage District, including inrormation regaraing fhe cietention pond tnat is to be buii�in pnases. 2i4i�2 � I856 , � Pastor George Lupo from Old Time Reiigion Center, 1400 Lundy Lane, appeared before Council to express his concerns regarding drainage and asked Council to please do not send any more water across Lundy Lane, stated�hat he isnot in opposition of the church, jus� concerned with drainage. Pastor Lupo presented phatos of water issues to Planning and Zoning. Mr. David Ba[kum, 2611 Sarasota, appeared before Councif and stated he is in favor of the church, is looking forward to it, stated he is the Past-President of Boca Raton Il HomeownersAssociation and at the last meeting�there was no opposition from those in attendance. _ Hearing-no further comments, the Joint Docketed Public Hearing was closed. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAYOR AND COUNCILMEMBERS Mayor Whitaker announced the Clear Creek Drainage District and Galveston Coun�y Drainage District#3 election resuits and stated there were a tota! of 203 votes cast, stated the election passed in both districts, and exp[ained.#he breakdown of �he votes: From Galveston County Drainage District#3, 22 voie� �o� a�iu i� Against; aiiu iic�rii i ieat` Creek Drai�iag� DisiriCt, i�� vuies For an� lo Againsi; a�t�i stated that he is iooking forward to the merger of these fwo cEis�ricts, Mayor Whitaker also reported that last Tuesday, he and City Manager Ron Cox, Director of Community Development/Public Works Mike - Hodge, the Mayor of Pearland, the City Manager of Pearland, representatives from the Clear Creek Drainage District and Pearland Drainage District met with Colonel Watersworth wi�h the U.S.Army Corps , of Engineers and learned that the study regardfng Clear Creek Fiood Control Project has been delayed one year and was very disturbed to learn about this delay, stated that this is not very encouraging and would,like to have a commitmenf from t'h�e Corps to work with the Drainage Qistricts to clean the debris out of the creek and is working on that, and reported on attending the retirement luncheon held at the Hangar for pomingo Rubio from the Pubiic Works Departm�nt to celebrate his retirement after 30 years with the city, stated Domingo was a very dedicated employe�, a great asset to the city, and wished him well in his retirement. � Cauncilmember Measeles reported on attending the Clear Lake Council of Cities meeting during which Mr. John Sedlek, Vice President of Planning for Metro spoke regarding Metro's Main Street Light Rail project and made a presentation on the pragress of this project that will ru�from the Astrodome to the Medical Center and will cost $42 million per mile to build, reported on attending the Prayer Breakfast January 24t'' during which Christian Athletes attended and stated that he is proud of the youth in this ? community, and reported;on attendingthe Clear Lake area Economic development Foundation(CLAEDF) i banquet. ; Gouncilmember Taylor had no report. Councilmember Kim Brizendine stated he attended a number of the same meetings and had no report. Councilmember Goza reported on attending the Employee Safe�y Luncheon recognizing city employees without acciden�s. � Councilmember Ericsson reported on attending a number of the same meetings, stated he met with a number oflcitizens regarding money, issues impacting the city, fiscal effects, stated he was abie to relay cify taxes being lower than in surrounding cities with fewer empioyees, received raised eyebrows about not having surplus money, quoted Vision 2020 and stated tiieyneed to change the.tax base and that 20 percent commercial should be the goal. . i c�u�lCti�I"iBii7b�'r �i�i8ii ��iZB�Uiil� ���OI'i�C% vii �@iiig Oi.ii Oi ��Wil, siaieu iil8i Ciiy 5ecieiary v�i0[iS i�iC`r�2("izi�wa5 t"eC;v�iiiZeU �y��"12 uaives�0i1 Cuu�iy cEeCiiU�i ias� F�rCe iof her�aiiiei�diiU� iri r�Vi�wi�t� the election process in Galveston County, reported that the City Secretary attended the State Open� � �J4/02 . 1857 + Records Steering Committee meeting in Austin, and was a presenter a�t the Texas Municipal Clerks Assaciation's 30th Annual State Electian Law Seminar also held in Austin, and stated that the city appreciates the City Secretary's representation�in al( of these�hings. COMMUNiCAT10NS FROM THE PUBLIC There were no communications from the public. SPECIAL PRESENTATION City Manager Cox presented the Five Star Award to Lisa Wev, Police Department Administrafi�e Secre�ary for the fourth quarter of 2001. Lisa was naminated because of her great people and secre�arial ski(fs and provides a very necessary link between the Police Department, other department in � the city, and tl�e citizens. I�was stated in her namination that Lisa "is the adhesive giue that keeps the Police Department together". � COMMUNICATfONS FROM GOMMITTEES OR SPECiAL REPORTS " Planning and Zoning Gommission Chair Tom Burke gave a report to Cauncil regarding the activities of Planning and Zoning and brought to Council's attention a number of issues. Mayor Whitaker suggested a Work Session to work wifh Planning and Zoning �egarding these issues. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT - City Manager Cox reported on the Clear Creek Project and reported that he, Mayor Whitaker, and Director of Community Development/Public Works Mike Hodge recently met with the commanding officer of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in Galveston. . Mr. Cox reported they met wifh representatives of the Clear Creek Drainage District as well as representatives from Pearland to discuss the status of the Clear Creek Flood Control Project and the importance of that project to our communities. The emphasis of that discussion was partnerships. Mr.�Cox reported that we believe the Corps of Engineers needs to understand our priorities, so they can better provide a project in a timely manner that serves the citizens in our area. The colonel pledged he would provide whatever assistance he could within his rules to keep the project on tirr�e and to assist in gaining consensus wherever possible. Mr. Cox also reported on the Emergency Management Grant Funding and that the State Office of Emergency Management has announced a grant forfourth yearfunding. These funds are available ta the city since the city meets state criteria for an approved Emergency Management PEan. The funds are used fior special expenditures, such as equipment and educational brachures, and are not considered a part of the operational budget. - � ORD[t�IANCES �'�Councilmember Goza moved to approve Ordinance No. T2QQ2-03, Second and final reading of an Ordinance of the City of Friendswood, Texas, altering�he prima facie speed limits established forvehicles ' under the provisions of Section 545.356, Texas Transportation Code, upon the basis of an engineering and traffic`investiga�ion, upon certain streets and highways wi�hin the City, to wi�t: 45 MPH along FM 518 from the Brazoria/Galveston County line to a point 53 feet east of FM 2351, 30 MPH al6ong FM 518 from a point 53 feet east of FM 2351 to a point 106#eet east of Whispering Pines, 45 MPH along FM 518 from a point 106 feet eas�of Whispering Pines to a point 370 feet east of FM.528, anci 55 MPN along FM 518 from a point 370 feet east of FM 528 to the FriendswoodtLeague Ci�y city fimit line; and providing a p�naiiy oi an amouni �i noi Seconaed by C�un�iirriert�'r�er Kiiien Briz�r�c�i��e. 2/4J02 1858 ° '��`XCouncilmember Taylor moved to amend tl�e ordinance to read "a point at FM 2351: and remove 53 ' feet east of FM 235I. � Seconded by Councilmembre Kim Brizendine. The motion was approved unanimously. '�"The main motior�, as amended, was appraved unanimousiy. . x-XCouncilmemE�er Kitten Brizendine moved to approve 0rdinance No_ 20Q2-Q4; First reading of an Ordinance granting a Specific Use Permit-Church of Christ of Friendswood, to authorize develapment and use of 9.G267 acres at F.M. 5�8 and DeSota �rive for Church purposes. ; Seconded by Councilmember Taylor. The motion was approved unanimously. � i � CONSENT A-GENDA "'�Councilmember Kitten moved ta approve the Consent Agenda as presented...A. Payment of Capital Projects. l. Sun Meadow Subdivisian Drainage with payment in the amount of�4,5Q0.00 to Claunch & Miller, Inc. for engineering consultaiits. To date, 12 percent of the contract has been expended. 2. S[arrace 1�iater Pump 5tation with payment in the amount ot�1�5,Ui 2_5U to I&L Construction, L I D for construction services. To date, 13 percent of the contract has been expended. #. Ground Storage Tank Rehabilitation with payment in the amount of $2,661.75 to Wayne Smith & Associates for consulting services. To date, 71 percent of the contract has been expended. B. Disposition of Bid No. 20Q2-02 for Janitorial Services for City facilities incfuding City Hall, Public Safety, Public Works, Library, Leavesley _ Park Hangar, and the Activity Building to Maintenance of Houston, Inc. in the amount of 456,364. C. Approve banner permit applications. , 1. Lighthouse Goaking Team Fundraiser. 2 Friendswood High School Project Prom Golf Tournament F�ndraiser. 3. Community Appearance Board Spring Sparkle. Approve Minutes of January 14 and January 21, 2002 Seconded by Counciimember Mel Measeles. The motion w:as approved unanimousiy. A motion was made and approved ta adjourn at 7:53 PM. ' � l , � Mayor Harold L. WE�itaker Attest: � � � - �� . ,�. D loris McKenzie, TR C City Secretary