HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 2002-01-21 Regular � . I849 STaTE 0�TFXAS )( CI�Y DF FRIENDSW00D )( � GOUI�TfES OF GALVESTOi�/HARRIS )( . - JANUARY 21, 2002 )( � M(NU�fES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL THAT WAS HELD ON MONDAY, JAN:U�RY 2�., 2002 AT 6:00 PM RT FRIENDSW00D C17Y HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 910 S. FRiENQSW00D DhIVE, FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS, WITH THE FOLLOWING PRESENT CONST1TUTfNG A Quv�UiY�: , MAYOR HAROLD L. WHITAKER MAYOR PRO TEM LARRY TAYLOR � COUNCILMEMBER - KITTEN BRIZENDfNE - -�� COUNCILMEMBER JERRY ERICSSON COUNCILMEMBER TRAGY GOZA - COUNCILMEMBER KIM BRIZENDIN� �,OliivCiLU1EiV1BtK IViEL iviti�SELE� � CITY ATTORNEY JOHN OLSON CITY MANAGER ROiV CQX �. C�TY SECRETARY DELORtS MCKENZiE � � Mayor Whitaker called the Work Session ta order. , Discussion was held regarding Bond �unding Opportunities with financial advisor Mr.Frank fldebrando with Dain Rauscher, fnc: A presentati.on was made by Mr. Frank Ildebrando and Director af Administrative Services Roger Roecker regarding refunding of Series 1992 Bonds. Discussion continued regarding savings of approximately $170,000, a schedule of events, options with private piacement, expenses with private placement, a time schedule, and an analysis of alf bonds including costs to do this at this time_ It was �he consensus of Councii to proceed with this bond refunding opportunity. Council took a brief recess at this time. � Councif convened into Regu[ar Sessian at 7:OQ PM. The lnvocation was given by,Councilmember Kim Brizendine. Boy Scout Troop 4�2 led the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States and to the State of Texas. Mayor Whitaker cailed a Docketed Public Hearing to hear comments from the public, both orai and � . wri�ten regarding the following. DOCKETED PUBLIC HEARING Mayor Whitaker cailed a Docketed Pub(ic Hearing to order to hear comments firom the public both oral and written regarding tf�e foflowing. 7he Parks Master Plan. Director of Communi�y Seruices Jon Branson gave an overhead presentation regarding the Parks Master Pfan. Director Branson presented the following information regarding the reasons why the Parks and Recrea#ion Board are recommsnding revisions to the pian includingthat first, Texas Parks and Wildlife requires �hat approved local plaRS be updated every three years in order to rece;v� �r iori�y �oints wnen appiying for matcning grants rhrougi� I��W. Second, cfuring discussions re�ard;ng�he a�veiopment of tne rark aeaication t�rciinance, C;ouncil askeci�Ehe board to revisit the plan. Diree�or Branson presented the following recommendations �o Co�ncil: l, Reduce the number of 1J21I�2 • 1850 Neighborhood Park zones outlined in the former plan from eleven to six; 2. Recommend a Trail Conc�pi along �he creeks and waterways and afong �he Exxon Pipeline easement; 3. Recommend approval ofi park priori-ties and faci}i�y prior��ties; 4. Rec�mmend that the property located in Imperial Es-tates acquired by�he Gity through the �EMA buyout program be decfica�ed as Park Proper�y. � 1`he Texas Parks &V�Iildlife grant applica�ian�or Centennial P�rk Phase t! cons�ruc�ion. Discussion was heid regarding the completion of ti�e first phase of Centennia[ Park which included the infrastructure for the compiex plus six soccer playing fields, the en�ry road, drainage and detention for the eniire site, paved parking irrigation for six socc�r fields, turf and tree p(antings along the meciians anc!en�rylnto the ! parking lot. Discussion cantinued regarding Phase If which will include a basketball pavilion, a . i , � restroorn/picnic pavilion, an amphitheafer with perm�nenf seating for 200 and lawn seating for 500, an � S' wide 1/� mile_long wafkingljogging trail, a playgraund and site concre�e to connect aIl pfi the.proposed � facilities together. The total estimafed cost of the proposed amenities for Phase I( is $1,000,000. Director Branson recornmended that the Ci�ty submit a grant to Texas Parks and Wildlife Departme:nt requesting a $5fl0,Q00 matching grant to construct�Phase II of centennial Park and to approve the resolution as.swbmitted. � Hearing no further comments, the Docketed Public Hearing was ciosed. CONlMUi�(CATIONS EROIVf MAYOR A11D GOUNCILMEMBERS Mayor Whitaker welcomed City A�torney John Oison back, stated that the City of Friendswood was Olson & Olson's first client back in February I975, and akso introduced Mr.Laren Smith, an attorneyfrom the Olson & Olson firm. - Councilmember Kitten Brizendine reported on attending the Chamber Banquet fast Saturday during which the Friendswood Volunteer Fire Deparfinent/EMS and the Police Department were honored and stated that the banquet was very we11 a�ttended. Councilmember Ericsson reported on. attended a meeting with the Corps of FngingQ,rS a�� �;,�tt-; representa�ives from Pearland regardingthe Clear Creek Project, attended the Community and Economic Developrnent Committee meeting, the Houston/Galvesfon Ar.ea Councii Meeting, the Ciear Lake Area Economic Development Foundation {CLAEDF} me�ting, stated that 1,700 Fr[endswood families are directiy affected by NI�SA, and 'attended the "K�ep It Sold" Committee fram CLAEDF meeting. � Councilmember Ericsson stated he was impressed with the work the Community and Economic Deve(opment Committee and Mainstreet Task Force:Commi�tee are doing,.CLAEDF has broadened their I. scope of priorities, reported on H/GAC having a lo� of grants whicn are available, reported on receivinga number ofi letters from Sunmeadow homeQwners opposed to tne proposed development and they don't want the area property re-zoned multifamily, suggested�hat maybe the city could communECate better wi�h �he homeowners and possibly meet with them and reported on attending the annua] Chamber Banque�t. ' Cauncilmember Goza reported on attending the Community and Economic Development Committee Meeting and the Chamber Banquet. Councilmember Kim Brizendine reporEed on attending some of the same meetings, reported ther2 are a lot of rumars regarding Sunmeadow and suggested a rneeting would be helpful, at�tended a memorial for Kyie Wya�t from �riendswood, a yflung man who died of diabetes, and suggested everyone should be more aware of diabetes, Caunciirr}�moer i ayior reporied on atrenaing some �f the same meeting, attended the Homefown Bank iur�tiraiser "�askerbali Tnrow'�, a�tendeci the Reglon H Water 8oard meeting in Conroe, attended �he �a[veston County Mayors and Councilmembers meeting in League Gi�ty, reported �t�at the Cl�amber }- ` � 1851 � 1/21J02 . . - Banque1 was well attended and a great even�t, and tf�anked the Boy Scouts for feading the pledge during tonigh�'s meeting � Councilmember Measeies welcome� baek City A��orney John Olson, repQrted on aitending the Comi-nuni-ty Appearance Board Meeting, �he Planning and Zon'[ng Commission Meeting where they d'[scussed the fire lanes with�he F�VFD and the Police Department, reporEed that last Sa�urday was the � Community Appearance Board tree give-away and over 1,OOQ trees were given away in 1 1/2 hours, reported tha� fhe Community Appearance Board inventoried some of the buy ou� homes looking at vege�ation, possibly looKing at relocating trees, b��t no shrubs. Mayor Whitaker reported on attending sort�e o#fhe same meetings and reporied on also attending the Blackhawk Advisory Board Mee�ing on January 9tn Cauncifinember Ericsson reminded everyone of �the election that going on regarding combining Clear Creek Drainage District and Galveston County Qrainage District 3 and encouraged everyone to vote. � . . �U11�iVILiN1CA�I�iV� FROCV! �`�E� �'UBLI� Ms. Jane 0. McKenzie with Gulf Sfates Pr.otective CoatFng, appeared before Council regarding t_he Gulf States Protective Caating Bid 2001-19, on the BlackI�awk Wafer Plant and Ground Sforage Tank Canstruction and Rehabilitation and asked Council not ta award fhe bid to them, but 'rf they are awarded . the bid, they witl complete the job, stated that a gross error was fa�nd by t.he city engineer with Wayne Smith, and Ms McKenzie informed the city within 24 hours and asked to be released from this bid and bid bond. Ms. McKenzie requested Council-to "nat" award this Bid to Gulf States Pratective Coating. COMMUNICATIONS FROM COMMITTE�S AND SPECIAL RE�ORTS , Mr. Alton Todd, Chair of the Main Street Task Farce, appeared before Council and presented a report regarding the meetings that were hefd and stated that the Main Street Task Force will be ready to give a full report on their recommendations at tf�e February 20Q2 Council Worksession. Gounciimember Taylor left the meeting at this time. G[TY MANAGER'S REPORT. City Manager Cox repo�Eed on the Buyout Acquisition Payment from Harris County, Mr. Cox reported that tne city has received a check in the amaunt of�1,111,088 from Harris Countyfortheir 25 percent share ofthe funds needed for the buyout of properties on#he Harris County portion of Friendswoad. This is tne matching amount needed for the FEMA Hazard Mitigation Buyout Grant Program. The city has also received funds from tf�e State under the Community Development Block Granf in the amount of $35a,000. Mr. Cox reporfed on the status of the Buyout Progra�-n and that to date, the city has purchased 64 homes. Work is continuing to complete the buyouts fully within the next fwo months. Demolition of 32 homes is sche.dufed to begin next week. The city has made offers on a total of 145 homes and expects to purchase a total of 140 homes when the project comes ta a close. Mr. Cax a(sa reparted on �he Aspha.It S�treet Projec�t for 2001 and that the project is scheduled to get under way the first week in February. The streets scheduled forwork are Chester drive, Cowards creek court, Cowards . Creek drive, Falling Leaf drive,�Laure! Drive; MeadowlarkAvenue, East Shadowbend Avenue, Whispering Pines Avenue, Clover Ridge Avenue, Cloveridge, Fence Post Road, Westfiield Road, and Rustic Lane. The amount of �the Contract is $400,04-2. The 2002 program will be bid this spring, as plans and specitications are currentiy being prepared. 1J21/02 � - 1852 ACTION i3EN1S � '��`Councilmember Kitten Brizendine moved to approve action regarding a.pproving the schedule of euents for the issuance af bonds to refund debt. Secanded byCouncilmember Goza. The motion was appraved 6-0. RESOLUTIONS �*Councilmember Kim- Brizendine moved to approve Resolution No. 2(302-6, A Resolution of the � Friendswood �ity Council of Friendswood, Texas, hereinafter referred to as "Applicant" designating the ; Director of Community Services as being responsible for acting for, and on behalf of the "Appiicani" in deafing with the Texas Parks & Wildlife Department, hereinafter referred to as "Department", for the p�rpose of participating in t�e Texas Recreation& Parks Account Grant Program, hereinafter referred to as the "Prograrn", certifying that the "App(ican�" is eligible to receive program assistance;cerkifying that fhe °Applicant" matching"shar.e is rea�dily available; and dedicating the proposed site for permanent pubiic park and reereationa! uses,with some:grammatical cfianges. , , . Seconded by Councilmember Measeles. The motion was appro�ed 6-0. '�Councilmember Kim Brizendine moved approve Resolution No: 2002-7, A Resolutior� of the Friendswood City Council of Friendswood, Texas, adopting the Parks and Open Space Master Plan with a � revise�l capfion. Seconded by Councilmember Kitten Brizendine. � '��XCouncilmember Kim Brizendine moved•'to amend the main motion to approve Item I— Reduction of the Number af Neighborho:od Parks; Item I I -Trail Concept; Item Iil - Park and Facility Priorities; and not Item IV— Dedicate tmperial Estates property as Park Property. Seconded by Councilmember Kitten Brizendine. The motion was approved 6-0. xxMain motion as amended was aporoved h-0_ - x�`Councilmember Kitten Brizendine moved to approve Resolution No. 20Q2-8,A Resolution of the City of Friendswood, Texas endorsing the Consalidation o#Galvestan County Drainage District No. 3 and Ciear Creek Drainage District. � . � Seconded by Counciimember Jerry Ericsson. The ►-notion.was approved 6-Q. � ORDINANGES '�Councilmerr�ber Me! Measeles moved to approve Ordinance No.T2002-01, Second and final reading of � an Or.dinance amending Appendix C of the Frienc(swood City Code, said appendix C being City of Friendswood, 7exas, Ordinance No. 84-15, as amended, originally adopted the 19{�' day af November, 1984, and being the Zoning Ordinance of the City, by amending Paragrapn 2 of Subsection P of Section 7 thereof, the "Perrrtitted Use Table," by striking the �erms "Aceessory Residential Uses: and "Garage Apartment"therefrom, and by striking"singie story"from Subp.aragraph a of Paragraph 3 of Subsection Q of Section 7 thereof; providing setback requirements forAccessory Buildings; providing a penalty of an amount not 'Ea exceed $2,000 for each day of violatio� of any provision hereof; and providing for severabillty. Seconded by Councilmember Goza. The motion was approved 6-0. _ xXCounci)member Kim Brizendine moved to apprave Ordinance No.T2002-Q2, Second and final reading of an Ordinance amending ihe Code of�Ordinances of the City o# Friendswood, Texas, by striking alf of Paragraph o of Section 1 of Appendix A thereof, said Appendix A being the Gity's Sign Ordinance, and substituting therefore a new Par�graph o; providing a definition of "Monument Sign"; es�ablishing a ( . �.r2I102 � . , l$�3 maxlmum height 6f severi feet for al( IVlonument Signs, excluding any concealed pole base; providing a penaity; and providing for severabifi�y. � . Seconded by Cauncilmember Ericsson. The motion was appraved 6-(�. "�Councilmember Goza moved to approve Ordinanc� No.T2002-03, First reading of an Ordinance ofthe , City of Frienclsw�oci, Texas, al#ering the prima facie speed Eimits establishetl for vehicles under the provisions of 545.356, Texas Transportation Code, upon the basis of an engineering and traffic investigation, upon cer�ain streets and highways, af par�s thereof, A) aEong FM 518 ' from 3razoriafGalveszon County iine to 5� ieet tasT of r=M23�i, a d�s�ance approximateiy 1:OC70 miies, the spesd Iim�t shali be "45 MPH", B) a[ong �M 518 from 53 feet East of FM 2351 ta 106 feet East of . . Whispering Pines, a distance of approximately 1.352 miles, the speed limit shail be "30 MPH", C}aiong FM518 from 106 feet from East of Whispering Fines to 370 fee�t East of-FM 528, a distance of � approxirnately 0.748 miles, the speed limit sha11 be "45MPH, D) along FM 18 from 370 feet East of �M 528 to Friendswood/League city limit, a distance approximately 1_882 miles,the speed ltmit shail be "55 MPH", wiEhin the corporate limits of the City of Friendswood, as set out in this Ordinance; and proviciing a penalty af,a fine not to exceed $20��fo.r the vioIati�n ofi this Ordinance. SeLVi�ued by Goi�nciirr��rn'r�er K�tt�ri �rizendine. �xXCouncilmember Goza moved to amend the ordinance penalty clause to conform to�he Transportation Gode and to carrect a fypo of 1.352 mi.les. - � Seconded by Councilmember Measeles. The motion was approved 6-0. �XThe main motion as amended was approved 6-0. � CONSENT AGENDA . �xCounciimember Kitten Brizendine moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. A. Payment of Capital Projects— l. Public Works Facility addition with payment in the amount of$50,825.0,0 to G &Z Contracting services. To date, 63 percent of the contract has been expended. 2. Water System Irnprovements with payment in the amount of $17,983.14 to Klotz Associates; Ine. for consulting services. To date 58 percent of the contract has been expended. T�otal payments were $68,8d8.14_ B. Disposition of Bid No. 2001-I9 for Blackhawk Wa-�er Plant ar�d Ground Storage Tank Construction & Rehabiiitation, awarded to Gulf States Protectrve Coatings; Inc. in the amount of$4I7,Q50. C. Rpprove Resolution R2002-05, A Resolution of The City Council of The City of Friendswood, Texas, designating certain officials as being respansible for, acting fior,�and on behalf of ti�e City of Friendswood in dealing with the Houston-Galveston Area Council, hereinafter referred to as "Departrnent", for the purpose of participating I con�inuation of funding for the Victims of Crime Act Funding Program, hereinafter referred to as the "Program"; authorizing the submissian of a continuation grant application to the Nouston- Galveston Area Council. D. Property Tax Report for December 2001. E. Minutes of January 7, 2002. Seconded by Councilmember MeI Measeles. The motion was approved 6-0_ 1/2zIoL � ` i��� A motion was made and appraved �o adjourn at 8:20 PM., ayor Harold L. Whitaker Httest: ; r � � y '` -����� .' , I _ �L� �= - Deloris McKenzie, TRMC City Secretary � � . : � - : : ' , . � . i � . i � `