HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 2002-04-14 Special � 1847 STATE OF TEXAS }( . C(TY OF FRIENDSWOOD )( COUNTIES 0� GALVESTON/HARRIS )( � - JANUARY 14, 2002 )( MINUTES OF A SPEGIAL MEETfNG OF THE FRIENDSWOOD C1TY COUNCIL THAT WAS HELD ON JANUARY 14, 2002 RT 6:30 PM AT-FRIENDSWC?OD CITY HALL, COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 910 S. FRIENDSWOOD DRIVE, FRIEf�DSWOOp, TEXAS, WITH THE FOLLOWlNG PRESENT CONST[TUTING A QUORUM: , MAYOR HAROLD L. WHITAKER MAYOR PRO TEM LARRY TAYLOR COUNClLMEMBER KITTEN BRIZENDINE COUNCILMEMB�R JERRY ERIGSSON COUNCILMEMBER TR,4CY GOZA COUI�CILMEMBER KiM BRIZENDINE COUNCILMEMBER MEL MEASELES CIT�' MANAGER R�l� CC�X . CITY SECRETARY DELORIS°MCKENZIE ° Mayor Whitaker cal{ed the meeting ta order. � Discussion was held regarcfing the Library MasterPlan. Library Director Mary Perroni appeared before " Councii ar�d provided a history of the library#acifity planning beginning with 1992 with the projection that 20,000 square feet would be needed based upon a populetion of 35,000. Discussion continued regarding the purchase of the properfy wheee the library is located now which allowed for 15,000 square feet in two phases with a proposed addition to make 20,000 with acquiring property adjacent to the present library which has not been purchased, and noted that Phase Two was completed in 1997. Chair of the Library Board, Dr. John G. Heard, introduced Board Members Mrs. Ruth Lay, Mrs. Victoria Middents, Ms. Elizabeth Finger, Mr. Larry Seelig, Mr_ Stephen Huffman, Director of the Library Mary �erroni ar�� Libi ary Serii�r Secretary uebbie 1%verila. - � Dr. Heard continued the discussion explaining that in the fall of 1999, the Board began reviewing a plan for the summer of 2000 and determined a plan of action to the process, with a planning committee developed which included members of the Board` Discussion continued regarding the planningsession heid in 2001 facflitated by Mr. Finger wifh 17 in attendance. The result of the planning session was to have the fibrary staff review the submitted goals. After this review, the Library board reviewed the goals and programs, reviewed the mission statement ofi fihe library, and the final review was submitted to Council in Sepfember 2000. 7he board enjoyed the process and found it very interesting. Dr� Heard stated that the physical plan will be evaluated this year and it should be ready in the Spring of this year. Mayor Whitaker stated that Council appreciates afl that the Library Board does, the Library is well- staffed, well-stocked and is the best in the area. � ��Discussion continued regarding sate((ite branches, cooperation with the schools, a newsletter, a website �o teachers far e-mail assignments, internet access, meetings with librarians of area schools,the�riends of the Library program, and landscaping, corporate donations, State Library Guidelines, expanding the. internet da�Eabase training, the acquir[ng of 2 Dell laptops,wireless hookups, good selection of books, the appearance of the building, and grants received for equipment. ' - �IS;USS[7C] W�S �'?E'-« Wtffl fi�t� �.!'?a�r�cC ���i�i1V C�!?1�;"?i�Si�C! ��"?airit�ail Cia�,i� 1;wi,ff„-;-tan ro�sarG!!"1�T ��?2 �ropnsed amendmenfic t� the Ch�r±er. � Chair of tt�e Charter Review Commission Mr. Steve Huffman intraduced member of the Commission inc(uding Qennis Holt, Carl Hill, Wayne Ford, Laura Ewi�g, Larry Seefig and Harless Benthul. 1 / 14/�2 1848 Chair hiuffman presented a review of the proposed amendmenfs with questions and�answers following. Discussion continued regarding Praposed Amendment No� l, Section 3_04 - Reimbursement of Expenses/Compensation for Mayor and Cauncil. Discussion continued with members of the Commissiori explaining their reasons for supporting or not supporting this proposed amendment, reported on a survey of other crties, discussed vo[unteerism, community service, expenses, the desire to serve the community and costs associated with attending fundraisers, etc. Council thanked the Commission for their effart and the work dane and it was the consensus of Councif to further discuss this issue at a later works.hap. Councif stated that they respect the opinions of the members of the Cammission, stated the rnembers dicf a very professional job and are a "blue ribbon" Commission, - i The members of the Commission recognized Chair Steve Huffman for his outstanding performance chairing �his Commission and appreciate his efforts and commended him for his valuable seruice. Discussion was held regarding a new Public Safety Building. Chief Wieners presented a power point presentation incluciing building modules and conceptuai phasing. The building modules presented included the tradi�ional modules of patrol, CID, communications, administration, etc, Also included were modu{es of the Fire Marshal's o#fices as well as Emergency Qperation� Cent�r(EQG). AcJc�ed to th�s�nrere the Municipal Court and Recards Storage modules. The discussion regarding the conceptual phasing involved Phase I of the Pub(ic Safety Building which will be approximately 24,000 square feet gross for afl modules presente.d and the final Phase 2 which wrlJ include an additional 11,000 square-feet for a total of 35,000. Phase [I is not anticipated for construction until aroun�d 2012. Discussion continued regarding Phase I and 11 and project total cost, a new location, researchingfunding options, site optians, � concerns regarding previous presentations and addressing needs; phasing options forfuture needs, radio systems, 2020 build out population and accuracy of an�icipatecE population at buiid out, and square footage of the existing city hall for comparison purposes. It was the consensus of Council to continue looking into land availability, funding options and planning population figures, and discussing land op�tions in an Executive Sessian in February, and being consistent with the Economic Develapment Committee a�d the Mainstreet Task Force plans. Discussion was held regarding proposed amendments to the Sign Ordinance. Discussion continued ic�aiGiiiig a icyuESi i� iii��iiji ilie Si�iia urdinarc:e ��quirzmeni5 t"z�aT��,`i�ig iease proper�i�s, ��I(j Iimitations regarding residential as weEl as commercial praperties. It was the consensus of Counci( to have the City Manager request verbage draftecE into the ordinance to include garage sale signs, new home sales versus rentals, fength of time that signs may be posted, rental homes, individual sale of homes, garage sales, commercial rentals, and signs per property. � A motion was made and approved to adjourn a� 9:17 PM. . �� Mayor Harold L. Whitaker Attest: � � Deloris IVIcKenzie, TR�/IC City Secretary