HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 2002-01-07 Regular i I841 STATE OF TEXAS )( CITY OF FR(fNDSWOOD )( ' COUNTIES OF GALVESTONtHARRIS }( . JANUARY 7, 2002 )( MINUTES OF A REGL.ILAR M�ETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL THAT WAS HELD ON MONL�E,`Y, JRNI:ARY 7, 2002�",T 6:.7U PM AT FR�Ei�it�SSI�fO�C CI I Y f"{ALL l�.VUPVI�.IL CS�HMIY�t'�(j� �iG S. � FRIENDSW00D DRIVE, �RIENDSWOOD, TEXAS, WfTH THE FOLLOWING PRESENT CONSTITUTING A ; QUORUM: MAYOR HAROLD L. WHITAKER MAYOR PRO TEM LARRY TAYLOR COUNCILMEMBER KITTEN BRIZENDINE COUNC�LMEMBER JERRY ERICSSON (ARR_ 7;00) CC�NCPLMEMBE� T�ACI'GO�a ° COUNCILMEMBER KIM BRIZENDWE' COUNCfLMEMBER ME� MEASELES CITY ATTORNEY KIM MICKELSON (ARR. 6:4Q) : CfTY MANAGER RON COX - CITY SECRETARY DELORIS MCKENZIE Mayor Whitaker called the Work Session to order. � Discussion was held regard:ing arnendments to the internationat Building Code regarding Singie-fa.mily Residential. Directo.r.of Community Development/Public Works Mike Hodge presented information relative to the new law passed regarding Senate Bill 365 that adopted the 2000 international Residential Cade(iRC)as a�statewide municipal residential building code, effective January 1, 2002. Director Hodge also presented information regarding Senate BiN 5, which created the:Texas Emissions Reduction Plan that adopts the International Energy Conservation Gode and the energy efficiency chapter of the fnternational Residential code as the energy code for all residentiai, commercial, and industrial construction. Discussion was held regarding adoption of these cades, certified inspectors, additionaf costs, time frame,,efifecfive date to allow for training of staff and builders, review by the city, input regarding action taken byarea c.ities, and t�hird party inspections. - - Council took a break'at this�time. Mayor VVhitaker calfed the Regular Meeting to order at 7:Q0 PM. The Invocation was given by Pastor Ralph Hobratsck from Hope Lutheran Church. Mayor Whitaker led the Pie.dge of Af(egiance to tfte United States and to the State of Texas. JOfNT DOCKETED PUBLIC HEARING Mayor Whitaker and Chair of the Planning and Zoning Commission Tom Burke called a Joint Docketed Public Hearing to order to hear camments from th�public both oral and written regarding a request for a Specific Use Permit (SUP).— Church of Cnrist Church Facilities for 9.267 acres zoned Single Family t��^SiCi��eil2ii ����j 3i �iV�.�i2� a{iu t�cjOia viiVc. Mr. Chad Adair, 704 Pine Needfe, representing the Church Com�nittee, appeared before Council anc! stated that he was available for comments or questions on �he plans that were provided, stated these 1�7�pz 1842 ' plans for the proposed facilities including worship, education, administration and accessory functions. ° This wilf be a multi-phased development. Mr. Charles Kickiin, 607 Linkwood, appeared before Gouncil in fauor of the praposed development, and stated he has been a member of the church since 1965, has seen the church grow, and stated this will �. be a wonderful addition to�the community, believes it will enhance and make a positive $2.5 Million dollar additian to.the community. � Mr. Barry Baggett, �.911 De Sota, next door to the church property, appeared before Council in favor of the proposed develapment and stated he welcomes this addition to the community, it has nice eye- appeal, a nice lay aut, and wil[ use the property efficiently and attractively. No one spoke in opposition. Hearing no further comments; the Joint Docketed Public Hearing was closed. � COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAYOR AND COUNCILMEMBERS ' Councilmember Kitten Brizendine wished everyone Happy New Year and welcomed the attendees, reported bn attending the City Christmas Party during which long-term employees were recognized, attended the prayer breakfast, and announced that her daughter Neather officiafly became engaged New Year's Eve. Councilmember Ericsson reported on attending the Houston/Galveston Area Council mee�ing and presented an overview of Friendswoad Economic Development Committee meeting. Councilmember Goza wished everyone a Happy New Year and stated he was glad to be back. Councilmember Kim Brizendine reported on attending the Mainstreet Task Force Meeting and stated the task torce is fooKing forward to defining main street, attended the Library Board Meeting where long- range plans were discussed, gave a Brio Site Task Force report, and reported on attending the Friendswood Community and Economic Development Meeting. Councilmember Taylor wefcomed everyone to this rr�eeti�g and reported that the sign in the park�i�s working and that it is nice to see upcoming events and stated this is a welcome addition, and wished a Happy New Year and a great year for all citizens. Councilmember Measeles reported on attending some of the same m�etings, and asked everyone to start the new year right and plant sr�me trees, reported thaf�he Community Appearance Board is sponsaring a tree give-away on January 19th in the front park'ing fot of City Hall from 9AM until 2PM and invited everyone to attend. GOMMUNICATIONS FROM,THE PUBLIC Mr. Ron Boyd, President of Annalea Subdivision HOA, appeared before CounciE to discuss drainage. Mr. Boyd stated that there are major problems that continue to escalate, sewer and water lines cantinue to deteriorate, drainage problems are repaired but need to be replaced, asked the Cityto eonsider replacing #he lines with new lines that wili handle greater flow, the situation has done nothing but worsen,feeEs that the drainage problem is caused by run off from development and the run off is filowing into the SuvuiViSiC�l, '�hQ i�i2rti^v;� i5 i�vi uvii�� iiic jv�i7, iEciS LFiai iiic rviiicG'vY"ii@i5 aic uUc iui car�s���ra�i�i�, JIQLnGU �I IQl t�e subdivisi�n ns�vsl�t���urg��the r�si��nts i� I��ep Urair�s ciear a��d �rese��ea �i�.�ures�f Mary Ann and Linda Lane from the last deluge. 1/7/02 1843 Mayor Whitaker advised that some.funding has been budgeted for this problern and stated he will ask - staff to have a response to Mr. Boyd, particulariy addressing problems regarding Virginia Circle. Mr. Bob Heinly, a former resident of 142lmperial Drive, appearecl�before Council and stated his home filooded five feet from Tropical Storm Alfison and to rebuild his home, it must be e{evated according fio city requirements and the "Letter or Map Revision Process (LOMR) requirement, and stated he is contesting this requirement, stated he met with city staff and disagrees with the city requirement and is no+. sa±isf�P� v�rith ±!�e �^swdrs !-;e rece�ves, stated he is it�e �nly person being aske� to rrie�i�he no rise certificate requirement, stated he received a letter from the City Attorney which doesn't answer his questions, asked Council to understand the impact from the flood and now fram the city requirements, asked for a second meeting with the staff and asks for FEMA and NFIP clarification as to the city requiremenfs, asked for the City Attorney to review the requirements and advise Council this week - regarding clarification of these requirements. COMMUNiCATIONS FROM C0111iMITTEES OR SPECIAL REPC)RT Mr. Kevin Candee, Chair of the Community &'Economic Deveiopment C�ommittee (CEDC), appeared �before Counc'il and made a presentation on the CEDC goals and work in progress: Council thanked Mr. Candee for his leader5hip, stated this is a good committee, and themembers are visionaries. Council thanked them far their time and their help to the city, stated they appreciate ail that has been done, and are supportive of their efforts and that Friendswood has an unending supply of volunteers with a lot of axpertise. Mr. Steve Hufffman, Chair of�he Charter Review Commission, appeared before Council and presented the final report. Mr. Huffman introduced the members of the Charter Review Commission that included Harless Benthul, Laura Ewing, Wayne Ford, Carl Hill, Dennis Holt,and Larry Seelig, Mr. Huffman reported � that �the process for the Charter review took 4 months and as a result there are 16 proposed amendments: 6 of the 16 clean up the language of the Charter; 8 of the changes allow for easier understanding with two changes, one regarding voting on bonciing and ane proposed amendment creating a new section for compensation for the Council. Chair Huffman presented the Final Report to the Mayor, thanked everyone on the Commissian for serving and working diligently, stated that this was a "blue ribbon" committee, and is looking forward to work-shopping the proposed amendments wifih Council, and appreciates al1 of the work of the Commission members and the City Staff including City Manager Cox, City Secretary Deforis McKenzie, and City Attorney John Olson. - The Mayor received the Final Report of the Charter Review Comrnission and stated that the proposed amendments will be discussed at a workshop next Monday at 6:30 PM. CITY MANA'GER'S REPORl" Mr. Cax stated that we have ha.d a relatively quiet holiday season and wished everyone a Happy New Year and is looking forward to working with everyone in 2002. RESOLUTIONS � ""CouncilmemberTay(or moved to approve Resolution No. R2002-04, A Resalutian ofthe GityCouncil of the City of Friendswooc[, Texas, providing for the holding of a Special Election on February 2, 2002, for the purpose of submitting to the qual'rfied voters of Galveston County Election Precincts, 220, 456, 457, �E'Z ��� �rF.� n�i� ncr'S� n�n �iiu �-^r2SFJ �.-,..-..-, n c:�,-.i:__ r i� �� � �, , �., T G, -,� , -r -r, , a i ivNvSitivii �ii 1�c71IJ1711UdlIVil ui �ri@ t�i2af�i'��K i.`�C811lagB �istr;ct ar�U t"e Galves��n Ca���ty �;airag� �ist�ict #3 ini� �ne Gistrici; �e�igr��fing tn� poiiing piaces and appointing Eiection Officials for such election; providing the form of the ballot at such election Seconded by Councilmember Ericsson. The rriotion was approved unanimously. 1 / 7j02 I844 ` ORDiNANCES �XGouncilmember Kim Briz�ndine moved to approva Ordinance No. T20D1-25, Second Reading of an Ordinance amending the Code af Ordinance5 of the City ofFriendswood, Texas, by striking ail of Article I I of Chapter 3 thereof and supstituting therefore a new Article II of Chapter 3; providing rules and regulations governing the keeping and ficensing of animals, providing definitions; establishing the powers and duties of tne City`s Finimai Controi Officers, requiring rabies vaccinations; estabfishing licensing and permitting fees; providing pracedures for regufating, quarantining, impounding, 'controlling, and dispasing of dangerous or rabid anirrtal's; making it unlawful to keep wild or exotic'animais within the City without a permit; making it unlawfui ta abandon or dump ani.mals within the City; making it unlawful for any person to fail to promptly remove and dispose of feces lefit by any animal; providing that owners of dangerous animals must carry liab�lity insurance; de.claring a public nuisance; providing other matters relating to the subject; providing a penalty in an amount not to exceed $2,000 far each day of violatian of any prov�sion hereof; providirig for severability; repealing all ordi,nances or parts of ordinances - incc�nsist�nt c�r in conflic# herewith; ana providing an effective date. : Seconded by Councilmernber Goza. The motion was approved unanimously. **Councilmember Taylor moved to approve Ordinance No. T2001-26, Second reading of an Ordinance amencfing Appendix C of the �riendswood City Code, said Appendix C being City of Friendswood, Texas, Ordinance No. 84-15, as amended, originally adopted the 19t'' day of Novemt�er 1984, and being the Zoning Ordinance of the City, by changing the zoning classification of a certain 66.3119-acre parcel of land from Single-Family Residential District(SFR)to Planned Unit De.velopment,Distric�(PUD); granting a Specific Use Permit(SUP)for certain residentiaf uses as a Gated Community with private streets, said property being out of the l.G.N.R.R, Survey, Abstract 622, and known as The Lake at San Joaquin and described by metes and bounds; imposing certain conditions; providing for amendment of the official zoning map of the City; providing for severability; and providing a penalty of an amount not to exceed $2,000 for each day of violation of any provision hereof. Seconded by Councilmember Measeles. The motion passed 6-1 with Councilmember Kim F3rFze.n.��ne opposed. �`�`Councilmember Measeles moved to approve Ordinance No. T2002-01, First reading ofi an Ordinance amending Appendix C of the Friendswood City Code, said appendix C being City of Friendswood, Texas, Ordinance No. 84-15, as amended, originally adopted fhe 19t'' day of November, 1984, and ,being fhe Zoning Ord'snance of the.City, by amending Paragraph 2 ofSubsection P of Section 7 thereof, the "Permitted Use Table," by striking the terms."Accessary Residential Uses: and "Garage Apartment" therefrorn, and by striking "single story" fram Subparagrapli a of Paragraph 3 of Subsection Q of Section 7 thereof; providing setback requirements for Accessory Buiidings; providing a penalty of an amount not to exceed $2,000 for each day of violation of any provision hereof; and providing for severability. Seconded by Councilmember Kiften Brizendine. The motion was approved unanimously. �xCouncilmember Kitten Brizendine moved to approve Ordinance Na. T2002-02, First Reading o€ an Ordinance amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Friendswoad, Texas, by striking all of Paragraph o ofi Section 1 of Appenciix A thereof, said Appendix A being the City`s Sign Ordinance, and substituting therefore a new Paragraph o; providing a defini�ion of "Monument Sign"; establishing a maximum height of seven feet for all Manument Signs, excluding any concealed pole base; providing a penalty of an amount not to exceed $2,000; and providing for severability. Seconcled by Councilmember Ericsson. The motion was approved unanimously. � 1J7/d2 - 1845 � CONSENT AGENDA Mayar Whitaker-requested to remove Item B-1 — Bid No. 2001-19-Blackhawk Water Plant Ground Storage Tank Construction and Rehabilitation. ��Councilmember Ericsson maved to approve the Consent Agenda except for ltems B-1 referenced above a�:d G-2—Rns�!�utior �10. R2�J�2-�2, A Resolu��or cf�he City of Fri�;��sw�od, Texas, �ec�ar�ng a �olicyto determine what constitutes an existing subdivision. A. Payment of Capital Projects. 1. Public Works Facility Addition with payment in the amount of $2,261.00 ta GeoTech Engineering and Testing for engineering services. To date, 66 percent of the contract has been expended. Two payments in the amount of $3,062,37 to Hall/Barnum Architects for architectural services. To date 94 percent of the -� contract has been expended. 2. Westside Elevated Tank with payment in the amount of$9,099..17 to Klotz Associates, Inc. for engineering services. To date, 41 percent of the contract has been expended. 3. Surface Water Pump Station with payment in the amount of$68,875.00 to T& C Construction, LTD fcr ccnstruct;er �ervices. To dat�, 3.�6 pereent of the contraet ha� bEen expended. 4. asphal� Str��t - Program with paymen�t in the amount of $982.00 to Stork Southwestern Laboratories for testing" services. To date, �00 percent of the contract has been expended. 5. 2001 Sidewalk Program with payment�in the amount of $23,074.85 to Smith's Ciassic Construction far canstruction services. To date, 95 percent of the contract has been expended. Far sidewafk construction on East and West Shadowbend and Quaker. Total payments were $107,354.39. S. Disposition of Bids. 1. Bid No.2001- 20—Three{3) Portable Defibrillator/Monitors for use of the FVFD EMS volunteers awarded in the amount of$37,479.00 to Medtronic-Physio Control. 3. Bid No: 2001-21 - Water and Sewer Supplies for 20Q2 to fwo providers —Hughes Supply and US Fil�ter. 4. Bid Na. 2001-220 Hazard Mitigation Grant Project awarded in the amount of$219,000 to Che'rry Demolition. C, Approve Change Order No. 1 to the 2001 SicEewalk Program in the amount of$12,000 to add sidewalks along the north side of Laura Leigh from Friendswood Link Road to Blackhawk Boulevard. D. Approve appointment of Brent Goswick to fill a , vacancy on the Community and Economic Development Cornmittee. E. Approve acceptance of one-year maintenance of streets, drainage and utilities fior Friendswood Lakes Garden Homes subdivision. F. Hpprove acceptance of one�year main�enance of drainage and uti�ities for Timber creek Village subdivisian. G. Resoiutions — 1. Resolutian R2002-Q1, a resolution of the City of Friendswood authorizing the waiving of grant funding for the Juvenile Acco.untability Incenfive Block Grant Program back to the Governor's Cr'sminal Justice Department. 3. Resolution R2002-03, a resolution o#the City of Friendswood authorizing the Police Department to use unmarked vehicles to facifitate police undercover work and other iegitimate functions of the department. H. Mi`nutes of December 3 and Decem'ber 10, 2001 meetings. �--- Seconded by Councilmember Kitfien Brizendine. The motion was approved unanimously. ""Councilmember Kitten Brizendine moved to approve item G2- Resolution R2Q42-42, a Resolution of the City of Friendwood, 7exas, declaring a policy to determine what constitutes and existing subdivision. Seconded by Counciimember Ericsson. Xx-�Councilmember Taylor moved to table Item G-2 unti( the next meeting. Seconded by Councilmember Kim Brizendine. The motion was approved unanimously. � 1/ 7/02 ' � 1846 A motion was made and approved to adjourn at 8:40 PM. . � ayor Harofd L. Whitaker Attest: - F Deloris McKenzie, TRMC _ City Secretary