HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 2001-10-15 Regular IO/ 15/Ol 1815
OCTOBER 15, 2001 )(
Mayor Whitaker called the meeting to order.
The Invocation was given by PaStor Dennis Owens from New Life Assembly Church.
Mayor Whitaker !ed the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States a�d to the State of Texas.
Mayor Whitaker presented a Proclamation for the month of November as "Hospice Month" to
, representatives from Hospice.
Councilmember Kitten Brizendine welcomed everyone to the meeting, reported that Texas New Mexico
Power had a $45,000 Community Grant Program Meeting and that City Secretary Deloris McKenzie
served on this committee during which funds were granted to Habitat for Humanity in the amount of
$5,000, and $2,500 awarded to the Clear Creek Clean Up Project, and appreciates the City Secretary
representing this area for the awarding of these funds.
Councilmember Ericsson reported that he did not attend any meetings but has the Clear Creek Councii of
Cities meeting and the Houston/Galveston Area Gouncil meeting coming up.
Councilmember Goza reported on attending the Community and Economic Development Committee
meeti ng.
Councilmember Kim Brizendine stated that Councilmember Kitten Brizendine, who is not his wife but a
wonderful sister-in-law, recently had some difificult surgery, the removal of a kidney stone, and that it is
difficult for her to be here tonight, rea{izes that she will have some difficult days, and hopes that she
continues to recover. Councilmember Brizendine reported attending the Mainstreet Task Force Meetings
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that meet every other week, attended the Chamber Goli Tournament today with Councilmember Taylor,
repor±ed that the Fire departrr�ent Open House was we{I attended, that it was an afl day project, and
� appreciates afl that the Fire Department does for the community.
• Councilmember Measeles reported that he tried to attend the Fire Department Open House but that
there was no parking, attended the Friendswood Prayer Breakfast this past Saturday, and announced
that he was a grandfather again, his 6t'' grandchild, a boy, was born this afternoon at 2:00 PM.
Mayor WhitaKer reported that he attended some of the same meetings and had no report.
Ms. Evelyn Newman, representing the Friendswood Historical Society, appeared before Council and
thanked the Mayor and Councilmembers and everyone in attendance for this support that allows them to
complete their projects, presented the budget, and delivered an annual report which included highlights
over the past year's activities including the Fieritage Day Festival, the Christmas tree fighting, and the
Spring luncheon and style show of historical dress. Ms. Newman also reported on some of the things
that the Historical Society has been able to accomplish this past year including their new sign on the
esplanade on Friendswood Drive and the brochures on the history of Friendswood. Ms. Newman afso
reported on the future goals of the Society and thanked the many individuals for their time, energy and
materials in heiping the Society achieve their gaals.
Director of Administrative Services Roger Roecker introduced Executive Director Robbie Gill representing
the Coppinger Family YMCA. Ms. Gilf presented an ahnual report and thanked the city for the continued
support for the After School Program and Teen Court Program.
Rick McFee, President of the Friendswood Volunteer Fire Department, appeared before Council regarding
the 50th Anniversary of the FVFQ, and expressed FVFD's thanks for 50 years of support from the city and
in appreciation, presented golf shirts and cups ta the Mayor, Councilmembers, City Attorney Kim
Mickefson, City Manager Ron Cox, and City Secretary Deloris McKenzie.
Mr. Jeff Branscome, 308 Woodstream Circle, appeared before Council regarding opposition to the
selection of Bob Wieners as the Police Chief, and expressed his concerns regarding sweeping dirt under
the carpet, stated he feels Bob Wieners was instrumental in the firing of Ramona Radney a 17 year
veteran, and Ross Eliason a 23 year veteran, stated Bob Wieners first ran off Chief Stout, and asked why
does the City Manager owe Bob Wieners big time.
Mr. Nathan Satsky, 700 Doral Court, appeared befiore Council to express his opposition of the
appointment of Bob Wieners as Police Chief and expressed concerns regarding the selection process.
Mayor Whitaker advised Mr. Satsky the city could not hear personal statements about employees that
this is a personnel issue.
Ms. Brooke Evans, 700 Doral Court, appeared before Council to express opposition to the appointment of
Bob Wieners as the Police Chief, asked that this appointment not be confirmed, asked that Council be
given to the opportunity to interview the 55 appiicants, put back the Master Certification in the
qualifications that was removed because Mr. Wieners does not have one asked Council to place a higher
value on Friendswood, and thai the city deserves more than a two-year police officer as a police chief.
Mr. Rebecca Hillenburg, Principal Friendswood High School, 11Q5 Bob White Drive, appeared before
Council in support of the Po(ice Chief Bob Weiners appointment and spoke of the outstanding
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characteristics of Bob Weiners.
Mr. Greg Cagle, 413 Melodywood Court, an attorney who has represented the Texas Police Association
�, for the last eight(8)years, appeared before Gouncil in support of the appointment of Bob Wieners as the
Po{ice Chief, commended the City Manager for raising the bar, stated he did an excellent job, that it is
difficult to get a good pofice chief, and stated that Sob Wieners by far, was the highest qualified for this
job, has the skills to lead the Police Department where it needs to go, and stated "thank you, Mr. Cox."
Ms. Lynda Harris, 406 Fallow Lane, appeared before Council in support of the appointment of Officer
Wieners as Police, and spoke on behalf of Colonel Bob Wieners, soon to be Police Chief, related a
personal incident where an armed robbery took place at an area nursing home and stated that Sob
Wieners handied this situation providing advice on how to handle cases such as this and everything was
resolved, and stated she feels in very good hands with someone f ike this leading our Police Department.
Ms. Gay Smithers, 2600 Ware Dairy, appeared before Council in support of the appointment of Officer
Wieners as Police Chief, stated she has been a resident of Friendswood for 11 years, and the city needs
to keep pace with the growth and that Lieutenant Colonel Bob Wieners is that person, stated he
demonstrated his tremendous leadership abilities during the search for her daughter Laura, he is a man
of honor and integrity, a man of courage, he does the right stuff for the right reasons, stated he is
devoted to the citizens of Friendswood, and because he is a man of integrity, he expects personal
accountability in others, and stated that this is the caliber of man we need for our Friendswood Police
Departrnent. Ms. Smithers stated that Bob Wieners is capable ofi making the right decisions, and that
she will sleep better knowing he is Pofice Chief, stated that being Police Chief is a serious commitment,
not a popularity contest, all residents shoulcl be treated the same, applauds the exhaustive search the
city undertook, and supports Bob Wieners as Police Chief.
Mr. David Qannemiiler, 1314 Piney Woods, appeared before Council in support of Officer Wieners being
appointed Chief of Police, stated he is a 15 year resident, meet Sob Wieners four years ago when he
brought out the troops for search and rescue in search with Laura, he motivated the troops, showed that
he is a great leader. Friendswood has selected an executive for this job and he has hope can get over
this and move forward.
-. Mr. Walter Wilson, Superintendent of the Friendswood Independent School District, appeared before
Council in support of Officer Wieners being appointed Chief of Pofice, stated that Captain Luke Loeser did
a tremendous job leading the Police Department as Acting Chief of Police during this period and
appreciates al� that he did, stated that Friendswood has fine officers and appreciates all that they do,
Captain Jimmy Holiand is number 1 in our hearts, stated that there are officers at the high school and
junior high and appreciates all that they do for this community, stated they have great communications
with students, and gives credit to the Mayor, Councilmembers, and the city Manager, especially the
Mayor, stated that F1SD is in support ofi the appointment of Bob Wieners, has faith and trust in him and
the department and supports decision of appointment of Bob Weiners as Police Chief.
Mr. Gary Harris, 406 Fallow Lane, appeared before Council in support of Officer Wieners being appointed
Chief of Police, and stated that because Friendswoad is in close proximity to the Port of Houston,
chemical piants, and NASA, Friendswood needs to be proactive, is glad the city conducted a search to
find the best person for Police Ghief, stated that it was good money spent in this search, that the city is
blessed to find someone for this position in the Friendswood Police Department, stated that this decision
will provide strong leadership, and thanked the Mayor, Councilmembers, and City Manager for their
dedication to the city anc! a job well done, and stated Chief Wieners has his fufl support.
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� x-�`Councilmember Ericsson moved to approve the action regarding voting concurrence for the City
. Manager's app�intment of the new Chief of Police, Bob Wieners.
� Seconded by Councilmember Kitten Brizendine. The motion was approved unanimously.
City Manager Ron Cox presented a plaque to Captain Luke Loeser in appreciation as Acting Chief of
Police. Mr. Cox praised Acting Chief Loeser for a job well done. Acting Chief Loeser thanked the city for
the opportunity to serve and IooEcs forward to working with Chief Wieners.
Mayor Whitaker and Acting Chair of the Planning and Zoning Commission called a Joint Docketed Public
Hearing to order to receive comments from the public both oral and written regarding a request for a
zone cfassification change for 66.3119 acres located off San Joaquin Parkway,from SFR (Single Family
Residential) to PUD (Planned Unit District).
Mr. John Ramsey, representing the owners of the projects, appeared before Council and stated that the
requests are for private streets and a gated community.
No one spoke.
Mayor Whitaker and Acting Chair of the Planning and Zoning Commission called a Joint Docketed Public
Hearing to order to receive comments from the public, both oral and written, regarding a request for a
SUP-Residential Gated Communityfor 66.3991 acres off San Joaquin Parkway known as the Lake at San
No one spoke.
Hearing no further comments, the Joint Docketed Public Nearing was closed,
City Manager's Re�ort
City Manager Cox reported on the Job Swap Luncheon, which is to take place October 25th at Jones
Hangar in Leavesley Park. This day includes a luncheon for all employees, and also gives employees a
personal insight into the job duties of fellow employees, and to fellowshi� together. Mr. Cox also `-
reported on the second round of buy out meetings with homeowners, stated that 90 have been
interviewed and 60 residents have agreed to sell their property.
Councilmember Measeles questioned environmental assessments on these homes. City Manager stated
Enviro, the demolition company stated they will be responsible to identify and remove contaminated
materials and provide documentation.
*xCouncilmember Goza moved to approve Ordinance T2001-�1, Second and final reading of an
ordinance amending Appendix C of the Friendswood City Code, said Appendix C being City of
Friendswood, �exas, Ordinance No. 84-15, as amended, origina�lv adopted the 19th day of Nouember,
1984, and being the Zoning Ordinance of the City, by striking all of°aragraphs 3, 4, and 5 of Subsection
H of Section 9 thereof and substituting therefor new Paragraphs 3, 4, and 5; and by cieleting the
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