HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 2001-07-02 Regular � • 1776 STATE OF TEXAS )( CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD )( COUNTIES OF GALVESTONIHARRIS )( J U LY 2, 20Q 1 )( MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEE7ING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL THAT WAS HELD ON MONDAY, JULY 2, 2001 AT 5:30 P.M. AT FRIENDSWOOD C1TY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 910 S. i FRIENDSWOOD DRIVE, FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS, WITH THE FOLLOWING PRESENT CONSTITIJTING A � QUORUM: MAYOR HAROLD L. WHITAKER MAYOR PRO TEM LARRY TAYLOR COUNCILMEMBER KITTEN BRIZENDINE COUNCILMEMBER JERRY ERICSSON COUNCILMEMBER TRACY GOZA GOUNCILMEMBER KIM BRIZENDINE COUNCILMEMBER MEL MEASELES ACTING CITY MANAGER MIKE HODGE CITY ATTORNEY KIM MICKELSON CITY SECRETARY DELORIS MCKENZIE City Manager Cox was absent from the meeting. Mayor Whitaker called the meeting to order. A Special Session was held regarding issues related to electronic communications. City Secretary Deloris McKenzie and City Attorney Kim Mickelson gave a presentation regarding City Regulations including records retention policies, City of Friendswood E-mail policy, and City of Friendswood Internet policy. A short break was taken at this time. Council convened into Regular Session at 7:00 PM. The Invocation was given by David Bridges from Friendswood Friends Ghurch. Mayor Whitaker led the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States and to the 5tate of Texas. Pubiic Hearine Mayor Whitaker called a Public Hearing to order to receive comments from the public, either oral or written, regarding application for Local Law Enforcement Block Grant. Mayor Whitaker recapped the application for the gra�t and explained it is to fund the purchase of hand- held radio equipment, it is a 90/10 matching program, and the request will be made for $14,204 in federal funds. No one spoke for or against the grant. The Public Hearing was closed. �� _.._...m._..,�.__,..._..._.__,_,_._.... �/2/0l 1 �» Communications from Mayor and Councilmembers Mr. Ken Shores, 6 Emerald Circle, appeared before Council and presented the Scouts from Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic, part of the 2Q01 Texas Camp Scouts for the Peace Initiative. The scouts came to the meeting to meet the Council and present a Proclamation from the Mayor of Dublin and a gift of a crystal paperweight with the crest of the City of Dublin. Mayor Whitaker presented a Proclamation to the group welcoming them to the City of Friendswood and Council presented a city pin to each scout. A member of the troop issued a thank you in Celtic and Eng{ish and stated it was a great honor to be in the ; United States and in Friendswood. ' i ; Councilmember Measeles wished everyone a happy Fourth of July and hoped everyone will stay in town for the festivities. Councilmember Measeles reported on attending last Monday the Texas Municipal League League's 77t''session during which bills presented to the state legislature were discussed, stated there were 5,712 bills introduced, 1,200 were city-related, 150 passed, and hoped Council will look at� these bilis to see the effect on the city, stated that possibly a workshop could be held regarding the effect on the city. Councilmember Measeles reported attending on Friday, June 29th a Special Town Meeting held at Nassau Bay City Hall during which Congressman Nick Lampson appeared and discussion was heid regarding NASA cutbacks, encouraged citizens to contact their representatives regarding these cutbacks which could mean a loss of 2,700 jobs in the Houston a.rea, and stated he has copies of contacts and addresses if citizens want to write letters to the House of Appropriations, reported on attending a series of city flood meetings last week regarding flood recovery and FEMA buy out process, attended a meeting 5aturday during which Congressman Nick Lampson appeared to discuss the Clear Creek Project, stated that it will take another two to three years to complete the study before the funding can begin which wi11 mean a 5Q-50 match with the federal government and loca{ government's, stated there is a lot of debris in the creek, and suggested that a group be put together to clean up the creek. Councilmember Taylor reported an also attending a lot of flood meetings that most have attended regarding buy outs and flood assistance, and that the city is in a holding pattern, there is stili a lot to determine, a lot of winners and losers, the city does not have the final numbers, hoped the citizens will have patience, stated this experience is new for everyone, and asked everyone to remember those that flooded and agreed with Councilmember Measeles stated that this July 4th will truly be the best. Councilmember Kim Brizendine reported on attending most of the flood-related meetings, attended the ! meeting on Saturday with Congressman Nick Lampson regarding the Clear Creek Project and stated ! Friendswood has a bottleneck on Clear Creek, stated he feels that the city needs to form an advocacy i with more citizens and more politicians to impress other communities that there is a need for more buy- in to help with floodwaters, and stated if there is not more effectiveness in the review and implementation process, there will be lawsuits that wili delay the implementation, stated that Congressman Lampson said he would be a catalyst to draw together the cities, reported there are several agencies that could help on the clean out on Clear Creek, not just after the effect of a flood, to be sure that any debris is not impeding the ffow of the creek, reported that Judge Yarbrough is committed to being a catalyst for this effort, and reported that he attended the de-briefing of the Friendswood Disaster Relief Effort and reported there were mare than 5,575 volunteer hours donated to the citizens of Friendswood during the clean-up from the flood from this group, and stated he will be putting notes together from this de-briefing that will help in the event of another disaster. Councilmember Goza reported on attending most of the same meetings and wished everyone a safe and happy Fourth of July and stated he agreed with Councilmember Measeles, this truly will be the best Fourth of July. Councilmember Ericsson stated that there is a need to gather momentum behind the C1ear Creek Project, to gather together to support the project, to work on funding, possibly having a bond election, • 7/2101 l ��s „ need to have discussions with area elected officials to promote the project which has been ongoing for 30 years, stated that we have to seek information on matching funds, stated that on July 12th there will be a Citizens Advisory Meeting on the Clear Creek Project, invited the Mayor to attend, reported on attending the Houston/Galveston Area Council(H•GAC) meeting last week during which a budget review was held, and reported that the budget only funded Bay Area Transportation for their Circulator Program for two more months until they come up with a new plan to get more ridership and focus on other issues more pertinent such as traffic engineering and mobility plans. Councilmember Kitten Brizendine reported on attending the Community Prayer Breakfast during which Mayor Whitaker gave a report on the State of the City, and reported on the relief efforts to flood victims, reported on attending the Fourth of July Steering Committee meeting, reported this committee has been ; do+ng a lot of hard work and deserves a lot of thanks, reported that the International Institute of Municipal Clerks sent City Secretary De(oris McKenzie a thank you letter for her participation in the National Conference held in Kansas. Mayor Whitaker reported that since the flood, there have been continuous meetings involving the Emergency Operation Center with flood victims and Homeowners Associations, stated the city crews did an excellent job in managing the disaster, stated that the FVFD, city staff, citizens, all working together during this time, makes this city special, working to help people clean out their homes, the danations, all appreciated by the victims, stated that there is still a lot to be done, the city is working through the process as quickly as possible, reported that the city has been given special treatment from FEMA, Friendswood is on the fast track to mitigate as quickly as possible, reported the Clear Creek Project will require matching funds, and that Friendswood needs to develop a relationship with cities in the county to get participation in the project to help with the funding for matching the grant and stated this may possibly be a giant drainage project, reported he has attended a lot ofi meetings since the flood, and reported that he and City Manager Cox gave a presentation at H-GAC last week for newly-elected officials and it was a very successful program. Communications from Public and Committees. Ms. Janis Lowe, 401 Fvrest Pines Court, representing the property owner of item 10 on the agenda, appeared before Council regarding the rezoning for Chevron, provided a packet of information, with cornparative information, and urged Council to approve this request and give a positive vote for economic development. Mr. Fred Krch, 209 Dawn, appeared before council and presented a handout regarding the spending of tax dollars, water supply and use, flooding, and the use of Lake Windermere for fishing CITY MANAGER'S REPQRT Mike Hodge, Director of Community Development, gave the City Manager's report. Director Hodge reported that there is activity with both the Price to Beat and Fuel Reconciliation cases submitted by HL&P-Reliant Energy. Regarding PUC Docket No. 23950 — Price to Beat (PTB), HL&P has submitted information to the Commission that the Hearing Examiner in this case has rejected. HL&P continues to attempt to ratchet up the PTB by using higher than required fuel charges. This is particularly important since the price of natural gas is going down. Fuel charges will be embedded in the PTB and can never be adjudicated again. In other words, if HL&P is successful in using a highergas price than is justified, they keep the difference forever. Our coalition attorney, Geoffrey Gay, objected with testimony provided by our experts that was accepted in full by the Examiner. As a result, HL&P objected to paying the cities' rate case expenses. The Examiner ruled in the cities' favor twice, and the Commission has now ruled on the matter for the cities. There is a remote possibility that HL&P could appeal that to the Courts, but the City of Houston and other cities around the state are in agreement on the matter. We don't think it will be a problem, but it is remotely possible the cities' costs could end up as a surcharge to the ratepayers' 7i2/Ol 1779 bills. This is an indication of how successful we have been in protecting the ratepayers. If we were not being successful, they would not have attempted to exclude us from the process. Mr. Hodge also reported on PUD Docket No. 23833 — Fuef Factor Filing. HL&P is bragging about a reduction in the electric bill in the news media now. They had applied for additional fuel surcharging, and with the price of natural gas going down, they have withdrawn their application before the Commission. What they did not tell you is that the coaf ition's attorneys went to the company requesting they withdraw it, and after initiai objections by the company, they did in fact withdraw their request. These savings they are now bragging about in the media of a reduction in the bill, are the direct result of our coalition's efforts. Since there is a withdrawal of the fifing, there is no action required. ACTION ITEMS j *�*Councilmember Kitten Brizendine moved to approve action regarding authorizing the Mayor to execute documents for the purchase of property for the Second Take Point contingent upon receipt of environmental assessment and metes and bounds. Seconded by Councilmember Measeles. The motion was approved unanimousfy. *�'�Councilmember Kitten Brizendine moved to approve action regarding acceptance of proposals for design and construction engineering services from Wayne Smith &Associates for a Ground Storage Tank and for Rehabilitation of the Tank at Blackhawk. Seconded by Councilmember Taylor. The motion was approved unanimously. �'�Councilmember Mel Measeles moved to approve the proposal from Klotz&Associates for an Elevated Storage Tank on City's Westside in the amount of $158,000. Seconded by Councilmember Kitten Brizendine. Discussion was held regarding the use of a consultant, construction, an additional inspector, price per hour, a time line, locations, costs difference, training, design, project manager, and funds to be expended. **�`Councilrnember Kim Brizendine moved to table the project for two weeks for additional negotiations Seconded by Councilmember Taylor. The motion was approved unanimously. *�`Councilmember Measeles moved to approve action regarding a negative recommendation from Planning and Zoning Commission for a zone classification for 1.0356 acres on FM 528 and Country Club ; Drive (Chevron Handi-Plus Fueling Station). Seconded by Councilmember Kitten Brizendine. The motion faifed 7-0. with direction to write the Ordinance for the first reading at the next Council meeting. RESOLUTIONS **Counci{member Taylor moved to approve Resolution R2001-31: A Resolution of the City of Friendswood, Texas, providing for the adoption of an amendment to the Major Thoroughfare component of the proposed Comprehensive Plan, as recommended by the Planning and Zoning Commission, same to be a part of the City's Comprehensive Plan for extending Greenbriar Drive to FM 528 just south of the entrance to the Fox Meadow's subdivision, Seconded by Councilmember Kitten Brizendine. The motion was ap_proved unanimously. CONSENT AGENDA �'�Cvuncilmember Kim Brizendine moved to approve the Gonsent agenda with the exception of item C. Approve acceptance of streets, drainage and utilities for The Forest, Section 12 for the contractor's one- year maintenance period. A. Payment of Capital Projects. 1. Beamer Road Pump station and Waterline ' 7/2/O1 1780 with payment in the amount of $8,746.73 to Klotz Associates, Inc. for Engineerintg services. To date, two percent of the contract has been expended. B. Disposition of Sid No. 2001.07 for the Tower Estates Water{ine Relocation, awarded to Haddock Construction in the amount of $112,786. D. Approve application for Locai Law Enforcement Bfock Grant and seek approximately$14,204 for new hand heid radio equipment, with the local match of$1,587 for a totai of$15,782. The city's l0.percent matching requirement will be absorbed from the police department budget. E. Approve Resolution 2001-33, a resolution revising Bylaws of the Texas Conference of Urban Counties Aggregation Project. F. Minutes of the June 18, 2001 City Council meeting. Seconded by Councilmember Kitten Brizendine. I *��Coucilmember Taylor moved to table approval of The Forest, Section 12 for two weeks for additional review regarding concerns of the s{opes of the retention pand. Seconded by Councilmember Measeles. The motion passed 6-1 with Councilmember Goza opposed. �'�The main motion was approved unanimously. A motion was made and approved to adjourn at 8:38 PM. 6�,d Mayor Harofd L. Whitaker Attest: eloris McKenz e, TR City Secretary � ,