HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 2001-05-21 Regular 1759 STATE OF TEXAS )( CiTY OF FRIENDSWOOD )( COUNTIES OF GALVES70N/HARRIS )( MAY 21, 2001 )( M{NUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD ClTY COUNC{C TO BE HELD ON MONDAY, MAY 21, 2001 AT 5:30 P.M.AT FRIENDSWOOD CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS,910 S. FRIENDSWOOD DRIVE, FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS, WiTH THE FOLLOWING PRESENT CONSTiTUTiNG A QUORUM: Mayor Harold L. Whitaker Mayor Pro Tem Kim Brizendine Councilmember Kitten Brizendine Counc+lmember Jerry Es-icsson Councilmember Tracy Goza Councilmember Larry Taylor Councilmember Mel Measeles City Attorney Kim Mickelson City Manager Ron Cox City Secretary Deloris McKenzie Mayor Whitaker and Kevin Candee, Chair of the Community and Economic Development Commission, called the Work Session to order. Discussion was held with the Community and Economic Development Commission (CEDC) regarding Business Incentives for Economic Development. The CEDC, as one of its goals, has been working on development of policies for Tax Abatement and Tax Increment Financing(TIF'j. Tax Increment Fi�ancing is done through the establishment of Tax lncreme�t Reinvestment Zones(TIRZ's). Mr. Parke Patterson, a planning consultant experienced in the creation of the Tax lncrement Reinvestment Zones(T1RZ), made a�presentation regarding TIRZ's and explained that TIRZ and TIP available within the TIRZ are for public improvements including infrastructure, such as water, sewer,drainage and public buildings, like library facilities, pofice stations and civic centers. Discussion continued regarding developing a policy for TIRZ and whether TIR Z would be acceptable within the city. Economic Development Coordinator Karen Capps, and Ted Olkowski, representing Galveston County Economic Development Alliance, presented information regarding Tax Abatement and a draft tax abatement policy. The proposed tax abatement policy was drafted by the business incentives group that is comprised of city staff (Roger Roecker, Mike H�d�e, Karen Capps, and Mike Dominquez). After reviewing the abatements offered in the immsdiate area, the i�centives' group recommended to the CEDC the following tax abatement terms; a seven-year sliding scale tax abatement with Years 1-3 at 10 percent abatement, Year 4 at 80 percent, Year 5 at 60 percent,Year 6 at 40 percenf. and Year 7 at 20 percent. The capital investment and job retention or creation requirement would be$500,000 with 10 new/retained jobs or $1 rnillion with 5 new/retained jobs. � It was fhe consensus of the Mayor and Council to set up a workshop on these items and to develop a resolution regarding TIRZ. Mayor and Council took a break at this time. Mayor Whitaker called the Regular Session to order. The Invocation was given by Pastor Rick Austin from Friendswood Baptist Church. 5/21/O1 1760 Mayor Whitaker led the Pledge of Aliegiance to the United States and to the State of Texas. Communications from Mayor and Councilmembers Mayor Whitaker stated that the Lady Mustangs attended the state finals the last 3 years, in 1999, in 2000, and this year, 2001, kicked the door down and won the State Championship, the City is so proud of them and stated he would like to honor them with a Proclamation. Mayor Whitaker read a Proclamation to the Friendswood Girls' Soccer Team, the Lady Mustangs, congratulating them on the winning the 2001 State Championship. '� x Councilmember Kim Brizendine stated he was proud to honor the soccer team and the Academic Decathlon Team, that this was a wonderful way to a#tract new business to town, there is no greater � incentive for people to move to a community than to have great academics and UIL. Councilmember Brizendine stated that this is a great honor to present this Proclamation and that everyone is appreciat'sve of the students' efforts. These students have been on a tremendous journey, it took a {ot of dedication of the students, teachers and parents, thanked the community for their support, and hopes that more and more people will get involved. Councilmember Brizendine then read the Proclamation honoring the Friendswood High School Academic Decathlon Team. Academic Coach Mary Rinehart thanked everyone for their support. Councilmember Kitten Brizendine reported that the City of Bayou Vista sent the City Secretary's Office a thank you for their generous help during their recent election, reported that the Parks and Recreation Committee will be mailing out a survey to all citizens asking what they would like to see in the parks and asked everyone to please fill in the survey and return it, reported that in the recent newsletter, "Focus on Friendswood', an article appeared regarding Judy Howard, a telecommunicator with the Friendswood Police Department, being recognized this year as a "Silent Hero". Her supervisor, Elizabeth (Betsy) Godwin, Information Services Supervisor, nominated Judy. In the nomination, Betsy noted Judy's professionalism, patience and job knowledge as reasons for outstanding performance. Councilmember Brizendine reported on another article regarding Eagle Scout Michael Hughes and the benches he built as part of a project he was required to complete to earn his badges. 7he new benches were delivered to the Friendswood Police Department and were dedicated in March. Councilmember Brizendine also reported on attending the Prayer Breakfast and wished a Happy Birthday to City Attorney Kim Mickelson and Councilmember Mel Mease{es. Councilmember Ericsson reported on attending the Clear Lake Area Economic Development Foundation's "Walk the Halls to Keep It Sold" project in Washington, D.C. to continue funding for NASA for 2002. � , Councilmember Ericsson stated reported approximately 1,500 families in the area are involved with NASA and that he met with Congressmen Tom Delay, Pete 5essions, Sheila Jackson Lee and Nick Lampson among others and received very positive responses from everyone. Councilmember Goza reported on attending the Galveston County Mayors and Councilmembers Association (GCM&C} meeting, the Prayer Breakfast Saturday, and thanked the Community Services Departrnent for the concerts that being held in Stevenson Park. ' Councilmember Kim Brizendine has no report. Councilmember Taylor reported on attending the Friendswood Volunteer Fire Department Annual Banquet, stated this is the 50�'' year FVFD has been in existence, thanked the volunteers for their dedication , reported that last year there were approximately 1500 EMS call, 600 transparts and done with only 3 ambulances. Councilmember Taylor also reported on attending the Chamber of Commerce program recognizing the top ten graduating students from Clear Brook and Friendswood High Schools, attended the GCM&C meeting, visited with the engineering firm Klotz and Associates to see how they ,5/21/O1 1761 work on projects for the City, stated that he was involved with Project Prom and that this is a worthwhile project, it was a great evening, and reported on playing 100 holes of Golf in a Marathon to raise money for the Pregnancy Center, and attended the Prayer Breakfast on Saturday. Councilmember Kim Brizendine thanked City Manager Cox for permitting Friendswood High School to hold "Senior Day" in Stevenson Park last week. Councilmember Measeles reported on attending the concerts in the park, that this was a trememdous way to end the week and encouraged everyone to attend, reported on attending the GCM&C meeting during which Gene Leonard, Sheriff of Galveston County, stressed the importance of sharing facilities and services. Mayor Whitaker reported on attending some of the same meetings, attended with City Manager Cox the reception for Bill Eisen, the new City Manager in Pearland and stated he will be a great addition to our area, attended the Houston-Galveston Area Council meeting, as an alternate for Councilmember Erisccon, during which air emmission standards were discussed, attended the Friendswood Independent School District monthly meeting during which discussion was held regarding issues relevant to both schools and the city including traffic controls and the resource officer, attended the Harris County Mayors and Councils' Association meeting during which the election of new officers was held, attended the Habitat for Hurnanity house dedication in Alvin, stated this is the third house to be dedication and eventually there will be 40 homes built in Huser Subdivision,the fourth slab has already been poured and encouraged everyone to drive over there to see the work that is being done and to volunteer. Mayor Whitaker also reported that the Texas Municipal League recognizes councilmembers that take courses to improve their knowledge of city affairs and that Councilmember Measeles will be recognized for attending 54 hours of courses and be awarded the Certificate of Achievement and will be given the award during the Awards Luncheon at the Association of Mayors, Councilmembers and Commissioners Institute in Wichita Falls on Saturday, July 215�, and thanked Councilmember Measeles for all the work he does to keep abreast of what city government does and to become a better councilmember. Mr. Bob Bozka, member of the Investment Committee, appeared before Council and spoke on behalf of members Ron Ritter and Mike Huss, reported that this committee advises the best way to invest city dollars, reports expectations of interest rate changes, reviews the quarterly investment statement before it goes to Council, and maintains the safety, ready liquidity, and the best rate of return, reports on investments, pools, individual securities and interest rates on investments. Mayor Whitaker and Councilmember Kitten Brizendine thanked Mr. Bozka forvolunteering his time and s.ervice to the city. Mr. Roy W. Glanville, 2104 Pine, President of Polly Ranch Home Owners Association(PRHOA), appeared before Council and expressed his concerns regarding sewer line ruptures that occurred last year in the sewer easement and the damage done to the land by city crews and requested the City to grade, level, and sod the damaged areas. Mr. Glanville also repor#ed that the city entered into an agreement with PRHOA to grant the city an easement for the use of their park lands to route sewer pipes and water lines across Clear Creefc to the Blackhawk Sewage Treatment Plant. The city agreed to provide and maintain both insurance for and a man•proof fence surrounding the sewer pipes and water lines crossing Clear Creek to the Blackhawk Sewage Treatment Plant. Mr. Glanville stated the city is maintaining their insurance coverage, however tF�e city has never provided a man•proof fence. Mr. Glanville requested the city install this fence. Mr. Glanville also stated that the city street maintenance program has improperly characterized the condition of roadways within the Polly Ranch Subdivision. Mr. Glanville, on behalf of PRHOA, requested that the city schedule both Oak and Pine Drive for overlay maintenance in next year's budget. ,S/21/O1 1762 Mayor Whitaker stated he would turn over Mr. Glanville's requests to staff. � City Manager Cox presented the Five Star Award to Kimberly (KC) Rodgers, Police Department Communications Operator for the first quarter of 2001. KC was nominated for her swift emergency medical response. She performed the Heimlich maneuver on a co-worker and saved the co-worker's life. She was awarded the Five Star because of her spirit of concern for her fellow employees and her willingness to step to the front in times of need. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT R, , City Manager Cox did not make a report. **Mayor Whitaker moved to approve Councilmember Taylor for the appointment of Mayor Pro-Tem for 2001-2002. Seconded by Councilmember Ericsson. The motion was approved unanimously. Mayor Whitaker thanked Councilmember Kim Brizendine for serving as Mayor Pro Tem for the past year. �`�*Councilmember Ericsson moved to approve the execution of an Interlocal Agreement with Galveston County for the reconstruction of Sunset Drive. Seconded by Councilmember Kim Brizendine. The motion was approved unanimously. *�Councilmember Ericsson moved to approve the execution of an Interlocal Agreement with the City of Pasadena for SWAT mutual aid support services. Seconded by Councilmember Larry Taylor. The motion was approved unanimously. **Councilmember Kim Brizendine moved to approve the Financial Advisory Services Agreement with Dain Rauscher, lnc. and authorize the Mayor to execute the document. Seconded by Coucilmember Measeles. The motion was approved unanimously. RESOLUTIONS "�Councilmember Kim Brizendine moved to approve Resolution No. R2001-25;A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Friendswood, Texas, amending Appendix D of the Friendswood City Code, to provide an "After Hours"fee in the amount of fifty dollars$50.00j for reconnection of water and/or sewer service; providing an effective date; and providing for severability. Seconded by Councilmember Taylor. The motion was approved unanimously. ORDINANCES *�*Councilmember Taylor moved to approve Ordinance No.T2001-13; First reading of an Ordinance of the . City of Friendswood, Texas, altering the prima facie speed limits estab(ished for vehicles under the provisions of 545.356, Texas Transportation Code, upon the basis of an engineering and traffic investigation, upon certain streets and highways, of parts thereof, within the corporate limits of the City of Friendswood, as set out in this ordinance; and providing a penalty of a fine not to exceed$200 for the violation of this ordinance. Seconded by Kim Brizendine. The motion was approved unanimously. '�*Councilmember Measeles moved to approve Ordinance No. T2001-14; First and final reading of an Ordinance of th.e� City of Friendswood, Texas, authorizing the issuance and sale of $6,100,000 Waterworks and Sewer System Revenue Bonds, Series 2001; authorizing the purchase of a reserve fund surety pol�cy; and providing the details relating thereto. 5/21/OL � 1763 . , . Seconded by Councilmember Kitten Brizendine. The motion was approved unanimously. Mr. Frank Ildebrando, representing Dain Rauscher, Inc., appeared before Council and stated that A. G. Edwards& Sons, Inc. was the successful bidder for the bonds. Councilmember Measeles left the Council Chambers at this time. � .. � ,� ' CONSENT AGENDA . : a, + `i^�";.{ G vy.'; ` ; -�} x�*Councilmember Taylor moved to approve ltem C.3.of the Consent Agenda, Resolution No�-R2001-21, � A Resolution of the City of Friendswood,Texas,authorizing intervention in Reliant�nergy Incorporated's j � petition to establish price to beat#uel factor#iled at the Public Utility Commissian of Texas, Docket No. , 23950; authorizing the joining with other in#ervening cities to protect municipal,and ratepayer interests; authorizing the hiring of attorneys and consultants; and requiring.;�reimbursement of the cities; ratemaking costs. ' � ' :'},, . Seconded by Councilmember Goza. The motion was approved 6-0. ` . � Councilmember Measeles returned to the Council Chambers at this time. *�*Councilmember Taylor moved to approve the remainder of the Consent Agenda as presented. A. Payment of Capital Projects. 1» Cowards Creek Sanitary Sewer Replacement with payment to Claunch& ` �; .; Miller, Inc. in the amount of$2,506.24�for engineering services.To date;`:1Q0 percent ofthe contract�as; $��"`;. been expended. Payment to Ramos Industries,'.Inc. in the amount of"$157�845.87 for construction . t`+��;�, : services. To date, 100 percent of the;contract has been expended. �2. '�Ground .Storage��ank ,� t �� �� Rehabilitation with payment to Wayne Smith&Associates in the amount of$16,537.00 for;engi�tee �ng� �� � � services. To date, 60 percent of:the contract fias been expended�'3�P�iblic WorksSFacilifyAdd���� �th ; � �" � ����'� M n kk,;^� t� ... . Iari�.Md�� �< j`u. payment �n the amount of$1,829 3I�t � ar um Lucchesi A�c itec�s'far arc}�itectural:s ices o '. - � � t��l� �x�IY�'� aw�if� . � ,� �� � , �tsr '3�r.��,� n date, :76 ercent rof.�the 4contrac� has k� e et�ded ��'o s���s� at�r me Re �a . t _ p.,. .1� m ,�a �W� G'',�� �r ��r�! � ta?4sa sn 3 � n,� �f � payment m the amount of$5;550 00 to�ay e �mith Associa s;for engineer�n,��erv�ces � o a e 9 : J ,4 . FIi � �� � f 1 � ft l�l,�ad 3 '�' V'}� F1Ap�' C'1!! : p , 1 ' '.��pen d e�; 5��1 6 Me 1o�y�o�Sun s�e t �Pa t e r�ne L 8, a."s e e e r c e n t o f t h e co n t r a c t;h a s bee n e x Sanitary,Se�e,��tep�ficement w t�i p "'`1�'e�' ' e�mouri '�o! '1 ►*�89`h �a' .a os� ��t e r�* constructiort�se�vices� o:dafe �{�a c "��ont`ra�`c� ` e �" B. �'is r{" �'� ^++�a ��,� �^M„� � �.� �'�"{. �,,y �A �.. ��y, a"�r ,2�QZpfl��01' �Of�CS�'g�U{1�C3 0�;,�a��c . � �, '' `� " Resoiution�,t,2 i�thonz�it�� a.�n�n� 1 { .r ��z ^�`�. r� s .,�.y,w }�' c: ;��� a 4A. ,�. d�! 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