HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 2001-03-19 Regular 1736
MARCH 19, 2001 )(
Mayor Whitaker called the meeting to order.
Council convened into Executive Session pursuant to the Texas Government Code, pursuant to Section
551�074 — Regarding personnel matters — City Manager and City Secretary compensation.
Council re convened into Regufar Session at 7:00 PM.
The lnvocation was given by Councilmember Taylor.
Mayor Whitaker led the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States and to the State of Texas.
Communicatians from Mayor and Councilmembers -
Gouncilmember Kitten Brizendine stated she hoped everyone had a wonderful Spring Break.
Councilmember Ericsson reported on attending the Clear Lake Area Economic Development Foundation
(CLAEDF) NASA "Keep It Sold" project meeting and will walk the halls of Washington, D.C. with other
members to ask for support.
Councilmember G�za reported on attending the Bay Area Transportation Partnership meeting during
which Galveston County Commissioner Ken Clark made a presentation.
Councilmember Kim Brizendine reported on attending the Galveston District of the U.S. Army Corps of
Corps of Engineers meeting last Wednesday at Friendswood High School regarding the Ciear Creek Flood
Control Project and stated he provided input supporting this project.
Councifinember Tayfor reported on attending the same meeting Corps meeting and stated this project
has been pending for 33 years, there has been some progress with the second outlet in place. The Corps
will be taking public comments for the next 30 days and urged everyone to send in their comments.
Councilmember Measeles echoed Councilmember Taylor, and stated the citizens need to come together
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and arr�ve at a consensus. If not, nothing is likely to be done. Councilmember Measeles also reported
on attending the Galveston County Mayors and Councifinen's Association (GCM&C) meeting with guest
speaker Mr. Anthony Rowdy speaking on problem solving, and attended the Community Prayer Breakfast
�vith a program on the Habitat for Humanity.
fvlayor-Whitaker reported on attending the GCM&C meeting, attended the Corps of Engineers open house
and ��eetic�g last Wednesday and reported that it was an informatian sharing session, with input from
citizens from the area, reported that the Clear Creek Flood Control Project has been going on for the past
33 years and has a long history. Mayor Whitaker reported on the 1984 negotiations and agreement with
tl�e sponsors and the Corps of Engineers, reported the first phase has been completed and turned over to
Harris County Fiood Control, stated in 1987 some change were made which not everyone is in agreement
with and beginning in 1999, a 4-year process was begun to revise the project and gain unanimity, to get
priority status and move this project forward. Mayor Whitaker stated the community needs relief and
that the Corps of Engineers plan on holding two additional meetings in this area.
Ms. Ruth �ay, Vice Chair of the Library Board, appeared before Council and introduced other board
members in attendance. Ms. Lay discussed plans regarding the purchase of the lot next door to the
library, more equipment for the library such as computers, laser printers, a digital camera and scanner,
discussed grants, the children's program, the re-activation of the "Friends of the Library", a logo contest,
plans to aid children and adults program, {ong range planning meeting that was held on Saturday, and
thanked Bill Finger, Kim Brizendine, Jon Branson and staff, and a broad section of citizens for their
participation, and reported that the Book Sale will continue to be held in May and December.
Ms. Faye Roberson, 422 W. Castle Harbour, appeared before council, and stated that she appeared
before Council on February 6"' regarding the water in her year located +� the Sunmeadow Subdivision,
stated that tickets have been issued, but nothing has been done, showed pictures of the drainage
problem, stated the water is coming from a retaining pond behind her house at hole #4 of the golf
course, and it is coming into her yard, advised Mr. Cox that a hearing will beheld in court on April 4rn
stated nothing has been done for eight months, she has piled dirt to keep the water from her living room,
and wished to make Council aware of this situation, stated the water is kiiling her shrubs, this is a very
serious situation, and that she has been very patient.
Mr. Fred Krch, 209 Dawn, appeared before Council and provided a handout from Anacon, Inc., an
environmentaf consulting and analytical testing services company, and discussed sand pits,
environmental analysis, water, wastewater, and a saying by Gulf Coast Water Authority that dilution is the
solution to the pollution.
Mr. Tom Burke, 902 S. Friendswood Drive, appeared before Council regarding Resolution 2041-08, and
asked Council to consider tab(ing the resolution for this evening, and stated that at the beginning of this
legislature session, Senator Buster Brown presented S.B. 456 to designate part of FM 528 as Ralph
Lawrence Lowe Parkway, and that no one spoke against this bill and 18 spoke in favor of it. Mr. Burke
continued that Senator Mike Jackson supports the resolution regarding NASA Parkway, and had not
communicated.with Senator Brown, stated there is some mis�communication regarding which Resolution
everyone is talking about and that there is also a City of Friendswood 1996 Resolution on this issue. Mr.
Burke stated that he thought both could be accomplished, re- naming and the honorary name for FM
528, and that the family is not here in opposition of the NASA Parkway, asked for tabling for a chance to
research Chapter of the Transportation code on naming highways, and a chance for a talk with Senators
Brown and Jackson. Mr. Burke stated he does not believe there is a deadline for the Gity to submit this
resolution, and asked Council to table the resolution tonight and does not believe there is a conflict, and
if there is a confiict, would like to pursue further.
City Manager Cox reported on the Texas Cable Partners' Petition for Determination of Effective
Competition submitted to the FCC to end the rate-making authority of the City of Friendswood. The FCC
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d�c rule in favor of Time Warner and the city's responsibility to oversee the basic cable rates and fees for
serv�ces associated with those rates will end. Mr.Cox reported that even though the citywill no longer be
regula;ing the rates, the city still has a franchise with the company and will continue to have authority
over their quality of service and customer service issues. Time Warner, in a recent letter, has indicated
they are no; frcreasing rates for this year for basic cabfe service and likewise, no increase in charges for
equ�pr��ent and installations they might be engaged to do for the customer.
"Counc:�mernber Kim Brizend�ne moved to approve American Tower Corporation's license agreement
for construction of cell towers io be located at Public Works at 1306 Deepwood and Blackhawk
Was:ewa?er Treatment Plant located at 3902 W. Bay Area Boulevard.
Seconded by Councilmember Kitten Brizendine. The motion was approved unanimously.
x"Councilmember fvleaseles moved to approve to approve authorization for initial funds received from
American Tower Corporation's license agreement to be dedicated to the installation of an irrigation
system for Cen;enniai Park. ,
Seconded by Councilmember Kim Brizendine. The motion was approved unanimously.
""Councilmember Kitten Brizendine moved to approve a contract for engineering services to design the
facil�ties for the Beamer Road second take point for surface water and the system loop.
Seconded by Councilmember Ericsson. The motion was approved unanimously.
xXCouncilmember Kim Brizendine moved to approve the selection of a consultant to conduct a search for
a ne�v Chief of Police for the City of Friendswood.
Seconded by Councilmember Measeles. The motion was approved unanimously.
%xNo action was taken regarding the salary adjustments for City Manager and City Secretary.
x'Councilmember Kim Brizendine moved to approve Resolution No. R2001-08, A resolution of the City of
Friendswood, Galveston and Harris Counties, Texas, encouraging the Texas Department of Transportation
to rename State Roadway FM 528 within the city limits of Friendswood to West NASA Parkway.
Seconded by Councilmember Measeles. The motion was approved unanimously.
� "XCouncilmember Kitten Brizendine moved to approve Resolution No. R2001-10, A resolution of the City
of Friendswood, ratifying settlement of Public Utility Commission Docket No. 22349 concerning Texas-
New Mexico Power Company's application to establish unbundled transmission and distribution rates
and authorizing continued involvement in Docket No. 22349 and requiring payrnent of rate case
Seconded by Councilmember Kim Brizendine. The motion was approved unanimously,
X xCouncilmember Measeles moved to approve Ordinance No. T2001-09, second and final reading of an
Ordinance of The City of Friendswood, Texas, amending Ordinance No. 84�15, said Ordinance no. 84•15
being the Zoning Ordinance of the City, by amending Ordinance No. 316, granting a Specific Use Permit
for Family Life Center, located at 202 East Heritage Street by approving and attaching a new Exhibit "A"
Site Plan to add parking and detention facilities; providing a penalty in an amount not to exceed $2,000
for each day of violation.
Seconded by Councilmember Taylor. The motion was approved unanimously.
%%Councilmember Taylor Moved to approve Ordinance No.T2001-10, first reading of an Ordinance of The
City of Friendswood, Texas, amending Appendix C of the Friendswood City Code, said Appendix C being
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the City of Friendswood, Texas, Ordinance No. 84-15, as amended, originally adopted the 19"' day of
November 1984, and being the Zoning Ordinance of the City, by changing the zoning classification of a
certain 16.047 acre tract of land from Neighborhood Commercial (NC/Single Family Residential (SFR)to
Community Shopping Center (CSC); said Tract situated in the Sarah McKissick League; Abstract 151,
Galveston County, and within the City; providing for the amendment of the Official Zoning Map of the
City; providing for severability; and providing a penalty ot an amount of an amount not to exceed $2,000
for each day of violation of any provision hereof.
Seconded by Councilmember Ericsson. The motion was approved unanimously.
"'Councilmember Kitten Brizendine moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. A. Pavment of
Capital Projects — 1. Cowards Creek Sanitary Sewer Replacement with a payment in the amount of
$102,049.00 to Ramos Industries, Inc. for construction services. Eighty-three percent of the contract
has been expended to date. B. Disposition of Bids — 1. Bid 2001�02 : Multi�Purpose Tractor and
Lcader for P & R awarded to Landsdowne�Moody Company in the amount of $19,155. 2. Bid 2001-03:
16 inch Waterline Replacement— Melody Lane to Sunset and E. Heritage Sanitary Sewer replace—Mary's
Creek to FM 528 to Ramos Industries in the amount off $798,981. Funds are from the 1999 Water and
Sewer Revenue Bond Program. C. Approve Change Order #4 from Kinsel Industries for Centennial Park
Phase i construction for irrigation system not to exceed $143,248. D. Approve Resolution R2001-09,
adopting a statement expressing official intent to reimburse costs of improvements to the City's water
system. E. Approve Banner Permit Application for Heritage Gardeners' Garden Home Tour. F. Property
Tax Report for February 2001. G. Minutes of March 5, 2001 Council Meeting with corrections.
Seconded by Councilmember Kim Brizendine. The motion was approved unanimously.
A motion was made and approved to adjourn at 8:36.
Mayor Harold L. Whitaker
0 loris McKenzie, TR
City Secretary