HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1989-06-01 Special 65 MINUTES OF A SPDCIAL MEEZ'ING F'RIF�TIDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL JUNE l, 1989 6:00 P.M. MINU'I�S OF A SPDCIAL ME�'I'ING OF Tf-iE FRIEND��'WbOD CITY C�OUNCIL HQ,D ON JUNE 1, 1989, IN Z'HE CITY HALL COUNCIL C.�i1�MBERS AT 7:00 P.M. WITH T�-IE FOLS.iC7WING PRES� CONSTITUTING A QUORUM: '� MAYOR COUI�tCIIN�IBER COLJNCIIMFMBER CO(JNCII�IBER COUNCIIMII�'�ER C�OtJNCIII+�7BER COUNCII,MET'IDER CITY ATl'ORNEY SECRETARY PAUL SCFi�2ADER RON RITTER JAN JORDAN BOB WIQQ�NUER FR�iK FRANKOVICH EVE�,YN 1VE,4d�1AN ID STUART JOHN OLSC)N RUI'H I�]RY INVOCATION WAS GIVF�] BY COUNCILMET4BER FRI�NKOVICH MAYOR SCHRADER P��AINIED Ji 1NE 1, 19 8 9, TO NOVF3KBER 3 0, 19 8 9, AS GCJL�F Ht1RRIC'.AIVE AWARIIVF_,SS SEASON IN � CITY OF FRIF�IDS'fn�OpD. He urged each and every citizen to be aware of a possible threat of Hurricanes and to remember to heed precautions. Mayor Schrader presented the Proclamation to Russell Williams E�nergency Preparedness Coordinator for the City of Friendswood. Mayor Schrader told the group he has a prepared statP�nent to read this evening. He went on to say there are two things he w�ould like to accamplish this evening. First it has been a]most two weeks since the last meeting and he wanted to bring everybody up to date regarding off site waste disposal in the City of Friendsw�od. Secondly and more importantly we are at the point where we need to take action. i STATII�r FROM MAYOR PAUL W. SCHRADER OFF-SITE WASTE - #4 - June 1, 1989 I want to thank everyone involved for their cooperation and efforts to resolve the questions which have been raised regarding the off-site disposal of waste substances from t'rle Brio site. In particular I want to acknowledge City Attorney John Olson's diligent efforts. We have not reached an end point but we are making steady progress. As you knaw allegations of substance disposal by Bria site cccnpanies were made on April 27, 1989. Harold Falk, a former employee of several Brio site canpanies, was interviewed on May 16th and provided a written statement of his knawledge and activities. • • Page 2 June l, 1989 Special Council Meeting Pat White, another former employee, was interviewed on May 31st and is expected to sign a written statgnent tonight or tomorraw. As a result of these interviews and based upon knawledge of the Brio � � �' site investigations we conclude at this time: 1. Unknawn substances were removed frcan the Brio site on rnunerous occasions during 1976 through 1981. 2. The disposal area identified as "across fr-csn Sun Meadaws" are apparently Lundy Lane, E1 Dorado and the El Dorado Circle area. 3. Sane batches of these substances were spread uniformly on the gravel surface of Lundy Lane, El Dorado and El Dorado Circle. 4. The exact cocnposition of the substances is unknawn; however, the Brio site cornpanies are knawn to have handled hazardous materials. Therefore, action is necessary to sample, test and analyze material frcm the roads, adjoini.ng ditches and water fran local residential wells. We have taken the follaaing action: 1. Paving of Lundy Lane, E1 Dorado and El Dorado Circle has been placed on hold pending analysis of test results. Funding of these roads will be placed in a reserve account. 2. The Texas Water Cammission wi11 sample and test water fram residential wells along the subject roads. I met with � chainnan B.J. Wynne and Ccnmissioner Paul Hopkins and have their assurance of additional assistance as necessary. 3. The Galveston County Health Depari�nent has been contacted and Dr. Ralph Morris advises they are available to assist as necessary. 4. The Texas Depar�trnent of Public Health has been contacted and is available to assist as necessary. 5. EPA-Region 6 in Dallas has been made aware of our investigation and will take appropriate action as requested. 6. We are�aware that hane awners and developers in other areas have taken independent action to assess their local envirorunent. 7. We have received proposals to sample and test soil from Lundy Lane and E1 Dorado and I will request authorization frc�n the Council to negotiate and sign a contract with one of the cognizant canpanies. Page 3 June l, 1989 Special Meeting We will continue to follow this matter to a conclusion in a timely and professional manner. Mayor Schrader maved to item five on the agenda: CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION RE7GARDING ALL�C,�D DUMPING OF WASTE DISPOSAL BY BRIO SITE CONIF'ANIES WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS OF FRIENDSWOpD ANp TAKING ANY OTFiER ACTION REL,ATIVE THEREIC): Mayor Schrader told the group he would like the two representatives present to highlight their proposals. Mayor Schrader said his recc�rmendation as he said in his statement is we move forward to do sane independent testing on our awn. He f.eels we can do it quicker and get the results faster than going through all of the agencies that are involved. Each representative highlighted their proposals, answering any questions frcm the Council and audience. Mayor Schrader said he has evaluated the proposals at length and his reccxm�endation to Council is to authorize the City to negotiate and the Mayor to sign the contract with APR in an a[nount not to exceed $8,000.00 dollars. Secondly, the results of the tests should be su}�nitted to the EPA for analysis by ASTDR (AGENCY FOR TOXIC SUBSTANCES AND DISEASE REGISTRY)and possibly CDC (C� FOR DISEASE CON'I'KOL) and to the Texas Departsnent of Health. Mayor Schrader said it is one thing to receive the test and another to interpret the meaning. He w�ould also like it noted that Texas Water Coqrmission will be testing the well water with the Texas Department of Health analyzing the results. The reason for the emphasis on well water is this particular area does not have City water, sewer or roads. Finally upon canpletion of the analysis, Council will consider further �ction; either paving of the street or contacting for additional testing. NIOTION: COUI�TCIIMII�'�ER WIC�CL�IDER SQiRADER RE7CONA�F�IDATION MAKING TH SECOND: RON RITi'ER VOTE: FOR LINANIMOUS OPPOSID: NONE MOTION MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE MAYOR ; CAP $10,000.00. .�c:: �� MOTION MADE AND APPROVID TO AUTOURN AT 7:0 . . �.�.. ayor Paul W. Schrader AZTEST: _/�,�, p Ruth P. Henry - Secret Planning and Zoning Coordinator � �� ��