HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1983-12-19 Regular 121 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL December 19 , 1983 A Regular Meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held at the City Hall on Monday, December 19 , 1983 , at 7:00 p.m. with the following members present : Mayor Ralph Lowe City Attorney Larry Schenk ' Councilmen : Jan Jordan City Manager Jim Morgan Evelyn Newman City Secretary Bobbie Henry Bruce Branham Paul Schrader Bob Wicklander With a quorum present , and with Councilman Leon Brown absent , the following business was transacted: INVOCATION was given by City Manager Jim Morgan APPROVAL OF MINUTES - The following minutes were approved as corrected: Regular Meeting October 17 Regular Meeting November 21 Special Meeting October 24 Special Meeting November 28 Public Hearing November 1 Regular Meeting December 5 Special Meeting November 14 Special Meeting December 12 ANNOUNCEMENTS FROM THE MAYOR l. Mayor Lowe reported that in a discussion with the Corps of Engineers they indicated the possibility of some work starting on Clear Creek in 1985 . 2 . Represetnative Hill Kemp (Brazoria and Fort Bend County) has expressed an interest in the Clear Creek Safety Valve Program. CCouncilman Wicklander noted that Pearland, the Brazoria Co . Drainage District #4 , and the Clear Creek Drainage District have all now indicated that they want the program to embrace a larger area reaching up Clear Creek into Brazoria County. ) 3 . Mayor Lowe, Councilman Jordan, and another Councilman who would like to join them, will meet Tuesday with representatives from Mayor Whitmire' s office to discuss capacity in Blackhawk Sewer Plant , surface water, and review of ETJ lines as relatex to Friendswood-Houston mutual boundary areas . 4 . It was suggested that all Friendswood resident asrtronauts who have flown in space be invited to the council meeting on Jan- uary 9 , and presented with "Keys to -the City. " Mr. Cecil Brown, Sr. will also be invited and wi11 receive a Key. 5 . Clear Creek Drainage District is to be invited to make a status report on the Mary ' s Creek Project to Council on January 9 . DONATION OF TWO LOTS IN HERITAGE ESTATES FOR PARKS - Mr. Morgan said the city will have to carry liability insurance even though the property is leased to the Homeowners Association , but will be covered by the present policy at no additional cost . He recom- mended that the lots be accepted by the city. MOTION: (Schrader) To accept the two lots for parks and recreation purposes from Mr. and Mrs . Davis contingent on receipt of all documents relative to transfer of title. Second: Jordan Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED ACCEPTANCE OF PARK LAND DONATED BY MR. & MRS . RALPH LOWE MOTION (Newman) To gratefully accept the 4.5583 acres of land for parks and recreation purposes , and to institute formal acceptance on behalf of the City. 122 Second: Wicklander Vote : FOR (5 ) Newman , Wicklander, Schrader, Jordan , Branham Mayor Lowe abstained. MOTION CARRIED ORDINANCES ��'���°� 83/18 - Budget Adjustment #1 - One reading only MOTION: (Schrader) To pass Ord. #83/18 on one reading. Second: Wicklander ��gI$3 Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED 83/19 - Annexing 750 acres off FM 528 - Third and Final r. eading MOTION: (Schrader) To pass #83/19 on third reading Second : Newman Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED 83/20 - Annexing 325 acres off FM 528 - Third and Final reading Olp(,gl�3 MOTION (Branham) To adopt #83/20 on third and final reading. Second: Wicklander Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED 83/21 - Annexing Roadway on FM 528 - Third and final reading �OC'l�`0 3 MOTION: (Wicklander) To adopt #83/21 on third and final reading. Second : Newman Vote : Unanimous POR MOTION CARRIED 83/22 - Annexing Roadwav on FM 2351 - Third and final reading ��,/g 3 MOTION: (Jordan) To adopt #83/22 on third and final reading. d Second: Schrader Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED 83/23 - Annexing 72 acres off FM 528 - Third and final reading I �'31r$� MOTION: (Newman) To pass and adopt #83/23 on third reading. � Second : Wicklander Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED 83l24 - Rezoning for Whitmire on FM 2351 - Third & final reading �(�g� MOTION: (Newman) To adopt #83/24 on third & final reading . Second: Wicklander Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED 83/25 - Rezoning for Estlinbaum at Castlewood & FM 518 - Third and final reading oL �`� MOTION: (Newman) To pass and adopt #83/25 on third reading. Second: Wicklander Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED 83/26 - Updating Retirement System Program - Third & final reading a�,�183 MOTION: (Newman) To pass and adopt #83/26 on third reading. Second: Schrader Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED 83/27 - Authorizing 50 e.ar old new employees to participate in retirement program - Third and final reading a3slg3 MOTION: (Newman) To pass and adopt #83/27 on third reading. Second: Branham Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED 1�3 ABANDONING A PORTION OF WINDING WAY - Representatives from the New Life Assembly of �od Church were asked to make a firm decision by January 9 if they will pay $9 ,000 for half the abandoned road- way with ten feet at the centerline of the roadway on their side being designated as a drainage easement . Mr. Utley will be contacted to see if he is receptive to accepting $9 , 000 from the City and the other half of the roadway with a ten foot drainage easement at the centerline of the roadway , in exchange for his donation of property which was used to move Whispering Pines . , The attorney is to do whatever paper work is necessary to complete this transaction on January 9 , if at all possible . SEWER TREATMENT FOR SAN JOQUIN ESTATES - Dr. Don Dawson. has re- quested assurance of sewage treatment capacity for 188 homes he is building in San Joquin Estates . Mr. Morgan reported that he has applied for and expects shortly to receive an increased permit for the Tower Estates Sewer Treatment Plant which will be sufficient to serve this development , and he recommends approval be given 0 to Dr. Dawson to proceed with his development. � MOTION: (Schrader) To accept the City Manager' s recommendation�� and approve sewage treatment for San Joquin Estates . f � Second: Newman `�'�� m Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED Q REVIEW OF PROPOSED REVISED ZbNING ORDINANCE - Council and Planning Commission reviewed pertinent sections of the ordinance with representatives of the Board of Adjustment. After agreement on some minor changes , it appears that the ordinanee is ready for final form. MOTION: (Wicklander) To authorize Commissioner Ralph Miller � to make the proposed changes , have the attorney giveq�`'�j/ ', it one last review, and get final copies made for � �� distribution. Second: Newman Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED BIDS ON 8" WATER LINE CROSSING CREEK TO WEDGEWOOD - Mayor Lowe reported that a permit £rom the Corps of Engineers will take about four months , an undesirable delay. He proposed that a bid not be awarded and that the City check into laying the line under the creek. Council concurred with this proposal . AUTHORIZE BID INVITATION FOR WORD PROCESSOR FOR CITY SECRETARY MOTION: (Newman) To advertise for bids for a word processor. � Second: Schrader q Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED ��/p,� APPROVAL OF RESERVE POLICE APPLICANT MOTION: (Schrader) To approve Jan Jagen as a reserve police officer subject to interview and approval of Councilman Newman and City Manager Morgan. �,�j� Second: Wicklander ��y/� Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED ' INTRODUCTION - Mr. Morgan introduced to Council Van Riley, the City' s new full-time Fire Marshal. COMPUTER NEEDS STUDY - Council received three proposals to make a survey of computer needs for the Police Department and the other city offices and write specs for bids on equipment and software. MOTION: (Schrader) To refer the proposals to the City Manager _„ for review and recommendation to Council. q,�(v�� Second: Newman V o t e : U n a n i m o u s F O R MOTIOI� CARRIED 124 REQUEST FOR CITY TO VACATE PARKS IN WILDERNESS TRAILS - Two parcels in this subdivision were indicated as "Park" on the approved plat and the dedication on the plat included these parks . The developers have now requested that the City disclaim the two parcels and return them to the development . Since the City does not have the ability to maintain small neighborhood parks , there was no objection to releasing these ; however, Council requires that concurrent with the City ' s disclaimer, title to the parks must be transferred to the homeowners of the subdivision. EXTENSION TO CITY HALL - Councilman Schrader asked that the City i Manager come back to Council with a recommendation regarding ' additional office space for City Hall. CALLING PUBLIC HEARINGS ON REZONING ���� MOTION: (Jordan) To call a public hearing , jointly with P&ZC, 3 for 7 : 30 p.m. on January 23 , 1984 , to consider requests to rezone property at the intersection of FM 518 and Windsong from R-1 to Specific Use (Church) and to rezone for EXXON routing of a pipeline in the industrial area. Second: Newman Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED REPORT ON SALES TAX - Councilman Schrader reported that he visited with Richard Herridge in the State Comptroller' s office in Austin and reguested that Friendswood be allowed to repay sales tax sent to the city in the past which sould not have come to Friendswood. He requested approval to repay the amount in 18 equal payments , one each month. He was told to put his request in letter form which he has now done . The office agreed to send the City an updated list of payees . The city is to review their tax list every six months to determine if all of the payees are within the city limits . MEETING WITH MUD 55 - Councilman Jordan said she is meeting on Tuesday , December 27 , with Bruce Golden of MUD 55 to discuss the concept of their leasing capacity in the Blackhawk plant from the City. SAFETY VALVE PROGRAM - The City Attorney was directed to prepare a resolution adopting the concept of the Safety Valve Program which would be appropriate for each of the entities involved in this program to adopt by way of formally endorsing rthe program. RESOLUTION #37-83 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS , AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE AND THE CITY SECRETARY TO ATTEST TO ASSIGNMENT AGREEMENT BY AND AMONG THE CITY OF HOUSTON, TEXAS , THE CITY OF FRIEN.DSWOOD, TEXAS , AND BAYBROOK CONVENIENCE CENTER, LTD: AND REPEALING FRIENDSWOOD RESOLUTION N0. 10-83 PASSED AND APPROVED ON JUNE 20 , 1983 . ���v� MOTION: (Jordan) To adopt Resolution #37-83 . Second: Branham Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED CONSENT AGENDA a���$3 MOTION: (Wicklander) To adopt the recommendations and actions as presented by the City Manager (listed below) . Second: Schrader Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED l. Letter to citizens of Wedgewood setting forth utility rates , billing dates , etc. relative to their coming into the City. 2 . To deny the request from Mrs . Ivy for sewer service to a mobile home park outside the City limits . Reasons : Limitations imposed on the 8" line which would have to service the park and precident set by refusal of similar service to Jim Baker. ��5 3 . Expressing his personal displeasure with tardiness of the County Tax Appraisal District in getting the tax values to the City, then charging a late penalty for late payment from the City for their services . 4. Utilities to the Montgomery property (received by him in the exchange with Ralph Lowe for land to be donated to the City) has been planned and approved by Montgomery ' s engineer. , 5 . After the first of the year, Morgan will instruct Coenco to i prepare plans for surface drainage on North and South Shadowbend. i 6 . Acceptance of the following appointments to the 4th of July Steering Committee : Lynn Chatham, Ann Whitaker, Ted Thomas , Wanda Murphy , Steve Johnson, Sky Hoff , Huberta Mora, Fleta Hill , Annette Mullins , Mic McManus , Choice Kinchen , Cindy Young, Bruce Kimmel, Cathy Erminger , Mark Clark, Chuck Talbot , Charlene Brazil, and a Councilman. LETTER TO COMPTROLLER RE SALES TAX REPAYMENT - Councilman Schrader, O after visiting the Comptroller' s office , has written a letter �, requesting that repayment of the overpaid amount of sales tax be made over a period of 18 months , and requesting a current list (� of sales tax payers within the city, and restating the policy � For the city to review this list every six months . � MOTION: (Jordan) To endorse and approve the letter. q7{(�j// Second: Newman �7` �� Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED CHECKS FOR APPROVAL - By unanimous vote , the following checks were approved for payment : General Fund #2931 - Truman Taylor Ins . Co . $ 4 , 587 . 00 2955 - Coenco , Inc . 7 , 491 . 77 Water & Sewer Fund #1381 - Gulf Coast Waste _ Disposal 39 , 499 . 76 Capital Projects #1182 - Hutch, Inc. 35 , 302 . 50 ADJOURNMENT - Motion made and seconded that the meeting adjourn. The meeting was adjourned. ��� «-f . � City�Secretary _ APPROVED: ��� -Mayor / ' '