HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1983-11-21 Regular 10� MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL November 21 , 1983 , A Regular Meeting of th.e Friendswood City Council was held a� the City Hall on Monday , November 21 , 1983 , at 7 : 00 p.m. with the following members present : ,i � Mayor Ralph Lowe City Manager Jim Morgan Councilmen : Bruce B.ranharn City Attorney Larry Schenk Leon Brown City Secretary Bobbie Henry Jan Jordan Bob Wiciclander Paul Schrader. Evelyn Newman With a quorum present , and with none absent , the following business was transacted: 0 �' INVOCATION was given by City Manager Jim Morgan. � APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Minutes of October 31 and November 7 , approved m as corrected. !a Q WELCOME - Mayor Lowe welcomed Mayor Tom Re �d of Pearland , Frank Moon from Bernard-Johnson , Jim Green and Lynn Harris of the Harris County Flood Control District , a number of citizens from Clear Woods Improvement District , members of various city boards and. committees , and Oscar porr from Forest Bend Homeowners Association. SAFETY VALVE PROGRAM - Mr. Green reported that Harris County has endorsed the Safety Valve Program and are ready to proceed with the ' initial step of engaging an engineer to assist in getting grant � funds and in making the necessary study for Clear Creek. He also, - reported on the status of the second outlet to the Bay from Clear Lake and what this will do to aid in flood control for this area. Mr. Moon , whose firm is being considered as engineers for the Safety Valve program, explained that they feel the study should begin at th.e FM 528 crossing and going toward Clear Lake since this seems rto be the major bottle-neck. He estimated that the study he proposes to make will take about four months . Mayor Reia stated that his council is very supportive of Mr. Moon. He proposed that. Brazoria County Drainage District #4 , Clear Creek Drainage District , and Galves-ton County be included in the project. He feels that the program should be extended to include C1ear Creek thru Pearland and into Fort Bend County. _ FINAL READING OF ORDINANCE ANNEXING CLEAR WOODS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT _ After Mayor Lowe read the caption to the ordinance , Councilman Wicklander requested that since the Mayor and Cauncilmar� Jordan have worked so diligently to bring, about this annexation in a compatible way , he would propose that standard p'rocedure be set aside and that Mayor Lowe be permitted to make the motion for approval of final reading of the ordinance , and that Councilman Jordan beco:nd the motion. Other members of the Council agreed with the proposal. I MOTION : (Lowe) 'Po approve and finally ado t on Qrdinance T16-83 annexing C1ear 6�Ioods Improv1ementeDistrict q� into the C.ity of Friendswood, a� Second : Jorclan / Vote. : iinanimous I'OR � MOTION CARRIED Mr. Boger of the C[4ID Board preser.ted the Mayor a check ior $12 ,SC0 coverin�; payments far fire protection in rthe Listrict , ar.d a lette'r stating :his p].easur�e with the anne�ation and the way in wnich it ha;; been handled. Several other people also spoke in this vein. Th� meeting was then recessed for a short reception and refreshments . _ 108 WATER LINE CONNECTING FRIENDSWOOD AND WEDGEWOOD ���/� MOTION : (Jordan) To authorize the City Manager to advertise for bids on an 8" water line to span Clear Creek and connect the water systems of Friendswood and Wedgewood. Second: Newman " Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED SALES TAX REIMBURSEM�NT TO STATE - Mr. Herridge from the State Comptroller s oFfice was present rto discuss the withholding of $60 , 000 payment to the City this month to make up for funds which he said have been paid to the city ' s account from businesses which are not located within the city limits . Mr. Herridge indicated that some of these accounts go back as far as four years ; also that it is primarily the responsibility of the city to find and report these businesses . Council pointed out that withholding all of these owed funds in one month makes .a hardship on the city , and asked about taking it out over a period of several months . Mr. Herridge said he would present this proposal to his superiors and see what can be done. RESOLUTION R35-83 APPROVING PARTICIPATION IN THE 9-1-1 EMERGENCY NETWORK ���'�j3 MOTION: (Newman) To adopt Resolution R35-83 committing�:.�he City to participation in the 9-1-1 program being sponsored by Harris County. Second: Wicklander Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED ORDINANCES T22-83 - Rezoning Whitmire ro erty from R-1 to R-3 - lst reading MOTION: (Brown) To approve lst reading of T22-83 . Second: Newman Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED T23-83 - Rezoning for Eatlinbaum from R-2 to R-3 - lst readin MOTION: CNewman) To approve lst reading of T23-83 . Second : Brown Vote : Unanimous FOR I�OTION CARRIED T17-83 - Annexing 750 A. off FM 528 - lst reading MOTION: (Schrader) To approve lst reading of T17-83 . Second : Wicklander Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED T18-83 - Annexing 325 A. off FM 528 - lst reading MOZ'ION: CBranham) To approve lst reading of T18-83 . Second: Wicrlander Vote : Unanimous F'OR MOTION ,CARRIED � T19-83 - Annexing Roadwa.y on FM 528 - lst reading : M�TION; (�ewman) To approve lst reading of T19-83 . Second: Jordan Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTlON CARkIED T-20-G3 - Annexing Roadway on FM 2s51_- lst reading MOTIOAr : (Schrader) To approve lst r. eadin.g of 'S'2�-83 . Second: Jord��ii Vote : linanimous FOR MOTION CAKRIEll 7'2]--83 - Annexing ?2 E1, off E'M 528 - lst readin MOTION: (Schz�ader) To approve ls�t reading of T27.-83 . Second' : Wicklander Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTI01d CARRIED � 1�9 T24-83 - Updating Texas Municipal Retirement Program - lst reading MOTION : (Newman) To approve lst reading of T24-83�. Second: Jordan Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRI�D T25-83 - Authorizing 50- ear old new emplo ees to � particlpate in retirement program - lst reading : - , MOTION: (Branham) To approve lst reading of T25-83 . Second: Brown Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED . FAIR PLAY COMMITTEF. - Mayor Lowe said he wanted to appoint a "Fair Play Committee" to monitor activities relative to the transition of Clear Woods into the City. With Council concur- O rence , he appointed the following to serve : � Bill Fuss ; Frank Webb , Mariglyn Glynn , Bill Wilcox, and (,� Councilman Jan Jordan. W m APPOINTMEN'T TO PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSI�N '`a- Q I�OT10N: (Schrader) To reappoint Glen Cress to his position �� on the Commission. C��� Se,cond: Jordan � Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED CHECKS FOR APRROVAL - By unanimous vote , the following. ehecks were approved for payment : IGeneral Fund #2764 - Lansdown-Moody Co. $ 23 ,281. 00 Debt Service #1638 - Texas Commerce Bank 40„475 . 00 ADJOURNMENT - Motion made and seconded that the meeting adjourn . The meeting was adjourned. '�� ���LE��%/ City ecretary ,/j� APPROVED: �� rtaYr/�lph Lo��ci�� i, 1 � � _ � � _ :�,._ �.�. �. �