HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1983-10-24 Special 9� MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL October 24 , 1983 A Special Meeting of the Friendswood Ci�y Council was held at the City Hall on Monday , October 24 , 1983 , at 7 : 00 p.m, with the following members present : � Mayor . Ralph Lowe City Manager Jim Morgan . Councilmen : Paul Schrader Acting City Secretary Ruth Henry Evelyn Newman Bruce Branham Jan Jordan Bob Wicklander Leon Brown With a quorum present , and with none absent , the fbllowing business Q was transacted: � ANNOUNCEMENT FROM THE MAYOR - Mayor Lowe reported that he has met � with the Mayors o League City and Pearland to discuss the "Saf�ty � Valve Project. " The intention of these two Mayors is to proceed with this project. ''"� Q PUBLTC HEARING ON .PRQPOSED ANNEXATIONS - A publie hearing was called to order to permit any remarks from the public regarding the follow- 1ng proposed annexations : l. A strip along FM 2351 from CWID to Beamer Road 2 • A one-mile strip of FM 528 3 • A 325 acre tract of land south of FM 528 � � 4 . A 750 acre tract of land south of FM 528. , __ After ascertaining that no one wished to address the subject , the public hearing was closed. PETITIONS FROM THE PUBLIC 1. The newly eleeted Board of Directors of the Kingspark/Whitehall Homeowners Association were introduced to Council. 2 • Lonnie Moffett , representing residents of the Heather Lane/Sunset area, requested a four-way flashing traffic light on Briarmeadow and Sunset in an effort �o• control some of the speeding in the area. 3 • Carl Sm.ith gave a report on current projects being handled by the Clear Creek Drainage District : a. Obstructions have been removed from all of the creeks in Friendswood except the portion of Clear Creek abeve FM 2351 . Their crew will be starting there tomorrow. li. Channel improvements have been made on Chigger Cr�ek through Windsong. � �• In Kingspark/Whitehalt, MC 2 has been cleared. and fences removed from easements ; Mc 1 has been c].eared and cleaned. � d. A ditch in the Ga_rden Drive vicinity has been �cleared. e • A major drainage artery for water along FM 528 whieh runs through th.e rice fields has been rnowed -to impro✓e the flow. 'Phis ditch drains an area in excess of :LOO acr�s arid the District will assume responsibil.ity �or it . f• Z'hey have been ass.isting the city in mowing ditches along ci.ty stz�eets with their new mower. � 94 g. The bottom end of both Coward and Chigger Creek have been cleared in preparation for engineering work and .construction. h. The Mary' s Creek project is progressing since the rains have let up , and agreements with the pipeline companies are now finalized. Bids on work in Village Green have been received ranging from $190; 000 to $290 , 000 . These are now in the hands of the engineer for review. i. Channelizing andlright�of-way raquirements on 6oward and I Chigger Creek is on-going. ; FLOOD PROTECTION PLANNING PROGRAM - Texas Department of Water Resources has approved a grant �o Friendswood for $.130 , 000 to finance planning for flood protection on Coward and Chigger Creeks . Due to the time limit on the contract with TDWR for the work, it was proposed that the project be awarded .to City Engineer Malcolm Collins . It was also proposed that the Clear Creek Drainage District be given a voice in setting out what, the plan should include. MOTION : (Jordan) That„ Council,. establish a ,."Reguest for Proposal" '� ! to determine what we want included� in the request for pro- �`► �� posal for the TDWR contract and subsequently to review the proposal once they come in and make recommendations as to which proposal has advantages , and that a committee to handle �� this be appointed to consist of 2 members of Council, 2 g" members of CCDD, and 2 members of Brazoria .County District #4 . Second : Schrader AMENDMENT TO MOTION (Jordan) To require that the committee report ��'�� back the criteria within three weeks from tonight , then when the proposals are received , the committee would make its recommendation within two weeks from the time the pro- '1 posals were received. j Second: Schrader • � VOTE : For ( 3) Jordan , Newman , Schrader Against ( 4) Lowe , Brown , Wicklander, Branham � MOTION PAILED �(,�/$3 MOTION: (Schrader) That the City Manager prepare a contract � for the planning on Chigger and Coward Creeks in accordance with the contract we have with the State. Second: Newman • I��jr °�: AMENDMENT TO MOTION : (Wicklander) To have the City Manager or ` "- b�� , member of Council meet with <CCDD for input as to the scope of what they would like to have in the contractural arrange- ment . Acceptance of ameridment by Schrade�. Second by Jordan JOTE : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED �g�'� MOTTON: (Brown) To select Malcolm Collins as the Engineer. Seeond: Branham Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED CLARIFYING CITY BOUNDARIES RE CLEAR CREEK MFANDERINGS � �I ��7 ' $� MOTION : (Brown) To direct the attorney to prepare a proper � clarification of the city ' s boundary on Clear Creek. Seconci: 4Ticklander Vote : cor C5 ) Brown , Wicklander, Jordan , Lowe , Branham Against (2 ) Schrader , Newman MOTIOIQ CARRIFD WTDENING OF FM 51'd - A Minu�e Order from the High.way Department sets for the city' s re�pansibilities on this project ( 1) to furnish rigYrt- oF--way necessary ; (2 ) to pr.ovide for utility adjustments ; ( 3 ) ±o pay for curb and gutte.r, storm sewers , and driveways ; and (4) do maintenance and t.ra.ffic control as per general agreement . The Cit� Manager was asked to contact the Highway Dept . to clarify cost figurc: . -2- �5 MO ION : (Jordan) To adopt a resolution accepting the Minute (^� Order, and that we do wish to include the medians . �d' Second : Brown Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED �vJ OPENING OF BIDS ON WATER STORAGE FACILITIES - Bids were opened and read as follows : Caldwell Tanks , Inc. - Total New Equipment $736 150 Service Enterprise , Inc. - Pre-owned Equipment 433 ,000 ' I � MOTION: (Brown) To authorize the Mayor to sign a contraet :wi-th � � Service Enterprise , Inc. , including the revised payment�� - schedule. Second: Branham �� Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED � OPENING OF BIDS ON POLICE CAR - The following bids were opene8 and read: � Bob Robertson Chevrolet $9 , 680 . 44 d- Charlie Thomas Ford 9 , 850 . 00 � Greenspoint Dodge 9 ,601. 64 �.1.� MOTION: (Jordan) To refer the bids to the City Manager. [Q Second : Branham E( Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED /�D��� AWARDING OF STD ON FIRE DEPARTMENT VEHICLE - MOTION: (Schrader) On recommendation of the City Manager, to award the bid to Bob Robertson Chevrolet for $13 , 661. 33 . Second: Branham Vote : Unanimous FOR r� MOTION CARRIED �/m i AWARDIN6 OF BID ON BACKHOE FOR PUSLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Cf� ' MOTION : CSchrader) On recommendation of the City Manager• , to award the bid to Lansdowne-Moody Company for $23 ,281. 00 . . . (The 1ow bid did not meet the specifications) Second : Brown `g�� Uote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED �J� AWARDING BIDS ON PICK-UPS FOR PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MOTION: (Schrader) To award the bid to Greenspoint Dodge for trucks for Parks Department ($8 , g25 . 09 ) and Water � Sewer Department ( $8 ,g25 , pg ) and for truck for Public Works n Director ,to Pearson Chevrolet for $8 ,653 . 96 , �Y�j� Second: Branham � Vo�te : Unanimous POR MOTION CARRIED ORDINANCE AMENDIN� BUILDING REGULATIONS - Council. would like to review these recommendations with the committee prior to drawing .' up an ordinance. �`` � AGREEMENT BETWF.EN CITY 'AND B'AYBROOK CONVENIENCE CENTER - The Attorney is reviewing this contract. No action was taken. I I REPORTS FROM THE CTTY MANAGER l— l. Margan reporte� that delinquent taxes for 1982 -total around : $57 , 000 c.r.ith $55 ,000 the previous year. 2 . Counci]. is invited to attend a meet.ing hosted by Frie�idswaod og' . the ar. ea Water Associati�n on November 24. The time has. beeri adjusted tc� 5 : 30 starting time to permit Council P�lembers t� at.tend. 3 . Antenna Location - Morgan said he had approved this move in view o� possibly moving the water tower at City Hall. He was directed to put this project on hold until a decision has been reached about the water tower. 4• He sa.id that �the Greenbriar bridge has not yet been started. -3- 96 CHECKS FOR APPROVAL - By unanimous vote , the following checics were approved for payment : General Fund #2597 - Hill Sand Company $ 8 800 . 00 2589 - Quality Control 3 , 761. 92 W&S Dept . #1271 - Gulf Coast Waste Disp. 20 , 705 . 36 ADJOURNMENT - Motion made and seconded that the meeting adjourn. The m— eeting was adjourned. ,.;� � �. �, c_ City Secretary APPROVED: ���� Mayor U i