HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1983-10-17 Regular S� MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL October 17 , 1983 A Regular Meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held at the City Ha11 on Monday, October 17 , 1983 , at 7 : 00 p ,m, with the follow- ; ing members present : ' Mayor Ra1ph Lowe City Attorney Larry Schenk Councilmen: Leon Brown City Manager Jim Morgan Evelyn Newman City Secretary Bobbie Henry Pau1 Schrader Jan Jordan Bruce Braham With a quorum present , and with Councilman Wicklander absent , the � folla�ing business was transacted: � INVOCATION was given by Father Thomas of Mary Queen Catholic Church. � . APPROVAL OF�g _ Minutes of a Regular Meeting of September 26 , �' Regu ar Meeting of October 3 , and a Special Meeting of October 10 , � approved as corrected. ANNOUNCEMENTS FROM THE MAYOR l . Mayor Lowe will be meetina on Wednesday with the Mayors of Pearland and League City regarding the Clear Creek project . 2 . Bernard Johnson, Engineers , has wr.itten a letter regarding this �; project and stating their interest in working on it . ! OPENING 4F. BIDS - The following bids were opened and read by the • Mayor : 3/4 or 5/8 ton suburban-t pe vehicle for Fire Department Greenspoint Dodge � $13 264. 65 A. J . Foyt Chevrolet 14, 330 . 73 Bob Robertson Chevrolet 13 , 661 . 33 MOTION: (Schrader) To refer the bids to the City Manager and �,�' —�e Fire Department for review and recommendation to Council. Second: Jordan ��ti Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED Heavy duty backhoe for Public Works llepartment Case Power & Equipment $29 , 330 . 00 Lansdowne-Moody Company (Ford) 23 , 281 .00 Hyco Equipment (John Deere) 22 , 946 . 00 MOTION: (Schrader) To refer the bids to the City Manager for review and recommendation to Council . Second: Newman �7C/ � Vote: Unanimous FOR �Ild7 � ; MOTION CARRIED S' Pick-ups for Parks Water & Sewer, and Public Works: Departments Parks DPpt . W&S Dept . Public .Works Greenspoi_nt Dodge $8 , 925 . 09 $8 , glp . py $g , 97_5 . 09 Pearson Chevrolet 9 , 143 . 66 9 , 098 .46 8, 653 . 96' MOTION: (:fardan) T.o refe.r the bids to the City Manager for review and recommendation to Council . Second: Schrader ��'�� Vote: tJnanimous I'OR MOTT.ON CARRIEI�; � , .. �- 88 � s.�'�. � PUBLIC HEARING WITH PLANNING COMMISSION OI� REZONING FOR WHITMIRE The request is to rezone property on FM 2351 from R-1 to R-3 . The P&ZC has been working with the owner on development plans for the property, and thase plans were presented „to Council for their information. Since an earlier complaint against this rezoning was about children not having a place to plaj�, these plans include a 1-1/2 acre playground an�l fencing at the' rear. of the development . Since there were no citizens who wished to address the subject , the public hearing was closed. PUBLIC HEARING ON FOUR ANNEXATIONS - The four parcels of land to � e annexe are: A strip a ong F .M. _.2351 ; A strip along F.M. 528 ; , 325 acres on the south side of F.M. 528 ; and a 750 acre tract 6outh of F .M. 528 and running along Clear Creek . The public hearing was opened, but there were no comments made for or against the annexation, thus the public hearing was closed, and the staff was directed to proceed with writing and posting of the annexation o.rdinances for first reading at the next regular meeting : CALL PUBLIC HEARING ON 72 . 0 ACRE TRACT OF LAND SOUTH OF F M 528 FOR POSSIBLE ANNEXATION I p2 MOTION: (Schrader) To call a public hearing on annexation of the t��QJDJ �-acre tract for October 31 and November 1 . Second: Jordan Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED [� question arose .regarding annexation of a triangle i.n Clear Creek caused by metes and bounds description in the City' s original order of incorporation. Thi� subject will be discussed further at the next Council Meeting . CLEARWOODS IMPROVET4ENT DISTRICT WATER SUPPLY - Board Member Bob Boger was present an in orme Counci t at t e Board has �oted against ` allowing the water tower now at City Hall to be moved to the District . l He said the Board has voted to award a contract for a 210 ,000 gallon ground storage tank for $32 , 000 . Mayor Lowe said this has a definite � bearing on the City ' s bids for water storage tanks which are due in,.;,, next week. � The Mayor asked Mr . Boger if the $23 , 000 invoice from Gulf Coast on The Blackhawk Plant has been honored. P�Ir . Boger said it has been turned ouer to their attorney . Mayor Lowe asked if they had talcen any action on his proposal to replace the water line acrass C1ear Creek` and tie the Clearwood water system into the City' s . Boger said • the subject has never come up in their meetings . BUD GOZA RE RIGHT-OF-WAY FOR KOCUREK CURVE AND CHIGGER CREEK DRAINAGE Mr. Goza said he has been working with his mortgage company on the financial effects of 50-foot easement needed from his property for a four-lane highway at Kocurek curve on F.M. 528 . He questionad whether 50 feet is really needed. He also addressed the propased work on Chigger Creek which would also require easement on his property . Councilman Newman. explained that even if a 4-lane road is not built now, the. State requires that suffici.ent right-of-way be acqui.red so that it can be done in the future . Mayor Lowe sai.d that acquisiti�n of this property and the easement along the creek were both supporting State projects , an3 needs to be coordinated to continue to get -the State ' s. support on Friendswood projects ." The Mayor asked Mr . Goza to work with Malcolm Collins on the Cx'eek easement . I ENGINEER FOR CREEK WORI: - Cowncilman Schrader said he would like to consi er severa i erent engineers for the Creeks Planning pro�ect , and he and Councilman Jordan felt that the Clear Cr�ek :Drasng�ge Dist- rict should be included in the early plannin� of the project . 'The selectian of an engineer will be discusse.d at the next Council rleeting . r,,�, SETTIIVG TAX RAT� - After discussion aUout the proposed 72{ tax rate , Counci' man Brown said he wouid tavor raising the tax. 68� t`o enable the City Co launch on a long-r�nge si:reet iaiprovement program. �n� �� MOTION: (Schrad.er) 'Lo set the tax rate at 72F � 3 Seconc�S: Jordan VoLe: P'UR (5) Sc:-!rader, Jordan , Iyewraan, Branham, Lowe AGAINST : Brown MCTION CARRIEI� _� RATIFYING AGREEMENT WITH GEORGE OFFENHAUSER RE GREENBRIAR/BRIAR CR EK ROAD WORK - A letter from Offenhauser dated October 7 , 1983 , sets out the following conditions : 1• Briar Creek road bed will remain in its present location per the existing property markers on our side . 2 . The drainage ditch will remain as is but with a slight deepen- ing to remove the silting up due to years of drainage of which will still permit us to maintain the bank of the ditch by hand mowing. - 3 . Briar Creek will terminate at Greenbriar intersection with a ninety degree angle with the drainage dirtch following the line o� the road with culverts passing under Greenbriar to allow the water to flow to continue its natural drain. 4 . A larger culvert or additional culverts will be placed under Greenbriar at what is referred to as the Little Existing Bridge to drain the additional water from the creek brought about by the new design of the new bridge and elevating Greenbriar to its present height . 5 . The City will slope the road bank on the bridge embankement � to a one to three slope, so we may again maintain oru property �- as we have done over the years . We will permit the City to � add fill on ou'r property as required to attain this slope. � This in no way relinquishes our ownership of this property, nor does it change the easement line . � �."'� MOTION: (Schrader) To approve and ratify the conditions as presented. - Second: Newman � `���� Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED CONTRACT WITH TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES RE $147 ,000 GRANT MOTION: (Jordan) To authorize the Mayor to execute the contract l7g ' on behalf of the City subject to review by the City Atto�ney. �� SecQnd : Brown , Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT MINUTE ORDER (RE FOUR�LANES ON F.T1. 518 BETWEEN FRIENDSWOOD AND PEARLAND) The expense to the City is unclear. Mr. Morgan is to determine what the City' s obligations will cost , and the subject will be diseussed further next week. UPDATE OF EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT PRQGRAM - Mr. Morgan explained that this would bring the amount payable to a retiree in balance with today ' s salaries rather than on salaries paid in past years . '` MOTION: (Brown) To approve the updating of the retirement program. Second: Newman �p Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRI�D lU��� CITY MANAGER REPORTS `� 1• Insurance Program -. Mr. Morgan said Cities are now required to take bids on their insurance , and asked if Council has any objection to his advertising for bids . There was no objection. ,i 2 • Hous-ton Lighting & Power Company Franchise - With the arinexation of �territory served by HL�P, the company has proposed a letter a.greemenrt 'rather than a formal fran^_hise . The City .Attorney;a advised a franchise , but said this could be deferred until after a].1 annexaTions have been completed to allow pu.blic in-pu:t regardind quality of serv:ice by the company, 3• Ordina�lce Amerdments a) Mr. Morgan _pr. oposes to i.ncrease depo�its on water and sewer, and to include in the rate schedule separate meters anc� deposi�ts for commercial establishments caithin a shoppirtig center. Council author. ized him to proceed with having ordinances drawn up to cover these matters . _g_ . 9 0 � � �:�. � '"' '°` ' ' ' 2 7 Mo 'rgaii present.ed'°a number °o'f` pro�5os�d changes to the building code as recommended by a Council appointed Building Committee, and asked that these be approved. Council decided to take no action until they have had time to review these proposals . 4 . Basebell Scheduling - Council ha�s no objection to this plan for use of City ball fields presented by the Parks Board. 5 . Current Projects - The Virginia Lane drainage work is progressing: ; the pipe is to be installed on Tuesday. Greenbriar bridge is ' sti11 on hold; no work has been done to date. The encroachment on Chigger Creek has been partially removed. The intersections on Falling Leaf, Spreading Oaks , and Tipperary to be concreted'±" will cost approxima-tely $25 , 000 . 6 . Court Fines - Council was informed. that the list of fines from the Judge was for information only , and that they have no authority to set these. They can set the maximum fine for Municipal Court and the State has ruled that this maximum can be increased from the long=time $200 up to as much as $1 ,000 . CHECKS F?OR APPROVAL - By unanimous vote , the following checks were approved: General Fund #2510 - D�S Construction $ 2 , 890 . 00 2529 - Coenco 3 ,620 . 50 2530 - Olson � Olson 3 ,100 . 00 2533 - Texas-New Mexico Power 4 ,239 . 60 2534 - Texas-New Mexico Power 3 ,174 . 49 Water � Sewer #1249 - Coenco 2 ,268 . 00 1252 - Texas-New Mexico, Power . 4 , 768 . 06 1253 - Texas-New Mexico Power 5 , 536 . 30 ;I Debt Service #1637 '- Texas C'omm�rce Bank 8 ,136 . 75 , Capital Pro,jects #1179 - Earl Campbell Const. .9 , 825 . 38 ORDINANCES � #T14-83 - REZONING MANISON LAND ON F.M. 528 FROM CAP4P TO R-1 MOTION: (Newman) To approve T14-83 on second reading Second: Branham Vote : FOR C5 ) Newman , Branham, Jordan , Brown , Lowe (Councilman Schrader was out of the room)MOTION CARRIED #T15-83 - REZONING FOR CHILD CARE CENTER ON SKYVIEW MOTION : (Brown) To approve T15-83 on second readi.ng. Second: Branham Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED #T16-83 - ANNEXING CLEARWOOD IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT MOTION: (Brown) To pass T1.6-83 on first reading . Second: Branham ' ' Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRSED The City Attorney cited several revisions he wished to make I to the ordinance ; Council approved; the ordinance will be t�� �� revised an<i posted for seconcl zeadin� on November 7 . � MOTION: (Schrader) To approve the recommended amen�9ments and rEposting next week. Second: Branharn Vote : IJnanimous FOR MOTIGN CARKIED AYPOItdTMEidTS TO TAX STUDY COMMITTEE - Council agreed to appoint Lorez� Wood , Lee Nichols and Tom .Burke as �the City ' s representatives on this conunittee , with Jess 44illiams and Mitch Mitchell as a]. ternates . _4_ 9 ) ADJOURNMENT - Motion made and seconded that the meeting adjourn. The m-- eeting was adjourned. s`=�,'�c-Q ' _�Z Bobbie C. Henry, C 'ty Secretary � � � , APPROVED: " ;, �Yayor / �" � '"'� "�� � � � � � � -i , k ' I � I �, e