HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1983-09-12 Regular - �� MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL September 12 , 1983 A Regular Meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held at the City Hall on Monday , September 12 , 1983 , at 7 : 00 A. M. with the i following members present : � - Mayor Ralph Lowe City Attorney Larry Schenk --- , Councilmen : Bruce Branham City Manager Jim Morgan Jan Jordan City Secretary Bobbie Henry , Paul Schrader - Evelyn Pdewman Leon Brown With a quorum present , and with Councilman Wicklander absent , the � following bus.iness was transacted: � INVOCATION was given by Rev. Larry Stewart , lst Baptist Church. � � MINUTES FOR APPROVAL - Minutes of August .l5 ,approved as corrected ; m Minutes of August 22 , approved as read; Minutes of August 29 , � approved as corrected; Minutes of September l , approved as read. ANNOUNCEMENTS FROM THE MAYOR l. Settlement has been made with street contractor John Carlo and a check has been . prepared in the amount of $46 ,222 . 'IS as final payment and will be approved tonight . � 2 • Clean-up from the hurricane has progressed well; however, the Iburning site near the fire station must now be shut down , or at least limited to local residents who can go onto the lot and discharge their wood directly on the fire ra-ther than along the highway. - 3. The Highway Department has now committed to widening FM 518 , between Friendswood and Pearland. Mayor Lowe has requested the Department to also consider widening FM 518 from Castlewood to Whispering Pines , and to build a new bridge at the County Line . 4 . Contact has been made with League City regarding overlapping ETJ. A solution to this� question is necessary to enable the City to determine the area to be annexed south oP FM 528. League City has made no reply to Friendswood' s request for a second meeting to try to resolve this problem. 5 . Mayor Lowe read two proclamations , one for Constitution Week September 17-23 ; the other proclaiming September as "Wheelehair Roundup Month. " 6 . On qugstion from Councilman Jordan, IKr. Morgan said letters have gone out to all of those people who are not in compliance � with the Sign Ordinance according to a memo from Dr. Bill Jones ,. advising them that they must bring their signs into compliance. � `- 7 • Councilman Schrader asked about the final clean-up time for hurricane trash. Mr. N;organ predicted three weeks . Council prop�sed that the deadline be set for September 30 . PtJBLIC HEARING ON APINEXATION OF CLEAR WOOD IMPKOVEMENT DIS'PRICT Mr. I�lorgaii x�ead his pr.oposed "Service Plan" for the area to be annexed , and. there was some discussion among Counci.l members . No citizens asked to speak, so the hearing was cl�sed. 74 OPENING BIDS ON CONCRETE PIPE - Pipe for installing underground drain pipe on a portion of Castlewood, with residents paying for � the drain pipe. Only one bid received as follows : Bay Concrete Products (A certified check for $305 . 03 . was included with the bid) �/� ,..,.'�� $6 ,100 . 54 �k� I40TION: CSchrader) To refer the bid to the City i4anager for review and recommendation. I Second: Newman Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED PETITIONS & COMMUNICATIONS l. . Reverend Gerraro , Pastor of the Assembly of God Church, asked Council to table reading of an ordinance abandoning a portion of Winding Way which runs by his church,until further discussion with his .people. He was told this would be considered when the ordinance came up on the agenda. 2 . Frank Webb from Kingspark/Whitehall area, along with a number of other residents from the same area, voiced their unhappiness with the work being done on Mary ' s Creek rather than in their - ' subdivision, and the fact that FM 518 crossing at Ma�y' s Creek does not have a large enough opening for the water to flow thru. They were also concerned with the water flowing down from Pearland and brush blocking ditches and drains . Mayor Lowe and the Council , as well as Carl Smith of the Drainage District explained how the Mary' s Creek work is necessary ta give them relief; that the opening under FM 518 will have to be enlarged but by the Highway Department , and that the entities involved are now requesting the Highway Department to build a � bridge at this point. Finally, they were told that these kinds of problems are the prime responsibility of the Drainage District and they should attend DD meetings and discuss the matter with that organization. Carl Smith reported to Council that the prob7.ems which surfaced recently with pipelines along Mary Creek have been resolved, and he estimated that the rectification of Mary Creek has about seventy days to finish. The City' s check for $100 , 000 , the balance of funds the City had pledged toward this project , was presented to Mr. Smith. 3 . Annette Mullins , President of the Chamber of Commerce, proposed that the Mayor appo.int a Tax Evaluation Task Force .which would examine the tax situation c�f the three taxing agencies in Friends- wood and search for some reli.ef for the taxpayers of the City. She proposed that three representatives be appointed by each of the three entities , School , City, and Drainage District , and that the Chamber be allowed to appoinE four making a totai committee of thirteen , and that this be done with all haste . The Mayor and Council agreed with the concept , and Mayor Lowe - wi.11 set the idea iTi motion immediately. _ 4• Paul Brandenburger asked that something be done to move rain � water out of the area of Virginia and Rachael Lanes and Mary Ann Drive. Mr. Meinecke , Public Gdork.s Director, said he is familiar with the situation and he felt that the corrective measures would cost about $4 , 800 . � '�lJl'-�" MOTION: (Schrader) That $4 , 800 be designated to do necessary work to aileviate tlooding on Virginia , Rachael , and Mar�y Ann. Second: Br.anham Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIL'D -2- �5 APPOINTMENT TO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT BOARD MOTION: (Schrader) To appoint Freddie Musgrove as an at-large � member of the Friendswood Industrial Development Board. Second: Jordan . �� Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED REZONING - Following a joint public hearing , Planning & Zoning iCommission has recommended rezoning of two separate parcels of land: ' � 1) Residence at 203 Skyview from R-2 to Specific Use - Child Care Center. , MOTION: (Newman) To concur with recommendation of P&ZC and direct that an ordinance be drawn up and posted to accomplish this rezoning. �� Second: Schrader �lj� Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED �Y � 2 ) 135 acres located off FM 528 from Specific Use - Camp to R-1. �� MOTION: (Newman) To concur with recommendation of P�ZC and direet that an ordinance be drawn up and posted to [n accomplish this rezoning, f � Second: �8�hrader Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED � BIDS ON FIRE DEPARTMENT VEHICLE - Before authorizing advertising for bids , Council wanted to know what this vehicle will be used for, and asked that a representative from the Fire Department appear before Council next week to discuss the subject. I CliEAR CREEK FLOOD CONTROL MEETING - Mayor Lowe read� a letter in which I he has invited a number of leaders from communities and entities _ involved in or affected. by flooding on Clear Creek, to a meeting on September 27 at 9 : 45 A.M. at the League City Civic Center. Speakers will be County Judge Ray Holbrook, Harris County Flood Administrator Jim Green, Corps of Engineers ' Col. Al Laubscher, and Mayor Marta Greytok of Taylor Lake Village. A. new proposal for flood control will be presented and discussed. CLEARVIEW AVENUE STREET IMPROVEMENT - Councilman Schrader said he walked out Clearview and talked to some of the residents this week about different ways of improving the street . Engineer PZalcolm Collins is also reviewing th� situation and will make a report to Council next week. REPORT ON MEETING WITH CLEARWQODS - Jess Williams , Special Auditor, reported on a meeting this evening with CID Water Board: They are planning to advertise for bids on a ground storage tank, and have no intention of paying money they owe to Gulf Coast relative to the Blackhawk Sewage Plant. Williams said he will be meeting again with other interested parties when EPA auditors are present next Friday. SWIMMING POOL PLANNER - Parks Director Phyllis Lee presented a pro- posal from Winslow & Associates to provide planning serviees for the proposed swimming pool complex. Mayor Lowe said that since the I property exchange which is the preliminary step in his donation of the park land to be involved, he felt it was premature to considez� hiring specialists for� the pr.ojecrt . Couneil concurred. This item was tabled 'indefinite].y, ORDINANCES _.. T11-83 - AN ORDINANCE REZONIDTG CER7'AIN PROPERTY FROM C-1 to R-3 (P4rs . West) . MOTION: (Jordan) To pass Ord. TlI-83 on second reading. Second: Sch.rader Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED -3- '76 T12-83 - AN ORDINANCE ABANDONING A SECTION OF WINDING WAY. ���z MOTION: (Newman) To table second reading of the ordinance �"�� pending further communication with representatives of the Assembly of God Church. Second: Jordan Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED Mayor Lowe said a meeting has been tentatively arranged for Friday at 10 : 00 A.M. to discuss this matter. �� Ord. 83/ 7 - PROVIDING FOR WATER AND SEWER CONNECTION/EXPANSION FEES . `�� /�� MOTIOPI: (Newman) To pass on third and final reading and adopt Ordinance #83/7 . Second: Schrader Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED Ord. 83/9 - ADOPTING REVENUE SHARING BUDGET FOR 1983-84 ( 54, 293) . !`�/�� MOTION: (Schrader) To adopt Ord. 83/9 on one reading. Second: Jordan Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED Ord. 83/10 - ADOPTING GENERAL BUDGET FOR 1983-84 ($6 , 706 ,614) kJ 3'(� MOTION: (Newman) To adopt Ord. 83/10 on' one' reading. - Second: Branham Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED RESOLUTION N0. R24-83 - SUSPENDING CHANGE IN RATES FOR ENTEX, - INC. , TO BECOME EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 22 , 1983 � MOTION: CSchrader) To adopt Resolution #R24-83 . I ��/�� Second: Brown Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED INVITING BIDS ON PARK CLEAN-UP - Council proposed to wait until next week to make a decision pending further information on the over-all hurricane clean-up. CHECKS APPROVED FOR PAYMENT - By unanimous vote , the following checks were approved for payment : General Fund #'1351 - Frs . Volunteer Fire •Dept . $ 11 , 503 . 79 2353 - Best Waste Systems 30 , 375 . 27 2354 - L & C Enterprises 3 ,567 . 00 2355 - Clear Creek Drainage Dist . 100 ,000 . 00 2356 - Hill ' s Sand Company 6 , 254 . 00 2316 - L & C Enterprises 4 ,297 . 00 2297 - Best Waste Systems 10 ,972 . 50 2?98 - Hill' s Sand Co . 6 , 630 . 00 22-9 - L. C. Enterprises 6 , 859 . 00 2303 - Trees , Inc. 3 , 891. 38 2316 - L & C Enterprises 4 , 29 'I . 00 2345 - Hill ' s Sand Co. 4 ,480 . 00 . Water & Sewer Fund #1173 - Gulf Coast Waste DisposaJ_ 23 ,259 . 26 1188 - Harris-Gal . Subsidence Dist . 3 ,1?5 . 00 1198 - Texas New Mexico Power 2 ,455 . 06 1199 - Texas New Mexico Power 6 , 073 . 89 Capital Projects #1173 - John Carlo Texas 46 ,222 . 75 ADJOURNMENT - Motion made and sec:onded that the meei.ing adjourn. The meeting was adjourned. City Secretary APPROVED : � � MINliTES �F A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CI'PY COUNCIL September 15 , 1983 A Special Meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held at the City Ha11 on Monday, September 15 , 1983 , at 7 : 00 p.m, with I the following members present : I �-,.� Mayor Ralph Lowe City Manager Jim Morgan Councilmen : Bruce Branham City Secretary Bobbie Henry Jan Jordan Leon Brown Evelyn Newman With a quorum present , and with Councilmen Wicklander and Newman absent , the one item of busi.ness was transacted as follows : =� PUBLIC HEARING ON ANNEXATlON � � This second public hearing on annexation of Clear Woods Improve- r,,,� ment D.istrict, had no one in attendance wishing to address the C.z7 subject. Mayor Lowe called the public hearing to order and extended an invitation for comments . Ther. e being none , the meeting was adjourned. ���` � � i � �� City Secret��f ^ APPROVED : � Mayor alph Lo��1��" � '