HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1983-08-15 Regular ' �/ , �'. ,. �� MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL August 15 , 1983 A Regular Meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held at the City Hall on Monday, August 15 , 1983 , at 7 : 00 p.m. with the � i following members present : ' � ! Mayor Pro-tem Leon Brown City Attorney Larry Schenk __. . Councilmen : Bob Wic)clander City Manager Jim Morgan Paul Schrader City Secretary Bobbie Henry Bruce Branham With a quorum present , with Mayor Lowe and Councilman Newman attending a meeting of the Wedgewood Homeownex��s Association in connection with the proposed annexation of that area, and with Councilman Jordan in the hospital with a new baby , the following � business was transacted: � (� INVOCATION was given by Reverend Daryl Green, Assistant ' - ' s ^1 � Pastor of the Church of the Good Shepherd. ¢ INVITATION TO COUNCIL - Police Officer John Echoff issued an invitation to Council members to participate in the muscular dYstrophy drive by serving as targets in the dunking booth. (Council said they would volunteer the Mayor for this job. ) APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Minutes of a Regular Meeting of July 25 and a Regular Meeting of August 1 , approved as corrected. I ENFORCEMENT OF FLOOD INSURANCE ORDINANCE I , MOTION: (Newman) That the City seek an injunction relative to the encroachment in the flood plain at #29 Wilderness� Trails , and that FEMA be so natified. Second: Schrader �� Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED Mr. Morgan was instructed to notify, in writing , all develop- ers and engineers in the area that the City is now requiring a flood plain permit on any construction projects . He is also to so notify the Planning Commission and Clear Creek Drainage Distriet. Councilman Sehrader noted that there appears to be a violation by_ developers of "The Park" and asked that this be investigated. If it is found to be a violation , then stop the worlc until a permit has been issued. PETITIONS &' COMMUNICATIONS l. Dr. Bill Jones presented a list of sign violations within the City and requested that some action be taken to stop these and other future such flagrant violations of the sign ordinanee . �' 2 . Selma Engel, protesting paving of Magnolia Street and citing j the bad condition of Shadowbend, presented pictures which indicated that Shadowbend is in much worse condition, and also stated that this s-treet is much more heavily traveled than is Magnolia. Mr. Morgan was asked to get figures on what a go6d .temporary repair job an Sha.dowbend would cost . . 62 � U ORDINANCES ` #T1283 - ABANDO:JING ROADWAY (Winding Wa ) - First reading MOTION: (Wicklander) To pass #T-1283 on first reading. Second: Branham Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED #T1183 - REZONING FOR MARIAN WEST - First reading � j MOTION: (Schrader) To pass T-1183 on fir�t reading. � � Second: Branham Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED #T-1083 -. SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE - Second reading was postponed pending a workshop session next week. � �(,���,3 #T983 - JUNK CARS - Third and final readin � MOTION : (Schrader) To finally adopt #T-983 on third reading (and assign permanent No. 83/8 ) Second: Branham Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED #T883 - DOG ORDINANCE - (Would have been third readin ) `�Q � MOTION : (Schrader) To pass on third reading. Second: Wicklander During discussion , Roger Tanner aslced L-hat Council consider including kennels that are riot commercial to allow people who keep more than the allowed number of dogs to do so under special rules and requirements . � � The MOTIOIQ and SECOND were withdrawn. MOTION : (Schrader) To postpone final reading until next regular meeting. Second: Wicklander Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED #83/7 - WATER & SEWER CONNECT FEES - (�hird �. _.final reading) �OTION: (Schrader) To postpone voting until the Mayor and Councilman Newman return to the meeting . Second: Wieklander Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED PUBLIC HEARING ON "ELIGIBLE BLI�HTED AREAS" - Two requests have been received from the Industrial Development Soard for the City ' to declare "Blighted Areas . " These are : (1) Intersection of Castlewood and FM 518 - 4 . 2 acres , For Byron F. Kauffman , and ( 2 ) South side of FM 528 , half oray between FM 518 and Winding WaY> 2 acres , for Mitch Mitchell. The meeting, having been published and placed on the agenda, was called to order and the two requests were explained. There were no requests to speak, and the hearing was closed, A decision of ' the Council will be an agenda item for the next meeting. (At 9 : 00 p.m� Mayor Lcwe and Councilman Dlewman , accompanied by Commissioner Tom Bass of Harris County , joined the meeting , and Mayor Lowe took the Chair. ) SETTLEt1ENT OF LAYNE-TEXAS WATER WELL CHARGES - hlayor Lowe stated that a settlement nas been reached wi—'th Layne-Texas regarding their billing for work on Water Well #5 . He introduced Mr, rleMurray and Mr. Landon from Layne-Texas who were present to receive the final payment . He asked Council to approve the check for $40 ,UQ0 af�ter which he presented it to Nr. MeMurray. �_: � 63 MOTION: (Wicklander) To approve the $40 , 000 payment to Layne-! Texas . Second: Newman ���` Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED COMMISSIONER TOM BASS - Mayor Lowe introduced Commissioner Bass who explained to Council the "911 Number Plan" which Harris County plans to install. Because Friendswood has annexed into Harris I County, we would be eligible for inclusion in the program. The , � plan is for an emergeney telephone number, 911, to have the _ capability of directing an emergency call to the entity which is responsible for the area from which the call is coming , i . e . the telephone being used to make the call. Cost for the service will be approximately $0 . 20 for each phone , billed on the monthly telephone bill. They anticipate this system will expedite emergency response and practically eliminate false alarms . An election will be held in the eligible areas to determine if citizens want the service , but the City Council � will have the final word on whether or not it would be approved. � REFERENDUM ON ANNEXATION OF WEDGEWOOD � MOTION: (Newman) To validate the results ' of the referendum � election on Saturday, August 13 as : FOR ANNEXATION Q 171 ; AGAINST ANNEXATION - 96 . ��//� Second: Schrader � Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED SAN JOAQUIN - SEWER CAPACITY . IN TOWER ESTATES PLANT . To provide sewage treatment capacity for this subdivision would take up most of the unused capacity in the Tower Estates Plant . I ; One alternative would be to install a line to take this sewage i to the Blackhawk Plant. Another would be to move the presently _. � unused plant from Wedgewood to supplement the capacity of the Tower Estates Plant. Still another alternative is to apply for. a permit to treat 400 , 000 gpd, the capacity for which the Tower Estates Plant was originally built. (Our present permit is for 250 , 000 gpd. ) No definite answer was given to Dr. Dawson regarding sewer treat- ment for San Joaquin. Council will discuss a master plan for sewage and water at the meeting next week. WEDGEWOOD RESIDENTS - Several residents who had attended the earlier meeting where P4ayor' Lowe spoke, were present , and tharike.d the Mayor and Couneilman tlewman for attending and stated that they are very much in favor of being annexed to Priendswood. They reported that after the Mayor left , a vote of the Homeowners resulted in 68 votes for annexation and 40 votes against. Mayor Lowe presented a tentative plan which would take care of overhead water storage for both Wedgewood and Friendswood utilizing the City' s present tower and the $50 , 000 in Wedgewood' s account . C'ouneilman Schrader asked that the City Engineer explore the wisdom of moving the small water� tank before the larger tank is installed and ready for service , and report his recorrunendation to �, i • Couneil at the next meeting. �` ORDINANCE 83/7 - Water & Sewer Connection Fees - Third and final P40TION: (Schrader) To amend Ord. 83/ 7 by deleting (a) and (b) and replaciiig the follow.ing: (a) Wa-ter: fC�j�� Inside Cor.porate Limits : $520 , OU + Meter cost + lOt/sq. ft . of building floor space .. 64 �.,� ��; Meter cost per pipe size : 5/8" $ 50 . 00 1" 115 . 00 1-1/2" 345 . 00 2" 450 . 00 3" 1 , 560 . 00 4" 2 , 000 . 00 Outside Corporate Limits : One and one-half times the applicable above fee . ' Cb) Sewage : � Inside Corporate Limits : ' $390 . 00 + $130 . 00 Interceptor Cost + 10�/sq. ft. of building floor space Outside Corporate Limits : One and one-half times the applicable above fee . Second: (Wicklander) Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED Wi•th this revision, the third and final reading of the ordinance will not be made until the next regular meeting , September 12 . RESOLUTION R21-83 - Setting meeting dates in September - Due to September 5 being Labor Day , an official holiday , regular meetings of the Council will be held on September 12 and September 26 . RESOLUTION R20-83 - Establishing a tax exemption of $10 ,000 on homesteads for citizens 65 years of age and older. f '�`$,3 MOTION: (Schrader) To adopt Resolution R20-83 . � Second: Newman ; Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED CHECKS FOR APPROVAL - By unanimous vote , the following checks were approved for payment ; GENERAL FUND #2181 - Texas-New Mexico Power Co . $ 4 ,485 . 53 2183 - TNM Power Co. 3 . 281. 42 2191 - Bell Telephone Co. 1,957 . 78 2192 - Bell Telephone Co. 742 . 05 WATER 8 SEWER #1139 - U. S. Homes 16., 747 . 50 1140 - U. S . Homes 8 , 373. 75 1141 - Genesis Finaneial Joint Venture 12 , 735 . 00 1149 - TNM Power Co . 5 , 736 : 99 1151 - TNM Power Co. 4 , 393 . 18 1155 - Layne Texas Co. 40 , 000 . 00 REVENUE BOND DEBT SERVICE FUND #111 - ReFublic Bank Houston 16 ,422 . 1�+ 112 - Frbst National Bank 19 ,472 . 75 113 - Texas Commerce Bank Fr�iendswood "12 ,125 . 00 UEBT SERVICE #1631 - Merchants National Bank ' 22 ,456 . 9? 1632 - Texas Commerce Bank Friendswood 13 ,�57 . 50 1633 - TCB - Friendswood 101 ,558. 75 i � 1634 - Cit.izens State Bank 10 ,228 . 75 CAPITAL PROJECTS #}1171 - Coenco, inc. 4 , 947 . 36 ADJOURNMENT - Motion was made and seconded that the meeting adjourn. The meeting was adjourned. c L�t _ i y ecretary� -- APPROVED: (� <��,� �° �t�,�.� Ma or Ra1ph L. Lotiae