HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1983-08-01 Regular ��� , MINUTES OF A RE�ULAR ME�TING OF THE FRIEPdDSW00D CITY COUNCIL , August l , 1983 The Friendswood City Council met in a regular meeting on Monday , August l, 1983 , at 7 : 00 p .m. at the City Hall with the following -� members present : � Mayor Ralph Lowe City Attorney Larry Schenk Councilman Bruce Branham City Manager Jim Morgan Councilman Jan Jordan City Secretary Bobbie Henry Councilman Paul Schrader Councilman Evelyn Newman Councilman Bob Wicklander Councilman Leon Brown With a quorum present , and with none absent , the following business y--� was transacted: � INVOCATION was given by City Manager Jim Morgan. � CITY/DRAINAGE DISTRICT JOINT PROJECT - A news photo was taken of ��y�_�L `� Mayor Lowe presenting a 50 , 000 check from the City to Dale Anna C[ of the Drainage District , as one-third of the City' s pledge toward expenses for the P1ary' s Creek project. Carl Smith of the Drainage District reviewed the project to date , and explained an additional cost necessitated by pipelines which will have to be crossed. He said he felt this cost can be alleviated by some help from the oil company involved and additional funds from the Drainage District. _., ANNOUNCEMENTS & COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAYOR 1. Mayor Lowe is trying to get the City ' s grant request on the agenda of the Texas Water Development Board for August , and will go to Austin tomorrow to confer with the Executive Director on this matter. 2 . The Mayor said he has been in contact with Galveston County regarding mosquito spraying , and they have agreed to lend the City equipment and fur. nish malathon for spraying within the City. PETITIONS & COMMUNICATIONS 1• Paul Thompkins of the Friendswood Tndustrial lDevelopment Corp . asked that Council authorize $6 ,000 as "seed" money for use by the FIDC Board until they can collect enough fees to start paying their own expenses . 2 . Mrs . Marian West made a formal appeal from the decision of the Planning & Zoning Commission in refusing rezoning of property on Winding Way from C-1 to R-3. P40TION: (Newman) That an orclinanee rezoning the . prope'rty be drawn �ap and.:.posted for. .�Girst;.�..c. , '/�� reading. {�� Second: Jordan d� Vote : Unanimous FOR 1�IOTION CARRIED PUBLIC HEARING ON CITY OPERATING BUDGLT Council.man Schrader. outlined 1=he procedure Followed by Council in formulating , balancing, and adopting the budget. Councilman Jordan then explained ihis particular� budget. She showed diagrams of total expected income , amount set a.side for debt servi.�e , percentage of oper. ati.ng monies designated for the various city departments , and al:l.ocation for eapital outlay, She started that this budget as pr�esented was designed for the Present city , an�� did not address the annexation of Wedgewood. ��9 Mayor Lowe asked if any one in the audience wanted to address Council regarding the proposed annexation. Mr. Dennis Bergeron , stating that he was representing the people of Wedgewood, said that they are "resigned" to the annexation. Mayor Lowe and Councilman Jordan explained some of the points which T1r. Bergeron mentioned as being detrimental to Wedgewood. Library - Ken Gilbreath asked that Council not cut the budget for books and printed material since this would make the library in- ! eligible for $3 , 500 in State funds for the coming year. Council ' assured him that they have no intention of cutting to this extent. ' With a Pew minor statements from the audience and Council , and no others wishing to speak , the budget hearing was closed. PUBLIC HEARING ON REVENUE SHARING FUNDS Mr. Morgan said that last year' s $70 , 346 in revenue sharing was used for drainage . He proposes that the expeeted $54 , 233 be all allocated for streets and drainage . Councilman Brown recapped a proposed ten-year street plan and .Mayor Lowe stated that the City is planning right away to pave Magnolia Street which runs beside the Post Office. With no others wishing to spea]< to the subject , the hearing was closed. MAYOR LOWE CALLED A TEN I�IINUTE RECESS . On reconvening, the following items were handled: RESPONSE TO FEMA LETTER - Councilman Schrader , with concurrence of Council , directed the City P4anager to reply to FEMA on areas in which they state we are not in compliance with the Flood Insurance Program. It was suggested that one letter refer to those items on which we have now come into compliance ; a second letter would ���I give the status of the unauthorized structure on Chigger Creek whicY the City is now trying to alleviate . REPORTS FP.OM THE CITY MANAGER - Mr. I�lorgan gave the present status of repairs to the �l Fire Station , final clean-up on the street construction work by John Carlos , and he stated that work should begin early next week on the Greenbriar bridge . REPORTS FROM COUNCIL MEMBERS l. Councilman Newman reported progress being made on acquiring right-of-way for the Kocurik Cursae project . 2 . Councilman Schrader reminded Council of Friendswood night at the Astrodome. 3 ' Councilman Brown said that the Evaluation Committee has completed the first phase of their study and may be ready to make a report to Council next week. � �/�RESOLUTION #R19'-83 - Endorsi.ng Tood Stewart for entry into law school . MOTION: (�9icklander) to adopt Resolution #R19-83 . Second: Schrader Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED I RESCINDING �MERGENCY ORD'INAIdCE P10 . 83/7� - In view of questions which have been raised r�egarding adop�ian of this ordi.nance , the fnh/��j Attorney advised Counci7. to rescind it Uy motion . aic5 OJ MO'PION: (Wicklander) To rescind Emergency Urdinance }�23/ 7E. Second: Schrader Vote : Unanimous F'OR MOTIOId CARRIED l�� POI.,ICY REGAR.DING UTILITY CONNECTION FEES - Council has proposed that ��j this policy , which has been in effect for some time , be put down ir. � writing and approved by Council to avoid. any further controversey about its enforcability . -2- I L)/ I The policy as presented reads as follows : Water &__Sewer Connection/Expansion Fees All water and sewer connection/expansion fees shall be collected at the time of the issuance of building permits . There shall be no water or sewer connection/expansion fees collected in advance of the issuance of building permits , � I with one exception : i . e. Upon request of an individual for a water tap to a tract of land on which there is to be no ' construction. I MOTION: CNewman) To adopt the administrative policy on water / and sewer connects . Second : Schrader Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED �� RECONVENE PUBLIC HEARING ON TEXAS NEW MEXICO RATE REQUEST � The hearing was reconvened. With no one wishing to speak to the subject , the hearing was deferred until the next Council meeting. � (� SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE - T-1083 - First Reading ,,�,�.t MOTION : (Wicklander) To approve first reading of Ord. #T=1083 . Second: Newman � Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED WARRANT FOR APPROVAL I Capital Projects Fund Check #1153 To John Carlo $27 , 513 . 54 (^� MOTION: (Schrader) To a rove � I PP payment of Check. #1153 . Second: Jordan Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED EXECUTIVE SESSION - An executive session was held pursuant to Section 2 (e) Art . 6252-17 VTCS . No action resulted from this meeting. ADJOURNMENT - Motion made and seconded that the meeting adjourn. The meeting was adjourned. -��v ��yt�t ._.- City Secretary APPROVED: ay ol.�`_`--.—�_��,�- I -3-