HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1983-07-25 Regular f ` �/ MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL July 25 , 1983 A Regular Meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held at the City Hall on Monday , July 25 , 1983 , at 7 : 00 p.m. with the following members present : , I Mayor Ralph Lowe City At�torney Larry Schenk Councilman Evelyn Newman City Manager Jim Morgan Councilman Jan Jordan City Secretary Bobbie Henry Councilman Leon Brown Councilman Bruce Branham Councilman Paul Schrader Couneilman Bob Wicklander Wit� a quorum present , and with none absent , the following business � was transacted : � INVOCATION was given by Rev, Darrell Green, Church of Christ � APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Minutes of a Regular :leeting of July 11 , approved as corrected; Minutes of a Special Meeting of July 18 , � approved as read. ANNOUNCEMENTS FROM THE MAYOR l. A letter from the Highway Department states `that widening of (��J�' the section of FM 518 toward Pearland, with curbs and gutters and esplinades , will cost the City approximately $1 , 075 , 025 . City Engineer Malcolm Collins was asked to discuss this further � with Mr. Waddlington of the Highway Department . � - 2 . The Annalea force feed line has been accepted by Texas Dept . of Water Resources , and bond money has been received by the City. PETITIONS & COP4MUNICATTONS /o� -- X3 l. Dale Whittenburg, under. the newly adopted emergency ordinance increasing sewer and water connection fees , Would have to pay $56 , 000 for 36 units in Walden Pond development , voiced� a protest against the amount of the fees , the adoption of the ordinance as an emergency , and being required to pay the connection fees at the �ime building permits were issued. Fie specifically appealed to Council to set aside the unwritten policy regarding purchase of connections along with building permits . Jim Morris , Attorney and Bob Gou1d, representative for the developers of Walden Pond , also questioned the validity of the city' s fee schedule and adoption of the emergency ordinance. Ordinance #83/7 - Several changes had been made to the emer.gency form of the ordinance prior to posting for first reading. MOTION: (Brown) To adopt Ord. ##83/'7 as amended on first /�d , permanent reading. � ISecond : Newman MOTION TO AMEND ORDINANCE AS POSTED (Schrader? To make an aaa�t�Tl provis�'�i.on under P.esidential' �Wate.r&Sec,�eb;,��o; i�dicat that the first taP will be at the listed amount ; that each additional tap for a multip.le unit be cliarged $300 , and that al]_ fees are to be paid before a building permit i.s ��/ issued. ✓ Second: Jordan � Vote : FOI� ( 3) Jordan , Schrader, Newman AGAINST (4) Browii , Wicklander, Branhar.l, Lowe MOTION F'AILED MOTION TO AMEND ORDINANCE (Wicklander) To amend the ord.���� to read that "�n]ater and Sewer fees are �?�epaid at time of issuance of building permit . ��°� Second (Schrader) , Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED VOTE ON ORIGINAL MOTION AS AMENDED FOR ( 4) Brown, Wicklander, Lowe , Branham A�AINST ( 3 ) Jordan, Schrader , Newman MOTION CARRIED In considering charges made by Whittenburg and Morris , in view , of wording in the City Charter, the City Attorney ruled �the ' emergency ordinance appears to b� illegal. rp��_�?, MOTION: ( Schrader) To post.,.rescinding of the ordinance on � ( � � p� the next agenda. Q Second: Brown Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED RESOLUTION R14-83 commended C. W. Culver & Associates on a good and expeditious job they did in paving Morningside Street . The resolution was adopted by unanimous vote of the Council and presented .to Mr. Culver. �Kj�„_�3 BEST WASTE CONTRACT RENEWAL - Bob Drenth asked that this contract be renewed for three years for collection of garbage in Friendswood, stating that there is no rate increase being requested art this time . l��/� MOTION : (Newman) To renew the contract with Best Waste for an additional three years . Second: Brown ' Vote : Unanimous FOR P40TION CARRIED ORDINANCES #T883 - Rabies t;ont� . -Second Readin� � 'I� /C�� MOTION: (Schrac; r To pass Ord. T-883 on second reading. -- �-�{-f� Second : Jordan Vote : Unanimou: K MOTION CARRIED #T983 - Junk C:ir Or.. nce - Second reading -I-� MOTION: (Jordai: . :'o pass Ord. #T983 on second reading. Second : i�lewman Vote : Unan:imou: �: MOTION CARRIED PUBLIC HEARIN6 ON `i'LXAS__; . : i4EXIC0 RATE INCREASE - The meeting was reconvened. Witli no one ., ! :;lting to speak , the hearing was then reeessed. FROM THE ATTORNEY - Larry 9chenk informed Council that recent legislation will i��:rrnit 'LLem to increase Municipal Court Fines but each ordinance wil.l need l:o be revised to state the new fine . EXECUTIVE SESSION - Fursuant to Section 2 (e ) Article 6252-17 Vernon` s Texas Civil Statutes . No forma..l action resulted from this meeting. � �� _.�� -�j OFFICIAL KEY TO THE CITY r-� MOTIOTd : (Schrader) To commission Carl Murray to design an �` J �g3 official "Key to the City. " Second : Newman Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED CALLING PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSID�R DECLATZING CERTAIN AKEAS AS "BLIGHTE� AREAS"FCR DEVELOPi�1rNT BOND PURPOSES ----- �' Q� g� MOTION: ( Schrader) To ca.11 a heahingito consider two parcels 0 of land for development , hearing to be held at 7 : 30 p .m. on August 15 . Second : Brown Vote : Unaninxous FOR MOTION CARRIED -2- 53 CALLING PUBLIC HEARING ON REZONIN� MOTION : (Wicklander) To call a joint hearing with P&ZC for �� 8 : 00 p.m. Thursday , August 18 , ' to consider rezoning of // d ` a lot at 203 Skyview and land on East Castlewood. � Second: Jordan Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED ( RESOLUTION # R-15-II3 - To approve participation with H-GAC in � a 20 Channel Tape Logger - FY 84 . MOTION: (Brown) To adopt Resolution R-15-83 . Second: Schrader �o7p/p� Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED � 4 CHECKS FOR APPROVAL - By unanimous vote , the following checks were approved for payment ; � General Fund #2151 - White Mines $ 4 , 301. 23 '�' 2161 - Best Waste Systems 28 , 000 . 00 � 2149 - TML Workers Compensation 2 , 920 . 00 � AD.TOURNMENT - Motion made that the meeting adjourn. The meeting was adjourned. � /-a,�C t`Y ecretar � APPROVED: j����-� � ay��� "—"" � ' .. '