HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1983-05-16 Regular �9
May 16 , 1983
A Reoular Meerting of the Friendswood City Council was held at
the City Hall on Monday, May 16 , 1983 , at 7 : 00 p .m. with the
il � following members present :
Mayor Ralph Lowe City �anager Jim Morgan
�. , Councilmen : Evelyn 'iSewman City Secrertary Bobbie Henry
Leon Brown
' Jan Jordan
Bob Wicklander
Yaul Schrader
With a quorum present, and. with Councilman Branham absent , the
� following business was transacted :
' (� INVOCATION was given by Rev. . Roger Patterson of First Baptist
�r Church.
`� APPROVAL OF MINUTES � Minutes of a Special Meeting of April 25 ,
� a Special Meeting of April 26 , a Regular Meeting of May 2 , and
a Special Meeting of May 9 , all were app.roved as corrected.
Mr. Paul Hicks of 408 Linda L,ane told of several arrests and
i tickets received by his wife and himself, indicating rthe he felt
they are being mistreated and harassed by the Friendswood Police
; ��� Department .
, Council asked Mr, Morgan to thoroughly investigate the charges
— and report back to Council next week on his findings .
Mr. Paul Barker and Mr. Roy Dodson of Espey , Huston Engineers ,
presented technical information ori the cause of flooding in develop-
ing areas and possible techniques and studies which could be used
tooaard controlling flooding. 'Pheir approach was general rather
than directed specifically to Friendswood ' s problems
A question and answer period followed the presentation with members
of Council , C1ear Cree]c Drainage District , and interested local
engineers joining in the discussion .
1 . Mayor Lowe said that ]Ze has had discussions with other residents
of Polly Ranch Estates and is convinced that Council action �to
grant a Waiver oS rncroachment to Mr. Bill Gulledge last week
should be reconsidered.
He asked that this item be placed on the agenda for the next
' 2 . He announced that City Secretary Bobbie Henry Pias been selec-ted
��' as "Outstandina Municipal C1erk of 1983" by the Clerks �nd
_._ Secretaries organization which includes some 14 courities arou.nd
Houston .
3 . River Walk , a new mu.lt:L-housing development in Pea.rland just y������
acr. oss the county line from Frie.ndswood , nas its entrance onto
FM 57.8 in a way that CclllSP_S an off-set with Winding Road in
Vi1l.age Green . This w.ill caL2se two off-sets ver.y close together
considering the one at Chel.sea ancl Dunba.r. `Phe Mayor stated
that he feels this will constitute a real traffic hazard in the
future and asy,ed that Council take action rto pr. otesrt thi.s ofF-
set. Since the intersection in question is in the City of Pea.r-
].and, Council agr. eed -L-o adopt a .resolution pr. otestin� the locatian
and as]< Pear. larid to �ake a.ction to correct �he situation .
4. Mayor Lowe said that this , along with a number of other
practices and regulations now iri force , may not be as
appropriate in today ' s situation as when these laws were
passed, and he proposed to invite the Planning Commission ,
Board of Adjustment , and Community Appearance Board to be
present art next Monday ' s meeting rto discuss some of the.
problems which have surfaced recently. Council concurred
with this proposal. �- ,
�� �� � COMPILATION OF ANNEXATION INFORMATION - At Council ' s direction , �
Mr. Morgan has talked with Jess Williams concerning preparing
information regarding the proposed Wedgewood annexation. Mr.
Williams estimates -this work would cost between $1 , 000 and $2 , 000
depending on the amount of time necessary to make the proper
investigation and documentation.
Council agreed that they have every intention of evaluating the
annexation of Wedgewood this year. They direeted P4r. Morgan
to proceed to engage Jess Wi.11iams , C. P.A. , for his help on
this project .
authorization to attend police training school as a prerequisite
to becoming a reserve policeman. Chief Wright highly recommended
the applicant , and Council said they wou.ld like to meet him a-t
the next meeting before approvin� his request.
Sudrez' �resent y serving as ' prosecutor for the City, as Court
Judge , contingent on his acceptance of the appointment . Mr. Morgan
reported that he has contacted Suarez and he will be pleased to --
serve as Judge . j
Suarez submitted the name of Robert Montgomery for consideration ' '
as the new prosecutor. Council will interview Mr. Montgomery at
next Monday' s meeting.
BIDS ON SLOPE MOWER - Councilman Jordan reported that the Clear
Creek Drainage T�'istrict has agreed to mow the larger ditches which
would req,uire this type of equipment , three times during the summer
so that it will not be necessary for the City to purchase the
mower at thi:s time . Council agreed that under these circumstances ,
they would forego this purchase , and Mr. Morgan wi11 so inform the
firms who submitted bids to the City.
NEW BILLB.OARD AND DOG POUND LAWS - . The bi.11board law, now on the
Governor s desk for slgnature , arid the dog pound law which is up
for final vote in the legislature , will both be detrimental and
costly for the Cit�. It was a.greed that Council will vote Thursday
nigh.t on sending telegrams to the Governor and our Legislators
asking that these two b9.11s not 'be signed into law.
CHECKS PqR APPROVAL - The following checks were unanimously approved
for pa,yment ;
�eneral Pund #1559 - 7'exas New Mexico Power $ 3 , 629 . 06
1562 - Texas New Nlexico Yower 2 , 544. 04 ,
1578 - Friendswood I , S .D . 35 , 746 . 00 I
Water & Sewer �/9 ?5 - GCWDA j
21 , 21� . 01
Debt Service #1627 - Texas Commerce Bank 71 ; 400 . 00
Constz�uction Projects#1:151 - Earl Campbell Const . 36 , 250 . 67
1152 - Earl C�r.lpbell Canst . 75 , 412 . 02
1155 - Coen.co , Inc. 6 , 7].4 . 53
Wa�te Dis�osal /f517 - CAT Contractin�, Inc. � 24 8II7 . 8f3
Capita]. Projects Chec:k #/1153 to John Carlo Texas fvr '
$2.7 ,513 . 54 was not approved pending settlement with
Carlo 'on finalizing their p.roject .
MOTION TO RECESS - Motion was made and seconded, and voted
unanimously , to recess the meeting until Thursday evening
at' 7 : 30 p .m:
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