HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1983-05-02 Regular �l MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL May 2 , 1983 A Regular Meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held at City I-Iall on Monday , May ? , 1983 , at 7 : 00 p .m. with the follow- - I ing members present : II Mayor Ralph Lowe City Attorney Larry Schenk Councilmen : Leon Brown City Manager Jim Morgan Evelyn Newman City Secretary Bobbie Henry Bob Wicklander Bruce Branham Jan Jordan Paul Schrader With a quorum present , and with none absent , the following busi- � ness was transacted: • �� INVOC�TION was given by Jim Morgan. � � ANNOUNCEMENTS FROM THE MAYOR / �� �'1 � l. The total amount of bonds to be f.unded by TWRC for the `" Annalea Sewer Line appar. ently includes engineering fees which have already been paid out of city funds . If true , out of �the total bonds to be financed ( $235 , 000 ) a balanee of $48 , 362 would remain after payment of the contract. This amoun't could be put back into rthe General Pund for use on other projects . Councilman Jordan was Familiar with these figures and will pursue the matter with TWRC for a final decision . ! 2 . A waiver of encroachment approved for Bill Gulledge last wee]< �-. � relative to locating a driveway over a drairiage easement has been opposed by a number of property owners in the vicinity. Mayor Lowe said that since this waiver was granted without any in-put from neighbors , Council might wish to reconsider their action. PETITIONS & COMMUNICATIONS 1. Municipal Court Judge Charles Kinsey presented a letter to Council tendering his resignation due to pressure of personal business . He stated thaL he would be happy rto con�tinue -to ser.ve un.til a replacement can be found, and would also serve as alternate judge if.-' Council so desired. 2 . Charles Henley , owner of Sunmeadow Country Club; was concerned about use of unlicensed dr:l.vers and vehicles used for golf course mainfenance using s-treets in the subdivision -to get from one green to another. He was told that there could be no except- ior. to operator of a vehiele on the street being required to have a driver ' s license . He was also concerned about vandalism to the course and equip- i ment by residenr. juveniles . Mr. Morgan was directed to wor]< with Mr. Henley and the Police Department toward a solution I to his prob]_ems . 3 . Bil7_y McAninch asked for rezoning of four "reserves" which were on the original plat of Po11y Ranch and not rezoned after the sub�ivision w�s annexed into the C.i-ty. He was told that he would have Lo rnake anplication and go through the standard pr.ocedure f.�or r. ezonin� unde.r. the City ' s 7oning Ordinance . PUBLIC HEAkI1JG ON TEXAS-NE�A-MEYICO POWER C0 . RATE INCREASF' Dwight Spurlocic of TNM explained that the increa�e would amount o:E 5-3/4o net increase for. residentia]_ custemers or $2 . 50/month for "aver. age" custorne.rs . The increase system-wide would be 4% . With no questions coming forth from the publie , the hearin� was elosed. �� CALLING PUBLIC HEARING FOR REZONING - Tom Montgomery has requested rezoning of a parcel of land a-t the corner of PM S1B and C�stle- wood as follows : 8 . 85 acres from C-1 to. R-4 and 2 . 55 acres from R-1 to R-4 for a development of four-unit housing units . � �� MOTION : (Wicklander) To call a public hearing jointly wi-Lh P&ZC for 7 : 30 Thur. sday , May 19 , 1983 at the City Ha11 . Second : Newman Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED ��Jt�'� OPENING BIDS ON SLOPE MOWER FOR STREET DEPARTM�NT - The following � � bids were opened and read: Case Power & Equipment Co . Case 1490 w/Terrain King SM395 Mower $27 , g45 . 00 Lansdowne-Moody Co. , Inc. Ford 6610 Tractor with Motrim SA-31 mower 27 , 670 . 00� ! Ford 6610 Tractor with ^ Bomford Briggin Mower 34 , 925 . 00 Pord 5610 Tractor with Motrim MT76 Articulating Boom Mower 30 , 347 . 00 Brookside Equipment Sales John Deere 2351 Diesel Tr. actor w/Bomford Brigand Mower 27 , 379 . 59 Hyco Equipment , Inc . John Deere 2640 Tractor with Terrain King SM 395 Mower 28 , 476 . 00 �b� Q x MOTION : (Schrader) To refer the bids to the City Manager for _ �J� review and recommendation to Council . Second : Newman � Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED ' Mayor Lowe said he has talked to Mr. Meinecke regarding pur. chase of the mower versus rental of such equipment , and that rental might be the more economical of the two . He asked that this be thoroughly investigated prior to awarding the bid on this equipment . INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT WITH CLEAR CREEK DRAINAGE DISTRICT - After execution of this contract by the City, CCDD asked for two m;nor changes , and requested Council approval and the Mayor ' s initialing of these changes . �`�Q 3 MOTION : (Wicklander) To approve th.e changes and authorize the � Mayor to so indicate on the contract .. Second : Newman Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CAI2RIED REPORTS FROM COUNCIL , 1 . Councilman Ne�aman said that rthe �ht-of-way for the Kocurek curve and four--lanes on FM 528 is essentia'lly completed and she will be meeting wi=th Paul Selman of tl-�e Coun'ty Right-of- Way Division nex�t Thursday on this matter. 2 . Federal Aid Urban Sysrtem Prog,ram - A letter from the Mayor ' was read into the recor. d r�questing widening to four. -l�ne on FM 528 frorn . 6 mi7.es west of Chioger C.r. eek Bridge '�o the Clear Creek Bridge unde.r this p.rogram. (�1 copy of the lette'r is rnade a part of these minutes . ) 3 . Flood Control Planning - Fngineer Malcolm Co].lins has written a letter. and mailed application to the Te;�a.s Depar. tment of Water Resources for gra.nt Fttnds -tc help a.11e.viate flooding in Friendswoed., a new program under the Wa� er Loan Assistance Fund. 'i'his is a new program and Friendswood .is the f=irst to apply ior assistance . The request is for $196 , 000 . 4 , Counc;ilman Brown repor.ted that the Evalua.tion Cammi.ttee wi11 be meeting eve.ry Wed'nesday nigrrL with various ci�Cy personnel until their assignment ha.s been completed. �3 CCouncilman Brown left the meeting at this point . ) FUNDS FOR ARENA PARK - Mayor Lowe reported certain new structures %�-�� and repairs which have been made to buildin s a g t the old cit ark but y p said an additional $2 , 500 is needed for new elecrtrical wiring and water supply. He said it is important that this worlc be done in time for "The Gather. ing , " an annual affair for city employees and volunteer worker. s held at the park on the evening of July 3 . Mr. Morgan recommended that money for this work be taken from the budget contingency fund. � � MOTION : CWic]clander) To aceept the recommendation of the City ' ! Manager to make the repairs at the park and pay for �'1� the work out of contingency funds . �/�y Second : Newman u� Vo�e : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED APPOINTP�ENT TO BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MOTION: CNewman) To appoint Tom Sullivan as an alternate member ,� of the Board of Adjusrtment . Second: Jordan 7�-�3 � Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED ����3 (� MORE FROM COUNCIL MEMBERS � l . Councilman Schrader said that he and Councilman Jordan will be meeting next Monday a� 3 : 00 p .m. with Commissioners Court to , discuss funds from the County for work on Clear Creek: 2 . Councilman Schrader also aslced that copies of Industrial Dist . 2 and 3 contracts be distributed to Council and tha-t this subject be on the next agenda. ' 3 . Councilman Jordan asked that "Areas of possible cooperation �, I between Friendswood, Pearland, and Alvin" be on the next agenda. � MINUTES FOR APPROVAL - Minutes of a Special Meeting o.f April 11 , and a Regular Meeting of April 18 , were approved as corrected. ORDINANCES #T-483 - Rezoning on FM 2351 from R-1 to R-3 (Whitmire) - Third and Final reading. MOTION: (Wicklander) To adopt Ord. T-483 on third reading . � Second: Newman �j VOTE : FOR ( 3 ) Wicklander, Newman, Lowe �� AGAINST ( 3 ) Schrader, Jordan , Branham MOTION FAILED #T- 583 - Imposing an additional penalty to defray cosrts of collection of delin�uent taxes - Second Reading MOTION : (Jordan) To pass Ord. T-583 on second reading . Second: Newman Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CAKRIED #T-683 - and ��T-783 - Rezoning in Regency Estates from R-;3 tc R-1 � I and C-1 to R-4_. - Pirsrt Reading � — j I MOTION : ( Schrader) To table both ordin.ances until the right-of- way For widening PP9 528 has been determined. Second: Newman �'/_/� Vote : F012 ( 2 ) Newman, Schrader �� 3 AGlaINST ( 4) Jordan , Wicklander, Branham, Lok*e ` MOTION FAILED MOTION: CJor•dan ) To approve first reading of Ord. T-683 . Second: Wic]<lander Vote : POR (5 ) Jordan, Wicklander , Newman, Schr. ader. , I�owe . AGAINST : Branham MOTION CARRTE:D a`f MOTION : (Wicklander) To approve first reading of T-783 . Second : Jordan Vote : FOR ( 5 ) Jordan , Wicklander, Lowe , Newman , Schrader AGAINST : Branham MOTION CARRIED CHECKS FOR APPRO,UAL - By unanimous vote , the following check was approved for payment : Water � Sewer Fund Check 1f935 - Texas Municipal League $2 , g20 . 00 � EXECUTIVE S .F.SSION- Sec . 2 (g) Ar. rt . 6252-17 VTCS . - No action resulted from this session . ADJOURNMENT - Motion made and seconded that the meeting adjourn . The meeting was adjourned. y �¢ „ �_ ���. City Secretary �` — APPROVED: � Mayo ��'-�—t.�=- ' �