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HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1983-04-26 Special /7 A SPECIAL MEETING OP TH� FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL April 26 , 1983 A Special� Meetino of the F.riend.swood City Council was held at the City Hall on Tuescl�y, April 26 , 1983 , 7 : 30 p .m. , for the _ purpose of �iscussing the possibility of a Tri-City Police I Department among the cities or Priendswood , t\lvin, and Pearland , I i with the following present : Mayor Ralph Lowe City Manager Jim P�organ Councilmen: Jan Jordan Paul Schrader Bruce Brinham �velyn Newman ulith a quorum present , and with Councilmen Wickl�nder and Brown � absent , the meeting was convened . � Mayor Lowe presided and called the meeting to order with a �/—��} � statement that the three Mayors had met pxeviously to discuss (.� ways to reduce costs and improve efficiency. He further st�ted � that the Friendswood City Attorney is pessimistic about the � possiUility of such an organization. Mayor Lowe said he had met with the Priendswood Police Department at one ol their re - gular meetings , and it was his impression that the Police were unanimous for more study on the possibility of a Tri-City Police llepartment . Nayor Reid of Pearland stated that rapid growth and limited resources are common to all three cities ; the Mayors in each � I city must look at all possible ways to initiate savings ; and , there are obvious problems with distance , logistics , involvement ___� of two counties , etc. While the concept has worked well in some cities , it has been disastrous in other areas . If the concept is pursued in our area, we need to be assured of an in- crease in the level of services , a.s we1T as being cost effective . Mayor Gray of Alvin stated that, it is his opinion that all of our cities need to keep an onen mind to investigate avenues of improved services and efCici.ency ot operations available to us . Mayor Lowe then callecl on t:he Chiefs of Police in each city for their views on the concept : 1 . Chief 4Vright of Prienclswood said that , while thexe are many unknowns in this concept , he is open for consideration of any possibility for improving services at a reduced cost . 2 . Chief Stamford of Pearland indicated that his views had been stated by others who hcid �.lready spoken. 3 . Chief Jez or Alvin stated. he felt that there should be considerable discussion about the type of consolidation, level of services to be a.chieved. , and the methods used to attain the i ef:Eiciency of operations . '. Mayor Lowe then opened the meeting ror discussion by othex membzr. s o:E t e Ci.ty Council.s of Lhe t.hree cities and/or the audience : Councilman Mac oi Pearlancl questioned the extent of the current level of cooperation among tlie three cities and emp.hasized that there is alreacly an intergovernmental agreement Uetween Friends[000d and Pearlan<l regarding water anci sewer service and also a mutu.aJ.- aid agreement between the two cities . / � Councilman Boss of Pearland asked if there h�d been any othex epartmental cooperation cliscussed among the three cities . Mayor Gray of Alvin responded that the capital costs oi the buil icT`ng was t]le initial basis for serious consider. ation ot the concept . Following are statements and lluestions from the audience without identification of the respondents : i- , 1 . Will there be a substation in all three cities? ' i 2 . Is bigger better? ! ' 3 . Why are cities within Houston mai_ntaining their own depart - ments if it is cost effective to consolidate? 4 . Friendswood will subsidize the other two cities . 5 . Cost of the new building iaill be very large . 6 . The concept cannot , in fact , reduce personnel . 7 . There are no economies of scale in this concept . Councilman Branham of Friendswood asked if there were any police o ficers present who had any positive comments regarding thi_s concept? Responses from the audience were : 1 . Require fewer people in the communications division . 2 . Better opportunity for advancement . 3 . Better sllaries in larger clepartment . 4 . There would be an eradication of ctuplication. S . Records systems management could be improved . Additional questions and comments from the public : ' 1 . What happens if we try the concept , build the buildings , move the communications and it doesn 't work? 2 . The unique problems and populations of the various cities should be addressed . �, 3 . The cities should proceed no further . 4 . It is a good idea to study ways to improve our operations . S . Problems will Ue encountered with fi].ing charges in various counties . 6 . We could combine some recorcls , computers , etc. , without consolidating the departments . 7 . Can a small city continue to A break for coffee wa.s called at 8 : 45 p .m. The meeting reconvened at 9 : 05 p .m. Ma or Lowe asked Mayor Reicl to read the question that is being consi ere�c for suUmission to each city council : Mayor Reid : "�ach individual council should vote to evaluate the ' possiUility of total or parti�l consolidation o! a Tri-City Poli,ce ' Service , " ` Mayor Lowe then asked the au.dience for a show o.f. hands on whether ur no�e a.udi.ence believed each individual c:ity should consider the aUove c�uestion? The response was an overwhelming no . /9 , Councilman Jordan of Friendswood suggested an alternate that may be considered by the three cities : "Evaluate the possi- bility of areas of cooperation' in areas where such cooperation does not exist . " Mayor Lowe adjourned the meeting with an expression of apprecia- tion to representatives of all three cities , as well as the audience for their interest in their respective communities . II � �����Q � �.��r.- �!_ City Secretary � � APPROVED : � � �� i [9-�.-t/-� � May� ��.. � _