HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1983-04-25 Special i -
April 25 , 1983
A Special Meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held at the
City Hall on Monday, npril 25 , 1983 , at 7 : 00 p .m, with the follow-
ing present :
� I Mayor Ralph Lowe City Manager Jim Morgan
Councilmen: Leon Brown
Evelyn Newman
' Pzul Schrader
Jan Jordan
Bruce Branham
With a quorum present , and with Councilman Wicklander absent , the
following business was transacted :
["� �,�
(� The Sunset Bridge dedi.cation was held at noon April 23 . Former �'�� tl
�r Councilman Todd Stewart acted as Nlaster of Ceremonies for this
�� occasion .
'Q It now appears that the hope of an increased sales tax for eiforts
on Clear Creek is not possible during the present session of the
Legislature .
The meeting among the cities of Friendswood, Pearland, and Alvin
will be held on Tuesday, April 26 , 7 : 30 p .m. , at• the Friendstaood.
City I-lall to discuss the possibiliti.es of and problems associated
Iwith the proposed Tri-City Police Denartment .
� I The week of May 19 , 1983 , was proclaimed. United 5tates Army Pield
`-- Band Week.
Priendswood Chamber of Commerce - Annette Mullins , President of
the Prien swoo Chamber of Commerce , made an appearance to challenge
the City Council , both present and past members , and their spouses
to a six- inning softball slow-pitch game on June 11 at 2 : 30 p .m.
a�ainst members of the Friendswood Chamber of Commerce . The City ,
Council accepted with alacrity.
Request for Sewage Treatment Canacit� - Ron 1�Iarshall , representing
�ne Henry S . �Iiller Company , requested that. the City Council sell
22 , 000 gallons per da.y capacity in the Bl.ackhawk SVastewater Treat- �t;u�"
ment Plant to his cli.ent . MUD-55' is at its peak allocated capacity�
at the present time , and this restricts his client irom bei.ng
allowed to construct his Uusiness in the Baybrook D4a11 area . The
Ci.ty �ngineer reported that the City has adequate ca.nacity to re-
lease 22 , 000 gallons a day , It was est:imate�i the purchase price
would be approximately $29 , 000 . '
MOTION : (Jord.an) To sell 22 , 000 gallon.s per clay sewage capacity
I as requested subject to the contract for sale ��
, being app.rovecl by the City Attorney and the �
sale price being at the same �allon-per-day
price as agreed. upon i.n recent negotiations .
Second: Brown
Vote : llnanimous POR MOTSON CARRIED
Request tor Waiver of �ncroachment - Bi.11 Gulledge , owner of 1ot 'lg , ".`
1o].ly Ranch Subcl.ivision., requested a waiver to a11ow hi.m to encroacki ���
upon a drainage easernent on the side of his property to the property
line . Mr . Gu1:ledge explained that , due to the physical layout of
his pronerty and the existence of several trees , the waiver is beina
requested so he might move his driveway toward the property line to
avoid killing his trees ,
�/,,Ig� rnOTION : (Newman) The City of Priendswood grant the waiver of
E� encro achment onto the dra.:in�ge easement to
the propexty line subject to preparat9_on of
the waiver by the City �ttorney , legal �ees
to be paid by Mr . Gulledge .
Second : Jordan
Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED � �
Helicopter Landings - Bill Sheridan, who resides at 503 GVilliamsburg , I
complained about continued landings of a helicopter between tlle
Empire Chateau Subdivision and Heritage Estates Subdivision. The
City Manager was instructed to locate and contact the owners of the
landing site and ask them to .attend a council meeting and have the
City Attorney look in.to the possible controls of such activity .
A public hearing on a request for rezoning at 305 East Edgewood
from R1 to C3 1J15 held with the P1lnning and Zoning Commission at
7 : 50 b .m. Mr . Ca.vallo expressed his reasons for his request .
Opposition to the rezoning was expressed by Mrs . Lill LangclQC ,
Mr . Jim Shore , and Mr . Bob Parker . Statements favoring the ch�nge
were made by Mrs . Cavallo and Mrs . Scoulios . The public heari.ng
was adjourned at 8 : 20 p .m.
Jan Jordan reported she had spoken with representatives of the
Espey- Huston Engineering Company , an,d they will h�ve a representa-
tive at the Frienctswood City I-Iall for a May 16 meeting to discuss I �
various aspects of local iloocl control matt-ers . Cost for this
presentation will be $250 . Other members oi' the Council expressed
an interest and there were no objections to such a presentation .
Evelyn Newman reported that the City Attorney is having difficulty
in completing the exchange of property consisting of the old seg-
ment of Winding iVay with Ray Utley as originally agr. eed. The C_i_ty
Manager was instructed to ask the City Attorney to provide a report
on the best way to accomplisll this oUjective .
L, �,�;i Ambulance Repairs - Superior Southwest be awardeel the bid for
" l �' limite repairs to the older ambulance in the amount of $4 ,075
and the difference between those costs a.nd the sale price of
$5 , 000 be retainecl to make other repa.irs to the ambulance locally .
/_�(.�„ It was suggestec� that all bi.l].s be sent to the City for approval.
lV �X�rather than the Fire Department .
MOTION : (Jordan) To accept the recommendation of the
City Manager .
Second : Brown -
Vote : Un�nimous POR MOTION CARRIED i
Traffic Control Devices - Information concerning trafFic control �
evices was presente to the Council . These devices ax•e to be
erected on Melody Lane ancl on Ca.stlewood in the {4ilderness 'P.rail.s
Subclivision. No objectior�s were voiced and action wi11 be i.nitia.ted ,
The City Manager was reminded to have t.h.e palice investigate execting
stop signs on Wincling Road within the Village Green Subdivision. and.
on. Castle Harbour t,:i.thin the Sunmeadow SuUdivision in an attempt io
slow the speeding traffic. I-Ie was also reminded to request s:ignal
lights at Sunmead.ow 13oulevard and FM- S"L8 and at W.inding Road and
PTi-518 .
, Service of Court Alarr�nts - The City Council , City Manager , and
Constable W itten urg iscussed the legal opinion prepared by the
City Attorney concerning service or municipal warrants by the
constable . Constable Whittenhurg st�ted that , due to the legal
questions raised by the Attorney, he would not Ue interested in
contracting with the City but would like to pursue with the County
nttorney the possiUility of the County contracting with the City
Ifor the constable to provide the service .
I Pire Station No . 1 Bid Award - The City Engineer reported that he
hac. receive t e necessary performance and payment boncis from The
Blake Company and they should be �L�tr�or�Zea to proceecl with the
job immediately on repairs to Pire Station No . l .
Planning Commission Appointment - Fequest had been made to fill ;>?>--- 2;-°'
the vacancy on tihe Pl.anning £�Zoning Commission.
� MOTION: (Brown) To appoint Bill Jones to the Planning ��'J
and Zoning Commission �8�
�"'� Secon.d : Jordan
(� Vote : Unanimous POR MOTION CARRIED
� ADJOURNNENT - Motion was rnade and seconded that the meetin ad � ourn .
� The meeting was adjourned .
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- City Secretary
I..._ APPROV�D :
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