HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1983-04-11 Special i � , MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE PRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL April 11 , 1983 A Special Meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held at rthe City Hall on Monday , April 11 , 1983 , at 7 : 00 p . m. with � � the following members present : � � ' Mayor Ralph Lowe City Manager Jim Morgan , Councilmen : Leon Brown City Secretary Bobbie Henry Evelyn Newman Bob Wieklander Bruce Branham Paul Schrader Jan Jordan � With a quorum present , and with none absent , the following ,� business was transacted : ' � (,� WARRANT SERVICE PROPOSAL - Dale Whit-tenburg , County Constable , ,Q proposed to serve warrants for the City in exchange for cost of Q fuel for his car and a set amount for each warrant served. No action was taken by Council on this request. INTRODUCTION OF NEWS MEDIA - Mayor Lowe introduced Debra Schultz , new managing editor , of the JOURNAL to replace Garry Matlow, who is moving to Clevelarid. Also introduced were Luther Rowsey who will be the new editor, and Scotrt Padgen .who will be covering I I council meetings for KTEK radio station in Alvin. i i PRESENTATION BY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE - Annette Mullins , President � of the Friendswood Chamber of Commerce , presented honorary memberships to -the Mayor and Councilmen. She also invited them to attend a "Legislative Breakfast" in Galveston on . April 22 when community leaders will be able to discuss pertinent subjects with legislators from this area. PUBLIC HEARING FOR CITIZEN INPUT ON BUDGET CONSIDERATSONS Those wishing to address Council were Don Beeth , Lee Nichols , Bi11 Patton , Dickie Warren , Jack Glenn , Mitch Mitchell , and �d Stuart . Opinions given were that Friendswood is in trouble tax-wise , the 40% homestead exemption is unfair to people with rental property , City taxes are fair and reasonable , that overal.l taxe are too high to induce new business to come to the City , a question regarding stree-t i.mprovement through assessment , and from a recent unsuccessful candidate for council, a number of areas of city servi_ces whic'n voters voiced dissatisfaction wi-th during the campaign. When al1 who wished to speak had been heard , the hearing was closed. RESOLUTION R7-83 A R�SOLUTION URGING PASSAGE OF HOUSE BILL `����; I #f136 RLQUlRING A DEFOSIT ON ALL DISPOSAI3LE BEVERAGE CONTAINERS � The Communi-ty Appearance Board has reques*ed that Council talce � � a stand in favor of this Bill and to contact the legisla±ors . � MOTION: (Jordan) To adopt ResoluL-ion ¢�136 . �� Second : Branham Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED PROCI,AMATION - Mayor. Lowe read a proclamation declar. ing this week as "Private Property Week" at the request of the Clear Lake nrea .Reattors , � ELECTION OF MAYOR PRO-TET4 - Mayor Lowe pointed out that tra- ditionally the Mayor pro-tem has been the longest in service who has not served in this capacity. Based on this , he said that Councilman Leon Brown was a member. of Friendswood' s first City Council in 1961 , and proposed that he be considered For e'� Mayor Pro-tem. —`.d i Councilman Schrader made a suggest�.on to divide rthe year into two i�', _ and three month terms with Councilmen Brown , Wicklander , Newman , i ��", Sordan , and Branham each ser; ' ;r during the year. The motion ' i died for lack of a second. I �� MOTION: (Wicklander) To a,,. ..: rit Councilman Brown as Mayor Pro-tem II Second: Newman - Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED STUDENT 60VERNP4ENT DAY - Ph;�:,. � :: Lee outlines activities planned for Student Government Dac� ��ii 18 , and invited members of the Council to speak rto <<<_ � ,.,,,: c�asses on Thursday , April 14 . AWARDING BID ON REPAIRS TO FIRE STATION #1 - Mayor Lowe said that since his son-in-law has bid on this project , he was absenting himself from the meerting while this subject is being considered. Mayor Pro-tem Brown took over the meeting and asked the City Engineer Malcolm Collins for a recommendation on awarding the bid . Collins voiced strong doubts that the low bidder, Blake Company , could do the specified work for the $34 , 900 they bid, and pointed out that his own original estimate on the repairs was $60 , 000 , .,;-.� and rthe insurance company ' s estimate was nearer $80 , 000 . Mr. ' Blake , who was present , insisted that in .spite oF the fact that he had seen the specs only a Sew hours prior to opening of the bids , that his was a legitimate bid and that he could do a11 of the required work for the amount of his bid. I -� The insurance adjuster stated that his company was willing to � pay at the rate of the next bid to assure that the work is done � properly and voiced his own doubts that the $34 , 900 was sufFicient . He also stated that when the bid is aw.arded, the insurance company will issue a check for the amount of the bid and no other Punds will be forthcoming even if the work runs over the bid amount except for possibls additional repair.s to the air conditioner. K7.,�1�� MOTION : (Schrader) To award the job to r3lake Company on their �U� O low bid of $ 34 , 900 . 00 , with �:he performance time being 60 days . Second: Branham Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED CThe Mayor took his seat again for continuation of the meeting) REPORT OIJ TRIP TO WASHINGTON - Mayor Lowe , Councilman Wicklander, and Paul Maaz discussed the local group ' s appearance before the three members of the House Appropriations Commit�tee presen-t and before the Senate Committee . The general feeling was that no funds would be forthcoming this next year for construcrtion on Clear Creek, but they were a11 complimentary for Representative Jack Brooks ' presentation. ANN�UNCEMEIJTS FROM THE MAYpR _ i 1 . The 'I'exas Department of Water Developr�ent has indicated that � they want to approve the bid on tiZe Annalea Sewer Line before work begi.ns on the project. 2 . Mr. Poorman of the Highway Department reports to us that -. the four-lane project between Friendswood and Pearland is ''`; dead as o� naw, tha-t ther. e are no conatruction funds available '*","�, this year. Funds are avaiiab7.e i'or , and they will procee:l � with design for this project . -2-- i � 3 . The Highway Department , as art of a feder P al ro ram o . p n improvement of bridges , will r. eplace the bridge on Whispering ��� Pines ; the City or Galveston County will be expected rto �ti� maintain the approach to -L-he bridge on the Galveston County side . 4. Mayor Lowe designated Councilmen Newman and Schrader to j" � pursue the right-of-way for. extension of Greenbriar into i FM 528 . I� � 5 . ' The Mayor asked Councilmen Brown and Branham to lnake a — determination as to whether FM 528 should be considered a city street with lowered speed limits and traffic lights , or whether it is to be treated as a through highway, REPORTS FROM COUNCIL ' l. Councilman Brown reported that the members who have been ��`^' � , � selected for the Building Code Review Committee are : � Al 0 ' Farrell Bill Prate (� Allen Victory Jerry Phillips (�r Tommy Rives Tracy Spears � Tom Burke Q 2 . Councilman Schrader invited rthe Council to attend the Men ' s Prayer Breakfast on Saturday morning when academic students from the High School will be honored. 3 . Councilman Wicklander reminded the group of Saturday night ' s "Womanless Wedding" to be performed at the High Sehool by supports of the Heritage Museum. f- i REPORT FROM FIRE MARSHAL ' S OFFICF - Terry Parker , Assistant Fire L Marshal , made a report on a fire in Quaker' s Landing , alleviating undeserved criticism of the Fire Department regarding response time and handling of the fire . He also addressed the occurrence at the High School last Friday when an electric motor burned out filling the building with smoke and cutting off the electricity. He Pelt that the handling of the ineident was dangerous and stated that the fire code is not being enforced. In response to a question about the Fire Marshal ' s office monitoring the school on fire safety , Parker said this wou.ld no-t be possib].e with the personnel that they now have . Parker also said that plans for shoppi.ng centers and buildings should be reFerred to -the Pire Marshal ' s office before final approval is given. REPAIRS TO 1978 AMBULANCE - Greg Mapp , Director of Ambulanee �,�-t(�: Services reminded Council that p.roceeds from sale of the o7.dest ambulance ( $5 , 000)were rto go to repair the 1978 unirt ; however , bid for this work came in at $12 , 000 . In ordcr -L-o get all of the necessary work done to the 1978 model , he proposes to author. ize Superior, the bidder, to do electr.ical and other technical work which they are willing to do for $4 ,155 . Through miscellaneous � funds and volunteer work by the firemen , other. necessary work can be done to make the ambulance safe and operable . Council leit the decision up to the City Manager who said he would like to discuss the plans with Mapp before making a final d.ecisi_on. ORDINANCE - The ordinance r. ezoning pr.�opert}r on FM 2351 from R-1 to C-3 was posted for second r�ading, but some questions were rai.sed r. egarding notification to the people who had spo]<en at the public , hearin� against the rezoning , so second reading was postponed until the` next regular city council meeiing . -3- �. CALLING PUBLIC HEARING FOR REZONING ON FM 2351 ��/� MOTION : ( Schrader) To ca11 a joint public hearing with the P&ZC for '/ : 30 p.m. . on Apri1 25 , 1983 , to consider rezoning of a lot on FM 2351 from R-1 to C-l . Second: Brown Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED CHANGIN� TIME OF COUNCIL MEETING APRIL 18 TO 7 � 30 - Because I I oP 'Studenrt Government day next Monday , it �was decided to set ' �� the regular council meeting time at 7 : 30 -to permit one hour from starrt of the studen-t council meeting at 6 : 30 P. M. MOTION: ( Schrader) To change meeting time to 7 : 30 next meeting . Second : Newman Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED CHECKS FOR APPROVAL- By unanimous vote , the following check was approved for payment : Water & Sewer Fund #851 - Texas New Mexico Power $2 , 696 . 53 EXECUTIVE SESSION - Council adjourned to a closed session under Section 2 g� Article 6252-17 of Vernon ' s Texas Civil Statutes . No action resulted from this session. Council reconvened in open session. Councilman Jordan said that she will be maintaining the "Open Work Items" list which Councilman Wood .had started during his time on the council. � � i Councilman Wicklander proposed that 'a similar list be kept for ' projects for which the city manager is responsible , and thaL a � progress report be made each week , eliminarting completed items and adding new projects as they occur. ADJOURNMENT - Motion made and seconded that the meeting adjourn . The meeting was adjourned. ,�i,. P �� ` ° _ City Secre ary APPROVED: v�/ Mayor — � I I -�4�