HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1983-03-28 Special 441
March 28 , 1983
A Special Meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held at
City Hall on Monday , March 28 , 1983 , at 7 : 00 p .m. with the
,� following members present :
+ MAYOR: Ralph Lowe City Manager Jim Morgan
_ COUNCILMEN: Todd Stewart City Secretary Bobbie Henry
Jan Jordan
Evelyn Newman
Bob Wicklander
Loren Wood
With a quorum present , and with Councilman Brown absent , the
following business was rtransacted:
� CLEAR CREEK FLOOD CONTROL PROJECT - Paul Schrader asked about
� a resolution to legislators urging funds for this project.
� Mayor Lowe explained that the City is working under advisement ;�`'i
of the sponsors., particularly Judge Ray Holbrook , to coordinate��
� ePforts for an integrated approaeh to be presented to the
r,� Appropriations Committees rthrough Representative Jack Brooks . �
Mayor Lowe stated that he felt participating local funding
may be necessary to starrt the Corps of Engineers rectification
program on Clear Creek , possibly committing to the $300 , 000
for construction in FY 1984 . When asked by Councilman Jordan
where rthis .money would come from, Mayor Lowe said he would be
willing to personally put up the $300 , 000 to insure local
participation and get the projeet started .
. �
`, to the Board, called attention to decisions handed down by the
Board which have not been enforced , and asked that a concerted ,} '�
effort be made to enforce these rulings . �
She also advised that Ray Nelson and Harold Whirtaker' s terms 1�,�/
are expired and indicated that both of these members would be
receptive to reappointment . The Board , which carries four alter-
nates , also has a vacancy for an alternate with resignation of
Leslie Vice who has now been appointed to the Planning Commission .
COLLECTION OF DELINQUENT TAXES - Attorney Dexter D. Joyner , who
handled delinquent tax collection for the School Board, presented
a proposed contract with rthe City to make their collections for
a 15o fee . I?e also presented an ordinance which he said the City
would need have to adopt to make them eligible to add the 15%
to the tax statemenrt for the aecount of the taxpayer . This i�rA
ordinance states that "'Phe City of Friendswood , .Texas , hereby �
avails itself of the provisions of Section 33 . 07 of the Property
Tax Code as enacted by the State af Texas . " He said that this
ordinance must be passed at least 30 and not more than 60 days
prior to July l ; that delinquent noti.ces would need to go out
at the end of May or the first part of June .
� SUNSET BRIDGE - CounciJ_ discussed completion of the Sunset Bridge .
The sub-contractor who is doing the paving work was present an.d
�--I said that he would pour this week-end weather permitting and
would probably complete the job by the end of next week.
ADJOURIVMENT - Motion was made and seconded that the meeting
adjour. n The meeting was adjourned.
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APPROVED: City Secre ary
M ay o r � �-"`l"_"z��'�.