HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1983-03-14 Special i ' 435 MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETIN� OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL March 14 , 1983 A Special Meeting of the Friendswood City Couneil was held at the City Hal1 on Monday , March 14 , 1983 , at 7 : 00 p. m. with the i i following members present : ', Mayor Ra1ph Lowe City Manager Jim Morgan _ Councilmen : Jan Jordan City Secretary Bobbie Henry Bob Wicklander Todd Stewart Lor. en Wood Leon Brown Evelyn Newman � With a quorum present , and with none absent , the following busi- ness was transacted : � (� EXECUTIVE SESSION- Mayor Lowe recessed the meeting to a closed �e session pursuant to Section 2 (g) Art . 6252-17 VTCS . � BACK IN OPEN SESSION: APPOINTMENT TO PLANNING COMMISSION - MOTION: (Stewart) On recommendation of Mayor Lowe , to appoint , ,<: Leslie Vice to the Planning & Zoning Commission, (to ` 4�f' Fill the unexpired term of Tom Sheeran to November 1984 . )} Second; Newman � Vote : FOR ( 5 ) Stewart , Newman , Lowe , Wicklander , Wood Councilmen Brown and Jordan were out of the room. t.,.. MOTION CARRIED RECOMP4ENDATION FROM P&ZC TO REZONE PROPERTY ON FM 2351 (Whitmire) MOTION: (Stewant) To accept the recommendation from the `�� Planning & Zoning Commission and rezone the property � from R-1 to R-3 . ,� , _� `•j Second: Wood '�jr Vote : FOR ( 6 ) Stewart , Wood , Newman , Lowe , Wicklander, Brown A6AINST : Jordan MOTION CARRIED MOTION: (Wicklander) To direct the City Secretary to prepare � and pos't an ordinance for making this zoning change . �j Second: Stewart � Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED CALL PUBLIC HEARING ON REZONING PORTIONS OF REGENCY ESTATES Bill Jones has requested that a strip 110 feet wide all along Windsor Drive be rezoned from R-3 to R-1 in order that the s.irigle family lots on the opposite side of Windsor will be fa.cing R-1 lots rather than multi-housing ; that a 280 foot strip containing - ' � 9 . 024 acres , presently zoned part R-3 and part C-1 , be rezoned as all R�3 ; thus reducing the remaining pr. operty in the subdivision , � zoned as C-1, from 13 . 731 acres to 7 , 7g3 acres . MOTION : CWicklander) To call a joint public hearin.g with the P�ZC �:o consider rezoning of the Regency Estates `� property as requested. /� Second : Brown Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED 436 FIRE PROTECTION AGREEPIENT WITH HARRIS COUNTY A contract has been received from Harris County with the City of Friendswood for services of �he Friendswood Volunteer Fire Department for mutual aid in the unincorporated areas of Harris County , based on a total of 54 runs , and pledging Harris County to pay $4 , 075 . 00 . The Fire Department has said they have no problem with these numbers ; however, the City Attorney has not examined the contract . � 3��� MOTION: (Newman) To authorize the Mayor to sign the contract I� contingen�t on approva.l by the City Attorney. Second : Wicklander Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED CONTRACT FOR COLLECTION OF DELINQUENT TAXES CREVISED) Councilman Stewart is to discuss with school officials utilizing rthe same attorney they are using to collect thein delinquent taxes at 15% versus the 20% proposed by Olson & Olson . He will report back to Council next week. PROPOSED 1983-84 REVENUE BUD�ET - A print-out of the projected revenues for the next budget year was reviewed and discussed with the Finance Officer as a first step in preparation of the city budget . REPAIRS TO FIRE DAMAGE OF N0 . 2 FIRE STATION - Mr. Morgan asked for permission to request bids on an emergency basis without going through the standard procedure for such bids . The Attorney has approved the procedure , but Council felt rthat following the required steps might still be desirable . This will be on the agenda for next week for further discussion . I ' �(n/�n WARRANT FOR APPROVAL - Water & Sewer Warrant #545 to Texas-New �'CJ Yjj Mexico Power Company for $5 , 647 . 29 was presented. MOTION : (Wicklander) To approve Warrant #545 . Second : Newman Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED CLEAR CREEK FLOOD. CQNTROL - Councilman Jordan asked about the status of sending the resolution presented to Council by Paul •�� Schrader asking for funding of the project. Councilman Stewart , ��� who was designated to look into the advisability of such a move , . said he �UU1d not recommend sending the resolution till he talks r ,, to County Judge Ray Holbrook. Since Holbrook plans to be in 'Friendswood for Council Meeting next week, the question will rest until then. A letter from Representative Jack Brooks asking for support of funding for certain projects he plans. to request , was discussed and any action will be postponed on -this , also , un.til Council has heard Judge Holbrook. AWARD OF BID ON ANNALEA SEWER LINE - Although the specs set 110 working days as a lunit for bidders on this job , none of the seven � bidders adhered to this time in rtheir bids . City Engineer Collins ' points this out in his recommendation for awarding the contract i to the low bidder, CAT Construction , but said that CAT representa- tives have verbally said they can complete the wcrk in 93 days . The City Attorney w__].1 be a.sked to give a legal opinion on award- ing the bid under these circumstances . ADJOURNMENT - Motion made and seconded that the meeting adjourn . 'The meeting was adjourned. c City Secretary 61PPROVED : UE����C��-4-��''����'-�ic.r"\