HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1983-02-21 Regular 4�3 MINUTES OF A REGULAR i1E�T7NG OP THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCII, February 21 , 1983 A Regular Mee�ing of the Friendswood City Council was held at i , the City Hall on Monday , February 27. , 1983 , at 7 : 00 p .m. with , the following members present : I i ' I Mayor Ralph Lowe City Attorney Larry Schenk ' Councilmen : Todd Stewart City t4anager Jim Morgan Jan Jordan City Secretary Bobbie Henry Loren Wood Evelyn Newman Bob Wicklander Leon Brown � Wi-th a quorum present, and with none absent , the following busi- � ness was transacted : � �r INVOCATION - Rev. Galen Remmers , Heritage Park Baptist Church � ANNOUNCEMEIQTS & COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAYOR l. Snvitation from Webster to Council rto participate in their ' 25th anniversary parade on March 5 . 2 . Letter and Annual Report from the Friendswood Library. I 3 . Mayor Lowe read the Order Calling City Officials Election i for April 2 . � 4 . Mayor read and asked Council to adopt Order Establishing i Procedure for City Officials Election. �O MOTION : (Wicklander) To adopt the order as read /�� Second : Wood Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED AUDITOR' S REPORT - Copies of the City ' s Annual Audit for 1981-82 , and Balance Sheet and Schedules for the Blackhawk Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant Project have now been delivered rto , -Lhe Council , and Mr. Earl Lairson of Lairson , Williams & Co . , reviewed these reports for Council , answering questions from the Council relative to -the reports . � AidNOUNCEMENTS & RFPORTS F.ROM COUNCIL l. Councilman Wood said that possibly the Mayor' s Proclamation last week was effective since the High School Basketball Team is presently in the run-offs for the 11AAA State Championship . 2 • Councilman Stewart reported on progr�ess being made on acquiring mutual aid -agrzements for the Friendswood Police Department with adjoining communities . 3 . Councilman Jordan reminded Council of the Jaycees breakfast on Saturday morning at the Hangar and rthe Fire Department � fertilizer sale which starts Saturday. '._..... 4 . Councilman Wood said. that April 18 has been designated as Student Governmen-t Lay and plans are proceeding for the day' s activi±ies . 5 . He also said that screening is being completed on selection of inembership for -the Industrial Development Corporartion i Board a.nd asl;ed for a closed session on February 28 for Cauncil to consider the appointments . � 6 . Councilman Wic]<:Lander, reporting on discussions with the C].ear Creel< Drainage District as to timing for transfer of funds from the Ci.ty to CCllD to help with expenses of the Mar.y' s Creek rectification , reports that it has been ag,reed 424 the City will transfer $50 , 000 on July 1 and $100 , 000 on September l . This money can be provided by a loan fr. om the Sunmeadow Water � Sewer bond fund and the City ' s Water & ;ewe .r construetion fund at a much lower interest expense than thru issuance of COs . He stated that it is now rtime to pr. oceed with an interagency agreement between the City and CCDD . Mayor Lowe asked for a letter of commitment on the Mary' s Creek Project from CCDD , to be sent to the Highway Department for their consideration in expediting requested widening an � ' FM 518 bertween Friendswood and Pearland. � i Mayor Lowe also commended Councilman Wicklander, City P4anager Morgan and Finance Officer David Quick, as we7.l as the Drainage District for a gooc9 job in working out the financia]. situation between the City and the District . PETITIONS � CONMUNICATIONS FROM .THE PUBLIC l . P4r. Fred Benc , who lives on Tanglewood in Dunbar Estates , speaking for himself and several neighbors , voiced dissatis- faction with the Drainage District ' s explanation of the work that is planned for their area on Mary' s Creek. Drainage Dis-trict representatives were present and said they would be happy to meet with these cirtizens and further explain , and possibly malce some modifications to the current plans through this particular area. 2 . Directional Sign for Mary , Queen Church - Father Thomas asked Council permission to place a four square foot sign at the corner of Stonesthrow Shopping Center indicating direction � I '�� to the Catholic Church. MOTION : (Jordan) To approve the request. Second : Wood - Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED REPORTS FROM THE CITY MANAGER l . Traffic Regulations Procedure - Mr. Morgan said that documenta- tion is needed for changes in traffic signs and speed limits under Ordinance 300 which gives him the right to authorize such changes on recommenda-tion from -the Chief oF Police . He said that presently a survey is being made of all existing controls . These wil7. be documented and filed with the City Secretary. As additional changes are approved , these will also be documented and filed with the Secretary where -these records can be used in court cases in lieu oi ordinances for each change . Initiation o� this procedure will also permit deletion from the City Code ot traffic controls adopted by ordinance in the past whieh are no langer in effect , and permit the inclusion of Ordinance 300 in the Code. Council concurred with this proposal. 2 . Police Department Overtime - Via P4�C-83-10 , Mr. Morgan recapped po7.ice overt:ime through January 1983 , and stated thart he has directed the Depar. tment to minimize all overtime to try to ' stay within their budget . He recommended that Council consider adding a third patrol sergeant in the next budget to off-set some of the extra wor.k hy the present serg,eants . 3 . Safeway Stores - Mr. Morgan says he has con�irmed that the 1oca1 Safeway Store does rot liave plans to close tYiis location . UNFINISH�D BUSINESS l . Flood Control - After discussion regarding inclusion o.f a section on "Stormwater Management" in the Flood Control Ordinance , it was decided tc� adopt the F'lood Contro7. Ordinance -2- 425 as proposed by FEMA without revisions , and that the "Stor.m- , water Management" requirements would probably be more appropriate in the Subdivision Ordinance or in a separate �y� ordinance . Councilman Wicklander asJ<ed for he]_p in wo.r]<:ing ` this out , and Councilman Jordan agreed to hel.p . Council also discussed paragraph "e" of rthe "Stormwater Management:" beii�Fr changed to 'app].y to "five or more acres" instead of the °orie or more acres" as it was written. MOTION; (Wood) To change the wor. ding in the StormwaL-er.� , Managemen-t requir. ements from "one or more acres" to �Q� , read "five or more acres . " / ' Second: Jordan ` ' Vote : FOR ( 6 ) Wood , Jordan , Wicklander, Brown , Stewarrt , Newman AGAINST : Lowe MOTION CARRIED ' RESOLUTION RE CLEAR CREEK FUNDING WRITTEN BY PAUL SCHRADER - � Mayor Lowe said that even though Council had adopted this b--� resolution , he does not feel that he can write a cover letter „� transmitting it to various governmental agencies in view of � an opinion he received this week from Judge Ray Holbrook � advising against talcing any such action by an individual city at this particular time . The Mayor suggested that possibly i '� the Mayor Pro-tem should sign -the resolution and write the � cover letter. � Councilman Newman asked that Mayor Pro-tem Stewart contacrt Judge Holbrook to confirm the Mayor ' s statement . This request received concurrence by Councilmen Wood and Jordan . APPOINTMENT OF EMERGENCY MANAGEI�iENT COORDINATOR - On recom- mendation of the City Mana er the Ma or a � ` i Russell Williams as coordinator. y PPointed Lieutenan�rt I I MOTIpN; (grown) To confirm the Mayor' s appointment of Williams . � Second: Wood C�jp_ Vote : Unanimous FOR ��C. MOTION CARRIED POLICE PRQCEDURE FOR HANDLING COMPLAINTS - The City Manager I presen— t d'policy and Procedure for Registering Complaints Concerning Police Department" for Council approval . A copy of this policy is attached hereto and made a par. t hereof. Councilman Wood proposed that a #6 be added to read : "If the citizen appears before City Council with a complaint before : ' � , it has been expressed to the Police Chief or City Manager , �. '> the citizen will be requested to address the complaint to th,e Police Chie� or City Manager as appropriate . " Council � and City Manager. agreed to this addition. MOTTON: CWopd ) To ac�opt the "Policy and Procedure" as pr. esented by t}ie City Manager and amended by Woo�� Second : Jordan Vote ; Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED f ORDTr7ANCF #83-1 PN ORDINANCE AU'I'HORIZING THE ISSUAD7CE OF —���, 000 CERTIFICATES OF OBLIGATION , FOR THE PURPOSE OP EVTDENCING THE INDEBTEDNESS OP THE CITY POR PURCHASE UF -- AN AMBUI,ANCE AND ACCESSORY EQUIPMENT . � MQTIGN; (Newma.r.) To adopt Ordinance #83-1 on one readin�� Se.cond ; Wic]<lande.r Vote : FOR (6 ) Newman , Wicklander , Wood, 13rown , Lowe , Jo.r. dan AGAINST; Stewart MO'iTON CAR.RIL'll -3- 426 ' RESOLUTION �R-283 - A RESOLUTION SUSPENDING THE CHANGE IN ' RATES FOR EL�CTRIC SERVICE WITHIN THE CITY OF FRIl�DSW00D , � TEXAS , PROPOSED BY TEXAS-NEW MEXICO POWER COMPnNY , TO ' BECOM� EFFECTIVE MARCH 4 , 1983 . ��I�� MOTION: (Wood) To adopt Resolution R-283 . Second : Jordan Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED i RESOLUTION #R-383 - A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY OF' I ! � FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS , 7.'HROUGH ITS MAYOR, CITY MAidAGER, AND THE ATTORNEY FOR 'THE CITY, TO EXECUTE ALL DOCUPYPNTS NECESSARY TO P�RTICIPAT� WITH THE TEXAS MUNICIPAL ' LEAGUE IN INTERVENING IN THE TEXAS-N�W M�XICO POWER COMPANY RURAL RATE CASE PRESENTLY PENDING BEFORE THE TEXAS PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION. ��' a 3 MOTION: (Woad) To adopt Resolution #R-383 . Second : Jordan Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED WARRANTS F0� APPROVAL - By unanimous vote , the following warrants were approved for payment : General Fund #960 - Dan Boone Chevrolet $ 8 , 882 . 06 973 - Coenco , Inc . 4 652 . 02 I > Water & Sewer 49g _ GCWDA 20 ,251 . 21 Debt Service 1620 - Texas Commerce Bank, Frs . 61 , 411 . 25 1621 - Citizens State Bank 42 , g42 . 50 Revenue Bond Debt Service 107 - P,epublic Bank of Houston 37 , 037 . 86 � 108 - Texas Commerce Bank , Fr. 12 ,125 . 00 I 117 - Frost National Bank 65 , 763 . 50 Capital Prpjects 1133 - Star Concrete Construction 35 , 338 . 50 1134 - Coenco , Inc , 4 453 . 01 > DEVELOPMENT IN ETS - Mayor Lowe reported that he me-t with a prospective developer of land lying within the area of possible overlapping jurisdiction with Webster. They asked about the City s controls , and the possibility of forming a water distr. ic-t . The �ayor asked Council to be -thinking about whether or not they want to annex the area or release it , and how �they would feel about a water district for this development . DOG ORDINANCE � Mr. I�organ is to work wiL'h the Attorney in comp— 1 g t�ie proposed new dog ordinattce . FLOOD CONTROL ORDINANCE - This ordinance will be posted for first reading on March 7 . APPOINTMENTS - W9_tlz one , and possibly two vaca.ncies on the Planning Commission;Council wili consi_der these appointments at the nexL- meeting on kebruar.y 28 , ADJOURNP2ENT � Motion made and seconded tha.t the meeting adjou.rn . �i The mee�ting was adjourned. i � ATTEST ; May - __.. — � Cit=�� - 4 2'7 POLICY AND PROCEDURE for REGISTHRING CObIPLAINTS CONC�RNING POLICL� D�PARTMEA�T If a citizen should h�ve a complaint about a member of the , ' Police Deplxtment or. tlle polic:�.es ot the Police Department , ' the following steps should be taken to redress those grievances : l . All complain.ts should be Pirst di.rected to the Chief of Police . � Z . If a citizen desires , he may first wish to discuss his � problem or complaint with the Chief of. Police on an � informal Uasis . At such a meeti.ng , the Chie£ may be � able to explain the reasoning for a particular action � or policy in such a manner to satisfy the citizen . �1 compilation of all inform�l compl.aints received by the . Police Department should be submitted to the City btanager on a quarterly basis : January, April , July, October . . i I 3 . If the citizen is not satisfied with the informal ex- ' � planation provided by the Chief, then he should express - his complaint in writing . This action WOLII.Cl formalize the complaint and will require the following action by the Chief of Pol.ice : (a) A full and complete investigation, including sworn statements if necessary , to cletermine, the validity of the complaint . (b) An answer in writing to the complainant stating the findings of the investigation within three weeks from the date or the receipt of the complaint . � 428 2 (c) If the complaint is L-ound to be valicl , then appropriate acti.on will be tal<en by the Chief o:C Police to correct the proble�n. (d) The City Manager wi11 be notified of any formal ; , complaints received Uy the Chief of Police . , 4 . If the citizen is still dissatisfied with the findings , he may then express his complaint to the City Manager . The City M�nager will review both the complaint and the Police Department ' s response ancl determine it the action taken by the Police Department was appropriate ror the situation. If determined inappropriate , the City Manager. has the authority to overrule the clecision by the Chief: of Police . 5 . Ir a citizen is still dissatisfied with the actions taken by both the Police Department and the City Manager , then he has the right to appeal to the City Council ior their consideration of his complaint . ADDENDUM i i 6 . If the citizen appears before City Council with a complaint I I before it has been expressed to the Police Chief or City Mana.gexi the citizen will be requested to address the com- plaint to the Police Chief or City Manager as appropriate . ' : 429 i) A L � 1 i� ' MINUTES OF A SPECIAL ME�TING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL February 28 , 1983 A Special Meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held at i i the City Hall on Monday , rebr. uary 28 , 1983 , at 7 : 00 p. m. with the following members present : Mayor Ralph Lowe City Manager Jim Morgan Councilmen : Todd Stewart City Secretary Bobbie Hen:ry Jan Jordan Loren Wood Evelyn Newman Bob Wic]<lander �, Leon Brown � With a quorum present , and with none absent , the following business was transacted; �� '� APRIL 2 ELECTIQN : At Mayor Lowe ' s invitation: � Bruce Branham announced that he is filing for Council Position #6 . li Dickie K. War.ren announced that he is filing for Council Position ¢��.i. . �i�ARRANT PQR APPROVAL I, W�S #517 - Pearson Chevrolet (for pick-up ' for W�S Superintendent) $7 , 78g . 00 � I MOTIpN; CWicklander) To approve Warrant #517 . e�cond: Newman �/� � �� Vote : Unanimaus FOF MOTION CARRIED EXE'CUTIVE S�SSION - Council adjourned to a closed session. RECONVENING TO OPEN SESSION Mayor Lowe appointed the following people to the Friendswood Industrial Developmen�t Corporation Board : ���'9` Mitch Mitchell Jud Do {�� Paul Maaz Y ggett � Sandra Quinn Paul Tompkins Gary �zell Mike Montz MOTION; (Brown) To concur with the Mayor' s appointmenrt�j�� Second: Newman Vote ; Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED Mayor Lowe appointed Mitch Mitchell as "Interim Chairman of the Board" with his tenure not to exceed six months . MOTTON: (Jondan) To concur with the a,ppointment and /� C conditions of Interim Chairman. `�'�g3 Second: Newman �._ . Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARP.IED Rec�rds and recomnlendatiqns from the IQominating Committee for this Board are attadtied au a part of these minutes . ADJ'OURPIMENT - Moti.on made and seconded tha.t the meeti_ng a.djour.n . The meeting was adjou.rned .. APPROVED: Cj-ty Secretary Mayor ����� r,1- '��I'V��i��nl�� ;_agal 3ordir.g e e 0 0 0 CuMi�iITTE� 1 ACQUISITIOi� �aul Maaz , Cnairman Larry See? ie �: s 0 � � 0 e FRiEVDS'r!OOD 1"lCUSIRiSL DtVE�GFi'1�i�T COR°OR,�T±ON 0'r"'i;APIIZATIO� BOnRD OF DIRECTORS Mitcn Mitchell , Interim Chairman Paul Maaz , Chairman, Committee 1 Paul Tompkins , Chairman , Cominittee 2 Mike Montz, Chairman , Cnmmittee 3 Judy Doggett, Ch�:�m. , Committee. 4 Dr. Sandra Quinn , Chwn. , Commii;tee 5 Gary Ezell COMMITTEE 2 FIi�A.NCIAL P�AN^i?NG Paul Tcmpkins , Chairman Rick Heiman , Cost Fnalysis Carl Talbot m e • 0 0 s 6ENERAL MANAGER Ed Stuart COMP1ITTEE 3 INDllSTRIAL DATA Mike �^iontz , Chairman Dr. Don Dawson (Subc. A) Malcolm Collins Paul D. Brown Dr. John Dawson Ed Spelis (Subc. B) Pro�ession Real Estate Develcper Bank President EPA & V.P. , Oil Tool Cornpany H.S. Drafting Teacher, Depi. Head Realtor College Government Professor U.P. , Computer Company 0 s e � � s GOt�iMITTEE 4 CO�ti1MUNITY RELATIONS Judy Doggeti, Chair�voman Richa;d Stapo Elsie i�1ills Charles N!urray Jar:es Clar!{ D`ri50rY GROUr � GJ O Friendsv:ood GoTi�unity Ban;c George Poe Platmin; & �on�ng Ci��airman Superintenoent, F.I .S.D. Presideni, Chzmber of Commer Mainland Savings & Loan Delza Savings 8 Loan � e s e 8 g CG��i�ti�I tE 5 R�GU!_Ai?OtJS & PROC�D'u°�S Gr. Santlra Qu�rn, Chlvr. Fredcy �lusgrcve Gzrre� Calk