HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1983-02-04 Special I 421
February 14 , 1983
, A Special Meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held at
, the City Hall on Monday , February 14 , 1983 , at 7 : 00 p .m. wi-th
' ' �he following members presen� :
� Mayor Ralph Lowe
City Manager Jim Morgan
Councilmen : Evelyn Newman City Secretary Bobbie IIenry
Jan Jordan
Loren Wood
Todd Stewar�
Leon Brown
, Bob Wicklander
� � With a quorum presenrt , and with none absent , the following busi-
,� ness was transacted:
� OFFER FROM BRET DAVIS - BOY SCOUT - Bret Davis told Council
�� that as an Eagle Seout pro� ect , he and some other scouts would
like to do some work for the City on Whispering Pines by opening
�( up the drainage lines so that the water can run off after a
heavy rain.
' He was told that this help would be appreciated , however , it
would require a release signed by the boys ' parents holding the
city harmless in case of any injuries they might sustain during
I the work. Mr. Morgan had no opposition to the proposal.
, REPORT FROi4 POLICE COMMITTEE -Glynn Lunney presented a written
, � second report from the Committee to Srtudy Morale in the Police
� Department . The report touched on shortage of space and
personnel in the deparrtment , a public forum for in-put into
, police procedures , and a method for handling complaints against
, the police .
SUNSET BRIDGE DEDICATION - Mayor Lowe suggested that a dedica-tion
ceremony be planned for opening of the Sunset Bridge , and asked
Counci]_men Wood , Stewart , and Wicklander to work on plans for
such a ceremony.
STEWART AS CANDIDATE - Counci3man Stewart announced that he will
be fil�.ng for reelection for his position #6 on the Council.
INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT BOARD - Councilman Wood said that his
commitrtee is continuing to screen candidates and will be ready
to present their. selections to Council by February 28 or March 7 .
HGAC ANNUAL BANQUET - Councilman Newman , Wood , and Stewart will
be at�ending the H-GAC banquet in Hous�on Thursday night .
PI�ANNING PRIORITIES - As a part of the priorities :planning
process started recently, Mr. Morgan as]<ed that Council condense
the l.ist down by combining those i.tems which are closely related,
and a-t the same time rating ghem on a priority basis .
-- PRESENTATION TO .MAYOR LOWE - Councilman Newman presenrted to Mzyor
Lowe a press proor of a picture by local ar-tist Lor. i Whitehe�a.
The p-rint depicts the Playor' s Model A Ford appearing in a parade
driven ar.d surrounded by clowns . Proceeds from the 1 , 000 prints
to be made of the pictur. e wi11 'be donated to the Chil.dren ' s 13urn
Institute in Galveston ori benalf of the Shriners organization . Hcr
gi.F7, to the Mayor was pr. onpted by the fact that the artisrt rode
in the car , wirth Mayor L,owe as d.river, in the 1982 4th of July
parade in Frieiidswood.
422 I
PROCLAMATION - Mayor Lowe declared February 14 - 19 as
Friendswood Mustang Basketball Wee]< in Friendswood in hono.r
of the team' s participation in State Play-offs this wee]<.
AWARD OF BID ON CITY MANAGER' S CAR - Mr. Morgan recommended '
that Council award the bid to Dan Boone Chevrolet on L-hei.r bicl
of $8882 . 06 , for the 1983 model .
�� �"" MOTION: (Wood) To accept the recommendation of the City !
Manager and award the bid to Dan Boone Chevrolet . '
Second: }3r. own
Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED '
ve s on presented by Councilman Wic]<lander, a few sma11 chan. .
or correc ' g
tions were pointed out. The revision will go back -to
the City Attorney for malcing these changes and the ordinance will '
then be posted for first reading early in March.
FLOOD CONTROL ORDINANCE - During discussion there was a differ-
ence of opinion on Council regarding including the rainwater
run-off provisions which were originally proposed as a part of
this ordinance . It was proposed that the original FEMA ordinance
with no additions , be sent to FEMA for approval in order that i
the City will not default on this submission , therefore thr. eaten- '
ing our Flood Insurance Program eligibility. Council would then
continue to study advisabili�ty of includirig run-off rate control
in the FEMA ordinance or in the subdivision ordinance.
Ig IQ 2 MOTION: (Wicklander) To have the City Manager contact the I
4 �'Z� City Attorney tomorrow and direct him to mail the basic
ordinance proposed by FEMA as Friendswood' s submission . ( ;I
Second: Brown I
that he does not feel the City should submit this resolution at �
this particular time , that any request should be made in the
name of the sponsors and all entities involved. Some members
of Council felt that a cover letter stating that this resolution
�` was only reiterating this City ' s forme.r requests for funding '
�� /�� for the Clear Creek Project would be advisable .
/ MOTION: (.Jordan) To send the resolution with a cover
—_etter frpm the Mayor stating that there will be a
delegation appearing before the appropriations committee I
to substantiate the requesrt .
Second : Newman
Vote : FOR ( 5 ) Jordan, Newrnan, Wood, Wicklander , Stewart
WARRANI'S FOR APPROVAL - By unanimous vote , the flollowing warrants
wer. e approved .for payment :
Water & Sewer #�438 - Gulf Coast Waste Disposal $40 , 33�1 . 01 .
General Fund #929 - Texas Plew Mexico Power Co . 5 ,076 . 47
930 - Olson & Olson ? , II1II . 75
ADJOUP.NMESdT - Motion made and seconded that the meeting adjourn.
The meeting was adjourned.
M yor � i
ity Secretary I
_2_ I